{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Tree.AVL.Test.AllTests
-- Copyright   :  (c) Adrian Hey 2004,2005,2006,2007
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~ahey/em.png
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module contains a large set of fairly comprehensive but extremely
-- time consuming tests of AVL tree functions (not based on QuickCheck).
-- They can all be run using 'allTests', or they can be run individually.
module Data.Tree.AVL.Test.AllTests
-- Zipper tests
) where

import Data.COrdering
import Data.Tree.AVLX

import Data.List(insert,mapAccumL,mapAccumR)
import System.Exit(exitFailure)

import GHC.Base
#include "ghcdefs.h"
#include "h98defs.h"

-- import Debug.Trace(trace)
-- import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)

-- | Run every test in this module (takes a very long time).
allTests :: IO ()
allTests =
 do testReadPath
-- Zipper tests

-- | Test isBalanced is capable of failing for a few non-AVL trees.
testIsBalanced :: IO ()
testIsBalanced = do title "isBalanced"
                    if or [isBalanced t | t <- nonAVLs] then failed else passed
 where nonAVLs :: [AVL Int]
       nonAVLs = [Z E 0 (Z E 0 E)
                 ,Z (Z E 0 E) 0 E
                 ,N E 0 E
                 ,P E 0 E

-- | Test isSorted is capable of failing for a few non-sorted trees.
testIsSorted :: IO ()
testIsSorted = do title "isSorted"
                  if or [isSorted compare (asTreeL l) | l <- nonSorted] then failed else passed
 where nonSorted = ["AA","BA"

-- | Test size function
testSize :: IO ()
testSize = do title "size"
              exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
           where test _ s t = size t == s

-- | Test clipSize function
testClipSize :: IO ()
testClipSize = do title "clipSize"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
               where test _ s t = all (== Nothing) [clipSize n t | n <- [0..s-1 ]] &&
                                  all (== Just s ) [clipSize n t | n <- [s..s+10]]

-- | Test genWrite function
testGenWrite :: IO ()
testGenWrite = do title "genWrite"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
               where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                      where test_ n = let t_ = genWrite (withCC' (+) n) t
                                      in isBalanced t_ && (asListL t_ == [0..n-1]++(n+n):[n+1..s-1])

-- | Test genPush function
testGenPush :: IO ()
-- Also exercises: mapAVL' and genContains
testGenPush = do title "genPush"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
              where test h s t = all oddTest odds && all evenTest evens
                     where t_ = mapAVL' (\n -> 2*n+1) t        -- t_ elements are odd, 1,3..2*s-1
                           odds  = [1,3..2*s-1]
                           evens = [0,2..2*s  ]
                           oddTest  n = let t__ = push n t_     -- Should yield identical trees
                                            s__ = size   t__
                                            h__ = ASINT(height t__)
                                        in (s__ == s) && (isSortedOK compare t__) && (h__== h)
                           evenTest n = let t__ = push n t_
                                            s__ = size   t__
                                            h__ = ASINT(height t__)
                                        in (s__ == s+1) && (isSortedOK compare t__) && (h__-h <= 1) && (t__ `contains` n)
                           push e = genPush (sndCC e) e
                           contains avl e = genContains avl (compare e)

-- | Test genDel function
testGenDel :: IO ()
testGenDel = do title "genDel"
                exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
             where test h s t = all oddTest odds && all evenTest evens
                    where t_ = mapAVL' (\n -> 2*n+1) t        -- t_ elements are odd, 1,3..2*s-1
                          odds  = [1,3..2*s-1]
                          evens = [0,2..2*s  ]
                          oddTest  n = let t__ = del n t_
                                       in case checkHeight t__ of
                                          Just h_ -> (h-h_<=1) && (insert n (asListL t__) == odds)
                                          Nothing -> False
                          evenTest n = let t__ = del n t_
                                       in case checkHeight t__ of
                                          Just h_ -> (h==h_) && (asListL t__ == odds)
                                          Nothing -> False
                          del e = genDel (compare e)

-- | Test genAssertPop function
testGenAssertPop :: IO ()
testGenAssertPop =
 do title "genAssertPop"
    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
 where test h s t = all testElem elems
        where elems = [0,1..s-1]
              testElem n = let (n_,t_) = genAssertPop (fstCC n) t
                           in case checkHeight t_ of
                              Just h_ -> (h-h_<=1) && (insert n_ (asListL t_) == elems)
                              Nothing -> False

-- | Test pushL function
-- Also exercises: asListL
testPushL :: IO ()
testPushL = do title "pushL"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test h _ t = let t_ = 0 `pushL` t
                               in case checkHeight t_ of
                                  Just h_ | (h_==h+1) || (h_==h)  -> asListL t_ == (0 : asListL t)
                                  _                               -> False

-- | Test pushR function
-- Also exercises: asListR
testPushR :: IO ()
testPushR = do title "pushR"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test h s t = let t_ = t `pushR` s
                               in case checkHeight t_ of
                                  Just h_ | (h_==h+1) || (h_==h)  -> asListR t_ == (s : asListR t)
                                  _                               -> False

-- | Test assertDelL function
-- Also exercises: asListL
testAssertDelL :: IO ()
testAssertDelL =
 do title "assertDelL"
    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
 where test h _ t = let t_ = assertDelL t
                    in case checkHeight t_ of
                       Just h_ | (h_==h-1) || (h_==h)  -> asListL t_ == (tail $ asListL t)
                       _                               -> False

-- | Test delR function
-- Also exercises: asListR
testAssertDelR :: IO ()
testAssertDelR =
 do title "assertDelR"
    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
 where test h _ t = let t_ = assertDelR t
                    in case checkHeight t_ of
                       Just h_ | (h_==h-1) || (h_==h)  -> asListR t_ == (tail $ asListR t)
                       _                               -> False

