AspectAG-0.3: Attribute Grammars in the form of an EDSL




Library for First-Class Attribute Grammars.

The library is documented in the paper: Attribute Grammars Fly First-Class. How to do aspect oriented programming in Haskell

For more documentation see the AspectAG webpage:



type Att att val = LVPair att valSource

Field of an attribution.

data Fam l ho c p Source

A Family Fam contains a single attribution p for the parent, l for local attributes, ho for higer-order attributes and a collection of attributions c for the children.


Fam l ho c p 


HExtend (LVPair att val) sp sp' => Apply (FnSyn att) (Fam lf hof sc ip -> val) (Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic sp') 
Defs att nts vals ic ic' => Apply (FnInh att nts) (Fam lf hof sc ip -> vals) (Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic' sp) 

type Chi ch atts = LVPair ch attsSource

Field of the record of attributions for the children.

type Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l' ho' ic' sp' = Fam lf hof sc ip -> Fam l ho ic sp -> Fam l' ho' ic' sp'Source

The type Rule states that a rule takes as input the local attributes lf, the higher-order attributes hof, the synthesized attributes of the children sc and the inherited attributes of the parent ip and returns a function from the output constructed thus far (local attributes l, higher-order attributes ho, inherited attributes of the children ic and synthesized attributes of the parent sp) to the extended output.

emptyRule :: Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic spSource

An emptyRule does not introduce any new attribute.

instdef :: HExtend (Att att val) ho ho' => att -> val -> Fam l ho ic sp -> Fam l ho' ic spSource

The function instdef adds the definition of a higher-order attribute. It takes a label att representing the name of the new attribute, a value val to be assigned to this attribute, and it builds a function which updates the output constructed thus far.

locdef :: HExtend (Att att val) l l' => att -> val -> Fam l ho ic sp -> Fam l' ho ic spSource

The function locdef adds the definition of a local attribute. It takes a label att representing the name of the new attribute, a value val to be assigned to this attribute, and it builds a function which updates the output constructed thus far.

inhdef :: Defs att nts vals ic ic' => att -> nts -> vals -> Fam l ho ic sp -> Fam l ho ic' spSource

The function inhdef introduces a new inherited attribute for a collection of non-terminals. It takes the following parameters: att: the attribute which is being defined, nts: the non-terminals with which this attribute is being associated, and vals: a record labelled with child names and containing values, describing how to compute the attribute being defined at each of the applicable child positions. It builds a function which updates the output constructed thus far.

syndef :: HExtend (Att att val) sp sp' => att -> val -> Fam l ho ic sp -> Fam l ho ic sp'Source

The function syndef adds the definition of a synthesized attribute. It takes a label att representing the name of the new attribute, a value val to be assigned to this attribute, and it builds a function which updates the output constructed thus far.

inhmod :: Mods att nts vals ic ic' => att -> nts -> vals -> Fam l ho ic sp -> Fam l ho ic' spSource

The function inhmod modifies an inherited attribute for a collection of non-terminals. It takes the following parameters: att: the attribute which is being defined, nts: the non-terminals with which this attribute is being associated, and vals: a record labelled with child names and containing values, describing how to compute the attribute being defined at each of the applicable child positions. It builds a function which updates the output constructed thus far.||

synmod :: HUpdateAtLabel att val sp sp' => att -> val -> Fam l ho ic sp -> Fam l ho ic sp'Source

The function synmod modifies the definition of a synthesized attribute. It takes a label att representing the name of the attribute, a value val to be assigned to this attribute, and it builds a function which updates the output constructed thus far.


class At l m v | l -> v whereSource


at :: l -> m vSource


(HasField (Proxy (lch, nt)) chi v, MonadReader (Fam l ho chi par) m) => At (Proxy (lch, nt)) m v 
MonadReader (Fam l ho chi par) m => At (Proxy Loc) m l 
MonadReader (Fam l ho chi par) m => At (Proxy Lhs) m par 

def :: Reader (Fam l ho chi par) a -> Fam l ho chi par -> aSource

instdefM :: HExtend (Att att a) ho ho' => att -> Reader (Fam lf hof sc ip) a -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho' ic spSource

locdefM :: HExtend (Att att a) l l' => att -> Reader (Fam lf hof sc ip) a -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l' ho ic spSource

inhdefM :: Defs att nts a ic ic' => att -> nts -> Reader (Fam lf hof sc ip) a -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic' spSource

syndefM :: HExtend (Att att a) sp sp' => att -> Reader (Fam lf hof sc ip) a -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic sp'Source

inhmodM :: Mods att nts a ic ic' => att -> nts -> Reader (Fam lf hof sc ip) a -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic' spSource

synmodM :: (HUpdateAtHNat n (Att att a) sp sp', HFind att ls n, RecordLabels sp ls) => att -> Reader (Fam lf hof sc ip) a -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic (Record sp) l ho ic (Record sp')Source

