{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Tree.AVL.Deprecated
-- Copyright   :  (c) Adrian Hey 2004,2008
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~ahey/em.png
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  portable
module Data.Tree.AVL.Deprecated
(-- * Deprecated

 -- ** Deprecated names
 -- | These functions are all still available, but with more sensible names.
 -- They will dissapear on the next major version so you should amend your code
 -- accordingly soon.











 mapAccumLAVL  ,mapAccumRAVL  ,
 mapAccumLAVL' ,mapAccumRAVL' ,


 -- ** Deprecated functions
 -- | Any functions listed here are deprecated, with no direct replacement.
 -- They will continue to live \"forever\" here, but should not be used
 -- (ideally).

) where

import Prelude hiding (reverse,map,replicate,filter,foldr,foldr1,foldl,foldl1) -- so haddock finds the symbols there

import Data.COrdering(COrdering)
import Data.Tree.AVL.Types(AVL)
import Data.Tree.AVL.Set
import Data.Tree.AVL.Read
import Data.Tree.AVL.Write
import Data.Tree.AVL.Delete
import Data.Tree.AVL.Push
import Data.Tree.AVL.Split
import Data.Tree.AVL.List
import Data.Tree.AVL.Zipper
import Data.Tree.AVL.BinPath
import Data.Tree.AVL.Size

import GHC.Base(Int#)
#include "ghcdefs.h"
#include "h98defs.h"