-- | Test assertPopL function
-- Also exercises: asListL
testAssertPopL :: IO ()
testAssertPopL =
 do title "assertPopL"
    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
 where test h _ t = let (v,t_) = assertPopL t
                    in case checkHeight t_ of
                       Just h_ | (h_==h-1) || (h_==h)  -> (v : asListL t_) == asListL t
                       _                               -> False

-- | Test popHL function
-- This test can only be run if popHL and HAVL are not hidden.
-- However, popHL is exercised by indirectly by testConcatAVL anyway
testPopHL :: IO ()
testPopHL = do title "popHL"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
            where test _ _ t = let UBT3(v, t_,h) = popHL t
                               in case checkHeight t_ of
                                  Just h_ | (h_== ASINT(h)) -> (v : asListL t_) == asListL t
                                  _                          -> False

-- | Test assertPopR function
-- Also exercises: asListR
testAssertPopR :: IO ()
testAssertPopR =
 do title "assertPopR"
    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
 where test h _ t = let (t_,v) = assertPopR t
                    in case checkHeight t_ of
                       Just h_ | (h_==h-1) || (h_==h)  -> (v : asListR t_) == asListR t
                       _                               -> False

-- | Test flatten function
-- Also exercises: asListL,replicateAVL
testFlatten :: IO ()
testFlatten = do title "flatten"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
              where test _ _ t = let t_ = flatten t
                                 in isBalanced t_ && (asListL t == asListL t_)

-- | Test foldrAVL
testFoldrAVL :: IO ()
testFoldrAVL = do title "foldrAVL"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
               where test _ s t = foldrAVL (:) [] t == [0..s-1]
-- | Test foldrAVL'
testFoldrAVL' :: IO ()
testFoldrAVL' = do title "foldrAVL'"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = foldrAVL' (:) [] t == [0..s-1]
-- | Test foldlAVL
testFoldlAVL :: IO ()
testFoldlAVL = do title "foldlAVL"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
               where test _ s t = foldlAVL (flip (:)) [] t == [s-1,s-2..0]
-- | Test foldlAVL'
testFoldlAVL' :: IO ()
testFoldlAVL' = do title "foldlAVL'"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = foldlAVL' (flip (:)) [] t == [s-1,s-2..0]
-- | Test foldr1AVL
testFoldr1AVL :: IO ()
testFoldr1AVL = do title "foldr1AVL"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                where test _ s t = foldr1AVL (-) t == foldr1 (-) [0..s-1]
-- | Test foldr1AVL'
testFoldr1AVL' :: IO ()
testFoldr1AVL' = do title "foldr1AVL'"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                 where test _ s t = foldr1AVL' (-) t == foldr1 (-) [0..s-1]
-- | Test foldl1AVL
testFoldl1AVL :: IO ()
testFoldl1AVL = do title "foldl1AVL"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                where test _ s t = foldl1AVL (-) t == foldl1 (-) [0..s-1]
-- | Test foldl1AVL'
testFoldl1AVL' :: IO ()
testFoldl1AVL' = do title "foldl1AVL'"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                 where test _ s t = foldl1AVL' (-) t == foldl1 (-) [0..s-1]

-- | Test mapAccumLAVL
testMapAccumLAVL :: IO ()
testMapAccumLAVL = do title "mapAccumLAVL"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
 where test _ _ t = let (nt,t') = mapAccumLAVL f 0 t
                        (nl,l ) = mapAccumL f 0 (asListL t)
                    in (nt==nl) && ((asListL t') == l) && (isSortedOK compare t')
       f acc n = (acc+n,n+1)

-- | Test mapAccumRAVL
testMapAccumRAVL :: IO ()
testMapAccumRAVL = do title "mapAccumRAVL"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
 where test _ _ t = let (nt,t') = mapAccumRAVL f 0 t
                        (nl,l ) = mapAccumR f 0 (asListL t)
                    in (nt==nl) && ((asListL t') == l) && (isSortedOK compare t')
       f acc n = (acc+n,n+1)

-- | Test mapAccumLAVL'
testMapAccumLAVL' :: IO ()
testMapAccumLAVL' = do title "mapAccumLAVL'"
                       exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
 where test _ _ t = let (nt,t') = mapAccumLAVL' f 0 t
                        (nl,l ) = mapAccumL f 0 (asListL t)
                    in (nt==nl) && ((asListL t') == l) && (isSortedOK compare t')
       f acc n = (acc+n,n+1)

-- | Test mapAccumRAVL'
testMapAccumRAVL' :: IO ()
testMapAccumRAVL' = do title "mapAccumRAVL'"
                       exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
 where test _ _ t = let (nt,t') = mapAccumRAVL' f 0 t
                        (nl,l ) = mapAccumR f 0 (asListL t)
                    in (nt==nl) && ((asListL t') == l) && (isSortedOK compare t')
       f acc n = (acc+n,n+1)

-- | Test mapAccumLAVL''
testMapAccumLAVL'' :: IO ()
testMapAccumLAVL'' = do title "mapAccumLAVL''"
                        exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
 where test _ _ t = let (nt,t') = mapAccumLAVL'' f_ 0 t
                        (nl,l ) = mapAccumL f 0 (asListL t)
                    in (nt==nl) && ((asListL t') == l) && (isSortedOK compare t')
       f_ acc n = UBT2(acc+n,n+1)
       f  acc n =     (acc+n,n+1)

-- | Test mapAccumRAVL''
testMapAccumRAVL'' :: IO ()
testMapAccumRAVL'' = do title "mapAccumRAVL''"
                        exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
 where test _ _ t = let (nt,t') = mapAccumRAVL'' f_ 0 t
                        (nl,l ) = mapAccumR f 0 (asListL t)
                    in (nt==nl) && ((asListL t') == l) && (isSortedOK compare t')
       f_ acc n = UBT2(acc+n,n+1)
       f  acc n =     (acc+n,n+1)

