{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | Rewriting with arbitrary rules. -- -- The user specifies a relation symbol by the pragma -- @ -- {-\# BUILTIN REWRITE rel \#-} -- @ -- where @rel@ should be of type @Δ → (lhs rhs : A) → Set i@. -- -- Then the user can add rewrite rules by the pragma -- @ -- {-\# REWRITE q \#-} -- @ -- where @q@ should be a closed term of type @Γ → rel us lhs rhs@. -- -- We then intend to add a rewrite rule -- @ -- Γ ⊢ lhs ↦ rhs : B -- @ -- to the signature where @B = A[us/Δ]@. -- -- To this end, we normalize @lhs@, which should be of the form -- @ -- f ts -- @ -- for a @'Def'@-symbol f (postulate, function, data, record, constructor). -- Further, @FV(ts) = dom(Γ)@. -- The rule @q :: Γ ⊢ f ts ↦ rhs : B@ is added to the signature -- to the definition of @f@. -- -- When reducing a term @Ψ ⊢ f vs@ is stuck, we try the rewrites for @f@, -- by trying to unify @vs@ with @ts@. -- This is for now done by substituting fresh metas Xs for the bound -- variables in @ts@ and checking equality with @vs@ -- @ -- Ψ ⊢ (f ts)[Xs/Γ] = f vs : B[Xs/Γ] -- @ -- If successful (no open metas/constraints), we replace @f vs@ by -- @rhs[Xs/Γ]@ and continue reducing. module Agda.TypeChecking.Rewriting where import Prelude hiding (null) import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader (local, asks) import Data.Foldable ( Foldable, foldMap ) import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Monoid import Agda.Interaction.Options import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I import Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Env import Agda.TypeChecking.EtaExpand import Agda.TypeChecking.Free import Agda.TypeChecking.Free.Lazy import Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars import Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence as Pos import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive ( getBuiltinName ) import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope import Agda.TypeChecking.Rewriting.NonLinMatch import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce.Monad as Red import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings import Agda.Utils.Functor import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap import Agda.Utils.Lens import Agda.Utils.List import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Monad import Agda.Utils.Null import Agda.Utils.Singleton import Agda.Utils.Size import Agda.Utils.Lens import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap #include "undefined.h" import Agda.Utils.Impossible requireOptionRewriting :: TCM () requireOptionRewriting = unlessM (optRewriting <$> pragmaOptions) $ typeError NeedOptionRewriting -- | Check that the name given to the BUILTIN REWRITE is actually -- a relation symbol. -- I.e., its type should be of the form @Δ → (lhs : A) (rhs : B) → Set ℓ@. -- Note: we do not care about hiding/non-hiding of lhs and rhs. verifyBuiltinRewrite :: Term -> Type -> TCM () verifyBuiltinRewrite v t = do requireOptionRewriting let failure reason = typeError . GenericDocError =<< sep [ prettyTCM v <+> " does not have the right type for a rewriting relation" , reason ] caseMaybeM (relView t) (failure $ "because it should accept at least two arguments") $ \ (RelView tel delta a b core) -> do unless (visible a && visible b) $ failure $ "because its two final arguments are not both visible." case unEl core of Sort{} -> return () Con{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Level{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Lam{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Pi{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ _ -> failure $ "because its type does not end in a sort, but in " <+> do inTopContext $ addContext tel $ prettyTCM core -- | Deconstructing a type into @Δ → t → t' → core@. data RelView = RelView { relViewTel :: Telescope -- ^ The whole telescope @Δ, t, t'@. , relViewDelta :: ListTel -- ^ @Δ@. , relViewType :: Dom Type -- ^ @t@. , relViewType' :: Dom Type -- ^ @t'@. , relViewCore :: Type -- ^ @core@. } -- | Deconstructing a type into @Δ → t → t' → core@. -- Returns @Nothing@ if not enough argument types. relView :: Type -> TCM (Maybe RelView) relView t = do TelV tel core <- telView t let n = size tel (delta, lastTwo) = splitAt (n - 2) $ telToList tel if size lastTwo < 2 then return Nothing else do let [a, b] = fmap snd <$> lastTwo return $ Just $ RelView tel delta a b core -- | Add @q : Γ → rel us lhs rhs@ as rewrite rule -- @ -- Γ ⊢ lhs ↦ rhs : B -- @ -- to the signature where @B = A[us/Δ]@. -- Remember that @rel : Δ → A → A → Set i@, so -- @rel us : (lhs rhs : A[us/Δ]) → Set i@. addRewriteRule :: QName -> TCM () addRewriteRule q = do requireOptionRewriting let failNoBuiltin = typeError $ GenericError $ "Cannot add rewrite rule without prior BUILTIN REWRITE" rel <- fromMaybeM failNoBuiltin $ getBuiltinName builtinRewrite def <- instantiateDef =<< getConstInfo q -- Issue 1651: Check that we are not adding a rewrite rule -- for a type signature whose body has not been type-checked yet. when (isEmptyFunction $ theDef def) $ typeError . GenericDocError =<< hsep [ "Rewrite rule from function " , prettyTCM q , " cannot be added before the function definition" ] -- We know that the type of rel is that of a relation. relV <- relView =<< do defType <$> getConstInfo rel let RelView _tel delta a _a' _core = -- line break for CPP fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ relV reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ do "rewrite relation at type " <+> do inTopContext $ prettyTCM (telFromList delta) <+> " |- " <+> do addContext delta $ prettyTCM a -- Get rewrite rule (type of q). TelV gamma1 core <- telView $ defType def reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ vcat [ "attempting to add rewrite rule of type " , prettyTCM gamma1 , " |- " <+> do addContext gamma1 $ prettyTCM core ] let failureWrongTarget = typeError . GenericDocError =<< hsep [ prettyTCM q , " does not target rewrite relation" ] let failureMetas = typeError . GenericDocError =<< hsep [ prettyTCM q , " is not a legal rewrite rule, since it contains unsolved meta variables" ] let failureNotDefOrCon = typeError . GenericDocError =<< hsep [ prettyTCM q , " is not a legal rewrite rule, since the left-hand side is neither a defined symbol nor a constructor" ] let failureFreeVars xs = typeError . GenericDocError =<< hsep [ prettyTCM q , " is not a legal rewrite rule, since the following variables are not bound by the left hand side: " , prettyList_ (map (prettyTCM . var) $ IntSet.toList xs) ] let failureIllegalRule = typeError . GenericDocError =<< hsep [ prettyTCM q , " is not a legal rewrite rule" ] -- Check that type of q targets rel. case unEl core of Def rel' es@(_:_:_) | rel == rel' -> do -- Because of the type of rel (Γ → sort), all es are applications. let vs = map unArg $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es -- The last two arguments are lhs and rhs. n = size vs (us, [lhs, rhs]) = splitAt (n - 2) vs unless (size delta == size us) __IMPOSSIBLE__ rhs <- instantiateFull rhs b <- instantiateFull $ applySubst (parallelS $ reverse us) a gamma0 <- getContextTelescope gamma1 <- instantiateFull gamma1 let gamma = gamma0 `abstract` gamma1 unless (noMetas (telToList gamma1)) $ do reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ "metas in gamma1: " <+> text (show $ allMetasList $ telToList gamma1) failureMetas -- 2017-06-18, Jesper: Unfold inlined definitions on the LHS. -- This is necessary to replace copies created by imports by their -- original definition. lhs <- modifyAllowedReductions (const [InlineReductions]) $ normalise lhs -- Find head symbol f of the lhs, its type and its arguments. (f , hd , t , es) <- case lhs of Def f es -> do t <- defType <$> getConstInfo f return (f , Def f , t , es) Con c ci vs -> do let hd = Con c ci ~(Just ((_ , _ , pars) , t)) <- getFullyAppliedConType c $ unDom b addContext gamma1 $ checkParametersAreGeneral c (size