{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-} module Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Unused ( usedArguments , stripUnusedArguments ) where import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set -- Andreas, 2021-02-10 -- TODO: Replace Set by IntSet. -- However, this has to wait until we can comfortably bump to -- containers-, which is the first to contain IntSet.mapMonotonic. -- Currently, such a constraints gets us into cabal hell. -- GHC 8.10 is still shipped with, so we either have to wait -- until we drop GHC 8 or until we adopt v2-cabal. import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Treeless import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Pretty () -- instance only import Agda.Utils.Function ( iterateUntilM ) import Agda.Utils.List ( downFrom ) import Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty ( prettyShow ) usedArguments :: QName -> TTerm -> TCM [ArgUsage] usedArguments q t = computeUnused q b (replicate n ArgUnused) where (n, b) = tLamView t -- | Saturation algorithm, starting with all unused arguments -- and adding usages until fixed-point has been reached. computeUnused :: QName -> TTerm -> [ArgUsage] -> TCM [ArgUsage] computeUnused q t = iterateUntilM (==) $ \ used -> do reportSLn "treeless.opt.unused" 50 $ concat [ "Unused approximation for ", prettyShow q, ": " , unwords [ if u == ArgUsed then [x] else "_" | (x, u) <- zip ['a'..] used ] ] -- Update usage information q to so far "best" value. setCompiledArgUse q used -- The new usage information is the free variables of @t@, -- computed under the current usage assumptions of the functions it calls. fv <- go t return $ [ if Set.member i fv then ArgUsed else ArgUnused | i <- downFrom (length used) ] where go = \case TVar x -> pure $ Set.singleton x TPrim{} -> pure Set.empty TDef{} -> pure Set.empty TLit{} -> pure Set.empty TCon{} -> pure Set.empty TApp (TDef f) ts -> do used <- fromMaybe [] <$> getCompiledArgUse f Set.unions <$> sequence [ go t | (t, ArgUsed) <- zip ts $ used ++ repeat ArgUsed ] TApp f ts -> Set.unions <$> mapM go (f : ts) TLam b -> underBinder <$> go b TLet e b -> do uses <- go b if | Set.member 0 uses -> Set.union (underBinder uses) <$> go e | otherwise -> pure (underBinder uses) TCase x i d bs -> let e = caseErased i cont = Set.unions <$> ((:) <$> go d <*> mapM (goAlt e) bs) in case e of Erased{} -> cont NotErased{} -> Set.insert x <$> cont TUnit{} -> pure Set.empty TSort{} -> pure Set.empty TErased{} -> pure Set.empty TError{} -> pure Set.empty TCoerce t -> go t goAlt _ (TALit _ b) = go b goAlt e (TAGuard g b) = case e of NotErased{} -> Set.union <$> go g <*> go b Erased{} -> -- The guard will not be executed if the match -- is on an erased argument. go b goAlt _ (TACon _ a b) = underBinders a <$> go b underBinder = underBinders 1 underBinders 0 = id underBinders n = Set.filter (>= 0) . Set.mapMonotonic (subtract n) stripUnusedArguments :: [ArgUsage] -> TTerm -> TTerm stripUnusedArguments used t = mkTLam m $ applySubst rho b where (n, b) = tLamView t m = length $ filter (== ArgUsed) used' used' = reverse $ take n $ used ++ repeat ArgUsed rho = computeSubst used' computeSubst (ArgUnused : bs) = TErased :# computeSubst bs computeSubst (ArgUsed : bs) = liftS 1 $ computeSubst bs computeSubst [] = idS