-- | Test the join function
testJoin :: IO ()
testJoin = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
               num   = 2000
           in do title "join"
                 putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                 if and [test l $ mapAVL (ls+) r | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,_) <- trees] then passed else failed
              where test l r = let j = l `join` r
                               in  isBalanced j && (asListL j == l `toListL` asListL r)

-- | Test the joinHAVL function
testJoinHAVL :: IO ()
testJoinHAVL = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                   num   = 2000
               in do title "joinHAVL"
                     putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                     if and [test l $ mapAVL (ls+) r | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,_) <- trees] then passed else failed
                  where test l r = let (HAVL j hj) = (toHAVL l) `joinHAVL` (toHAVL r)
                                   in  case checkHeight j of
                                       Nothing  -> False
                                       Just hj_ -> (ASINT(hj) == hj_) && (asListL j == l `toListL` asListL r)

-- | Test the concatAVL function.
testConcatAVL :: IO ()
testConcatAVL = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                    num   = 2000
                in do title "concatAVL"
                      putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                      if others && and [test ls l $ mapAVL (\n -> n+(ls+1)) r
                                       | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,_) <- trees]
                         then passed else failed
                where test ls l r = let j = concatAVL $ [empty,empty,l,empty,singleton ls,empty,r,empty,empty]
                                    in  isBalanced j && (asListL j == l `toListL` (ls:asListL r))
                      others =    all (isEmpty . concatAVL) [[],[empty],[empty,empty],[empty,empty,empty]]
                               && (all test1 $ concatMap (\ss -> [ss,"":ss,"Z":ss])
                      test1 ss = let t = concatAVL $ map asTreeL ss
                                 in isBalanced t && (asListL t == concat ss)

-- | Test the flatConcat function.
testFlatConcat :: IO ()
testFlatConcat = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                     num   = 2000
                 in do title "flatConcat"
                       putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                       if others && and [test ls l $ mapAVL (\n -> n+(ls+1)) r
                                        | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,_) <- trees]
                          then passed else failed
                 where test ls l r = let j = flatConcat $ [empty,empty,l,empty,singleton ls,empty,r,empty,empty]
                                     in  isBalanced j && (asListL j == l `toListL` (ls:asListL r))
                       others =    all (isEmpty . flatConcat) [[],[empty],[empty,empty],[empty,empty,empty]]
                                && (all test1 $ concatMap (\ss -> [ss,"":ss,"Z":ss])
                       test1 ss = let t = flatConcat $ map asTreeL ss
                                  in isBalanced t && (asListL t == concat ss)

-- | Test the filterViaList function
testFilterViaList :: IO ()
testFilterViaList = do title "filterViaList"
                       exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                    where test _ s t = all testit [0..s] -- n==s should yield unmodified tree
                           where testit n = let t' = filterViaList (/= n) t
                                            in (isSortedOK compare t') && (asListL t' == ([0..n-1]++[n+1..s-1]))

-- | Test the filterAVL function
testFilterAVL :: IO ()
testFilterAVL = do title "filterAVL"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = all testit [0..s] -- n==s should yield unmodified tree
                       where testit n = let t' = filterAVL (/= n) t
                                        in (isSortedOK compare t') && (asListL t' == ([0..n-1]++[n+1..s-1]))

-- | Test the mapMaybeViaList function
testMapMaybeViaList :: IO ()
testMapMaybeViaList = do title "mapMaybeViaList"
                         exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                      where test _ s t = all testit [0..s] -- n==s should yield unmodified tree
                             where testit n = let t' = mapMaybeViaList (\m -> if m==n then Nothing else Just m) t
                                              in (isSortedOK compare t') && (asListL t' == ([0..n-1]++[n+1..s-1]))

-- | Test the mapMaybeAVL function
testMapMaybeAVL :: IO ()
testMapMaybeAVL = do title "mapMaybeAVL"
                     exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                  where test _ s t = all testit [0..s] -- n==s should yield unmodified tree
                         where testit n = let t' = mapMaybeAVL (\m -> if m==n then Nothing else Just m) t
                                          in (isSortedOK compare t') && (asListL t' == ([0..n-1]++[n+1..s-1]))

-- | Test splitAtL function
testSplitAtL :: IO ()
testSplitAtL = do title "splitAtL"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
               where test _ s t = all splitTest0 [0..s-1] && all splitTest1 [s]
                      where tlist = asListL t
                            splitTest0 n = case splitAtL n t of
                                           Left  _     -> False
                                           Right (l,r) -> (isBalanced l) && (isBalanced r) &&
                                                          (size l == n) && (size r == s-n) &&
                                                          (l `toListL` asListL r) == tlist
                            splitTest1 n = case splitAtL n t of
                                           Left  s_ -> s_==s
                                           Right _  -> False

-- | Test takeL function
testTakeL :: IO ()
testTakeL = do title "takeL"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test _ s t = all takeTest0 [0..s-1] && all takeTest1 [s]
                   where takeTest0 n = case takeL n t of
                                       Left  _ -> False
                                       Right l -> (isBalanced l) && (asListL l) == [0..n-1]
                         takeTest1 n = case takeL n t of
                                       Left  s_ -> s_==s
                                       Right _  -> False

-- | Test dropL function
testDropL :: IO ()
testDropL = do title "dropL"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test _ s t = all dropTest0 [0..s-1] && all dropTest1 [s]
                   where dropTest0 n = case dropL n t of
                                       Left  _ -> False
                                       Right r -> (isBalanced r) && (asListL r) == [n..s-1]
                         dropTest1 n = case dropL n t of
                                       Left  s_ -> s_==s
                                       Right _  -> False

-- | Test splitAtR function
testSplitAtR :: IO ()
testSplitAtR = do title "splitAtR"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
               where test _ s t = all splitTest0 [0..s-1] && all splitTest1 [s]
                      where tlist = asListR t
                            splitTest0 n = case splitAtR n t of
                                           Left  _     -> False
                                           Right (l,r) -> (isBalanced l) && (isBalanced r) &&
                                                          (size r == n) && (size l == s-n) &&
                                                          (r `toListR` asListR l) == tlist
                            splitTest1 n = case splitAtR n t of
                                           Left  s_ -> s_==s
                                           Right _  -> False

