{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | This module contains the definition of hereditary substitution -- and application operating on internal syntax which is in β-normal -- form (β including projection reductions). -- -- Further, it contains auxiliary functions which rely on substitution -- but not on reduction. module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute ( module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute , module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.Class , module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.DeBruijn , Substitution'(..), Substitution ) where import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Monad (guard) import Data.Coerce import Data.Function import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Debug.Trace (trace) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (thenCmp) -- lexicographic combination of Ordering import Agda.Interaction.Options import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Position import Agda.Syntax.Internal import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options (typeInType) import Agda.TypeChecking.Free as Free import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence as Occ import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.Class import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.DeBruijn import Agda.Utils.Empty import Agda.Utils.Functor import Agda.Utils.List import qualified Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict as Strict import Agda.Utils.Monad import Agda.Utils.Permutation import Agda.Utils.Pretty import Agda.Utils.Size import Agda.Utils.Tuple import Agda.Utils.Impossible -- | Apply @Elims@ while using the given function to report ill-typed -- redexes. -- Recursive calls for @applyE@ and @applySubst@ happen at type @t@ to -- propagate the same strategy to subtrees. {-# SPECIALIZE applyTermE :: (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> Term -> Elims -> Term #-} {-# SPECIALIZE applyTermE :: (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> BraveTerm -> Elims -> BraveTerm #-} applyTermE :: forall t. (Coercible Term t, Apply t, Subst t t) => (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> t -> Elims -> t applyTermE err' m [] = m applyTermE err' m es = coerce $ case coerce m of Var i es' -> Var i (es' ++ es) Def f es' -> defApp f es' es -- remove projection redexes Con c ci args -> conApp @t err' c ci args es Lam _ b -> case es of Apply a : es0 -> lazyAbsApp (coerce b :: Abs t) (coerce $ unArg a) `app` es0 IApply _ _ a : es0 -> lazyAbsApp (coerce b :: Abs t) (coerce a) `app` es0 _ -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__ MetaV x es' -> MetaV x (es' ++ es) Lit{} -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__ Level{} -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__ Pi _ _ -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__ Sort s -> Sort $ s `applyE` es Dummy s es' -> Dummy s (es' ++ es) DontCare mv -> dontCare $ mv `app` es -- Andreas, 2011-10-02 -- need to go under DontCare, since "with" might resurrect irrelevant term where app :: Coercible t x => x -> Elims -> Term app t es = coerce $ (coerce t :: t) `applyE` es err e = err' e (coerce m) es instance Apply Term where applyE = applyTermE absurd instance Apply BraveTerm where applyE = applyTermE (\ _ t es -> Dummy "applyE" (Apply (defaultArg t) : es)) -- | If $v$ is a record value, @canProject f v@ -- returns its field @f@. canProject :: QName -> Term -> Maybe (Arg Term) canProject f v = case v of (Con (ConHead _ _ fs) _ vs) -> do (fld, i) <- findWithIndex ((f==) . unArg) fs -- Jesper, 2019-10-17: dont unfold irrelevant projections guard $ not $ isIrrelevant fld -- Andreas, 2018-06-12, issue #2170 -- The ArgInfo from the ConHead is more accurate (relevance subtyping!). setArgInfo (getArgInfo fld) <.> isApplyElim =<< listToMaybe (drop i vs) _ -> Nothing -- | Eliminate a constructed term. conApp :: forall t. (Coercible t Term, Apply t) => (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> ConHead -> ConInfo -> Elims -> Elims -> Term conApp fk ch ci args [] = Con ch ci args conApp fk ch ci args (a@Apply{} : es) = conApp @t fk ch ci (args ++ [a]) es conApp fk ch ci args (a@IApply{} : es) = conApp @t fk ch ci (args ++ [a]) es conApp fk ch@(ConHead c _ fs) ci args ees@(Proj o f : es) = let failure err = flip trace err $ "conApp: constructor " ++ show c ++ " with fields\n" ++ unlines (map ((" " ++) . show) fs) ++ " and args\n" ++ unlines (map ((" " ++) . prettyShow) args) ++ " projected by " ++ show f isApply e = fromMaybe (failure __IMPOSSIBLE__) $ isApplyElim e stuck err = fk err (Con ch ci args) [Proj o f] -- Recurse using the instance for 't', see @applyTermE@ app :: Term -> Elims -> Term app v es = coerce $ applyE (coerce v :: t) es in case findWithIndex ((f==) . unArg) fs of Nothing -> failure $ stuck __IMPOSSIBLE__ `app` es Just (fld, i) -> let -- Andreas, 2018-06-12, issue #2170 -- We safe-guard the projected value by DontCare using the ArgInfo stored at the record constructor, -- since the ArgInfo in the constructor application might be inaccurate because of subtyping. v = maybe (failure $ stuck __IMPOSSIBLE__) (relToDontCare fld . argToDontCare . isApply) $ listToMaybe $ drop i args in v `app` es -- -- Andreas, 2016-07-20 futile attempt to magically fix ProjOrigin -- fallback = v -- in if not $ null es then applyE v es else -- -- If we have no more eliminations, we can return v -- if o == ProjSystem then fallback else -- -- If the result is a projected term with ProjSystem, -- -- we can can restore it to ProjOrigin o. -- -- Otherwise, we get unpleasant printing with eta-expanded record metas. -- caseMaybe (hasElims v) fallback $ \ (hd, es0) -> -- caseMaybe (initLast es0) fallback $ \ (es1, e2) -> -- case e2 of -- -- We want to replace this ProjSystem by o. -- Proj ProjSystem q -> hd (es1 ++ [Proj o q]) -- -- Andreas, 2016-07-21 for the whole testsuite -- -- this case was never triggered! -- _ -> fallback {- i = maybe failure id $ elemIndex f $ map unArg fs v = maybe failure unArg $ listToMaybe $ drop i args -- Andreas, 2013-10-20 see Issue543a: -- protect result of irrelevant projection. r = maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ getRelevance $ listToMaybe $ drop i fs u | Irrelevant <- r = DontCare v | otherwise = v in applyE v es -} -- | @defApp f us vs@ applies @Def f us@ to further arguments @vs@, -- eliminating top projection redexes. -- If @us@ is not empty, we cannot have a projection redex, since -- the record argument is the first one. defApp :: QName -> Elims -> Elims -> Term defApp f [] (Apply a : es) | Just v <- canProject f (unArg a) = argToDontCare v `applyE` es defApp f es0 es = Def f $ es0 ++ es -- protect irrelevant fields (see issue 610) argToDontCare :: Arg Term -> Term argToDontCare (Arg ai v) = relToDontCare ai v relToDontCare :: LensRelevance a => a -> Term -> Term relToDontCare ai v | Irrelevant <- getRelevance ai = dontCare v | otherwise = v -- Andreas, 2016-01-19: In connection with debugging