{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.MetaVars where import Prelude hiding (null) import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Writer import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Internal import Agda.Syntax.Internal.MetaVars import Agda.Syntax.Position import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin (HasBuiltins) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Trace import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Closure import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Constraints (MonadConstraint) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug (MonadDebug, reportSLn) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Context import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Signature (HasConstInfo) import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope import Agda.Utils.Except import Agda.Utils.Functor ((<.>)) import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Monad import Agda.Utils.Null import Agda.Utils.Permutation import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow) import Agda.Utils.Tuple import qualified Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict as Strict import Agda.Utils.Impossible -- | Various kinds of metavariables. data MetaKind = Records -- ^ Meta variables of record type. | SingletonRecords -- ^ Meta variables of \"hereditarily singleton\" record type. | Levels -- ^ Meta variables of level type, if type-in-type is activated. deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Show) -- | All possible metavariable kinds. allMetaKinds :: [MetaKind] allMetaKinds = [minBound .. maxBound] data KeepMetas = KeepMetas | RollBackMetas -- | Monad service class for creating, solving and eta-expanding of -- metavariables. class ( MonadConstraint m , MonadReduce m , MonadAddContext m , MonadTCEnv m , ReadTCState m , HasBuiltins m , HasConstInfo m , MonadDebug m ) => MonadMetaSolver m where -- | Generate a new meta variable with some instantiation given. -- For instance, the instantiation could be a 'PostponedTypeCheckingProblem'. newMeta' :: MetaInstantiation -> Frozen -> MetaInfo -> MetaPriority -> Permutation -> Judgement a -> m MetaId -- * Solve constraint @x vs = v@. -- | Assign to an open metavar which may not be frozen. -- First check that metavar args are in pattern fragment. -- Then do extended occurs check on given thing. -- -- Assignment is aborted by throwing a @PatternErr@ via a call to -- @patternViolation@. This error is caught by @catchConstraint@ -- during equality checking (@compareAtom@) and leads to -- restoration of the original constraints. assignV :: CompareDirection -> MetaId -> Args -> Term -> CompareAs -> m () -- | Directly instantiate the metavariable. Skip pattern check, -- occurs check and frozen check. Used for eta expanding frozen -- metas. assignTerm' :: MonadMetaSolver m => MetaId -> [Arg ArgName] -> Term -> m () -- | Eta expand a metavariable, if it is of the specified kind. -- Don't do anything if the metavariable is a blocked term. etaExpandMeta :: [MetaKind] -> MetaId -> m () -- | Update the status of the metavariable updateMetaVar :: MetaId -> (MetaVariable -> MetaVariable) -> m () -- | 'speculateMetas fallback m' speculatively runs 'm', but if the -- result is 'RollBackMetas' any changes to metavariables are -- rolled back and 'fallback' is run instead. speculateMetas :: m () -> m KeepMetas -> m () -- | Switch off assignment of metas. dontAssignMetas :: (MonadTCEnv m, HasOptions m, MonadDebug m) => m a -> m a dontAssignMetas cont = do reportSLn "tc.meta" 45 $ "don't assign metas" localTC (\ env -> env { envAssignMetas = False }) cont -- | Get the meta store. getMetaStore :: (ReadTCState m) => m MetaStore getMetaStore = useR stMetaStore modifyMetaStore :: (MetaStore -> MetaStore) -> TCM () modifyMetaStore f = stMetaStore `modifyTCLens` f -- | Run a computation and record which new metas it created. metasCreatedBy :: ReadTCState m => m a -> m (a, IntSet) metasCreatedBy m = do before <- IntMap.keysSet <$> useTC stMetaStore a <- m after <- IntMap.keysSet <$> useTC stMetaStore return (a, after IntSet.