-- | Test takeR function
testTakeR :: IO ()
testTakeR = do title "takeR"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test _ s t = all takeTest0 [0..s-1] && all takeTest1 [s]
                   where takeTest0 n = case takeR n t of
                                       Left  _ -> False
                                       Right r -> (isBalanced r) && (asListL r) == [s-n..s-1]
                         takeTest1 n = case takeR n t of
                                       Left  s_ -> s_==s
                                       Right _  -> False

-- | Test dropR function
testDropR :: IO ()
testDropR = do title "dropR"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test _ s t = all dropTest0 [0..s-1] && all dropTest1 [s]
                   where dropTest0 n = case dropR n t of
                                       Left  _ -> False
                                       Right l -> (isBalanced l) && (asListL l) == [0..(s-1)-n]
                         dropTest1 n = case dropR n t of
                                       Left  s_ -> s_==s
                                       Right _  -> False

-- | Test spanL function
testSpanL :: IO ()
testSpanL = do title "spanL"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test _ s t = all spanTest [0..s]
                   where tlist = asListL t
                         spanTest n = let (l ,r ) = spanL (<n) t
                                          (l_,r_) = span  (<n) tlist
                                      in (isBalanced l) && (isBalanced r) &&
                                         (asListL l == l_) && (asListL r == r_)

-- | Test takeWhileL function
testTakeWhileL :: IO ()
testTakeWhileL = do title "takeWhileL"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                 where test _ s t = all spanTest [0..s]
                        where tlist = asListL t
                              spanTest n = let l  = takeWhileL (<n) t
                                               l_ = takeWhile  (<n) tlist
                                           in (isBalanced l) && (asListL l == l_)

-- | Test dropWhileL function
testDropWhileL :: IO ()
testDropWhileL = do title "dropWhileL"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                 where test _ s t = all spanTest [0..s]
                        where tlist = asListL t
                              spanTest n = let r  = dropWhileL (<n) t
                                               r_ = dropWhile  (<n) tlist
                                           in (isBalanced r) && (asListL r == r_)

-- | Test spanR function
testSpanR :: IO ()
testSpanR = do title "spanR"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
            where test _ s t = all spanTest [0..s]
                   where tlist = asListR t
                         spanTest n = let (l ,r ) = spanR (>=n) t
                                          (l_,r_) = span  (>=n) tlist
                                      in (isBalanced l) && (isBalanced r) &&
                                         (asListR l == r_) && (asListR r == l_)

-- | Test takeWhileR function
testTakeWhileR :: IO ()
testTakeWhileR = do title "takeWhileR"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                 where test _ s t = all spanTest [0..s]
                        where tlist = asListR t
                              spanTest n = let r  = takeWhileR (>=n) t
                                               r_ = takeWhile  (>=n) tlist
                                           in (isBalanced r) && (asListR r == r_)

-- | Test dropWhileR function
testDropWhileR :: IO ()
testDropWhileR = do title "dropWhileR"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                 where test _ s t = all spanTest [0..s]
                        where tlist = asListR t
                              spanTest n = let l  = dropWhileR (>=n) t
                                               l_ = dropWhile  (>=n) tlist
                                           in (isBalanced l) && (asListR l == l_)

-- | Test rotateL function
testRotateL :: IO ()
testRotateL = do title "rotateL"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
              where test _ s t = all isOK rotations
                     where rotations = take s $ tail $ iterate (mapAVL' (\n -> (n-1) `mod` s) . rotateL) t
                           isOK t_ = (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == tlist)
                           tlist   = asListL t
-- | Test rotateR function
testRotateR :: IO ()
testRotateR = do title "rotateR"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
              where test _ s t = all isOK rotations
                     where rotations = take s $ tail $ iterate (mapAVL' (\n -> (n+1) `mod` s) . rotateR) t
                           isOK t_ = (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == tlist)
                           tlist   = asListL t

-- | Test rotateByL function
testRotateByL :: IO ()
testRotateByL = do title "rotateByL"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = all isOK $ map rotateIt [-1..s]
                       where rotateIt n = mapAVL' (\n_ -> (n_-n) `mod` s) $ rotateByL t n
                             isOK t_ = (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == tlist)
                             tlist   = asListL t

-- | Test rotateByR function
testRotateByR :: IO ()
testRotateByR = do title "rotateByR"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = all isOK $ map rotateIt [-1..s]
                       where rotateIt n = mapAVL' (\n_ -> (n_+n) `mod` s) $ rotateByR t n
                             isOK t_ = (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == tlist)
                             tlist   = asListL t

-- | Test genForkL function
testGenForkL :: IO ()
testGenForkL = do title "genForkL"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
               where test _ s t = all testForkL [-1..s-1]
                      where tlist = asListL t
                            testForkL n = let (l,r) = genForkL (compare n) t
                                          in (isBalanced l) && (isBalanced r) &&
                                             (size l == n+1) && (size r == s-(n+1)) &&
                                             (l `toListL` asListL r == tlist)

-- | Test genForkR function
testGenForkR :: IO ()
testGenForkR = do title "genForkR"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
               where test _ s t = all testForkR [0..s]
                      where tlist = asListL t
                            testForkR n = let (l,r) = genForkR (compare n) t
                                          in (isBalanced l) && (isBalanced r) &&
                                             (size l == n) && (size r == s-n) &&
                                             (l `toListL` asListL r == tlist)

