{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} module Agda.TypeChecking.InstanceArguments ( findInstance , isInstanceConstraint , isConsideringInstance , postponeInstanceConstraints ) where #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Prelude hiding ((<>)) #endif import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Function (on) import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>)) import Agda.Interaction.Options (optOverlappingInstances) import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Position import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base (isNameInScope) import Agda.TypeChecking.Errors () import Agda.TypeChecking.Implicit (implicitArgs) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce import Agda.TypeChecking.Records import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope import Agda.TypeChecking.Free import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion import qualified Agda.Benchmarking as Benchmark import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark (billTo) import Agda.Utils.Either import Agda.Utils.Except import Agda.Utils.Lens import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Monad import Agda.Utils.Functor import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow) import Agda.Utils.Null (empty) #include "undefined.h" import Agda.Utils.Impossible -- | Compute a list of instance candidates. -- 'Nothing' if target type or any context type is a meta, error if -- type is not eligible for instance search. initialInstanceCandidates :: Type -> TCM (Maybe [Candidate]) initialInstanceCandidates t = do (_ , otn) <- getOutputTypeName t case otn of NoOutputTypeName -> typeError $ GenericError $ "Instance search can only be used to find elements in a named type" OutputTypeNameNotYetKnown -> do reportSDoc "tc.instance.cands" 30 $ "Instance type is not yet known. " return Nothing OutputTypeVisiblePi -> typeError $ GenericError $ "Instance search cannot be used to find elements in an explicit function type" OutputTypeVar -> do reportSDoc "tc.instance.cands" 30 $ "Instance type is a variable. " maybeRight <$> runExceptT getContextVars OutputTypeName n -> do reportSDoc "tc.instance.cands" 30 $ "Found instance type head: " <+> prettyTCM n runExceptT getContextVars >>= \case Left b -> return Nothing Right ctxVars -> Just . (ctxVars ++) <$> getScopeDefs n where -- get a list of variables with their type, relative to current context getContextVars :: ExceptT Blocked_ TCM [Candidate] getContextVars = do ctx <- getContext reportSDoc "tc.instance.cands" 40 $ hang "Getting candidates from context" 2 (inTopContext $ prettyTCM $ PrettyContext ctx) -- Context variables with their types lifted to live in the full context let varsAndRaisedTypes = [ (var i, raise (i + 1) t) | (i, t) <- zip [0..] ctx ] vars = [ Candidate x t (isOverlappable info) | (x, Dom{domInfo = info, unDom = (_, t)}) <- varsAndRaisedTypes , isInstance info , usableRelevance info , usableQuantity info ] -- {{}}-fields of variables are also candidates let cxtAndTypes = [ (x, t) | (x, Dom{unDom = (_, t)}) <- varsAndRaisedTypes ] fields <- concat <$> mapM instanceFields (reverse cxtAndTypes) reportSDoc "tc.instance.fields" 30 $ if null fields then "no instance field candidates" else "instance field candidates" $$ do nest 2 $ vcat [ sep [ (if overlap then "overlap" else empty) <+> prettyTCM v <+> ":" , nest 2 $ prettyTCM t ] | Candidate v t overlap <- fields ] -- get let bindings env <- asksTC envLetBindings env <- mapM (getOpen . snd) $ Map.toList env let lets = [ Candidate v t False | (v, Dom{domInfo = info, unDom = t}) <- env , isInstance info , usableRelevance info , usableQuantity info ] return $ vars ++ fields ++ lets etaExpand :: (MonadTCM m, MonadReduce m, HasConstInfo m) => Bool -> Type -> m (Maybe (QName, Args)) etaExpand etaOnce t = isEtaRecordType t >>= \case Nothing | etaOnce -> do isRecordType t >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (r, vs, _) -> do m <- currentModule -- Are we inside the record module? If so it's safe and desirable -- to eta-expand once (issue #2320). if qnameToList r `List.isPrefixOf` mnameToList m then return (Just (r, vs)) else return Nothing r -> return r instanceFields :: (Term,Type) -> ExceptT Blocked_ TCM [Candidate] instanceFields = instanceFields' True