\\ before) -- | Lookup a meta variable. lookupMeta' :: ReadTCState m => MetaId -> m (Maybe MetaVariable) lookupMeta' m = IntMap.lookup (metaId m) <$> getMetaStore lookupMeta :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m MetaVariable lookupMeta m = fromMaybeM failure $ lookupMeta' m where failure = fail $ "no such meta variable " ++ prettyShow m -- | Type of a term or sort meta. metaType :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m Type metaType x = jMetaType . mvJudgement <$> lookupMeta x -- | Update the information associated with a meta variable. updateMetaVarTCM :: MetaId -> (MetaVariable -> MetaVariable) -> TCM () updateMetaVarTCM m f = modifyMetaStore $ IntMap.adjust f $ metaId m -- | Insert a new meta variable with associated information into the meta store. insertMetaVar :: MetaId -> MetaVariable -> TCM () insertMetaVar m mv = modifyMetaStore $ IntMap.insert (metaId m) mv getMetaPriority :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m MetaPriority getMetaPriority = mvPriority <.> lookupMeta isSortMeta :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m Bool isSortMeta m = isSortMeta_ <$> lookupMeta m isSortMeta_ :: MetaVariable -> Bool isSortMeta_ mv = case mvJudgement mv of HasType{} -> False IsSort{} -> True getMetaType :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m Type getMetaType m = do mv <- lookupMeta m return $ case mvJudgement mv of HasType{ jMetaType = t } -> t IsSort{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- | Compute the context variables that a meta should be applied to, accounting -- for pruning. getMetaContextArgs :: MonadTCEnv m => MetaVariable -> m Args getMetaContextArgs MetaVar{ mvPermutation = p } = do args <- getContextArgs return $ permute (takeP (length args) p) args -- | Given a meta, return the type applied to the current context. getMetaTypeInContext :: (MonadFail m, MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m, MonadReduce m) => MetaId -> m Type getMetaTypeInContext m = do mv@MetaVar{ mvJudgement = j } <- lookupMeta m case j of HasType{ jMetaType = t } -> piApplyM t =<< getMetaContextArgs mv IsSort{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- | Is it a meta that might be generalized? isGeneralizableMeta :: (ReadTCState m, MonadFail m) => MetaId -> m DoGeneralize isGeneralizableMeta x = unArg . miGeneralizable . mvInfo <$> lookupMeta x -- | Check whether all metas are instantiated. -- Precondition: argument is a meta (in some form) or a list of metas. class IsInstantiatedMeta a where isInstantiatedMeta :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => a -> m Bool instance IsInstantiatedMeta MetaId where isInstantiatedMeta m = isJust <$> isInstantiatedMeta' m instance IsInstantiatedMeta Term where isInstantiatedMeta = loop where loop v = case v of MetaV x _ -> isInstantiatedMeta x DontCare v -> loop v Level l -> isInstantiatedMeta l Lam _ b -> isInstantiatedMeta b Con _ _ es | Just vs <- allApplyElims es -> isInstantiatedMeta vs _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ instance IsInstantiatedMeta Level where isInstantiatedMeta (Max n ls) | n == 0 = isInstantiatedMeta ls isInstantiatedMeta _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ instance IsInstantiatedMeta PlusLevel where isInstantiatedMeta (Plus n l) | n == 0 = isInstantiatedMeta l isInstantiatedMeta _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ instance IsInstantiatedMeta LevelAtom where isInstantiatedMeta (MetaLevel x es) = isInstantiatedMeta x isInstantiatedMeta _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ instance IsInstantiatedMeta a => IsInstantiatedMeta [a] where isInstantiatedMeta = andM . map isInstantiatedMeta instance IsInstantiatedMeta a => IsInstantiatedMeta (Maybe a) where isInstantiatedMeta = isInstantiatedMeta . maybeToList instance IsInstantiatedMeta a => IsInstantiatedMeta (Arg a) where isInstantiatedMeta = isInstantiatedMeta . unArg -- | Does not worry about raising. instance IsInstantiatedMeta a => IsInstantiatedMeta (Abs a) where isInstantiatedMeta = isInstantiatedMeta . unAbs isInstantiatedMeta' :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m (Maybe Term) isInstantiatedMeta' m = do mv <- lookupMeta m return $ case mvInstantiation mv of InstV tel v -> Just $ foldr mkLam v tel _ -> Nothing -- | Returns all metavariables in a constraint. Slightly complicated by the -- fact that blocked terms are represented by two meta variables. To find the -- second one we need to look up the meta listeners for the one in the -- UnBlock constraint. constraintMetas :: Constraint -> TCM (Set MetaId) constraintMetas c = metas c where -- We don't use allMetas here since some constraints should not stop us from generalizing. For -- instance CheckSizeLtSat (see #3694). We also have to check meta listeners to get metas of -- UnBlock constraints. metas c = case c of ValueCmp _ t u v -> return $ allMetas Set.singleton (t, u, v) ValueCmpOnFace _ p t u v -> return $ allMetas Set.singleton (p, t, u, v) ElimCmp _ _ t u es es' -> return $ allMetas Set.singleton (t, u, es, es') LevelCmp _ l l' -> return $ allMetas Set.singleton (Level l, Level l') UnquoteTactic m t h g -> return $ Set.fromList [x | Just x <- [m]] `Set.union` allMetas Set.singleton (t, h, g) Guarded c _ -> metas c TelCmp _ _ _ tel1 tel2 -> return $ allMetas Set.singleton (tel1, tel2) SortCmp _ s1 s2 -> return $ allMetas Set.singleton (Sort s1, Sort s2) UnBlock x -> Set.insert x . Set.unions <$> (mapM listenerMetas =<< getMetaListeners x) FindInstance{} -> return mempty -- v Ignore these constraints IsEmpty{} -> return mempty CheckFunDef{} -> return mempty CheckSizeLtSat{} -> return mempty HasBiggerSort{} -> return mempty HasPTSRule{} -> return mempty CheckMetaInst x -> return mempty -- For blocked constant twin variables listenerMetas EtaExpand{} = return Set.empty listenerMetas (CheckConstraint _ c) = constraintMetas (clValue $ theConstraint c) -- | Create 'MetaInfo' in the current environment. createMetaInfo :: (MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m) => m MetaInfo createMetaInfo = createMetaInfo' RunMetaOccursCheck createMetaInfo' :: (MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m) => RunMetaOccursCheck -> m MetaInfo createMetaInfo' b = do r <- getCurrentRange cl <- buildClosure r gen <- viewTC eGeneralizeMetas return MetaInfo { miClosRange = cl , miMetaOccursCheck = b , miNameSuggestion = "" , miGeneralizable = hide $ defaultArg gen } setValueMetaName :: MonadMetaSolver m => Term -> MetaNameSuggestion -> m () setValueMetaName v s = do case v of MetaV mi _ -> setMetaNameSuggestion mi s u -> do reportSLn "tc.meta.name" 70 $ "cannot set meta name; newMeta returns " ++ show u return () getMetaNameSuggestion :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m MetaNameSuggestion getMetaNameSuggestion mi = miNameSuggestion . mvInfo <$> lookupMeta mi setMetaNameSuggestion :: MonadMetaSolver m => MetaId -> MetaNameSuggestion -> m () setMetaNameSuggestion mi s = unless (null s || isUnderscore s) $ do reportSLn "tc.meta.name" 20 $ "setting name of meta " ++ prettyShow mi ++ " to " ++ s updateMetaVar mi $ \ mvar -> mvar { mvInfo = (mvInfo mvar) { miNameSuggestion = s }} setMetaArgInfo :: MonadMetaSolver m => MetaId -> ArgInfo -> m () setMetaArgInfo m i = updateMetaVar m $ \ mv -> mv { mvInfo = (mvInfo mv) { miGeneralizable = setArgInfo i (miGeneralizable (mvInfo mv)) } } updateMetaVarRange :: MonadMetaSolver m => MetaId -> Range -> m () updateMetaVarRange mi r = updateMetaVar mi (setRange r) setMetaOccursCheck :: MonadMetaSolver m => MetaId -> RunMetaOccursCheck -> m () setMetaOccursCheck mi b = updateMetaVar mi $ \ mvar -> mvar { mvInfo = (mvInfo mvar) { miMetaOccursCheck = b } } -- * Query and manipulate interaction points. class (MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m) => MonadInteractionPoints m where freshInteractionId :: m InteractionId modifyInteractionPoints :: (InteractionPoints -> InteractionPoints) -> m () instance MonadInteractionPoints m => MonadInteractionPoints (ReaderT r m) where freshInteractionId = lift freshInteractionId modifyInteractionPoints = lift . modifyInteractionPoints instance MonadInteractionPoints m => MonadInteractionPoints (StateT r m) where freshInteractionId = lift freshInteractionId modifyInteractionPoints = lift . modifyInteractionPoints instance MonadInteractionPoints TCM where freshInteractionId = fresh modifyInteractionPoints f = stInteractionPoints `modifyTCLens` f -- | Register an interaction point during scope checking. -- If there is no interaction id yet, create one. registerInteractionPoint :: forall m. MonadInteractionPoints m => Bool -> Range -> Maybe Nat -> m InteractionId registerInteractionPoint preciseRange r maybeId = do m <- useR stInteractionPoints -- If we're given an interaction id we shouldn't look up by range. -- This is important when doing 'refine', since all interaction points -- created by the refine gets the same range. if not preciseRange || isJust maybeId then continue m else do -- If the range does not come from a file, it is not -- precise, so ignore it. Strict.caseMaybe (rangeFile r) (continue m) $ \ _ -> do -- First, try to find the interaction point by Range. caseMaybe (findInteractionPoint_ r m) (continue m) {-else-} return where continue :: InteractionPoints -> m InteractionId continue m = do -- We did not find an interaction id with the same Range, so let's create one! ii <- case maybeId of Just i -> return $ InteractionId i Nothing -> freshInteractionId let ip = InteractionPoint { ipRange = r, ipMeta = Nothing, ipSolved = False, ipClause = IPNoClause } case Map.insertLookupWithKey (\ key new old -> old) ii ip m of -- If the interaction point is already present, we keep the old ip. -- However, it needs to be at the same range as the new one. (Just ip0, _) | ipRange ip /= ipRange ip0 -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ | otherwise -> return ii (Nothing, m') -> do modifyInteractionPoints (const m') return ii -- | Find an interaction point by 'Range' by searching the whole map. -- -- O(n): linear in the number of registered interaction points. findInteractionPoint_ :: Range -> InteractionPoints -> Maybe InteractionId findInteractionPoint_ r m = do guard $ not $ null r listToMaybe $ mapMaybe sameRange $ Map.toList m where sameRange :: (InteractionId, InteractionPoint) -> Maybe InteractionId sameRange (ii, InteractionPoint r' _ _ _) | r == r' = Just ii sameRange _ = Nothing -- | Hook up meta variable to interaction point. connectInteractionPoint :: MonadInteractionPoints m => InteractionId -> MetaId -> m () connectInteractionPoint ii mi = do ipCl <- asksTC envClause m <- useR stInteractionPoints let ip = InteractionPoint { ipRange = __IMPOSSIBLE__, ipMeta = Just mi, ipSolved = False, ipClause = ipCl } -- The interaction point needs to be present already, we just set the meta. case Map.insertLookupWithKey (\ key new old -> new { ipRange = ipRange old }) ii ip m of (Nothing, _) -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ (Just _, m') -> modifyInteractionPoints $ const m' -- | Mark an interaction point as solved. removeInteractionPoint :: MonadInteractionPoints m => InteractionId -> m () removeInteractionPoint ii = modifyInteractionPoints $ Map.update (\ ip -> Just ip{ ipSolved = True }) ii -- | Get a list of interaction ids. {-# SPECIALIZE getInteractionPoints :: TCM [InteractionId] #-} getInteractionPoints :: ReadTCState m => m [InteractionId] getInteractionPoints = Map.keys <$> useR stInteractionPoints -- | Get all metas that correspond to unsolved interaction ids. getInteractionMetas :: ReadTCState m => m [MetaId] getInteractionMetas = mapMaybe ipMeta . filter (not . ipSolved) . Map.elems <$> useR stInteractionPoints -- | Get all metas that