-- | Test genFork function
testGenFork :: IO ()
testGenFork = do title "genFork"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
              where test _ s t = all testFork0 [0..s-1] && testFork1 (-1) && testFork2 s
                      where tlist = asListL t
                            testFork0 n = let (l,mbn,r) = genFork (fstCC n) t
                                          in case mbn of
                                             Just n_ -> (n_==n) && (isBalanced l) && (isBalanced r) &&
                                                        (size l == n) && (size r == s-(n+1)) &&
                                                        (l `toListL` (n : asListL r) == tlist)
                                             _       -> False
                            testFork1 n = let (l,mbn,r) = genFork (fstCC n) t
                                          in case mbn of
                                             Nothing -> (isEmpty l) && (isBalanced r) && (asListL r == tlist)
                                             _       -> False
                            testFork2 n = let (l,mbn,r) = genFork (fstCC n) t
                                          in case mbn of
                                             Nothing -> (isEmpty r) && (isBalanced l) && (asListL l == tlist)
                                             _       -> False

-- | Test genTakeLE function
testGenTakeLE :: IO ()
testGenTakeLE = do title "genTakeLE"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = all testTakeLE [-1..s-1]
                       where testTakeLE n = let l = genTakeLE (compare n) t
                                            in (isBalanced l) && (asListL l == [0..n])

-- | Test genTakeLT function
testGenTakeLT :: IO ()
testGenTakeLT = do title "genTakeLT"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = all testTakeLT [0..s]
                       where testTakeLT n = let l = genTakeLT (compare n) t
                                            in (isBalanced l) && (asListL l == [0..n-1])

-- | Test genTakeGT function
testGenTakeGT :: IO ()
testGenTakeGT = do title "genTakeGT"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = all testTakeGT [-1..s-1]
                       where testTakeGT n = let r = genTakeGT (compare n) t
                                            in (isBalanced r) && (asListL r == [n+1..s-1])

-- | Test genTakeGE function
testGenTakeGE :: IO ()
testGenTakeGE = do title "genTakeGE"
                   exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                where test _ s t = all testTakeGE [0..s]
                       where testTakeGE n = let r = genTakeGE (compare n) t
                                            in (isBalanced r) && (asListL r == [n..s-1])

-- | Test the genUnion function
testGenUnion :: IO ()
testGenUnion = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                   num   = 1000
               in do title "genUnion"
                     putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                     if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
                  where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
                        test1 l ls r rs = let u = unionFst l r
                                          in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [0 .. max ls rs - 1])
                        test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
                         where test2_ n r_ = let u = unionFst l r_
                                             in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [min n 0 .. max ls (rs+n) - 1])
                        test3 l ls r rs = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                              r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                              u  = unionFst l_ r_
                                          in isSortedOK compare u && (size u == ls+rs)
                        unionFst = genUnion fstCC

-- | Test the genSymDifference function
testGenSymDifference :: IO ()
testGenSymDifference =
 let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
     num   = 1000
 in do title "genSymDifference"
       putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
       if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
    where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
          test1 l ls r rs = let u = symDiff l r
                            in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [min ls rs .. max ls rs - 1])
          test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
           where test2_ n r_ = let u = symDiff l r_
                               in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [min n  0      .. max n  0      - 1] ++
                                                                [min ls (rs+n) .. max ls (rs+n) - 1])
          test3 l ls r rs = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                u  = symDiff l_ r_
                            in isSortedOK compare u && (size u == ls+rs)
          symDiff = genSymDifference compare

-- | Test the genUnionMaybe function
testGenUnionMaybe :: IO ()
testGenUnionMaybe = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                        num   = 1000
                    in do title "genUnionMaybe"
                          putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                          if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
                       where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
                             test1 l ls r rs = let u = onion l r
                                                   mn = min ls rs
                                                   mx = max ls rs
                                               in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [0,2 .. mn - 1] ++ [mn .. mx-1])
                             test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
                              where test2_ n r_ = let u = onion l r_
                                                      n0 = min n 0
                                                      n1 = max n 0
                                                      n2 = min ls (rs+n)
                                                      n3 = max ls (rs+n)
                                                  in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [n0 .. n1-1]
                                                                                ++ filter even [n1 .. n2-1]
                                                                                ++ [n2..n3-1]
                             test3 l ls r rs = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                                   r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                                   u  = onion l_ r_
                                               in isSortedOK compare u && (size u == ls+rs)
                             onion = genUnionMaybe (withCC' com)
                             com a _ = if even a then Just a else Nothing

-- | Test the genIntersection function
testGenIntersection :: IO ()
testGenIntersection = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                          num   = 1000
                      in do title "genIntersection"
                            putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                            if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
                         where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
                               test1 l ls r rs = let u = genIntersection fstCC l r
                                                 in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [0 .. min ls rs - 1])
                               test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
                                where test2_ n r_ = let u = genIntersection fstCC l r_
                                                    in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [max n 0 .. min ls (rs+n) - 1])
                               test3 l _  r _  = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                                     r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                                     u  = genIntersection fstCC l_ r_
                                                 in isEmpty u

-- | Test the genIntersectionMaybe function
testGenIntersectionMaybe :: IO ()
testGenIntersectionMaybe = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                               num   = 1000
                           in do title "genIntersectionMaybe"
                                 putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                                 if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
                              where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
                                    test1 l ls r rs = let u = insect l r
                                                          mn = min ls rs
                                                      in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [0,2 .. mn - 1])
                                    test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
                                     where test2_ n r_ = let u = insect l r_
                                                             n1 = max n 0
                                                             n2 = min ls (rs+n)
                                                         in isBalanced u && (asListL u == filter even [n1 .. n2-1])
                                    test3 l _  r _  = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                                          r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                                          u  = insect l_ r_
                                                      in isEmpty u
                                    insect = genIntersectionMaybe (withCC' com)
                                    com a _ = if even a then Just a else Nothing