issue #1783, -- I consider the Apply instance for Type harmful, as piApply is not -- safe if the type is not sufficiently reduced. -- (piApply is not in the monad and hence cannot unfold type synonyms). -- -- Without apply for types, one has to at least use piApply and be -- aware of doing something which has a precondition -- (type sufficiently reduced). -- -- By grepping for piApply, one can quickly get an overview over -- potentially harmful uses. -- -- In general, piApplyM is preferable over piApply since it is more robust -- and fails earlier than piApply, which may only fail at serialization time, -- when all thunks are forced. -- REMOVED: -- instance Apply Type where -- apply = piApply -- -- Maybe an @applyE@ instance would be useful here as well. -- -- A record type could be applied to a projection name -- -- to yield the field type. -- -- However, this works only in the monad where we can -- -- look up the fields of a record type. instance Apply Sort where applyE s [] = s applyE s es = case s of MetaS x es' -> MetaS x $ es' ++ es DefS d es' -> DefS d $ es' ++ es _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- @applyE@ does not make sense for telecopes, definitions, clauses etc. instance Subst Term a => Apply (Tele a) where apply tel [] = tel apply EmptyTel _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ apply (ExtendTel _ tel) (t : ts) = lazyAbsApp tel (unArg t) `apply` ts applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply Definition where apply (Defn info x t pol occ gens gpars df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk d) args = Defn info x (piApply t args) (apply pol args) (apply occ args) (apply gens args) (drop (length args) gpars) df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk (apply d args) applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply RewriteRule where apply r args = let newContext = apply (rewContext r) args sub = liftS (size newContext) $ parallelS $ reverse $ map (PTerm . unArg) args in RewriteRule { rewName = rewName r , rewContext = newContext , rewHead = rewHead r , rewPats = applySubst sub (rewPats r) , rewRHS = applyNLPatSubst sub (rewRHS r) , rewType = applyNLPatSubst sub (rewType r) } applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Apply [Occ.Occurrence] where apply occ args = List.drop (length args) occ applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Apply [Polarity] where apply pol args = List.drop (length args) pol applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply NumGeneralizableArgs where apply NoGeneralizableArgs args = NoGeneralizableArgs apply (SomeGeneralizableArgs n) args = SomeGeneralizableArgs (n - length args) applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es -- | Make sure we only drop variable patterns. instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Apply [NamedArg (Pattern' a)] where apply ps args = loop (length args) ps where loop 0 ps = ps loop n [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__ loop n (p : ps) = let recurse = loop (n - 1) ps in case namedArg p of VarP{} -> recurse DotP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ LitP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ ConP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ DefP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ IApplyP{} -> recurse applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply Projection where apply p args = p { projIndex = projIndex p - size args , projLams = projLams p `apply` args } applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply ProjLams where apply (ProjLams lams) args = ProjLams $ List.drop (length args) lams applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply Defn where apply d [] = d apply d args = case d of Axiom{} -> d DataOrRecSig n -> DataOrRecSig (n - length args) GeneralizableVar{} -> d AbstractDefn d -> AbstractDefn $ apply d args Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv , funExtLam = extLam , funProjection = Nothing } -> d { funClauses = apply cs args , funCompiled = apply cc args , funCovering = apply cov args , funInv = apply inv args , funExtLam = modifySystem (`apply` args) <$> extLam } Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv , funExtLam = extLam , funProjection = Just p0} -> case p0 `apply` args of p@Projection{ projIndex = n } | n < 0 -> d { funProjection = __IMPOSSIBLE__ } -- TODO (#3123): we actually get here! -- case: applied only to parameters | n > 0 -> d { funProjection = Just p } -- case: applied also to record value (n == 0) | otherwise -> d { funClauses = apply cs args' , funCompiled = apply cc args' , funCovering = apply cov args' , funInv = apply inv args' , funProjection = if isVar0 then Just p{ projIndex = 0 } else Nothing , funExtLam = modifySystem (\ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__) <$> extLam } where larg = last args -- the record value args' = [larg] isVar0 = case unArg larg of Var 0 [] -> True; _ -> False {- Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funInv = inv , funProjection = Just p@Projection{ projIndex = n } } -- case: only applying parameters | size args < n -> d { funProjection = Just $ p `apply` args } -- case: apply also to record value | otherwise -> d { funClauses = apply cs args' , funCompiled = apply cc args' , funInv = apply inv args' , funProjection = Just $ p { projIndex = 0 } -- Nothing ? } where args' = [last args] -- the record value -} Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataClause = cl } -> d { dataPars = np - size args , dataClause = apply cl args } Record{ recPars = np, recClause = cl, recTel = tel {-, recArgOccurrences = occ-} } -> d { recPars = np - size args , recClause = apply cl args, recTel = apply tel args -- , recArgOccurrences = List.drop (length args) occ } Constructor{ conPars = np } -> d { conPars = np - size args } Primitive{ primClauses = cs } -> d { primClauses = apply cs args } applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply PrimFun where apply (PrimFun x ar def) args = PrimFun x (ar - size args) $ \ vs -> def (args ++ vs) applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply Clause where -- This one is a little bit tricksy after the parameter refinement change. -- It is assumed that we only apply a clause to "parameters", i.e. -- arguments introduced by lambda lifting. The problem is that these aren't -- necessarily the first elements of the clause telescope. apply cls@(Clause rl rf tel ps b t catchall recursive unreachable ell) args | length args > length ps = __IMPOSSIBLE__ | otherwise = Clause rl rf tel' (applySubst rhoP $ drop (length args) ps) (applySubst rho b) (applySubst rho t) catchall recursive unreachable ell where -- We have -- Γ ⊢ args, for some outer context Γ -- Δ ⊢ ps, where Δ is the clause telescope (tel) rargs = map unArg $ reverse args rps = reverse $ take (length args) ps n = size tel -- This is the new telescope. Created by substituting the args into the -- appropriate places in the old telescope. We know where those are by -- looking at the deBruijn indices