correspond to unsolved interaction ids. getInteractionIdsAndMetas :: ReadTCState m => m [(InteractionId,MetaId)] getInteractionIdsAndMetas = mapMaybe f . filter (not . ipSolved . snd) . Map.toList <$> useR stInteractionPoints where f (ii, ip) = (ii,) <$> ipMeta ip -- | Does the meta variable correspond to an interaction point? -- -- Time: @O(n)@ where @n@ is the number of interaction metas. isInteractionMeta :: ReadTCState m => MetaId -> m (Maybe InteractionId) isInteractionMeta x = lookup x . map swap <$> getInteractionIdsAndMetas -- | Get the information associated to an interaction point. {-# SPECIALIZE lookupInteractionPoint :: InteractionId -> TCM InteractionPoint #-} lookupInteractionPoint :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m, MonadError TCErr m) => InteractionId -> m InteractionPoint lookupInteractionPoint ii = fromMaybeM err $ Map.lookup ii <$> useR stInteractionPoints where err = fail $ "no such interaction point: " ++ show ii -- | Get 'MetaId' for an interaction point. -- Precondition: interaction point is connected. lookupInteractionId :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadTCEnv m) => InteractionId -> m MetaId lookupInteractionId ii = fromMaybeM err2 $ ipMeta <$> lookupInteractionPoint ii where err2 = typeError $ GenericError $ "No type nor action available for hole " ++ prettyShow ii ++ ". Possible cause: the hole has not been reached during type checking (do you see yellow?)" -- | Check whether an interaction id is already associated with a meta variable. lookupInteractionMeta :: ReadTCState m => InteractionId -> m (Maybe MetaId) lookupInteractionMeta ii = lookupInteractionMeta_ ii <$> useR stInteractionPoints lookupInteractionMeta_ :: InteractionId -> InteractionPoints -> Maybe MetaId lookupInteractionMeta_ ii m = ipMeta =<< Map.lookup ii m -- | Generate new meta variable. newMeta :: MonadMetaSolver m => Frozen -> MetaInfo -> MetaPriority -> Permutation -> Judgement a -> m MetaId newMeta = newMeta' Open -- | Generate a new meta variable with some instantiation given. -- For instance, the instantiation could be a 'PostponedTypeCheckingProblem'. newMetaTCM' :: MetaInstantiation -> Frozen -> MetaInfo -> MetaPriority -> Permutation -> Judgement a -> TCM MetaId newMetaTCM' inst frozen mi p perm j = do x <- fresh let j' = j { jMetaId = x } -- fill the identifier part of the judgement mv = MetaVar{ mvInfo = mi , mvPriority = p , mvPermutation = perm , mvJudgement = j' , mvInstantiation = inst , mvListeners = Set.empty , mvFrozen = frozen , mvTwin = Nothing } -- printing not available (import cycle) -- reportSDoc "tc.meta.new" 50 $ "new meta" <+> prettyTCM j' insertMetaVar x mv return x -- | Get the 'Range' for an interaction point. {-# SPECIALIZE getInteractionRange :: InteractionId -> TCM Range #-} getInteractionRange :: (MonadInteractionPoints m, MonadFail m, MonadError TCErr m) => InteractionId -> m Range getInteractionRange = ipRange <.> lookupInteractionPoint -- | Get the 'Range' for a meta variable. getMetaRange :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m Range getMetaRange = getRange <.> lookupMeta getInteractionScope :: InteractionId -> TCM ScopeInfo getInteractionScope = getMetaScope <.> lookupMeta <=< lookupInteractionId withMetaInfo' :: MetaVariable -> TCM a -> TCM a withMetaInfo' mv = withMetaInfo (miClosRange $ mvInfo mv) withMetaInfo :: Closure Range -> TCM a -> TCM a withMetaInfo mI cont = enterClosure mI $ \ r -> setCurrentRange r cont getMetaVariableSet :: ReadTCState m => m IntSet getMetaVariableSet = IntMap.keysSet <$> getMetaStore getMetaVariables :: ReadTCState m => (MetaVariable -> Bool) -> m [MetaId] getMetaVariables p = do store <- getMetaStore return [ MetaId i | (i, mv) <- IntMap.assocs store, p mv ] getInstantiatedMetas :: ReadTCState m => m [MetaId] getInstantiatedMetas = getMetaVariables (isInst . mvInstantiation) where isInst Open = False isInst OpenInstance = False isInst BlockedConst{} = False isInst PostponedTypeCheckingProblem{} = False