{-# DEPRECATED genUnion "This is now called union." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'union'.
genUnion :: (e -> e -> COrdering e) -> AVL e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genUnion = union
{-# INLINE genUnion #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genUnionMaybe "This is now called unionMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'unionMaybe'.
genUnionMaybe :: (e -> e -> COrdering (Maybe e)) -> AVL e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genUnionMaybe = unionMaybe
{-# INLINE genUnionMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDisjointUnion "This is now called disjointUnion." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'disjointUnion'.
genDisjointUnion :: (e -> e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDisjointUnion = disjointUnion
{-# INLINE genDisjointUnion #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genUnions "This is now called unions." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'unions'.
genUnions :: (e -> e -> COrdering e) -> [AVL e] -> AVL e
genUnions = unions
{-# INLINE genUnions #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDifference "This is now called difference." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'difference'.
genDifference :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> AVL a
genDifference = difference
{-# INLINE genDifference #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDifferenceMaybe "This is now called differenceMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'differenceMaybe'.
genDifferenceMaybe :: (a -> b -> COrdering (Maybe a)) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> AVL a
genDifferenceMaybe = differenceMaybe
{-# INLINE genDifferenceMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genSymDifference "This is now called symDifference." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'symDifference'.
genSymDifference :: (e -> e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genSymDifference = symDifference
{-# INLINE genSymDifference #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIntersection "This is now called intersection." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'intersection'.
genIntersection :: (a -> b -> COrdering c) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> AVL c
genIntersection = intersection
{-# INLINE genIntersection #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIntersectionMaybe "This is now called intersectionMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'intersectionMaybe'.
genIntersectionMaybe :: (a -> b -> COrdering (Maybe c)) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> AVL c
genIntersectionMaybe = intersectionMaybe
{-# INLINE genIntersectionMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIntersectionToListL "This is now called intersectionToList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'intersectionToList'.
genIntersectionToListL :: (a -> b -> COrdering c) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> [c] -> [c]
genIntersectionToListL = intersectionToList
{-# INLINE genIntersectionToListL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIntersectionAsListL "This is now called intersectionAsList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'intersectionAsList'.
genIntersectionAsListL :: (a -> b -> COrdering c) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> [c]
genIntersectionAsListL = intersectionAsList
{-# INLINE genIntersectionAsListL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIntersectionMaybeToListL "This is now called intersectionMaybeToList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'intersectionMaybeToList'.
genIntersectionMaybeToListL :: (a -> b -> COrdering (Maybe c)) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> [c] -> [c]
genIntersectionMaybeToListL = intersectionMaybeToList
{-# INLINE genIntersectionMaybeToListL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIntersectionMaybeAsListL "This is now called intersectionMaybeAsList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'intersectionMaybeAsList'.
genIntersectionMaybeAsListL :: (a -> b -> COrdering (Maybe c)) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> [c]
genIntersectionMaybeAsListL = intersectionMaybeAsList
{-# INLINE genIntersectionMaybeAsListL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genVenn "This is now called venn." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'venn'.
genVenn :: (a -> b -> COrdering c) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> (AVL a, AVL c, AVL b)
genVenn = venn
{-# INLINE genVenn #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genVennMaybe "This is now called vennMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'vennMaybe'.
genVennMaybe :: (a -> b -> COrdering (Maybe c)) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> (AVL a, AVL c, AVL b)
genVennMaybe = vennMaybe
{-# INLINE genVennMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genVennToList "This is now called vennToList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'vennToList'.
genVennToList :: (a -> b -> COrdering c) -> [c] -> AVL a -> AVL b -> (AVL a, [c], AVL b)
genVennToList = vennToList
{-# INLINE genVennToList #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genVennAsList "This is now called vennAsList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'vennAsList'.
genVennAsList :: (a -> b -> COrdering c) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> (AVL a, [c], AVL b)
genVennAsList = vennAsList
{-# INLINE genVennAsList #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genVennMaybeToList "This is now called vennMaybeToList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'vennMaybeToList'.
genVennMaybeToList  :: (a -> b -> COrdering (Maybe c)) -> [c] -> AVL a -> AVL b -> (AVL a, [c], AVL b)
genVennMaybeToList = vennMaybeToList
{-# INLINE genVennMaybeToList #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genVennMaybeAsList "This is now called vennMaybeAsList." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'vennMaybeAsList'.
genVennMaybeAsList  :: (a -> b -> COrdering (Maybe c)) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> (AVL a, [c], AVL b)
genVennMaybeAsList = vennMaybeAsList
{-# INLINE genVennMaybeAsList #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIsSubsetOf "This is now called isSubsetOf." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'isSubsetOf'.
genIsSubsetOf :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> Bool
genIsSubsetOf = isSubsetOf
{-# INLINE genIsSubsetOf #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genIsSubsetOfBy "This is now called isSubsetOfBy." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'isSubsetOfBy'.
genIsSubsetOfBy :: (a -> b -> COrdering Bool) -> AVL a -> AVL b -> Bool
genIsSubsetOfBy = isSubsetOfBy
{-# INLINE genIsSubsetOfBy #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genAssertRead "This is now called assertRead." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'assertRead'.
genAssertRead :: AVL e -> (e -> COrdering a) -> a
genAssertRead = assertRead
{-# INLINE genAssertRead #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryRead "This is now called tryRead." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryRead'.
genTryRead :: AVL e -> (e -> COrdering a) ->  Maybe a
genTryRead = tryRead
{-# INLINE genTryRead #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryReadMaybe "This is now called tryReadMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryReadMaybe'.
genTryReadMaybe :: AVL e -> (e -> COrdering (Maybe a)) ->  Maybe a
genTryReadMaybe = tryReadMaybe
{-# INLINE genTryReadMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDefaultRead "This is now called defaultRead." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'defaultRead'.
genDefaultRead :: a -> AVL e -> (e -> COrdering a) -> a
genDefaultRead = defaultRead
{-# INLINE genDefaultRead #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genContains "This is now called contains." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'contains'.
genContains :: AVL e -> (e -> Ordering) -> Bool
genContains = contains
{-# INLINE genContains #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genWrite "This is now called write." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'write'.
genWrite :: (e -> COrdering e) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genWrite = write
{-# INLINE genWrite #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genWriteFast "This is now called writeFast." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'writeFast'.
genWriteFast :: (e -> COrdering e) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genWriteFast = writeFast
{-# INLINE genWriteFast #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryWrite "This is now called tryWrite." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryWrite'.
genTryWrite :: (e -> COrdering e) -> AVL e -> Maybe (AVL e)
genTryWrite = tryWrite
{-# INLINE genTryWrite #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genWriteMaybe "This is now called writeMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'writeMaybe'.
genWriteMaybe :: (e -> COrdering (Maybe e)) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genWriteMaybe = writeMaybe
{-# INLINE genWriteMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryWriteMaybe "This is now called tryWriteMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryWriteMaybe'.