Rules Composition

ext :: Rule lf hof sc ip l' ho' ic' sp' l'' ho'' ic'' sp'' -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l' ho' ic' sp' -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l'' ho'' ic'' sp''Source

Composition of two rules.

adapt :: Rule lf hof sc ip li hoi ici spi lo hoo ico spo -> (sc' -> sc) -> (ici' -> ici) -> (ico -> ico') -> Rule lf hof sc' ip li hoi ici' spi lo hoo ico' spoSource

Adaption of the childen of a rule.

rename :: (RenRL s sc' sc, RenRL s ici' ici, RenLR s ico ico') => Rule lf hof sc ip li hoi ici spi lo hoo ico spo -> s -> Rule lf hof sc' ip li hoi ici' spi lo hoo ico' spoSource

Children renaming.

graft :: (HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair lch t3) t22), HasField lch t6 p, HRLabelSet t22, HRLabelSet t12, H2ProjectByLabels ls t5 t12 t22, RecordLabels r ls, HRLabelSet t21, HRLabelSet t11, H2ProjectByLabels ls t4 t11 t21, HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair lch (Record HNil)) t21), HLeftUnion (Record r) (Record t23) r'', H2ProjectByLabels (HCons lch HNil) t6 t13 t23) => Rule lf hof (Record (HCons (LVPair lch t3) t22)) t l ho (Record (HCons (LVPair lch (Record HNil)) t21)) t1 l1 ho1 (Record t6) t2 -> Rule lf hof (Record t12) p l1 ho1 (Record t11) (Record HNil) l2 ho2 (Record r) t3 -> lch -> Rule lf hof (Record t5) t l ho (Record t4) t1 l2 ho2 r'' t2Source

Grafting one tree as a child of the other.


type Prd prd rule = LVPair prd ruleSource

Field of an aspect. It associates a production prd with a rule rule.

(.+.) :: Com r r' r'' => r -> r' -> r''Source

Semantic Functions

sem_Lit :: a -> Record HNil -> aSource

Semantic function of a terminal

knit :: (HLeftUnion ho fc fc', Kn fc' ic sc, Empties fc' ec) => Rule l ho sc ip (Record HNil) (Record HNil) ec (Record HNil) l ho ic sp -> fc -> ip -> spSource

The function knit takes the combined rules for a node and the semantic functions of the children, and builds a function from the inherited attributes of the parent to its synthesized attributes.

class SemType t nt | t -> ntSource

Common Patterns

copy :: (Copy att nts vp ic ic', HasField att ip vp) => att -> nts -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic' spSource

A copy rule copies an inherited attribute from the parent to all its children. The function copy takes the name of an attribute att and an heterogeneous list of non-terminals nts for which the attribute has to be defined, and generates a copy rule for this.

use :: (Use att nts a sc, HExtend (Att att a) sp sp') => att -> nts -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic sp'Source

A use rule declares a synthesized attribute that collects information from some of the children. The function use takes the following arguments: the attribute to be defined, the list of non-terminals for which the attribute is defined, a monoidal operator which combines the attribute values, and a unit value to be used in those cases where none of the children has such an attribute.

chain :: (Chain att nts val sc l ho ic sp ic' sp', HasField att ip val) => att -> nts -> Rule lf hof sc ip l ho ic sp l ho ic' sp'Source

In the chain rule a value is threaded in a depth-first way through the tree, being updated every now and then. For this we have chained attributes (both inherited and synthesized). If a definition for a synthesized attribute of the parent with this name is missing we look for the right-most child with a synthesized attribute of this name. If we are missing a definition for one of the children, we look for the right-most of its left siblings which can provide such a value, and if we cannot find it there, we look at the inherited attributes of the father.

Defining Aspects

inhAspect :: (AttAspect (FnInh att nts) defs defasp, DefAspect (FnCpy att nts) cpys cpyasp, Com cpyasp defasp inhasp) => att -> nts -> cpys -> defs -> inhaspSource

The function inhAspect defines an inherited attribute aspect. It takes as arguments: the name of the attribute att, the list nts of non-terminals where the attribute is defined, the list cpys of productions where the copy rule has to be applied, and a record defs containing the explicit definitions for some productions.

synAspect :: (AttAspect (FnSyn att) defs defasp, DefAspect (FnUse att nts op unit) uses useasp, Com useasp defasp synasp) => att -> nts -> op -> unit -> uses -> defs -> synaspSource

The function synAspect defines a synthesized attribute aspect.

chnAspect :: (DefAspect (FnChn att nts) chns chnasp, AttAspect (FnInh att nts) inhdefs inhasp, Com chnasp inhasp asp, AttAspect (FnSyn att) syndefs synasp, Com asp synasp asp') => att -> nts -> chns -> inhdefs -> syndefs -> asp'Source

A chained attribute definition introduces both an inherited and a synthesized attribute. In this case the pattern to be applied is the chain rule.

attAspect :: AttAspect rdef defs rules => rdef -> defs -> rulesSource

defAspect :: DefAspect deff prds rules => deff -> prds -> rulesSource

module Data.HList