isInst InstV{} = True getOpenMetas :: ReadTCState m => m [MetaId] getOpenMetas = getMetaVariables (isOpenMeta . mvInstantiation) isOpenMeta :: MetaInstantiation -> Bool isOpenMeta Open = True isOpenMeta OpenInstance = True isOpenMeta BlockedConst{} = True isOpenMeta PostponedTypeCheckingProblem{} = True isOpenMeta InstV{} = False -- | @listenToMeta l m@: register @l@ as a listener to @m@. This is done -- when the type of l is blocked by @m@. listenToMeta :: MonadMetaSolver m => Listener -> MetaId -> m () listenToMeta l m = updateMetaVar m $ \mv -> mv { mvListeners = Set.insert l $ mvListeners mv } -- | Unregister a listener. unlistenToMeta :: MonadMetaSolver m => Listener -> MetaId -> m () unlistenToMeta l m = updateMetaVar m $ \mv -> mv { mvListeners = Set.delete l $ mvListeners mv } -- | Get the listeners to a meta. getMetaListeners :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m [Listener] getMetaListeners m = Set.toList . mvListeners <$> lookupMeta m clearMetaListeners :: MonadMetaSolver m => MetaId -> m () clearMetaListeners m = updateMetaVar m $ \mv -> mv { mvListeners = Set.empty } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Freezing and unfreezing metas. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Freeze all so far unfrozen metas for the duration of the given computation. withFreezeMetas :: TCM a -> TCM a withFreezeMetas cont = do ms <- Set.fromList <$> freezeMetas x <- cont unfreezeMetas' (`Set.member` ms) return x -- | Freeze all meta variables and return the list of metas that got frozen. freezeMetas :: TCM [MetaId] freezeMetas = freezeMetas' $ const True -- | Freeze some meta variables and return the list of metas that got frozen. freezeMetas' :: (MetaId -> Bool) -> TCM [MetaId] freezeMetas' p = execWriterT $ modifyTCLensM stMetaStore $ IntMap.traverseWithKey (freeze . MetaId) where freeze :: Monad m => MetaId -> MetaVariable -> WriterT [MetaId] m MetaVariable freeze m mvar | p m && mvFrozen mvar /= Frozen = do tell [m] return $ mvar { mvFrozen = Frozen } | otherwise = return mvar -- | Thaw all meta variables. unfreezeMetas :: TCM () unfreezeMetas = unfreezeMetas' $ const True -- | Thaw some metas, as indicated by the passed condition. unfreezeMetas' :: (MetaId -> Bool) -> TCM () unfreezeMetas' cond = modifyMetaStore $ IntMap.mapWithKey $ unfreeze . MetaId where unfreeze :: MetaId -> MetaVariable -> MetaVariable unfreeze m mvar | cond m = mvar { mvFrozen = Instantiable } | otherwise = mvar isFrozen :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m) => MetaId -> m Bool isFrozen x = do mvar <- lookupMeta x return $ mvFrozen mvar == Frozen -- | Unfreeze meta and its type if this is a meta again. -- Does not unfreeze deep occurrences of metas. class UnFreezeMeta a where unfreezeMeta :: MonadMetaSolver m => a -> m () instance UnFreezeMeta MetaId where unfreezeMeta x = do updateMetaVar x $ \ mv -> mv { mvFrozen = Instantiable } unfreezeMeta =<< metaType x instance UnFreezeMeta Type where unfreezeMeta (El s t) = unfreezeMeta s >> unfreezeMeta t instance UnFreezeMeta Term where unfreezeMeta (MetaV x _) = unfreezeMeta x unfreezeMeta (Sort s) = unfreezeMeta s unfreezeMeta (Level l) = unfreezeMeta l unfreezeMeta (DontCare t) = unfreezeMeta t unfreezeMeta (Lam _ v) = unfreezeMeta v unfreezeMeta _ = return () instance UnFreezeMeta Sort where unfreezeMeta (MetaS x _) = unfreezeMeta x unfreezeMeta _ = return () instance UnFreezeMeta Level where unfreezeMeta (Max _ ls) = unfreezeMeta ls instance UnFreezeMeta PlusLevel where unfreezeMeta (Plus _ a) = unfreezeMeta a instance UnFreezeMeta LevelAtom where unfreezeMeta (MetaLevel x _) = unfreezeMeta x unfreezeMeta (BlockedLevel _ t) = unfreezeMeta t unfreezeMeta (NeutralLevel _ t) = unfreezeMeta t unfreezeMeta (UnreducedLevel t) = unfreezeMeta t instance UnFreezeMeta a => UnFreezeMeta [a] where unfreezeMeta = mapM_ unfreezeMeta instance UnFreezeMeta a => UnFreezeMeta (Abs a) where unfreezeMeta = Fold.mapM_ unfreezeMeta