of the patterns. tel' = newTel n tel rps rargs -- We then have to create a substitution from the old telescope to the -- new telescope that we can apply to dot patterns and the clause body. rhoP :: PatternSubstitution rhoP = mkSub dotP n rps rargs rho = mkSub id n rps rargs substP :: Nat -> Term -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] substP i v = subst i (dotP v) -- Building the substitution from the old telescope to the new. The -- interesting case is when we have a variable pattern: -- We need Δ′ ⊢ ρ : Δ -- where Δ′ = newTel Δ (xⁱ : ps) (v : vs) -- = newTel Δ[xⁱ:=v] ps[xⁱ:=v'] vs -- Note that we need v' = raise (|Δ| - 1) v, to make Γ ⊢ v valid in -- ΓΔ[xⁱ:=v]. -- A recursive call ρ′ = mkSub (substP i v' ps) vs gets us -- Δ′ ⊢ ρ′ : Δ[xⁱ:=v] -- so we just need Δ[xⁱ:=v] ⊢ σ : Δ and then ρ = ρ′ ∘ σ. -- That's achieved by σ = singletonS i v'. mkSub :: Subst a a => (Term -> a) -> Nat -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> [Term] -> Substitution' a mkSub _ _ [] [] = idS mkSub tm n (p : ps) (v : vs) = case namedArg p of VarP _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> mkSub tm (n - 1) (substP i v' ps) vs `composeS` singletonS i (tm v') where v' = raise (n - 1) v DotP{} -> mkSub tm n ps vs ConP c _ ps' -> mkSub tm n (ps' ++ ps) (projections c v ++ vs) DefP o q ps' -> mkSub tm n (ps' ++ ps) vs LitP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ IApplyP _ _ _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> mkSub tm (n - 1) (substP i v' ps) vs `composeS` singletonS i (tm v') where v' = raise (n - 1) v mkSub _ _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- The parameter patterns 'ps' are all variables or dot patterns, or eta -- expanded record patterns (issue #2550). If they are variables they -- can appear anywhere in the clause telescope. This function -- constructs the new telescope with 'vs' substituted for 'ps'. -- Example: -- tel = (x : A) (y : B) (z : C) (w : D) -- ps = y@3 w@0 -- vs = u v -- newTel tel ps vs = (x : A) (z : C[u/y]) newTel :: Nat -> Telescope -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> [Term] -> Telescope newTel n tel [] [] = tel newTel n tel (p : ps) (v : vs) = case namedArg p of VarP _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> newTel (n - 1) (subTel (size tel - 1 - i) v tel) (substP i (raise (n - 1) v) ps) vs DotP{} -> newTel n tel ps vs ConP c _ ps' -> newTel n tel (ps' ++ ps) (projections c v ++ vs) DefP _ q ps' -> newTel n tel (ps' ++ ps) vs LitP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ IApplyP _ _ _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> newTel (n - 1) (subTel (size tel - 1 - i) v tel) (substP i (raise (n - 1) v) ps) vs newTel _ tel _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ projections c v = [ relToDontCare ai $ applyE v [Proj ProjSystem f] | Arg ai f <- conFields c ] -- subTel i v (Δ₁ (xᵢ : A) Δ₂) = Δ₁ Δ₂[xᵢ = v] subTel i v EmptyTel = __IMPOSSIBLE__ subTel 0 v (ExtendTel _ tel) = absApp tel v subTel i v (ExtendTel a tel) = ExtendTel a $ subTel (i - 1) (raise 1 v) <$> tel applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply CompiledClauses where apply cc args = case cc of Fail -> Fail Done hs t | length hs >= len -> let sub = parallelS $ map var [0..length hs - len - 1] ++ map unArg args in Done (List.drop len hs) $ applySubst sub t | otherwise -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Case n bs | unArg n >= len -> Case (n <&> \ m -> m - len) (apply bs args) | otherwise -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ where len = length args applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply ExtLamInfo where apply (ExtLamInfo m sys) args = ExtLamInfo m (apply sys args) applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply System where -- We assume we apply a system only to arguments introduced by -- lambda lifting. apply (System tel sys) args = if nargs > ntel then __IMPOSSIBLE__ else System newTel (map (map (f -*- id) -*- f) sys) where f = applySubst sigma nargs = length args ntel = size tel newTel = apply tel args -- newTel ⊢ σ : tel sigma = liftS (ntel - nargs) (parallelS (reverse $ map unArg args)) applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply a => Apply (WithArity a) where apply (WithArity n a) args = WithArity n $ apply a args applyE (WithArity n a) es = WithArity n $ applyE a es instance Apply a => Apply (Case a) where apply (Branches cop cs eta ls m b lz) args = Branches cop (apply cs args) (second (`apply` args) <$> eta) (apply ls args) (apply m args) b lz applyE (Branches cop cs eta ls m b lz) es = Branches cop (applyE cs es) (second (`applyE` es) <$> eta)(applyE ls es) (applyE m es) b lz instance Apply FunctionInverse where apply NotInjective args = NotInjective apply (Inverse inv) args = Inverse $ apply inv args applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Apply DisplayTerm where apply (DTerm v) args = DTerm $ apply v args apply (DDot v) args = DDot $ apply v args apply (DCon c ci vs) args = DCon c ci $ vs ++ map (fmap DTerm) args apply (DDef c es) args = DDef c $ es ++ map (Apply . fmap DTerm) args apply (DWithApp v ws es) args = DWithApp v ws $ es ++ map Apply args applyE (DTerm v) es = DTerm $ applyE v es applyE (DDot v) es = DDot $ applyE v es applyE (DCon c ci vs) es = DCon c ci $ vs ++ map (fmap DTerm) ws where ws = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es applyE (DDef c es') es = DDef c $ es' ++ map (fmap DTerm) es applyE (DWithApp v ws es') es = DWithApp v ws $ es' ++ es instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Apply t => Apply [t] where apply ts args = map (`apply` args) ts applyE ts es = map (`applyE` es) ts instance Apply t => Apply (Blocked t) where apply b args = fmap (`apply` args) b applyE b es = fmap (`applyE` es) b instance Apply t => Apply (Maybe t) where apply x args = fmap (`apply` args) x applyE x es = fmap (`applyE` es) x instance Apply t => Apply (Strict.Maybe t) where apply x args = fmap (`apply` args) x applyE x es = fmap (`applyE` es) x instance Apply v => Apply (Map k v) where apply x args = fmap (`apply` args) x applyE x es = fmap (`applyE` es) x instance Apply v => Apply (HashMap k v) where apply x args = fmap (`apply` args) x applyE x es = fmap (`applyE` es) x instance (Apply a, Apply b) => Apply (a,b) where apply (x,y) args = (apply x args, apply y args) applyE (x,y) es = (applyE x es , applyE y es ) instance (Apply a, Apply b, Apply c) => Apply (a,b,c) where apply (x,y,z) args = (apply x args, apply y args, apply z args) applyE (x,y,z) es = (applyE x es , applyE y es , applyE z es ) instance DoDrop a => Apply (Drop a) where apply x args = dropMore (size args) x applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance DoDrop a => Abstract (Drop a) where abstract tel x = unDrop (size tel) x instance Apply Permutation where -- The permutation must start with [0..m - 1] -- NB: section (- m) not possible (unary minus), hence (flip (-) m) apply (Perm n xs) args = Perm (n - m) $ map (flip (-) m) $ drop m xs where m = size args applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es