-- | Test the genIntersectionAsListL function
testGenIntersectionAsListL :: IO ()
testGenIntersectionAsListL =
 let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
     num   = 1000
 in do title "genIntersectionAsListL"
       putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
       if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
    where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
          test1 l ls r rs = let u = genIntersectionAsListL fstCC l r
                            in u == [0 .. min ls rs - 1]
          test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
           where test2_ n r_ = let u = genIntersectionAsListL fstCC l r_
                               in u == [max n 0 .. min ls (rs+n) - 1]
          test3 l _  r _  = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                u  = genIntersectionAsListL fstCC l_ r_
                            in null u

-- | Test the genIntersectionMaybeAsListL function
testGenIntersectionMaybeAsListL :: IO ()
testGenIntersectionMaybeAsListL =
 let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
     num   = 1000
 in do title "genIntersectionMaybeAsListL"
       putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
       if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
    where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
          test1 l ls r rs = let u = insect l r
                                mn = min ls rs
                            in u == [0,2 .. mn - 1]
          test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
           where test2_ n r_ = let u = insect l r_
                                   n1 = max n 0
                                   n2 = min ls (rs+n)
                               in u == filter even [n1 .. n2-1]
          test3 l _  r _  = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                u  = insect l_ r_
                            in null u
          insect = genIntersectionMaybeAsListL (withCC' com)
          com a _ = if even a then Just a else Nothing

-- | Test the genDifference function
testGenDifference :: IO ()
testGenDifference = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                        num   = 1000
                    in do title "genDifference"
                          putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                          if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
                       where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
                             test1 l ls r rs = let u = difference l r
                                               in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [rs .. ls - 1])
                             test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
                              where test2_ n r_ = let u = difference l r_
                                                  in isBalanced u && (asListL u == [0 .. n-1] ++ [rs+n .. ls-1])
                             test3 l ls r rs = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) l -- even
                                                   r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) r -- odd
                                                   u  = difference l r_
                                                   u_ = difference l_ r_
                                                   mn = min (ls-1) (2*rs-1)
                                               in isBalanced u  &&
                                                  (asListL u == filter even [0..mn] ++ [mn+1..ls-1]) &&
                                                  isBalanced u_ && (asListL u_ == asListL l_)
                             difference = genDifference compare

-- | Test the genDifferenceMaybe function
testGenDifferenceMaybe :: IO ()
testGenDifferenceMaybe =
 let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
     num   = 1000
 in do title "genDifferenceMaybe"
       putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
       if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
    where c m n = case compare m n of
                  LT -> Lt
                  EQ -> if even m then (Eq Nothing) else (Eq (Just m))
                  GT -> Gt
          test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
          test1 l ls r rs = let mn = min (ls-1) (rs-1)
                                u = genDifferenceMaybe c l r
                            in isBalanced u && (asListL u == filter odd [0..mn] ++ [mn+1..ls-1])
          test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
           where test2_ n r_ = let u = genDifferenceMaybe c l r_
                                   n0 = max 0 n
                                   n1 = min (ls-1) (rs+n-1)
                               in isBalanced u &&
                                  (asListL u == [0..n0-1] ++ filter odd [n0..n1] ++ [n1+1..ls-1])
          test3 l ls r rs = let l_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n+1) l -- odd
                                r_ = mapAVL' (\n -> n+n  ) r -- even
                                u  = genDifferenceMaybe c l r_
                                u_ = genDifferenceMaybe c l_ r_
                                mn = min (ls-1) (2*rs-2)
                                mx = max (mn+1) 0
                                listfil = filter odd [0..mn]
                                listrem = [mx..ls-1]
                            in isBalanced u && isBalanced u_ && (asListL u_ == asListL l_) &&
                               (asListL u == listfil ++ listrem)

-- | Test the genIsSubsetOf function
testGenIsSubsetOf :: IO ()
testGenIsSubsetOf = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                        num   = 1000
                    in do title "genIsSubsetOf"
                          putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                          if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
                       where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2]
                             test1 l ls r rs = (l `isSubsetOf` r == (ls<=rs)) &&
                                               (r `isSubsetOf` l == (rs<=ls))
                             test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
                              where test2_ n r_ = (l  `isSubsetOf` r_ == ((n<=0) && (rs+n>=ls))) &&
                                                  (r_ `isSubsetOf` l  == ((n>=0) && (rs+n<=ls)))
                             isSubsetOf = genIsSubsetOf compare

-- | Test the genIsSubsetOfBy function
testGenIsSubsetOfBy :: IO ()
testGenIsSubsetOfBy = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(_,ts) -> ts) allAVL
                          num   = 1000
                      in do title "genIsSubsetOfBy"
                            putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                            if and [test l ls r rs | (l,ls) <- trees, (r,rs) <- trees] then passed else failed
                            -- test1 & test2 chack same behaviour as genIsSubsetOf
                            -- test3 checks behviour for comarison functions that may return (Eq False)
                         where test  l ls r rs = all (\f -> f l ls r rs) [test1,test2,test3]
                               test1 l ls r rs = (l `isSubsetOf` r == (ls<=rs)) &&
                                                 (r `isSubsetOf` l == (rs<=ls))
                               test2 l ls r rs = and  [test2_ n $ mapAVL' (n+) r | n <- [(-rs)..ls]]
                                where test2_ n r_ = (l  `isSubsetOf` r_ == ((n<=0) && (rs+n>=ls))) &&
                                                    (r_ `isSubsetOf` l  == ((n>=0) && (rs+n<=ls)))
                               isSubsetOf    = genIsSubsetOfBy (withCC (\_ _ -> True  ))
                               test3 l ls r rs = and [test3_ n | n <- [0..max ls rs]]
                                where test3_ n = (l `isSubsetOf'` r == ((ls<=rs) && (n>=ls))) &&
                                                 (r `isSubsetOf'` l == ((rs<=ls) && (n>=rs)))
                                       where isSubsetOf' = genIsSubsetOfBy (withCC (\m _ -> m /= n))