genTryWriteMaybe :: (e -> COrdering (Maybe e)) -> AVL e -> Maybe (AVL e)
genTryWriteMaybe = tryWriteMaybe
{-# INLINE genTryWriteMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDel "This is now called delete." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'delete'.
genDel :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDel = delete
{-# INLINE genDel #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDelFast "This is now called deleteFast." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'deleteFast'.
genDelFast :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDelFast = deleteFast
{-# INLINE genDelFast #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDelIf "This is now called deleteIf." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'deleteIf'.
genDelIf :: (e -> COrdering Bool) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDelIf = deleteIf
{-# INLINE genDelIf #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDelMaybe "This is now called deleteMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'deleteMaybe'.
genDelMaybe :: (e -> COrdering (Maybe e)) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDelMaybe = deleteMaybe
{-# INLINE genDelMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genAssertPop "This is now called assertPop." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'assertPop'.
genAssertPop :: (e -> COrdering a) -> AVL e -> (a,AVL e)
genAssertPop = assertPop
{-# INLINE genAssertPop #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryPop "This is now called tryPop." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryPop'.
genTryPop :: (e -> COrdering a) -> AVL e -> Maybe (a,AVL e)
genTryPop = tryPop
{-# INLINE genTryPop #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genAssertPopMaybe "This is now called assertPopMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'assertPopMaybe'.
genAssertPopMaybe :: (e -> COrdering (a,Maybe e)) -> AVL e -> (a,AVL e)
genAssertPopMaybe = assertPopMaybe
{-# INLINE genAssertPopMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryPopMaybe "This is now called tryPopMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryPopMaybe'.
genTryPopMaybe :: (e -> COrdering (a,Maybe e)) -> AVL e -> Maybe (a,AVL e)
genTryPopMaybe = tryPopMaybe
{-# INLINE genTryPopMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genAssertPopIf "This is now called assertPopIf." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'assertPopIf'.
genAssertPopIf :: (e -> COrdering (a,Bool)) -> AVL e -> (a,AVL e)
genAssertPopIf = assertPopIf
{-# INLINE genAssertPopIf #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryPopIf "This is now called tryPopIf." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryPopIf'.
genTryPopIf :: (e -> COrdering (a,Bool)) -> AVL e -> Maybe (a,AVL e)
genTryPopIf = tryPopIf
{-# INLINE genTryPopIf #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genPush "This is now called push." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'push'.
genPush :: (e -> COrdering e) -> e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genPush = push
{-# INLINE genPush #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genPush' "This is now called  push'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use ' push''.
genPush' :: (e -> COrdering e) -> e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genPush' = push'
{-# INLINE genPush' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genPushMaybe "This is now called pushMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'pushMaybe'.
genPushMaybe :: (e -> COrdering (Maybe e)) -> e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genPushMaybe = pushMaybe
{-# INLINE genPushMaybe #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genPushMaybe' "This is now called pushMaybe'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'pushMaybe''.
genPushMaybe' :: (e -> COrdering (Maybe e)) -> e -> AVL e -> AVL e
genPushMaybe' = pushMaybe'
{-# INLINE genPushMaybe' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genAsTree "This is now called asTree." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'asTree'.
genAsTree :: (e -> e -> COrdering e) -> [e] -> AVL e
genAsTree = asTree
{-# INLINE genAsTree #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genForkL "This is now called forkL." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'forkL'.
genForkL :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> (AVL e, AVL e)
genForkL = forkL
{-# INLINE genForkL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genForkR "This is now called forkR." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'forkR'.
genForkR :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> (AVL e, AVL e)
genForkR = forkR
{-# INLINE genForkR #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genFork "This is now called fork." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'fork'.
genFork :: (e -> COrdering a) -> AVL e -> (AVL e, Maybe a, AVL e)
genFork = fork
{-# INLINE genFork #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTakeLE "This is now called takeLE." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'takeLE'.
genTakeLE :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genTakeLE = takeLE
{-# INLINE genTakeLE #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDropGT "This is now called dropGT." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'dropGT'.
genDropGT :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDropGT = dropGT
{-# INLINE genDropGT #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTakeLT "This is now called takeLT." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'takeLT'.
genTakeLT :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genTakeLT = takeLT
{-# INLINE genTakeLT #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDropGE "This is now called dropGE." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'dropGE'.
genDropGE :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDropGE = dropGE
{-# INLINE genDropGE #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTakeGT "This is now called takeGT." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'takeGT'.
genTakeGT :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genTakeGT = takeGT
{-# INLINE genTakeGT #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDropLE "This is now called dropLE." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'dropLE'.
genDropLE :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDropLE = dropLE
{-# INLINE genDropLE #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTakeGE "This is now called takeGE." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'takeGE'.
genTakeGE :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genTakeGE = takeGE
{-# INLINE genTakeGE #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genDropLT "This is now called dropLT." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'dropLT'.
genDropLT :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> AVL e
genDropLT = dropLT
{-# INLINE genDropLT #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genAssertOpen "This is now called assertOpen." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'assertOpen'.
genAssertOpen :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> ZAVL e
genAssertOpen = assertOpen
{-# INLINE genAssertOpen #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryOpen "This is now called tryOpen." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryOpen'.
genTryOpen :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> Maybe (ZAVL e)
genTryOpen = tryOpen
{-# INLINE genTryOpen #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryOpenGE "This is now called tryOpenGE." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryOpenGE'.
genTryOpenGE :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> Maybe (ZAVL e)
genTryOpenGE = tryOpenGE
{-# INLINE genTryOpenGE #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genTryOpenLE "This is now called tryOpenLE." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'tryOpenLE'.
genTryOpenLE :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> Maybe (ZAVL e)
genTryOpenLE = tryOpenLE
{-# INLINE genTryOpenLE #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genOpenEither "This is now called openEither." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'openEither'.
genOpenEither :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> Either (PAVL e) (ZAVL e)
genOpenEither = openEither
{-# INLINE genOpenEither #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genOpenBAVL "This is now called openBAVL." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'openBAVL'.
genOpenBAVL :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> BAVL e
genOpenBAVL = openBAVL
{-# INLINE genOpenBAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genFindPath "This is now called findPath." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'findPath'.
genFindPath :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> UINT
genFindPath = findPath
{-# INLINE genFindPath #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genOpenPath "This is now called openPath." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'openPath'.
genOpenPath :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> BinPath e
genOpenPath = openPath
{-# INLINE genOpenPath #-}