gamma1) pars return (conName c , hd , t , vs) _ -> failureNotDefOrCon ifNotAlreadyAdded f $ do rew <- addContext gamma1 $ do -- Normalize lhs args: we do not want to match redexes. es <- normalise es checkNoLhsReduction f es unless (noMetas (es, rhs, b)) $ do reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ "metas in lhs: " <+> text (show $ allMetasList es) reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ "metas in rhs: " <+> text (show $ allMetasList rhs) reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ "metas in b : " <+> text (show $ allMetasList b) failureMetas ps <- patternFrom Relevant 0 (t , Def f []) es reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ "Pattern generated from lhs: " <+> prettyTCM (PDef f ps) -- check that FV(rhs) ⊆ nlPatVars(lhs) let freeVars = usedArgs (defArgOccurrences def) `IntSet.union` allFreeVars (ps,rhs) boundVars = nlPatVars ps reportSDoc "rewriting" 70 $ "variables bound by the pattern: " <+> text (show boundVars) reportSDoc "rewriting" 70 $ "variables free in the rewrite rule: " <+> text (show freeVars) unlessNull (freeVars IntSet.\\ boundVars) failureFreeVars return $ RewriteRule q gamma f ps rhs (unDom b) reportSDoc "rewriting" 10 $ vcat [ "considering rewrite rule " , prettyTCM rew ] reportSDoc "rewriting" 90 $ vcat [ "considering rewrite rule" , text (show rew) ] -- NO LONGER WORKS: -- -- Check whether lhs can be rewritten with itself. -- -- Otherwise, there are unbound variables in either gamma or rhs. -- addContext gamma $ -- unlessM (isJust <$> runReduceM (rewriteWith (Just b) lhs rew)) $ -- failureFreeVars -- Add rewrite rule gamma ⊢ lhs ↦ rhs : b for f. addRewriteRules f [rew] _ -> failureWrongTarget where checkNoLhsReduction :: QName -> Elims -> TCM () checkNoLhsReduction f es = do let v = Def f es v' <- reduce v let fail = do reportSDoc "rewriting" 20 $ "v = " <+> text (show v) reportSDoc "rewriting" 20 $ "v' = " <+> text (show v') typeError . GenericDocError =<< fsep [ prettyTCM q <+> " is not a legal rewrite rule, since the left-hand side " , prettyTCM v <+> " reduces to " <+> prettyTCM v' ] case v' of Def f' es' | f == f' -> do a <- computeElimHeadType f es es' pol <- getPolarity' CmpEq f ok <- dontAssignMetas $ tryConversion $ compareElims pol [] a (Def f []) es es' unless ok fail _ -> fail ifNotAlreadyAdded :: QName -> TCM () -> TCM () ifNotAlreadyAdded f cont = do rews <- getRewriteRulesFor f -- check if q is already an added rewrite rule if any ((q ==) . rewName) rews then genericWarning =<< do "Rewrite rule " <+> prettyTCM q <+> " has already been added" else cont usedArgs :: [Pos.Occurrence] -> IntSet usedArgs occs = IntSet.fromList $ map snd $ usedIxs where allIxs = zip occs $ downFrom $ size occs usedIxs = filter (used . fst) allIxs used Pos.Unused = False used _ = True checkParametersAreGeneral :: ConHead -> Int -> Args -> TCM () checkParametersAreGeneral c k vs = do is <- loop vs unless (fastDistinct is) $ errorNotGeneral where loop [] = return [] loop (v : vs) = case unArg v of Var i [] | i < k -> (i :) <$> loop vs _ -> errorNotGeneral errorNotGeneral = typeError . GenericDocError =<< vcat [ prettyTCM q <+> text " is not a legal rewrite rule, since the constructor parameters are not fully general:" , nest 2 $ text "Constructor: " <+> prettyTCM c , nest 2 $ text "Parameters: " <+> prettyList (map prettyTCM vs) ] -- | Append rewrite rules to a definition. addRewriteRules :: QName -> RewriteRules -> TCM () addRewriteRules f rews = do reportSDoc "rewriting" 10 $ "rewrite rule ok, adding it to the definition of " <+> prettyTCM f let matchables = getMatchables rews reportSDoc "rewriting" 30 $ "matchable symbols: " <+> prettyTCM matchables modifySignature $ addRewriteRulesFor f rews matchables -- | @rewriteWith t f es rew@ where @f : t@ -- tries to rewrite @f es@ with @rew@, returning the reduct if successful. rewriteWith :: Type -> Term -> RewriteRule -> Elims -> ReduceM (Either (Blocked Term) Term) rewriteWith t v rew@(RewriteRule q gamma _ ps rhs b) es = do