-- | Test compareHeight function
testCompareHeight :: IO ()
testCompareHeight = let trees = take num $ concatMap (\(h,ts) -> [(t,h)|(t,_)<-ts]) allAVL
                        num   = 10000
                    in do title "compareHeight"
                          putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ show (num*num) ++ " tree pairs.."
                          if and [test l lh r rh | (l,lh) <- trees, (r,rh) <- trees] then passed else failed
                       where test l lh r rh = compareHeight l r == compare lh rh

-- | Test Zipper open\/close
testGenOpenClose :: IO ()
testGenOpenClose = do title "Zipper open/close"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                   where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                          where test_ n = let z  = genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                              t_ = close z
                                          in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == [0..s-1])
-- | Test Zipper delClose
testDelClose :: IO ()
testDelClose = do title "Zipper delClose"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                       where test_ n = let t_ = delClose $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                       in (isBalanced t_) -- && (insert n (asListL t_) == [0..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper assertOpenL\/close
testOpenLClose :: IO ()
testOpenLClose = do title "Zipper assertOpenL/close"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                 where test _ s t = let z  = assertOpenL t
                                        t_ = close z
                                    in (getCurrent z == 0) && (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == [0..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper assertOpenR\/close
testOpenRClose :: IO ()
testOpenRClose = do title "Zipper assertOpenR/close"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                 where test _ s t = let z  = assertOpenR t
                                        t_ = close z
                                    in (getCurrent z == s-1) && (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == [0..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper assertMoveL\/isRightmost
testMoveL :: IO ()
testMoveL = do title "Zipper assertMoveL/isRightmost"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
            where test _ s t = let zavls@(z:zs) = take s $ iterate assertMoveL (assertOpenR t)
                               in (map getCurrent zavls == reverse [0..s-1]) && (all test_ zavls) &&
                                  (isRightmost z) && (not $ any isRightmost zs)
                   where test_ zavl = let t_ = close zavl
                                      in (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == [0..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper assertMoveR\/isLeftmost
testMoveR :: IO ()
testMoveR = do title "Zipper assertMoveR/isLeftmost"
               exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
            where test _ s t = let zavls@(z:zs) = take s $ iterate assertMoveR (assertOpenL t)
                               in (map getCurrent zavls == [0..s-1]) && (all test_ zavls) &&
                                  (isLeftmost z) && (not $ any isLeftmost zs)
                   where test_ zavl = let t_ = close zavl
                                      in (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == [0..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper insertL
testInsertL :: IO ()
testInsertL = do title "Zipper insertL"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
              where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                     where test_ n = let z  = insertL s $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                         t_ = close z
                                     in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t_) &&
                                        (asListL t_ == [0..n-1] ++ s:[n..s-1])
-- | Test Zipper insertMoveL
testInsertMoveL :: IO ()
testInsertMoveL = do title "Zipper insertMoveL"
                     exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                  where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                         where test_ n = let z  = insertMoveL s $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                             t_ = close z
                                         in (getCurrent z == s) && (isBalanced t_) &&
                                            (asListL t_ == [0..n-1] ++ s:[n..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper insertR
testInsertR :: IO ()
testInsertR = do title "Zipper insertR"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
              where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                     where test_ n = let z  = insertR (genAssertOpen (compare n) t) s
                                         t_ = close z
                                     in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t_) &&
                                        (asListL t_ == [0..n] ++ s:[(n+1)..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper insertMoveR
testInsertMoveR :: IO ()
testInsertMoveR = do title "Zipper insertMoveR"
                     exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                  where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                         where test_ n = let z  = insertMoveR (genAssertOpen (compare n) t) s
                                             t_ = close z
                                         in (getCurrent z == s) && (isBalanced t_) &&
                                            (asListL t_ == [0..n] ++ s:[(n+1)..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper insertTreeL
testInsertTreeL :: IO ()
testInsertTreeL = do title "Zipper insertTreeL"
                     exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                  where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                         where test_ n = let z  = insertTreeL t $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                             t_ = close z
                                         in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t_) &&
                                            (asListL t_ == [0..n-1] ++ [0..s-1] ++ [n..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper insertTreeR
testInsertTreeR :: IO ()
testInsertTreeR = do title "Zipper insertTreeR"
                     exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                  where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                         where test_ n = let z  = insertTreeR (genAssertOpen (compare n) t) t
                                             t_ = close z
                                         in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t_) &&
                                            (asListL t_ == [0..n] ++ [0..s-1] ++ [n+1..s-1])
-- | Test Zipper assertDelMoveL
testDelMoveL :: IO ()
testDelMoveL = do title "Zipper assertDelMoveL"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
               where test _ s t = let zavls = take s $ iterate assertDelMoveL $ insertR (assertOpenR t) s
                                  in (map getCurrent zavls == reverse [0..s-1]) &&
                                     (and $ zipWith test_ zavls $ reverse [0..s-1])
                      where test_ zavl s_ = let t_ = close zavl
                                            in (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == [0..s_] ++ [s])

-- | Test Zipper assertDelMoveR
testDelMoveR :: IO ()
testDelMoveR = do title "Zipper assertDelMoveR"
                  exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
               where test _ s t = let zavls = take s $ iterate assertDelMoveR $ insertL s $ assertOpenL t
                                  in (map getCurrent zavls == [0..s-1]) &&
                                     (and $ zipWith test_ zavls [0..s-1])
                      where test_ zavl s_ = let t_ = close zavl
                                            in (isBalanced t_) && (asListL t_ == s:[s_..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper delAllL
testDelAllL :: IO ()
testDelAllL = do title "Zipper delAllL"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
              where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                     where test_ n = let z   = delAllL $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                         t_  = close z
                                         t__ = close $ insertTreeL t z
                                     in (isBalanced t_ ) && (asListL t_  == [n..s-1]) &&
                                        (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0..s-1] ++ [n..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper delAllR
testDelAllR :: IO ()
testDelAllR = do title "Zipper delAllR"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
              where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                     where test_ n = let z   = delAllR $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                         t_  = close z
                                         t__ = close $ insertTreeR z t
                                     in (isBalanced t_ ) && (asListL t_  == [0..n]) &&
                                        (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0..n] ++ [0..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper delAllCloseL
testDelAllCloseL :: IO ()
testDelAllCloseL = do title "Zipper delAllCloseL"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                   where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                          where test_ n = let t_   = delAllCloseL $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                          in (isBalanced t_ ) && (asListL t_  == [n..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper delAllIncCloseL
testDelAllIncCloseL :: IO ()
testDelAllIncCloseL = do title "Zipper delAllIncCloseL"
                         exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                      where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                             where test_ n = let t_   = delAllIncCloseL $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                             in (isBalanced t_ ) && (asListL t_  == [n+1..s-1])