{-# DEPRECATED genOpenPathWith "This is now called openPathWith." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'openPathWith'.
genOpenPathWith :: (e -> COrdering a) -> AVL e -> BinPath a
genOpenPathWith = openPathWith
{-# INLINE genOpenPathWith #-}

{-# DEPRECATED fastAddSize "Use addSize or addSize#." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'addSize' or 'addSize#'.
fastAddSize :: UINT -> AVL e -> UINT
fastAddSize = addSize#
fastAddSize = addSize
{-# INLINE fastAddSize #-}

{-# DEPRECATED reverseAVL "This is now called reverse." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'reverse'.
reverseAVL :: AVL e -> AVL e
reverseAVL = reverse
{-# INLINE reverseAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAVL "This is now called map." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'map'.
mapAVL :: (a -> b) -> AVL a -> AVL b
mapAVL = map
{-# INLINE mapAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAVL' "This is now called map'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'map''.
mapAVL' :: (a -> b) -> AVL a -> AVL b
mapAVL' = map'
{-# INLINE mapAVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAccumLAVL "This is now called mapAccumL." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'mapAccumL'.
mapAccumLAVL :: (z -> a -> (z, b)) -> z -> AVL a -> (z, AVL b)
mapAccumLAVL = mapAccumL
{-# INLINE mapAccumLAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAccumRAVL "This is now called mapAccumR." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'mapAccumR'.
mapAccumRAVL :: (z -> a -> (z, b)) -> z -> AVL a -> (z, AVL b)
mapAccumRAVL = mapAccumR
{-# INLINE mapAccumRAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAccumLAVL' "This is now called mapAccumL'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'mapAccumL''.
mapAccumLAVL' :: (z -> a -> (z, b)) -> z -> AVL a -> (z, AVL b)
mapAccumLAVL' = mapAccumL'
{-# INLINE mapAccumLAVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAccumRAVL' "This is now called mapAccumR'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'mapAccumR''.
mapAccumRAVL' :: (z -> a -> (z, b)) -> z -> AVL a -> (z, AVL b)
mapAccumRAVL' = mapAccumR'
{-# INLINE mapAccumRAVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAccumLAVL'' "This is now called mapAccumL''." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'mapAccumL'''.
               :: (z -> a -> UBT2(z, b)) -> z -> AVL a -> (z, AVL b)
mapAccumLAVL'' = mapAccumL''
{-# INLINE mapAccumLAVL'' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapAccumRAVL'' "This is now called mapAccumR''." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'mapAccumR'''.
               :: (z -> a -> UBT2(z, b)) -> z -> AVL a -> (z, AVL b)
mapAccumRAVL'' = mapAccumR''
{-# INLINE mapAccumRAVL'' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldrAVL_UINT "This is now called foldrInt#." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldrInt#'.
foldrAVL_UINT :: (e -> UINT -> UINT) -> UINT -> AVL e -> UINT
foldrAVL_UINT = foldrInt#
{-# INLINE foldrAVL_UINT #-}