instance Abstract Permutation where abstract tel (Perm n xs) = Perm (n + m) $ [0..m - 1] ++ map (+ m) xs where m = size tel -- | @(x:A)->B(x) `piApply` [u] = B(u)@ -- -- Precondition: The type must contain the right number of pis without -- having to perform any reduction. -- -- @piApply@ is potentially unsafe, the monadic 'piApplyM' is preferable. piApply :: Type -> Args -> Type piApply t [] = t piApply (El _ (Pi _ b)) (a:args) = lazyAbsApp b (unArg a) `piApply` args piApply t args = trace ("piApply t = " ++ show t ++ "\n args = " ++ show args) __IMPOSSIBLE__ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Abstraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Abstract Term where abstract = teleLam instance Abstract Type where abstract = telePi_ instance Abstract Sort where abstract EmptyTel s = s abstract _ s = __IMPOSSIBLE__ instance Abstract Telescope where EmptyTel `abstract` tel = tel ExtendTel arg xtel `abstract` tel = ExtendTel arg $ xtel <&> (`abstract` tel) instance Abstract Definition where abstract tel (Defn info x t pol occ gens gpars df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk d) = Defn info x (abstract tel t) (abstract tel pol) (abstract tel occ) (abstract tel gens) (replicate (size tel) Nothing ++ gpars) df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk (abstract tel d) -- | @tel ⊢ (Γ ⊢ lhs ↦ rhs : t)@ becomes @tel, Γ ⊢ lhs ↦ rhs : t)@ -- we do not need to change lhs, rhs, and t since they live in Γ. -- See 'Abstract Clause'. instance Abstract RewriteRule where abstract tel (RewriteRule q gamma f ps rhs t) = RewriteRule q (abstract tel gamma) f ps rhs t instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Abstract [Occ.Occurrence] where abstract tel [] = [] abstract tel occ = replicate (size tel) Mixed ++ occ -- TODO: check occurrence instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Abstract [Polarity] where abstract tel [] = [] abstract tel pol = replicate (size tel) Invariant ++ pol -- TODO: check polarity instance Abstract NumGeneralizableArgs where abstract tel NoGeneralizableArgs = NoGeneralizableArgs abstract tel (SomeGeneralizableArgs n) = SomeGeneralizableArgs (size tel + n) instance Abstract Projection where abstract tel p = p { projIndex = size tel + projIndex p , projLams = abstract tel $ projLams p } instance Abstract ProjLams where abstract tel (ProjLams lams) = ProjLams $ map (\ !dom -> argFromDom (fst <$> dom)) (telToList tel) ++ lams instance Abstract System where abstract tel (System tel1 sys) = System (abstract tel tel1) sys instance Abstract Defn where abstract tel d = case d of Axiom{} -> d DataOrRecSig n -> DataOrRecSig (size tel + n) GeneralizableVar{} -> d AbstractDefn d -> AbstractDefn $ abstract tel d Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv , funExtLam = extLam , funProjection = Nothing } -> d { funClauses = abstract tel cs , funCompiled = abstract tel cc , funCovering = abstract tel cov , funInv = abstract tel inv , funExtLam = modifySystem (abstract tel) <$> extLam } Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv , funExtLam = extLam , funProjection = Just p } -> -- Andreas, 2015-05-11 if projection was applied to Var 0 -- then abstract over last element of tel (the others are params). if projIndex p > 0 then d' else d' { funClauses = abstract tel1 cs , funCompiled = abstract tel1 cc , funCovering = abstract tel1 cov , funInv = abstract tel1 inv , funExtLam = modifySystem (\ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__) <$> extLam } where d' = d { funProjection = Just $ abstract tel p } tel1 = telFromList $ drop (size tel - 1) $ telToList tel Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataClause = cl } -> d { dataPars = np + size tel , dataClause = abstract tel cl } Record{ recPars = np, recClause = cl, recTel = tel' } -> d { recPars = np + size tel , recClause = abstract tel cl , recTel = abstract tel tel' } Constructor{ conPars = np } -> d { conPars = np + size tel } Primitive{ primClauses = cs } -> d { primClauses = abstract tel cs } instance Abstract PrimFun where abstract tel (PrimFun x ar def) = PrimFun x (ar + n) $ \ts -> def $ drop n ts where n = size tel instance Abstract Clause where abstract tel (Clause rl rf tel' ps b t catchall recursive unreachable ell) = Clause rl rf (abstract tel tel') (namedTelVars m tel ++ ps) b t -- nothing to do for t, since it lives under the telescope catchall recursive unreachable ell where m = size tel + size tel' instance Abstract CompiledClauses where abstract tel Fail = Fail abstract tel (Done xs t) = Done (map (argFromDom . fmap fst) (telToList tel) ++ xs) t abstract tel (Case n bs) = Case (n <&> \ i -> i + size tel) (abstract tel bs) instance Abstract a => Abstract (WithArity a) where abstract tel (WithArity n a) = WithArity n $ abstract tel a instance Abstract a => Abstract (Case a) where abstract tel (Branches cop cs eta ls m b lz) = Branches cop (abstract tel cs) (second (abstract tel) <$> eta) (abstract tel ls) (abstract tel m) b lz telVars :: Int -> Telescope -> [Arg DeBruijnPattern] telVars m = map (fmap namedThing) . (namedTelVars m) namedTelVars :: Int -> Telescope -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] namedTelVars m EmptyTel = [] namedTelVars m (ExtendTel !dom tel) = Arg (domInfo dom) (namedDBVarP (m-1) $ absName tel) : namedTelVars (m-1) (unAbs tel) instance Abstract FunctionInverse where abstract tel NotInjective = NotInjective abstract tel (Inverse inv) = Inverse $ abstract tel inv instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Abstract t => Abstract [t] where abstract tel = map (abstract tel) instance Abstract t => Abstract (Maybe t) where abstract tel x = fmap (abstract tel) x instance Abstract v => Abstract (Map k v) where abstract tel m = fmap (abstract tel) m instance Abstract v => Abstract (HashMap k v) where abstract tel m = fmap (abstract tel) m abstractArgs :: Abstract a => Args -> a -> a abstractArgs args x = abstract tel x where tel = foldr (\arg@(Arg info x) -> ExtendTel (__DUMMY_TYPE__ <$ domFromArg arg) . Abs x) EmptyTel $ zipWith (<$) names args names = cycle $ map (stringToArgName . (:[])) ['a'..'z'] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Substitution and shifting\/weakening\/strengthening --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | If @permute π : [a]Γ -> [a]Δ@, then @applySubst (renaming _ π) : Term Γ -> Term Δ@ renaming :: forall a. DeBruijn a => Empty -> Permutation -> Substitution' a renaming err p = prependS err gamma $ raiseS $ size p where gamma :: [Maybe a] gamma = inversePermute p (deBruijnVar :: Int -> a) -- gamma = safePermute (invertP (-1) p) $ map deBruijnVar [0..] -- | If @permute π : [a]Γ -> [a]Δ@, then @applySubst (renamingR π) : Term Δ -> Term Γ@ renamingR :: DeBruijn a => Permutation -> Substitution' a renamingR p@(Perm n _) = permute (reverseP p) (map deBruijnVar [0..]) ++# raiseS n -- | The permutation should permute the corresponding context. (right-to-left list) renameP :: Subst t a => Empty -> Permutation -> a -> a renameP err p = applySubst (renaming