traceSDoc "rewriting.rewrite" 50 (sep [ "{ attempting to rewrite term " <+> prettyTCM (v `applyE` es) , " having head " <+> prettyTCM v <+> " of type " <+> prettyTCM t , " with rule " <+> prettyTCM rew ]) $ do traceSDoc "rewriting.rewrite" 90 (sep [ "raw: attempting to rewrite term " <+> (text . show) (v `applyE` es) , " having head " <+> (text . show) v <+> " of type " <+> (text . show) t , " with rule " <+> (text . show) rew ]) $ do result <- nonLinMatch gamma (t,v) ps es case result of Left block -> traceSDoc "rewriting.rewrite" 50 "}" $ return $ Left $ block $> v `applyE` es -- TODO: remember reductions Right sub -> do let v' = applySubst sub rhs traceSDoc "rewriting.rewrite" 50 (sep [ "rewrote " <+> prettyTCM (v `applyE` es) , " to " <+> prettyTCM v' <+> "}" ]) $ do return $ Right v' -- | @rewrite b v rules es@ tries to rewrite @v@ applied to @es@ with the -- rewrite rules @rules@. @b@ is the default blocking tag. rewrite :: Blocked_ -> Term -> RewriteRules -> Elims -> ReduceM (Reduced (Blocked Term) Term) rewrite block v rules es = do rewritingAllowed <- optRewriting <$> pragmaOptions if (rewritingAllowed && not (null rules)) then do t <- case v of Def f [] -> defType <$> getConstInfo f Con c _ [] -> typeOfConst $ conName c -- Andreas, 2018-09-08, issue #3211: -- discount module parameters for constructor heads _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ loop block t rules =<< instantiateFull' es else return $ NoReduction (block $> v `applyE` es) where loop :: Blocked_ -> Type -> RewriteRules -> Elims -> ReduceM (Reduced (Blocked Term) Term) loop block t [] es = traceSDoc "rewriting.rewrite" 20 (sep [ "failed to rewrite " <+> prettyTCM (v `applyE` es) , "blocking tag" <+> text (show block) ]) $ do return $ NoReduction $ block $> v `applyE` es loop block t (rew:rews) es | let n = rewArity rew, length es >= n = do let (es1, es2) = List.genericSplitAt n es result <- rewriteWith t v rew es1 case result of Left (Blocked m u) -> loop (block `mappend` Blocked m ()) t rews es Left (NotBlocked _ _) -> loop block t rews es Right w -> return $ YesReduction YesSimplification $ w `applyE` es2 | otherwise = loop (block `mappend` NotBlocked Underapplied ()) t rews es ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Auxiliary functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class NLPatVars a where nlPatVarsUnder :: Int -> a -> IntSet nlPatVars :: a -> IntSet nlPatVars = nlPatVarsUnder 0 instance (Foldable f, NLPatVars a) => NLPatVars (f a) where nlPatVarsUnder k = foldMap $ nlPatVarsUnder k instance NLPatVars NLPType where nlPatVarsUnder k (NLPType l a) = nlPatVarsUnder k l `IntSet.union` nlPatVarsUnder k a instance NLPatVars NLPat where nlPatVarsUnder k p = case p of PVar i _ -> singleton $ i - k PDef _ es -> nlPatVarsUnder k es PWild -> empty PLam _ p' -> nlPatVarsUnder (k+1) $ unAbs p' PPi a b -> nlPatVarsUnder k a `IntSet.union` nlPatVarsUnder (k+1) (unAbs b) PBoundVar _ es -> nlPatVarsUnder k es PTerm{} -> empty rewArity :: RewriteRule -> Int rewArity = length . rewPats -- | Get all symbols that a rewrite rule matches against class GetMatchables a where getMatchables :: a -> [QName] instance (Foldable f, GetMatchables a) => GetMatchables (f a) where getMatchables = foldMap getMatchables instance GetMatchables NLPat where getMatchables p = case p of PVar _ _ -> empty PWild -> empty PDef f _ -> singleton f PLam _ x -> empty PPi a b -> empty PBoundVar i es -> empty PTerm _ -> empty -- should be safe (I hope) instance GetMatchables RewriteRule where getMatchables = getMatchables . rewPats -- Only computes free variables that are not bound (i.e. those in a PTerm) instance Free NLPat where freeVars' p = case p of PVar _ _ -> mempty PWild -> mempty PDef _ es -> freeVars' es PLam _ u -> freeVars' u PPi a b -> freeVars' (a,b) PBoundVar _ es -> freeVars' es PTerm t -> freeVars' t instance Free NLPType where freeVars' (NLPType l a) = ifM ((IgnoreNot ==) <$> asks feIgnoreSorts) {- then -} (freeVars' (l, a)) {- else -} (freeVars' a)