module BNFC.CFSpec where import Test.Hspec -- SUT: import BNFC.CF spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Show Cat" $ do it "shows (Cat \"Def\") as \"Def\"" $ show (Cat "Def") `shouldBe` "Def" it "shows (ListCat (Cat \"Thing\")) as \"[Thing]\"" $ show (ListCat (Cat "Thing")) `shouldBe` "[Thing]" it "shows (CoercCat \"Expr\" 3) as \"Expr3\"" $ show (CoercCat "Expr" 3) `shouldBe` "Expr3" it "shows (ListCat (CoercCat \"Expr\" 2)) as \"[Expr2]\"" $ show (ListCat (CoercCat "Expr" 2)) `shouldBe` "[Expr2]" it "shows (TokenCat \"Abc\") as \"Abc\"" $ show (TokenCat "Abc") `shouldBe` "Abc" describe "strToCat" $ do it "reads \"Abc\" to Cat \"Abc\"" $ strToCat "Abc" `shouldBe` Cat "Abc" it "reads \"Abc123\" to CoercCat \"Abc\" 123" $ strToCat "Abc123" `shouldBe` CoercCat "Abc" 123 it "reads \"[Expr2]\" to ListCat (CoercCat \"Expr\" 2)" $ strToCat "[Expr2]" `shouldBe` ListCat (CoercCat "Expr" 2) describe "identCat" $ do it "returns ListC for (ListCat (Cat \"C\"))" $ identCat (ListCat (Cat "C")) `shouldBe` "ListC" it "returns C3 for (CoercCat \"C\" 3)" $ identCat (CoercCat "C" 3) `shouldBe` "C3" describe "catOfList" $ do it "returns Cat \"A\" for (ListCat (Cat \"A\"))" $ catOfList (ListCat (Cat "A")) `shouldBe` Cat "A" it "returns Cat \"B\" for (Cat \"B\")" $ catOfList (Cat "B") `shouldBe` Cat "B" describe "precCat" $ do it "returns 0 for a regular category" $ do precCat (Cat "Abc") `shouldBe` 0 it "returns the precedence of a CoercCat" $ precCat (CoercCat "Abc" 4) `shouldBe` 4 it "returns the precedence of a CoercCat inside of a ListCat" $ precCat (ListCat (CoercCat "Abc" 2)) `shouldBe` 2 describe "sameCat" $ do it "considers a category to be the same as itself" $ sameCat (Cat "Abc") (Cat "Abc") `shouldBe` True it "considers Abc3 and Abc5 to be the same" $ sameCat (CoercCat "Abc" 3) (CoercCat "Abc" 5) `shouldBe` True it "considers Abc and Abc4 to be the same" $ sameCat (Cat "Abc") (CoercCat "Abc" 44) `shouldBe` True it "considers Foo and Bar to not be the same" $ sameCat (Cat "Foo") (Cat "Bar") `shouldBe` False describe "getSeparatorByPrecedence" $ do let c0 = CoercCat "C" 0 c1 = CoercCat "C" 1 rule0 = Rule "(:)" (ListCat c0) [Left c0, Right ",", Left (ListCat c0)] rule1 = Rule "(:)" (ListCat c1) [Left c1, Right ";", Left (ListCat c1)] it "returns a single value for a simple list" $ getSeparatorByPrecedence [rule0] `shouldBe` [(0,",")] it "returns as many separators as there are list constructors" $ getSeparatorByPrecedence [rule0, rule1] `shouldBe` [(1,";"),(0,",")] it "ignores additional rules with the same precedence" $ getSeparatorByPrecedence [rule0, rule1, rule0] `shouldBe` [(1,";"),(0,",")]