err p) instance Subst a a => Subst a (Substitution' a) where applySubst rho sgm = composeS rho sgm {-# SPECIALIZE applySubstTerm :: Substitution -> Term -> Term #-} {-# SPECIALIZE applySubstTerm :: Substitution' BraveTerm -> BraveTerm -> BraveTerm #-} applySubstTerm :: forall t. (Coercible t Term, Subst t t, Apply t) => Substitution' t -> t -> t applySubstTerm IdS t = t applySubstTerm rho t = coerce $ case coerce t of Var i es -> coerce $ lookupS rho i `applyE` subE es Lam h m -> Lam h $ sub @(Abs t) m Def f es -> defApp f [] $ subE es Con c ci vs -> Con c ci $ subE vs MetaV x es -> MetaV x $ subE es Lit l -> Lit l Level l -> levelTm $ sub @(Level' t) l Pi a b -> uncurry Pi $ subPi (a,b) Sort s -> Sort $ sub @(Sort' t) s DontCare mv -> dontCare $ sub @t mv Dummy s es -> Dummy s $ subE es where sub :: forall a b. (Coercible b a, Subst t a) => b -> b sub t = coerce $ applySubst rho (coerce t :: a) subE :: Elims -> Elims subE = sub @[Elim' t] subPi :: (Dom Type, Abs Type) -> (Dom Type, Abs Type) subPi = sub @(Dom' t (Type'' t t), Abs (Type'' t t)) instance Subst Term Term where applySubst = applySubstTerm instance Subst BraveTerm BraveTerm where applySubst = applySubstTerm instance (Coercible a Term, Subst t a, Subst t b) => Subst t (Type'' a b) where applySubst rho (El s t) = applySubst rho s `El` applySubst rho t instance (Coercible a Term, Subst t a) => Subst t (Sort' a) where applySubst rho s = case s of Type n -> Type $ sub n Prop n -> Prop $ sub n Inf -> Inf SizeUniv -> SizeUniv PiSort a s2 -> coerce $ piSort (coerce $ sub a) (coerce $ sub s2) FunSort s1 s2 -> coerce $ funSort (coerce $ sub s1) (coerce $ sub s2) UnivSort s -> coerce $ univSort Nothing $ coerce $ sub s MetaS x es -> MetaS x $ sub es DefS d es -> DefS d $ sub es DummyS{} -> s where sub x = applySubst rho x instance Subst t a => Subst t (Level' a) where applySubst rho (Max n as) = Max n $ applySubst rho as instance Subst t a => Subst t (PlusLevel' a) where applySubst rho (Plus n l) = Plus n $ applySubst rho l instance Subst t a => Subst t (LevelAtom' a) where applySubst rho (MetaLevel m vs) = MetaLevel m $ applySubst rho vs applySubst rho (BlockedLevel m v) = BlockedLevel m $ applySubst rho v applySubst rho (NeutralLevel _ v) = UnreducedLevel $ applySubst rho v applySubst rho (UnreducedLevel v) = UnreducedLevel $ applySubst rho v instance Subst Term Name where applySubst rho = id instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Subst Term String where applySubst rho = id instance Subst Term ConPatternInfo where applySubst rho i = i{ conPType = applySubst rho $ conPType i } instance Subst Term Pattern where applySubst rho p = case p of ConP c mt ps -> ConP c (applySubst rho mt) $ applySubst rho ps DefP o q ps -> DefP o q $ applySubst rho ps DotP o t -> DotP o $ applySubst rho t VarP o s -> p LitP o l -> p ProjP{} -> p IApplyP o t u x -> IApplyP o (applySubst rho t) (applySubst rho u) x instance Subst Term A.ProblemEq where applySubst rho (A.ProblemEq p v a) = uncurry (A.ProblemEq p) $ applySubst rho (v,a) instance DeBruijn BraveTerm where deBruijnVar = BraveTerm . deBruijnVar deBruijnView = deBruijnView . unBrave instance DeBruijn NLPat where deBruijnVar i = PVar i [] deBruijnView p = case p of PVar i [] -> Just i PVar{} -> Nothing PDef{} -> Nothing PLam{} -> Nothing PPi{} -> Nothing PSort{} -> Nothing PBoundVar{} -> Nothing -- or... ? PTerm{} -> Nothing -- or... ? applyNLPatSubst :: (Subst Term a) => Substitution' NLPat -> a -> a applyNLPatSubst = applySubst . fmap nlPatToTerm where nlPatToTerm :: NLPat -> Term nlPatToTerm p = case p of PVar i xs -> Var i $ map (Apply . fmap var) xs PTerm u -> u PDef f es -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PLam i u -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PPi a b -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PSort s -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PBoundVar i es -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ applyNLSubstToDom :: Subst NLPat a => Substitution' NLPat -> Dom a -> Dom a applyNLSubstToDom rho dom = applySubst rho <$> dom{ domTactic = applyNLPatSubst rho $ domTactic dom } instance Subst NLPat NLPat where applySubst rho p = case p of PVar i bvs -> lookupS rho i `applyBV` bvs PDef f es -> PDef f $ applySubst rho es PLam i u -> PLam i $ applySubst rho u PPi a b -> PPi (applyNLSubstToDom rho a) (applySubst rho b) PSort s -> PSort $ applySubst rho s PBoundVar i es -> PBoundVar i $ applySubst rho es PTerm u -> PTerm $ applyNLPatSubst rho u where applyBV :: NLPat -> [Arg Int] -> NLPat applyBV p ys = case p of PVar i xs -> PVar i (xs ++ ys) PTerm u -> PTerm $ u `apply` map (fmap var) ys PDef f es -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PLam i u -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PPi a b -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PSort s -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ PBoundVar i es -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ instance Subst NLPat NLPType where applySubst rho (NLPType s a) = NLPType (applySubst rho s) (applySubst rho a) instance Subst NLPat NLPSort where applySubst rho = \case PType l -> PType $ applySubst rho l PProp l -> PProp $ applySubst rho l PInf -> PInf PSizeUniv -> PSizeUniv instance Subst NLPat RewriteRule where applySubst rho (RewriteRule q gamma f ps rhs t) = RewriteRule q (applyNLPatSubst rho gamma) f (applySubst (liftS n rho) ps) (applyNLPatSubst (liftS n rho) rhs) (applyNLPatSubst (liftS n rho) t) where n = size gamma instance Subst t a => Subst t (Blocked a) where applySubst rho b = fmap (applySubst rho) b instance Subst Term DisplayForm where applySubst rho (Display n ps v) = Display n (applySubst (liftS 1 rho) ps) (applySubst (liftS n rho) v) instance Subst Term DisplayTerm where applySubst rho (DTerm v) = DTerm $ applySubst rho v applySubst rho (DDot v) = DDot $ applySubst rho v applySubst rho (DCon c ci vs) = DCon c ci $ applySubst rho vs applySubst rho (DDef c es) = DDef c $ applySubst rho es applySubst rho (DWithApp v vs es) = uncurry3 DWithApp $ applySubst rho (v, vs, es) instance Subst t a => Subst t (Tele a) where applySubst rho EmptyTel = EmptyTel applySubst rho (ExtendTel t tel) = uncurry ExtendTel $ applySubst rho (t, tel) instance Subst Term Constraint where applySubst rho c = case c of ValueCmp cmp a u v -> ValueCmp cmp (rf a) (rf u) (rf v) ValueCmpOnFace cmp p t u v -> ValueCmpOnFace cmp (rf p) (rf t) (rf u) (rf v) ElimCmp ps fs a v e1 e2 -> ElimCmp ps fs (rf a) (rf v) (rf e1) (rf e2) TelCmp a b cmp tel1 tel2 -> TelCmp (rf a) (rf b) cmp (rf tel1) (rf tel2) SortCmp cmp s1 s2 -> SortCmp cmp (rf s1) (rf s2) LevelCmp cmp l1 l2 -> LevelCmp cmp (rf l1) (rf l2) Guarded c cs -> Guarded (rf c) cs IsEmpty r a -> IsEmpty r (rf a) CheckSizeLtSat t -> CheckSizeLtSat (rf t) FindInstance m b cands -> FindInstance m b (rf cands) UnBlock{} -> c CheckFunDef{} -> c HasBiggerSort s -> HasBiggerSort (rf s) HasPTSRule a s -> HasPTSRule (rf a) (rf s) UnquoteTactic m t h g -> UnquoteTactic m (rf t) (rf h) (rf g) CheckMetaInst m -> CheckMetaInst m where rf x = applySubst