instanceFields' :: Bool -> (Term,Type) -> ExceptT Blocked_ TCM [Candidate] instanceFields' etaOnce (v, t) = ifBlockedType t (\m _ -> throwError $ Blocked m ()) $ \ _ t -> do caseMaybeM (etaExpand etaOnce t) (return []) $ \ (r, pars) -> do (tel, args) <- forceEtaExpandRecord r pars v let types = map unDom $ applySubst (parallelS $ reverse $ map unArg args) (flattenTel tel) fmap concat $ forM (zip args types) $ \ (arg, t) -> ([ Candidate (unArg arg) t (isOverlappable arg) | isInstance arg ] ++) <$> instanceFields' False (unArg arg, t) getScopeDefs :: QName -> TCM [Candidate] getScopeDefs n = do instanceDefs <- getInstanceDefs rel <- asksTC envRelevance let qs = maybe [] Set.toList $ Map.lookup n instanceDefs catMaybes <$> mapM (candidate rel) qs candidate :: Relevance -> QName -> TCM (Maybe Candidate) candidate rel q = ifNotM (isNameInScope q <$> getScope) (return Nothing) $ do -- Andreas, 2012-07-07: -- we try to get the info for q -- while opening a module, q may be in scope but not in the signature -- in this case, we just ignore q (issue 674) flip catchError handle $ do def <- getConstInfo q if not (defRelevance def `moreRelevant` rel) then return Nothing else do -- Andreas, 2017-01-14: instantiateDef is a bit of an overkill -- if we anyway get the freeVarsToApply -- WAS: t <- defType <$> instantiateDef def args <- freeVarsToApply q let t = defType def `piApply` args let v = case theDef def of -- drop parameters if it's a projection function... Function{ funProjection = Just p } -> projDropParsApply p ProjSystem args -- Andreas, 2014-08-19: constructors cannot be declared as -- instances (at least as of now). -- I do not understand why the Constructor case is not impossible. -- Ulf, 2014-08-20: constructors are always instances. Constructor{ conSrcCon = c } -> Con c ConOSystem [] _ -> Def q $ map Apply args return $ Just $ Candidate v t False where -- unbound constant throws an internal error handle (TypeError _ (Closure {clValue = InternalError _})) = return Nothing handle err = throwError err -- | @findInstance m (v,a)s@ tries to instantiate on of the types @a@s -- of the candidate terms @v@s to the type @t@ of the metavariable @m@. -- If successful, meta @m@ is solved with the instantiation of @v@. -- If unsuccessful, the constraint is regenerated, with possibly reduced -- candidate set. -- The list of candidates is equal to @Nothing@ when the type of the meta -- wasn't known when the constraint was generated. In that case, try to find -- its type again. findInstance :: MetaId -> Maybe [Candidate] -> TCM () findInstance m Nothing = do -- Andreas, 2015-02-07: New metas should be created with range of the -- current instance meta, thus, we set the range. mv <- lookupMeta m setCurrentRange mv $ do reportSLn "tc.instance" 20 $ "The type of the FindInstance constraint isn't known, trying to find it again." t <- instantiate =<< getMetaTypeInContext m reportSLn "tc.instance" 70 $ "findInstance 1: t: " ++ prettyShow t -- Issue #2577: If the target is a function type the arguments are -- potential candidates, so we add them to the context to make -- initialInstanceCandidates pick them up. TelV tel t <- telViewUpTo' (-1) notVisible t cands <- addContext tel $ initialInstanceCandidates t case cands of Nothing -> do reportSLn "tc.instance" 20 "Can't figure out target of instance goal. Postponing constraint." addConstraint $ FindInstance m Nothing Nothing Just {} -> findInstance m cands findInstance m (Just cands) = whenJustM (findInstance' m cands) $ (\ (cands, b) -> addConstraint $ FindInstance m b $ Just cands) -- | Result says whether we need to add constraint, and if so, the set of -- remaining candidates and an eventual blocking metavariable. findInstance' :: MetaId -> [Candidate] -> TCM (Maybe ([Candidate], Maybe MetaId)) findInstance' m cands = ifM (isFrozen m) (do reportSLn "tc.instance" 20 "Refusing to solve frozen instance meta." return (Just (cands, Nothing))) $ do ifM isConsideringInstance (do reportSLn "tc.instance" 20 "Postponing possibly recursive instance search." return $ Just (cands, Nothing)) $ billTo [Benchmark.Typing, Benchmark.InstanceSearch] $ do -- Andreas, 2015-02-07: New metas should be created with range of the -- current instance meta, thus, we set the range. mv <- lookupMeta m setCurrentRange mv $ do reportSLn "tc.instance" 