-- | Test Zipper delAllCloseR
testDelAllCloseR :: IO ()
testDelAllCloseR = do title "Zipper delAllCloseR"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                   where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                          where test_ n = let t_   = delAllCloseR $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                          in (isBalanced t_ ) && (asListL t_  == [0..n])

-- | Test Zipper delAllIncCloseR
testDelAllIncCloseR :: IO ()
testDelAllIncCloseR = do title "Zipper delAllIncCloseR"
                         exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                      where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                             where test_ n = let t_   = delAllIncCloseR $ genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                             in (isBalanced t_ ) && (asListL t_  == [0..n-1])

-- | Test Zipper sizeL\/sizeR\/sizeZAVL
testZipSize :: IO ()
testZipSize = do title "Zipper sizeL/sizeR/sizeZAVL"
                 exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
              where test _ s t = all test_ [0..s-1]
                     where test_ n = let z = genAssertOpen (compare n) t
                                     in (sizeL z == n) && (sizeR z == (s-1)-n) && (sizeZAVL z == s)

-- | Test Zipper genTryOpenGE
testGenTryOpenGE :: IO ()
testGenTryOpenGE = do title "Zipper genTryOpenGE"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                   where test _ s t = let t_ = mapAVL' (2*) t
                                      in all (testE t_) [0,2..2*s-2] && all (testO t_) [(-1),1..2*s-3]
                          where testE t_ n = let Just z = tryOpenGE n t_
                                                 t__    = close z
                                          in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0,2..2*s-2])
                                testO t_ n = let Just z = tryOpenGE n t_
                                                 t__    = close z
                                          in (getCurrent z == n+1) && (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0,2..2*s-2])
                                tryOpenGE a = genTryOpenGE (compare a)

-- | Test Zipper genTryOpenLE
testGenTryOpenLE :: IO ()
testGenTryOpenLE = do title "Zipper genTryOpenLE"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allNonEmptyAVL)
                   where test _ s t = let t_ = mapAVL' (2*) t
                                      in all (testE t_) [0,2..2*s-2] && all (testO t_) [1,3..2*s-1]
                          where testE t_ n = let Just z = tryOpenLE n t_
                                                 t__    = close z
                                          in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0,2..2*s-2])
                                testO t_ n = let Just z = tryOpenLE n t_
                                                 t__    = close z
                                          in (getCurrent z == n-1) && (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0,2..2*s-2])
                                tryOpenLE a = genTryOpenLE (compare a)

-- | Test Zipper genOpenEither (also tests fill and fillClose)
testGenOpenEither :: IO ()
testGenOpenEither = do title "Zipper genOpenEither"
                       exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                    where test _ s t = let t_ = mapAVL' (2*) t
                                       in all (testE t_) [0,2..2*s-2] && all (testO t_) [-1,1..2*s-1]
                           where testE t_ n = let Right z = openEither n t_
                                                  t__     = close z
                                              in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0,2..2*s-2])
                                 testO t_ n = let Left p = openEither n t_
                                                  t__    = close (fill n p)
                                                  t___   = fillClose n p
                                              in (isBalanced t__) && (isBalanced t___) && (t__ == t___) &&
                                                 (asListL t__ == ([0,2..n-1] ++ n : [n+1,n+3..2*s-2]))
                                 openEither a = genOpenEither (compare a)

-- | Test anyBAVLtoEither
testBAVLtoZipper :: IO ()
testBAVLtoZipper = do title "BAVLtoZipper"
                      exhaustiveTest test (take 6 allAVL)
                   where test _ s t = let t_ = mapAVL' (2*) t
                                      in all (testE t_) [0,2..2*s-2] && all (testO t_) [-1,1..2*s-1]
                          where testE t_ n = let bavl = openBAVL n t_
                                                 Right z = anyBAVLtoEither bavl
                                                 t__ = close z
                                             in (getCurrent z == n) && (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == [0,2..2*s-2])
                                testO t_ n = let bavl = openBAVL n t_
                                                 Left p = anyBAVLtoEither bavl
                                                 t__   = fillClose n p
                                             in (isBalanced t__) && (asListL t__ == ([0,2..n-1] ++ n : [n+1,n+3..2*s-2]))
                                openBAVL e = genOpenBAVL (compare e)

-- | Test Show,Read,Eq instances
testShowReadEq :: IO ()
testShowReadEq = do title "ShowReadEq"
                    exhaustiveTest test (take 5 allAVL)  -- No need to get carried away with this one
                 where test _ _ t = t == (read $ show t)

-- | Test readPath
testReadPath :: IO ()
testReadPath = do title "ReadPath"
                  if all test [0..100] then passed else failed
               where test n = let ASINT(n_)=n in (n == readPath n_ pathTree)

title :: String -> IO ()
title str = let titl = "* Test " ++ str ++ " *"
                mark = replicate (length titl) '*'
            in  putStrLn "" >> putStrLn mark >> putStrLn titl >> putStrLn mark

passed :: IO ()
passed = putStrLn "Passed"

failed :: IO ()
failed = do putStrLn "!! FAILED !!"