{-# DEPRECATED foldrAVL_UINT "This is deprecated, use foldr'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldr''.
foldrAVL_UINT :: (e -> UINT -> UINT) -> UINT -> AVL e -> UINT
foldrAVL_UINT = foldr'
{-# INLINE foldrAVL_UINT #-}


{-# DEPRECATED replicateAVL "This is now called replicate." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'replicate'.
replicateAVL :: Int -> e -> AVL e
replicateAVL = replicate
{-# INLINE replicateAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED filterAVL "This is now called filter." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'filter'.
filterAVL :: (e -> Bool) -> AVL e -> AVL e
filterAVL = filter
{-# INLINE filterAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED mapMaybeAVL "This is now called mapMaybe." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'mapMaybe'.
mapMaybeAVL :: (a -> Maybe b) -> AVL a -> AVL b
mapMaybeAVL = mapMaybe
{-# INLINE mapMaybeAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED partitionAVL "This is now called partition." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'partition'.
partitionAVL :: (e -> Bool) -> AVL e -> (AVL e, AVL e)
partitionAVL = partition
{-# INLINE partitionAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldrAVL "This is now called foldr." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldr'.
foldrAVL :: (e -> a -> a) -> a -> AVL e -> a
foldrAVL = foldr
{-# INLINE foldrAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldrAVL' "This is now called foldr'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldr''.
foldrAVL' :: (e -> a -> a) -> a -> AVL e -> a
foldrAVL' = foldr'
{-# INLINE foldrAVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldr1AVL "This is now called foldr1." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldr1'.
foldr1AVL :: (e -> e -> e) -> AVL e -> e
foldr1AVL = foldr1
{-# INLINE foldr1AVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldr1AVL' "This is now called foldr1'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldr1''.
foldr1AVL' :: (e -> e -> e) -> AVL e -> e
foldr1AVL' = foldr1'
{-# INLINE foldr1AVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldr2AVL "This is now called foldr2." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldr2'.
foldr2AVL :: (e -> a -> a) -> (e -> a) -> AVL e -> a
foldr2AVL = foldr2
{-# INLINE foldr2AVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldr2AVL' "This is now called foldr2'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldr2''.
foldr2AVL' :: (e -> a -> a) -> (e -> a) -> AVL e -> a
foldr2AVL' = foldr2'
{-# INLINE foldr2AVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldlAVL "This is now called foldl." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldl'.
foldlAVL :: (a -> e -> a) -> a -> AVL e -> a
foldlAVL = foldl
{-# INLINE foldlAVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldlAVL' "This is now called foldl'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldl''.
foldlAVL' :: (a -> e -> a) -> a -> AVL e -> a
foldlAVL' = foldl'
{-# INLINE foldlAVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldl1AVL "This is now called foldl1." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldl1'.
foldl1AVL :: (e -> e -> e) -> AVL e -> e
foldl1AVL = foldl1
{-# INLINE foldl1AVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldl1AVL' "This is now called foldl1'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldl1''.
foldl1AVL' :: (e -> e -> e) -> AVL e -> e
foldl1AVL' = foldl1'
{-# INLINE foldl1AVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldl2AVL "This is now called foldl2." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldl2'.
foldl2AVL :: (a -> e -> a) -> (e -> a) -> AVL e -> a
foldl2AVL = foldl2
{-# INLINE foldl2AVL #-}

{-# DEPRECATED foldl2AVL' "This is now called foldl2'." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'foldl2''.
foldl2AVL' :: (a -> e -> a) -> (e -> a) -> AVL e -> a
foldl2AVL' = foldl2'
{-# INLINE foldl2AVL' #-}

{-# DEPRECATED findPath "This is now called findFullPath." #-}
-- | This name is /deprecated/. Instead use 'findFullPath'.
findPath :: (e -> Ordering) -> AVL e -> UINT
findPath = findFullPath
{-# INLINE findPath #-}