15 $ "findInstance 2: constraint: " ++ prettyShow m ++ "; candidates left: " ++ show (length cands) reportSDoc "tc.instance" 60 $ nest 2 $ vcat [ sep [ (if overlap then "overlap" else empty) <+> prettyTCM v <+> ":" , nest 2 $ prettyTCM t ] | Candidate v t overlap <- cands ] reportSDoc "tc.instance" 70 $ "raw" $$ do nest 2 $ vcat [ sep [ (if overlap then "overlap" else empty) <+> pretty v <+> ":" , nest 2 $ pretty t ] | Candidate v t overlap <- cands ] t <- normalise =<< getMetaTypeInContext m reportSLn "tc.instance" 70 $ "findInstance 2: t: " ++ prettyShow t insidePi t $ \ t -> do reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ "findInstance 3: t =" <+> prettyTCM t reportSLn "tc.instance" 70 $ "findInstance 3: t: " ++ prettyShow t mcands <- checkCandidates m t cands debugConstraints case mcands of Just ([(_, err)], []) -> do reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ "findInstance 5: the only viable candidate failed..." throwError err Just (errs, []) -> do if null errs then reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ "findInstance 5: no viable candidate found..." else reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ "findInstance 5: all viable candidates failed..." -- #3676: Sort the candidates based on the size of the range for the errors and -- set the range of the full error to the range of the most precise candidate -- error. let sortedErrs = List.sortBy (compare `on` precision) errs where precision (_, err) = maybe infinity iLength $ rangeToInterval $ getRange err infinity = 1000000000 setCurrentRange (take 1 $ map snd sortedErrs) $ typeError $ InstanceNoCandidate t [ (candidateTerm c, err) | (c, err) <- sortedErrs ] Just (_, [Candidate term t' _]) -> do reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ vcat [ "findInstance 5: solved by instance search using the only candidate" , nest 2 $ prettyTCM term , "of type " <+> prettyTCM t' , "for type" <+> prettyTCM t ] -- If we actually solved the constraints we should wake up any held -- instance constraints, to make sure we don't forget about them. wakeupInstanceConstraints return Nothing -- We’re done _ -> do let cs = maybe cands snd mcands -- keep the current candidates if Nothing reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ text ("findInstance 5: refined candidates: ") <+> prettyTCM (List.map candidateTerm cs) return (Just (cs, Nothing)) -- | Precondition: type is spine reduced and ends in a Def or a Var. insidePi :: Type -> (Type -> TCM a) -> TCM a insidePi t ret = case unEl t of Pi a b -> addContext (absName b, a) $ insidePi (absBody b) ret Def{} -> ret t Var{} -> ret t Sort{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Con{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Lam{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Lit{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Level{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ MetaV{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ DontCare{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Dummy s -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ s -- | Apply the computation to every argument in turn by reseting the state every -- time. Return the list of the arguments giving the result True. -- -- If the resulting list contains exactly one element, then the state is the -- same as the one obtained after running the corresponding computation. In -- all the other cases, the state is reset. -- -- Also returns the candidates that pass type checking but fails constraints, -- so that the error messages can be reported if there are no successful -- candidates. filterResetingState :: MetaId -> [Candidate] -> (Candidate -> TCM YesNoMaybe) -> TCM ([(Candidate, TCErr)], [Candidate]) filterResetingState m cands f = do ctxArgs <- getContextArgs let ctxElims = map Apply ctxArgs tryC c = do ok <- f c v <- instantiateFull (MetaV m ctxElims) a <- instantiateFull =<< (`piApplyM` ctxArgs) =<< getMetaType m return (ok, v, a) result <- mapM (\c -> do bs <- localTCStateSaving (tryC c); return (c, bs)) cands -- Check that there aren't any hard failures case [ err | (_, ((HellNo err, _, _), _)) <- result ] of err : _ -> throwError err [] -> return () let result' = [ (c, v, a, s) | (c, ((r, v, a), s)) <- result, not (isNo r) ] result'' <- dropSameCandidates m result' case