rho x instance Subst Term CompareAs where applySubst rho (AsTermsOf a) = AsTermsOf $ applySubst rho a applySubst rho AsSizes = AsSizes applySubst rho AsTypes = AsTypes instance Subst t a => Subst t (Elim' a) where applySubst rho e = case e of Apply v -> Apply $ applySubst rho v IApply x y r -> IApply (applySubst rho x) (applySubst rho y) (applySubst rho r) Proj{} -> e instance Subst t a => Subst t (Abs a) where applySubst rho (Abs x a) = Abs x $ applySubst (liftS 1 rho) a applySubst rho (NoAbs x a) = NoAbs x $ applySubst rho a instance Subst t a => Subst t (Arg a) where applySubst IdS arg = arg applySubst rho arg = setFreeVariables unknownFreeVariables $ fmap (applySubst rho) arg instance Subst t a => Subst t (Named name a) where applySubst rho = fmap (applySubst rho) instance (Subst t a, Subst t b) => Subst t (Dom' a b) where applySubst IdS dom = dom applySubst rho dom = setFreeVariables unknownFreeVariables $ fmap (applySubst rho) dom{ domTactic = applySubst rho (domTactic dom) } instance Subst t a => Subst t (Maybe a) where instance Subst t a => Subst t [a] where instance (Ord k, Subst t a) => Subst t (Map k a) where instance Subst t a => Subst t (WithHiding a) where instance Subst Term () where applySubst _ _ = () instance (Subst t a, Subst t b) => Subst t (a, b) where applySubst rho (x,y) = (applySubst rho x, applySubst rho y) instance (Subst t a, Subst t b, Subst t c) => Subst t (a, b, c) where applySubst rho (x,y,z) = (applySubst rho x, applySubst rho y, applySubst rho z) instance (Subst t a, Subst t b, Subst t c, Subst t d) => Subst t (a, b, c, d) where applySubst rho (x,y,z,u) = (applySubst rho x, applySubst rho y, applySubst rho z, applySubst rho u) instance Subst Term Candidate where applySubst rho (Candidate u t ov) = Candidate (applySubst rho u) (applySubst rho t) ov instance Subst Term EqualityView where applySubst rho (OtherType t) = OtherType (applySubst rho t) applySubst rho (EqualityType s eq l t a b) = EqualityType (applySubst rho s) eq (map (applySubst rho) l) (applySubst rho t) (applySubst rho a) (applySubst rho b) instance DeBruijn a => DeBruijn (Pattern' a) where debruijnNamedVar n i = varP $ debruijnNamedVar n i -- deBruijnView returns Nothing, to prevent consS and the like -- from dropping the names and origins when building a substitution. deBruijnView _ = Nothing fromPatternSubstitution :: PatternSubstitution -> Substitution fromPatternSubstitution = fmap patternToTerm applyPatSubst :: (Subst Term a) => PatternSubstitution -> a -> a applyPatSubst = applySubst . fromPatternSubstitution usePatOrigin :: PatOrigin -> Pattern' a -> Pattern' a usePatOrigin o p = case patternInfo p of Nothing -> p Just i -> usePatternInfo (i { patOrigin = o }) p usePatternInfo :: PatternInfo -> Pattern' a -> Pattern' a usePatternInfo i p = case patternOrigin p of Nothing -> p Just PatOSplit -> p Just PatOAbsurd -> p Just _ -> case p of (VarP _ x) -> VarP i x (DotP _ u) -> DotP i u (ConP c (ConPatternInfo _ r ft b l) ps) -> ConP c (ConPatternInfo i r ft b l) ps DefP _ q ps -> DefP i q ps (LitP _ l) -> LitP i l ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ (IApplyP _ t u x) -> IApplyP i t u x instance Subst DeBruijnPattern DeBruijnPattern where applySubst IdS p = p applySubst rho p = case p of VarP i x -> usePatternInfo i $ useName (dbPatVarName x) $ lookupS rho $ dbPatVarIndex x DotP i u -> DotP i $ applyPatSubst rho u ConP c ci ps -> ConP c ci $ applySubst rho ps DefP i q ps -> DefP i q $ applySubst rho ps LitP i x -> p ProjP{} -> p IApplyP i t u x -> case useName (dbPatVarName x) $ lookupS rho $ dbPatVarIndex x of IApplyP _ _ _ y -> IApplyP i (applyPatSubst rho t) (applyPatSubst rho u) y VarP _ y -> IApplyP i (applyPatSubst rho t) (applyPatSubst rho u) y _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ where useName :: PatVarName -> DeBruijnPattern -> DeBruijnPattern useName n (VarP o x) | isUnderscore (dbPatVarName x) = VarP o $ x { dbPatVarName = n } useName _ x = x instance Subst Term Range where applySubst _ = id --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Projections --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | @projDropParsApply proj o args = 'projDropPars' proj o `'apply'` args@ -- -- This function is an optimization, saving us from construction lambdas we -- immediately remove through application. projDropParsApply :: Projection -> ProjOrigin -> Relevance -> Args -> Term projDropParsApply (Projection prop d r _ lams) o rel args = case initLast $ getProjLams lams of -- If we have no more abstractions, we must be a record field -- (projection applied already to record value). Nothing -> if proper then Def d $ map Apply args else __IMPOSSIBLE__ Just (pars, Arg i y) -> let irr = isIrrelevant rel core | proper && not irr = Lam i $ Abs y $ Var 0 [Proj o d] | otherwise = Lam i $ Abs y $ Def d [Apply $ Var 0 [] <$ r] -- Issue2226: get ArgInfo for principal argument from projFromType -- Now drop pars many args (pars', args') = dropCommon pars args -- We only have to abstract over the parameters that exceed the arguments. -- We only have to apply to the arguments that exceed the parameters. in List.foldr (\ (Arg ai x) -> Lam ai . NoAbs x) (core `apply` args') pars' where proper = isJust prop --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Telescopes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** Telescope view of a type type TelView = TelV Type data TelV a = TelV { theTel :: Tele (Dom a), theCore :: a } deriving (Show, Functor) deriving instance (Subst Term a, Eq a) => Eq (TelV a) deriving instance (Subst Term a, Ord a) => Ord (TelV a) -- | Takes off all exposed function domains from the given type. -- This means that it does not reduce to expose @Pi@-types. telView' :: Type -> TelView telView' = telView'UpTo (-1) -- | @telView'UpTo n t@ takes off the first @n@ exposed function types of @t@. -- Takes off all (exposed ones) if @n < 0@. telView'UpTo :: Int -> Type -> TelView telView'UpTo 0 t = TelV EmptyTel t telView'UpTo n t = case unEl t of Pi a b -> absV a (absName b) $ telView'UpTo (n - 1) (absBody b) _ -> TelV EmptyTel t where absV a x (TelV tel t) = TelV (ExtendTel a (Abs x tel)) t -- ** Creating telescopes from lists of types -- | Turn a typed binding @(x1 .. xn : A)@ into a telescope. bindsToTel' :: (Name -> a) -> [Name] -> Dom Type -> ListTel' a bindsToTel' f [] t = [] bindsToTel' f (x:xs) t = fmap (f x,) t : bindsToTel' f xs (raise 1 t) bindsToTel :: [Name] -> Dom Type -> ListTel bindsToTel = bindsToTel' nameToArgName -- | Turn a typed binding @(x1 .. xn : A)@ into a telescope. namedBindsToTel :: [NamedArg Name] -> Type -> Telescope namedBindsToTel [] t = EmptyTel namedBindsToTel (x : xs) t = ExtendTel (t <$ domFromNamedArgName x) $ Abs (nameToArgName $ namedArg x) $ namedBindsToTel xs (raise 1 t) domFromNamedArgName :: NamedArg Name -> Dom () domFromNamedArgName x = () <$ domFromNamedArg (fmap forceName x) where -- If no explicit name is given we use the bound name for the label. forceName (Named Nothing x) = Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ Ranged (getRange x) $ nameToArgName x) x forceName x = x -- ** Abstracting in terms and types -- | @mkPi dom t = telePi (telFromList [dom]) t@ mkPi :: Dom (ArgName, Type) -> Type -> Type mkPi !dom b = el $ Pi a (mkAbs x b) where x = fst $ unDom dom a = snd <$> dom el = El $ piSort a (Abs x (getSort b)) -- piSort checks x freeIn mkLam :: Arg ArgName -> Term -> Term mkLam a v = Lam (argInfo a) (Abs (unArg a) v) telePi' :: (Abs Type -> Abs Type) -> Telescope -> Type -> Type telePi' reAbs = telePi where telePi EmptyTel t = t telePi (ExtendTel u tel) t = el $ Pi u $ reAbs b where b = (`telePi` t) <$> tel el = El $ piSort u (getSort <$> b) -- | Uses free variable analysis to introduce 'NoAbs' bindings. telePi :: Telescope -> Type -> Type telePi = telePi' reAbs -- | Everything will be an 'Abs'. telePi_ :: Telescope -> Type -> Type telePi_ = telePi' id -- | Only abstract the visible components of the telescope, -- and all that bind variables. Everything will be an 'Abs'! -- Caution: quadratic time! telePiVisible :: Telescope -> Type -> Type telePiVisible EmptyTel t = t telePiVisible (ExtendTel u tel) t -- If u is not declared visible and b can be strengthened, skip quantification of u. | notVisible u, NoAbs x t' <- b' = t' -- Otherwise, include quantification over u. | otherwise = El (piSort u $ getSort <$> b) $ Pi u b where b = tel <&> (`telePiVisible` t) b' = reAbs b -- | Abstract over a telescope in a term, producing lambdas. -- Dumb abstraction: Always produces 'Abs', never 'NoAbs'. -- -- The implementation is sound because 'Telescope' does not use 'NoAbs'. teleLam :: Telescope -> Term -> Term teleLam EmptyTel t = t teleLam (ExtendTel u tel) t = Lam (domInfo u) $ flip teleLam t <$> tel -- | Performs void ('noAbs') abstraction over telescope. class TeleNoAbs a where teleNoAbs :: a -> Term -> Term instance TeleNoAbs ListTel where teleNoAbs tel t = foldr (\ Dom{domInfo = ai, unDom = (x, _)} -> Lam ai . NoAbs x) t tel instance TeleNoAbs Telescope where teleNoAbs tel = teleNoAbs $ telToList tel -- ** Telescope typing -- | Given arguments @vs : tel@ (vector typing), extract their individual types. -- Returns @Nothing@ is @tel@ is not long enough. typeArgsWithTel :: Telescope -> [Term] -> Maybe [Dom Type] typeArgsWithTel _ [] = return [] typeArgsWithTel (ExtendTel dom tel) (v : vs) = (dom :) <$> typeArgsWithTel (absApp tel v) vs typeArgsWithTel EmptyTel{} (_:_) = Nothing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Clauses --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | In compiled clauses, the variables in the clause body are relative to the -- pattern variables (including dot patterns) instead of the clause telescope. compiledClauseBody :: Clause -> Maybe Term compiledClauseBody cl = applySubst (renamingR perm) $ clauseBody cl where perm = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ clausePerm cl --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Syntactic equality and order -- -- Needs weakening. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- deriving instance Eq Substitution deriving instance Ord Substitution deriving instance Eq Sort deriving instance Ord Sort deriving instance Eq Level deriving instance Ord Level deriving instance Eq PlusLevel deriving instance Eq NotBlocked deriving instance Eq t => Eq (Blocked t) deriving instance Eq Candidate deriving instance (Subst t a, Eq a) => Eq (Tele a) deriving instance (Subst t a, Ord a) => Ord (Tele a) -- Andreas, 2019-11-16, issue #4201: to avoid potential unintended -- performance loss, the Eq instance for Constraint is disabled: -- -- -- deriving instance Eq Constraint -- -- I am tempted to write -- -- instance Eq Constraint where (==) = undefined -- -- but this does not give a compilation error anymore when trying -- to use equality on constraints. -- Therefore, I hope this comment is sufficient to prevent a resurrection -- of the Eq instance for Constraint. deriving instance Eq CompareAs deriving instance Eq Section instance Ord PlusLevel where -- Compare on the atom first. Makes most sense for levelMax. compare (Plus n a) (Plus m b) = compare (a,n) (b,m) instance Eq LevelAtom where (==) = (==) `on` unLevelAtom instance Ord LevelAtom where compare = compare `on` unLevelAtom -- | Syntactic 'Type' equality, ignores sort annotations. instance Eq a => Eq (Type' a) where (==) = (==) `on` unEl instance Ord a => Ord (Type' a) where compare = compare `on` unEl -- | Syntactic 'Term' equality, ignores stuff below @DontCare@ and sharing. instance Eq Term where Var x vs == Var x' vs' = x == x' && vs == vs' Lam h v == Lam h' v' = h == h' && v == v' Lit l == Lit l' = l == l' Def x vs == Def x' vs' = x == x' && vs == vs' Con x _ vs == Con x' _ vs' = x == x' && vs == vs' Pi a b == Pi a' b' = a == a' && b == b' Sort s == Sort s' = s == s' Level l == Level l' = l == l' MetaV m vs == MetaV m' vs' = m == m' && vs == vs' DontCare _ == DontCare _ = True Dummy{} == Dummy{} = True _ == _ = False instance Eq a => Eq (Pattern' a) where VarP _ x == VarP _ y = x == y DotP _ u == DotP _ v = u == v ConP c _ ps == ConP c' _ qs = c == c && ps == qs LitP _ l == LitP _ l' = l == l' ProjP _ f == ProjP _ g = f == g IApplyP _ u v x == IApplyP _ u' v' y = u == u' && v == v' && x == y DefP _ f ps == DefP _ g qs = f == g && ps == qs _ == _ = False instance Ord Term where Var a b `compare` Var x y = compare x a `thenCmp` compare b y -- sort de Bruijn indices down (#2765) Var{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Var{} = GT Def a b `compare` Def x y = compare (a, b) (x, y) Def{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Def{} = GT Con a _ b `compare` Con x _ y = compare (a, b) (x, y) Con{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Con{} = GT Lit a `compare` Lit x = compare a x Lit{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Lit{} = GT Lam a b `compare` Lam x y = compare (a, b) (x, y) Lam{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Lam{} = GT Pi a b `compare` Pi x y = compare (a, b) (x, y) Pi{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Pi{} = GT Sort a `compare` Sort x = compare a x Sort{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Sort{} = GT Level a `compare` Level x = compare a x Level{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Level{} = GT MetaV a b `compare` MetaV x y = compare (a, b) (x, y) MetaV{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` MetaV{} = GT DontCare{} `compare` DontCare{} = EQ DontCare{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` DontCare{} = GT Dummy{} `compare` Dummy{} = EQ -- Andreas, 2017-10-04, issue #2775, ignore irrelevant arguments during with-abstraction. -- -- For reasons beyond my comprehension, the following Eq instances are not employed -- by with-abstraction in TypeChecking.Abstract.isPrefixOf. -- Instead, I modified the general Eq instance for Arg to ignore the argument -- if irrelevant. -- -- | Ignore irrelevant arguments in equality check. -- -- Also ignore origin. -- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq (Arg Term) where -- a@(Arg (ArgInfo h r _o) t) == a'@(Arg (ArgInfo h' r' _o') t') = trace ("Eq (Arg Term) on " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show a') $ -- h == h' && ((r == Irrelevant) || (r' == Irrelevant) || (t == t')) -- -- Andreas, 2017-10-04: According to Syntax.Common, equality on Arg ignores Relevance and Origin. -- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq Args where -- us == vs = length us == length vs && and (zipWith (==) us vs) -- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq Elims where -- us == vs = length us == length vs && and (zipWith (==) us vs) -- | Equality of binders relies on weakening -- which is a special case of renaming -- which is a special case of substitution. instance (Subst t a, Eq a) => Eq (Abs a) where NoAbs _ a == NoAbs _ b = a == b -- no need to raise if both are NoAbs a == b = absBody a == absBody b instance (Subst t a, Ord a) => Ord (Abs a) where NoAbs _ a `compare` NoAbs _ b = a `compare` b -- no need to raise if both are NoAbs a `compare` b = absBody a `compare` absBody b deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Dom a) instance (Subst t a, Eq a) => Eq (Elim' a) where Apply a == Apply b = a == b Proj _ x == Proj _ y = x == y IApply x y r == IApply x' y' r' = x == x' && y == y' && r == r' _ == _ = False instance (Subst t a, Ord a) => Ord (Elim' a) where Apply a `compare` Apply b = a `compare` b Proj _ x `compare` Proj _ y = x `compare` y IApply x y r `compare` IApply x' y' r' = compare x x' `mappend` compare y y' `mappend` compare r r' Apply{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Apply{} = GT Proj{} `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Proj{} = GT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Sort stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | @univSort' univInf s@ gets the next higher sort of @s@, if it is -- known (i.e. it is not just @UnivSort s@). @univInf@ is returned -- as the sort of @Inf@. -- -- Precondition: @s@ is reduced univSort' :: Maybe Sort -> Sort -> Maybe Sort univSort' univInf (Type l) = Just $ Type $ levelSuc l univSort' univInf (Prop l) = Just $ Type $ levelSuc l univSort' univInf Inf = univInf univSort' univInf s = Nothing univSort :: Maybe Sort -> Sort -> Sort univSort univInf s = fromMaybe (UnivSort s) $ univSort' univInf s univInf :: (HasOptions m) => m (Maybe Sort) univInf = ifM ((optOmegaInOmega <$> pragmaOptions) `or2M` typeInType) {-then-} (return $ Just Inf) {-else-} (return Nothing) -- | Compute the sort of a function type from the sorts of its -- domain and codomain. funSort' :: Sort -> Sort -> Maybe Sort funSort' a b = case (a, b) of (Inf , _ ) -> Just Inf (_ , Inf ) -> Just Inf (Type a , Type b) -> Just $ Type $ levelLub a b (SizeUniv , b ) -> Just b (_ , SizeUniv ) -> Just SizeUniv (Prop a , Type b) -> Just $ Type $ levelLub a b (Type a , Prop b) -> Just $ Prop $ levelLub a b (Prop a , Prop b) -> Just $ Prop $ levelLub a b (a , b ) -> Nothing funSort :: Sort -> Sort -> Sort funSort a b = fromMaybe (FunSort a b) $ funSort' a b -- | Compute the sort of a pi type from the sorts of its domain -- and codomain. piSort' :: Dom Type -> Abs Sort -> Maybe Sort piSort' a (NoAbs _ b) = funSort' (getSort a) b piSort' a bAbs@(Abs _ b) = case flexRigOccurrenceIn 0 b of Nothing -> Just $ funSort (getSort a) $ noabsApp __IMPOSSIBLE__ bAbs Just o -> case o of StronglyRigid -> Just Inf Unguarded -> Just Inf WeaklyRigid -> Just Inf Flexible _ -> Nothing -- Andreas, 2019-06-20 -- KEEP the following commented out code for the sake of the discussion on irrelevance. -- piSort' a bAbs@(Abs _ b) = case occurrence 0 b of -- -- Andreas, Jesper, AIM XXIX, 2019-03-18, issue #3631 -- -- Remember the NoAbs here! -- NoOccurrence -> Just $ funSort a $ noabsApp __IMPOSSIBLE__ bAbs -- -- Andreas, 2017-01-18, issue #2408: -- -- The sort of @.(a : A) → Set (f a)@ in context @f : .A → Level@ -- -- is @dLub Set λ a → Set (lsuc (f a))@, but @DLub@s are not serialized. -- -- Alternatives: -- -- 1. -- Irrelevantly -> sLub s1 (absApp b $ DontCare $ Sort Prop) -- -- We cheat here by simplifying the sort to @Set (lsuc (f *))@ -- -- where * is a dummy value. The rationale is that @f * = f a@ (irrelevance!) -- -- and that if we already have a neutral level @f a@ -- -- it should not hurt to have @f *@ even if type @A@ is empty. -- -- However: sorts are printed in error messages when sorts do not match. -- -- Also, sorts with a dummy like Prop would be ill-typed. -- -- 2. We keep the DLub, and serialize it. -- -- That's clean and principled, even though DLubs make level solving harder. -- -- Jesper, 2018-04-20: another alternative: -- -- 3. Return @Inf@ as in the relevant case. This is conservative and might result -- -- in more occurrences of @Setω@ than desired, but at least it doesn't pollute -- -- the sort system with new 'exotic' sorts. -- Irrelevantly -> Just Inf -- StronglyRigid -> Just Inf -- Unguarded -> Just Inf -- WeaklyRigid -> Just Inf -- Flexible _ -> Nothing piSort :: Dom Type -> Abs Sort -> Sort piSort a b = case piSort' a b of Just s -> s Nothing | NoAbs _ b' <- b -> FunSort (getSort a) b' | otherwise -> PiSort a b --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Level stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ^ Computes @n0 ⊔ a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ ... ⊔ aₙ@ and return its canonical form. levelMax :: Integer -> [PlusLevel] -> Level levelMax n0 as0 = Max n as where -- step 1: flatten nested @Level@ expressions in @LevelAtom@s Max n1 as1 = expandLevel $ Max n0 as0 -- step 2: remove subsumed @PlusLevel@s as2 = removeSubsumed as1 -- step 3: sort remaining @PlusLevel@s as = List.sort as2 -- step 4: set constant to 0 if it is subsumed by one of the @PlusLevel@s greatestB = Prelude.maximum $ 0 : [ n | Plus n _ <- as ] n | n1 > greatestB = n1 | otherwise = 0 lmax :: Integer -> [PlusLevel] -> [Level] -> Level lmax m as [] = Max m as lmax m as (Max n bs : ls) = lmax (max m n) (bs ++ as) ls expandLevel :: Level -> Level expandLevel (Max m as) = lmax m [] $ map expandPlus as expandPlus :: PlusLevel -> Level expandPlus (Plus m l) = levelPlus m $ expandAtom l expandAtom :: LevelAtom -> Level expandAtom l = case l of BlockedLevel _ v -> expandTm v NeutralLevel _ v -> expandTm v UnreducedLevel v -> expandTm v MetaLevel{} -> Max 0 [Plus 0 l] where expandTm (Level l) = expandLevel l expandTm (Sort (Type l)) = expandLevel l -- TODO: get rid of this horrible hack! expandTm v = Max 0 [Plus 0 l] removeSubsumed [] = [] removeSubsumed (Plus n a : bs) | not $ null ns = removeSubsumed bs | otherwise = Plus n a : removeSubsumed [ b | b@(Plus _ a') <- bs, a /= a' ] where ns = [ m | Plus m a' <- bs, a == a', m > n ] -- | Given two levels @a@ and @b@, compute @a ⊔ b@ and return its -- canonical form. levelLub :: Level -> Level -> Level levelLub (Max m as) (Max n bs) = levelMax (max m n) $ as ++ bs levelTm :: Level -> Term levelTm l = case l of Max 0 [Plus 0 l] -> unLevelAtom l _ -> Level l unLevelAtom :: LevelAtom -> Term unLevelAtom (MetaLevel x es) = MetaV x es unLevelAtom (NeutralLevel _ v) = v unLevelAtom (UnreducedLevel v) = v unLevelAtom (BlockedLevel _ v) = v