result'' of [(c, _, _, s)] -> ([], [c]) <$ putTC s _ -> do let bad = [ (c, err) | (c, ((NoBecause err, _, _), _)) <- result ] good = [ c | (c, _, _, _) <- result'' ] return (bad, good) -- Drop all candidates which are judgmentally equal to the first one. -- This is sufficient to reduce the list to a singleton should all be equal. dropSameCandidates :: MetaId -> [(Candidate, Term, Type, a)] -> TCM [(Candidate, Term, Type, a)] dropSameCandidates m cands0 = verboseBracket "tc.instance" 30 "dropSameCandidates" $ do metas <- getMetaVariableSet -- Does `it` have any metas in the initial meta variable store? let freshMetas = getAny . allMetas (Any . (`IntSet.notMember` metas) . metaId) -- Take overlappable candidates into account let cands = case List.partition (\ (c, _, _, _) -> candidateOverlappable c) cands0 of (cand : _, []) -> [cand] -- only overlappable candidates: pick the first one _ -> cands0 -- otherwise require equality reportSDoc "tc.instance" 50 $ vcat [ "valid candidates:" , nest 2 $ vcat [ if freshMetas (v, a) then "(redacted)" else sep [ prettyTCM v <+> ":", nest 2 $ prettyTCM a ] | (_, v, a, _) <- cands ] ] rel <- getMetaRelevance <$> lookupMeta m case cands of [] -> return cands cvd : _ | isIrrelevant rel -> do reportSLn "tc.instance" 30 "Meta is irrelevant so any candidate will do." return [cvd] (_, MetaV m' _, _, _) : _ | m == m' -> -- We didn't instantiate, so can't compare return cands cvd@(_, v, a, _) : vas -> do if freshMetas (v, a) then return (cvd : vas) else (cvd :) <$> dropWhileM equal vas where equal (_, v', a', _) | freshMetas (v', a') = return False -- If there are fresh metas we can't compare | otherwise = verboseBracket "tc.instance" 30 "comparingCandidates" $ do reportSDoc "tc.instance" 30 $ sep [ prettyTCM v <+> "==", nest 2 $ prettyTCM v' ] localTCState $ dontAssignMetas $ ifNoConstraints_ (equalType a a' >> equalTerm a v v') {- then -} (return True) {- else -} (\ _ -> return False) `catchError` (\ _ -> return False) data YesNoMaybe = Yes | No | NoBecause TCErr | Maybe | HellNo TCErr deriving (Show) isNo :: YesNoMaybe -> Bool isNo No = True isNo NoBecause{} = True isNo HellNo{} = True isNo _ = False -- | Given a meta @m@ of type @t@ and a list of candidates @cands@, -- @checkCandidates m t cands@ returns a refined list of valid candidates and -- candidates that failed some constraints. checkCandidates :: MetaId -> Type -> [Candidate] -> TCM (Maybe ([(Candidate, TCErr)], [Candidate])) checkCandidates m t cands = verboseBracket "tc.instance.candidates" 20 ("checkCandidates " ++ prettyShow m) $ ifM (anyMetaTypes cands) (return Nothing) $ Just <$> do reportSDoc "tc.instance.candidates" 20 $ nest 2 $ "target:" <+> prettyTCM t reportSDoc "tc.instance.candidates" 20 $ nest 2 $ vcat [ "candidates" , vcat [ "-" <+> (if overlap then "overlap" else empty) <+> prettyTCM v <+> ":" <+> prettyTCM t | Candidate v t overlap <- cands ] ] cands' <- filterResetingState m cands (checkCandidateForMeta m t) reportSDoc "tc.instance.candidates" 20 $ nest 2 $ vcat [ "valid candidates" , vcat [ "-" <+> (if overlap then "overlap" else empty) <+> prettyTCM v <+> ":" <+> prettyTCM t | Candidate v t overlap <- snd cands' ] ] return cands' where anyMetaTypes :: [Candidate] -> TCM Bool anyMetaTypes [] = return False anyMetaTypes (Candidate _ a _ : cands) = do a <- instantiate a case unEl a of MetaV{} -> return True _ -> anyMetaTypes cands checkDepth :: Term -> Type -> TCM YesNoMaybe -> TCM YesNoMaybe checkDepth c a k = locallyTC eInstanceDepth succ $ do d <- viewTC eInstanceDepth maxDepth <- maxInstanceSearchDepth when (d > maxDepth) $ typeError $ InstanceSearchDepthExhausted c a maxDepth k checkCandidateForMeta :: MetaId -> Type -> Candidate -> TCM YesNoMaybe checkCandidateForMeta m t (Candidate term t' _) = checkDepth term t' $ do -- Andreas, 2015-02-07: New metas should be created with range of the -- current instance meta, thus, we set the range. mv <- lookupMeta m setCurrentRange mv $ do debugConstraints verboseBracket "tc.instance" 20 ("checkCandidateForMeta " ++ prettyShow m) $ liftTCM $ runCandidateCheck $ do reportSLn "tc.instance" 70 $ " t: " ++ prettyShow t ++ "\n t':" ++ prettyShow t' ++ "\n term: " ++ prettyShow term ++ "." reportSDoc "tc.instance" 20 $ vcat [ "checkCandidateForMeta" , "t =" <+> prettyTCM t , "t' =" <+> prettyTCM t' , "term =" <+> prettyTCM term ] -- Apply hidden and instance arguments (recursive inst. search!). (args, t'') <- implicitArgs (-1) (\h -> notVisible h) t' reportSDoc "tc.instance" 20 $ "instance search: checking" <+> prettyTCM t'' <+> "<=" <+> prettyTCM t reportSDoc "tc.instance" 70 $ vcat [ "instance search: checking (raw)" , nest 4 $ pretty t'' , nest 2 $ "<=" , nest 4 $ pretty t ] v <- (`applyDroppingParameters` args) =<< reduce term reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ vcat [ "instance search: attempting" , nest 2 $ prettyTCM m <+> ":=" <+> prettyTCM v ] reportSDoc "tc.instance" 70 $ nest 2 $ "candidate v = " <+> pretty v -- if constraints remain, we abort, but keep the candidate -- Jesper, 05-12-2014: When we abort, we should add a constraint to -- instantiate the meta at a later time (see issue 1377). ctxElims <- map Apply <$> getContextArgs guardConstraint (ValueCmp CmpEq t'' (MetaV m ctxElims) v) $ leqType t'' t -- make a pass over constraints, to detect cases where some are made -- unsolvable by the assignment, but don't do this for FindInstance's -- to prevent loops. debugConstraints let debugSolution = verboseS "tc.instance" 15 $ do sol <- instantiateFull (MetaV m ctxElims) case sol of MetaV m' _ | m == m' -> reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ sep [ "instance search: maybe solution for" <+> prettyTCM m <> ":" , nest 2 $ prettyTCM v ] _ -> reportSDoc "tc.instance" 15 $ sep [ "instance search: found solution for" <+> prettyTCM m <> ":" , nest 2 $ prettyTCM sol ] do solveAwakeConstraints' True Yes <$ debugSolution `catchError` (return . NoBecause) where runCandidateCheck check = flip catchError handle $ nowConsideringInstance $ ifNoConstraints check (\ r -> case r of Yes -> r <$ debugSuccess NoBecause why -> r <$ debugConstraintFail why _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ ) (\ _ r -> case r of Yes -> Maybe <$ debugInconclusive NoBecause why -> r <$ debugConstraintFail why _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ ) debugSuccess = reportSLn "tc.instance" 50 "assignment successful" :: TCM () debugInconclusive = reportSLn "tc.instance" 50 "assignment inconclusive" :: TCM () debugConstraintFail why = reportSDoc "tc.instance" 50 $ "candidate failed constraints:" <+> prettyTCM why debugTypeFail err = reportSDoc "tc.instance" 50 $ "candidate failed type check:" <+> prettyTCM err hardFailure :: TCErr -> Bool hardFailure (TypeError _ err) = case clValue err of InstanceSearchDepthExhausted{} -> True _ -> False hardFailure _ = False handle :: TCErr -> TCM YesNoMaybe handle err | hardFailure err = return $ HellNo err | otherwise = No <$ debugTypeFail err isInstanceConstraint :: Constraint -> Bool isInstanceConstraint FindInstance{} = True isInstanceConstraint _ = False isConsideringInstance :: (ReadTCState m, HasOptions m) => m Bool isConsideringInstance = and2M ((^. stConsideringInstance) <$> getTCState) (not . optOverlappingInstances <$> pragmaOptions) nowConsideringInstance :: (MonadTCState m) => m a -> m a nowConsideringInstance = locallyTCState stConsideringInstance $ const True wakeupInstanceConstraints :: TCM () wakeupInstanceConstraints = unlessM isConsideringInstance $ do wakeConstraints (return . isInstance) solveSomeAwakeConstraints isInstance False where isInstance = isInstanceConstraint . clValue . theConstraint postponeInstanceConstraints :: TCM a -> TCM a postponeInstanceConstraints m = nowConsideringInstance m <* wakeupInstanceConstraints -- | To preserve the invariant that a constructor is not applied to its -- parameter arguments, we explicitly check whether function term -- we are applying to arguments is a unapplied constructor. -- In this case we drop the first 'conPars' arguments. -- See Issue670a. -- Andreas, 2013-11-07 Also do this for projections, see Issue670b. applyDroppingParameters :: Term -> Args -> TCM Term applyDroppingParameters t vs = do let fallback = return $ t `apply` vs case t of Con c ci [] -> do def <- theDef <$> getConInfo c case def of Constructor {conPars = n} -> return $ Con c ci (map Apply $ drop n vs) _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Def f [] -> do mp <- isProjection f case mp of Just Projection{projIndex = n} -> do case drop n vs of [] -> return t u : us -> (`apply` us) <$> applyDef ProjPrefix f u _ -> fallback _ -> fallback