{- BNF Converter: Pretty-printer generator Copyright (C) 2005 Author: Kristofer Johannisson -} -- based on BNFC Haskell backend {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BNFC.Backend.OCaml.CFtoOCamlPrinter (cf2Printer, prtFun) where import Prelude hiding ((<>)) import Data.Char(toLower) import Data.List (intersperse, sortBy) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Utils import BNFC.Backend.OCaml.OCamlUtil import BNFC.PrettyPrint import BNFC.Backend.Haskell.CFtoPrinter (compareRules) -- derive pretty-printer from a BNF grammar. AR 15/2/2002 cf2Printer :: String -> ModuleName -> CF -> String cf2Printer _name absMod cf = unlines [ prologue, charRule cf, integerRule cf, doubleRule cf, stringRule cf, if hasIdent cf then identRule absMod cf else "", unlines [ownPrintRule absMod cf own | (own,_) <- tokenPragmas cf], rules absMod cf ] prologue :: String prologue = unlines [ "(* pretty-printer *)", "", "open Printf", "", "(* We use string buffers for efficient string concatenation.", " A document takes a buffer and an indentation, has side effects on the buffer", " and returns a new indentation. The indentation argument indicates the level", " of indentation to be used if a new line has to be started (because of what is", " already in the buffer) *)", "type doc = Buffer.t -> int -> int", "", "let rec printTree (printer : int -> 'a -> doc) (tree : 'a) : string = ", " let buffer_init_size = 64 (* you may want to change this *)", " in let buffer = Buffer.create buffer_init_size", " in ", " let _ = printer 0 tree buffer 0 in (* discard return value *)", " Buffer.contents buffer", "", "let indent_width = 2", "", "let indent (i: int) : string = \"\\n\" ^ String.make i ' '", "", "(* To avoid dependency on package extlib, which has", " Extlib.ExtChar.Char.is_whitespace, we employ the following awkward", " way to check a character for whitespace.", " Note: String.trim exists in the core libraries since Ocaml 4.00. *)", "let isWhiteSpace (c: char) : bool = String.trim (String.make 1 c) = \"\"", "", "(* this render function is written for C-style languages, you may want to change it *)", "let render (s : string) : doc = fun buf i -> ", " (* invariant: last char of the buffer is never whitespace *)", " let n = Buffer.length buf in", " let last = if n = 0 then None else Some (Buffer.nth buf (n-1)) in", " let newindent = match s with", " \"{\" -> i + indent_width", " | \"}\" -> i - indent_width", " | _ -> i in", " let whitespace = match last with", " None -> \"\" ", " | Some '}' -> (match s with", " \";\" -> \"\"", " | _ -> indent newindent)", " | (Some '{') | (Some ';') -> if s = \"}\" then indent newindent else indent i", " | (Some '[') | (Some '(') -> \"\"", " | Some c -> if isWhiteSpace c then \"\" else (match s with", " \";\" | \",\" | \")\" | \"]\" -> \"\"", " | \"{\" -> indent i", " | \"}\" -> indent newindent", " | _ -> if String.trim s = \"\" then \"\" else \" \") in", " Buffer.add_string buf whitespace;", " Buffer.add_string buf s;", " newindent", "", "let emptyDoc : doc = fun buf i -> i", "", "let concatD (ds : doc list) : doc = fun buf i -> ", " List.fold_left (fun accIndent elemDoc -> elemDoc buf accIndent) (emptyDoc buf i) ds", "", "let parenth (d:doc) : doc = concatD [render \"(\"; d; render \")\"]", "", "let prPrec (i:int) (j:int) (d:doc) : doc = if j String charRule cf = unlines [ "let rec prtChar (_:int) (c:char) : doc = render (\"'\" ^ Char.escaped c ^ \"'\")", ifList cf (TokenCat catChar), "" ] integerRule :: CF -> String integerRule cf = unlines [ "let rec prtInt (_:int) (i:int) : doc = render (string_of_int i)", ifList cf (TokenCat catInteger), "" ] doubleRule :: CF -> String doubleRule cf = unlines [ "let rec prtFloat (_:int) (f:float) : doc = render (sprintf \"%.15g\" f)", ifList cf (TokenCat catDouble), "" ] stringRule :: CF -> String stringRule cf = unlines [ "let rec prtString (_:int) (s:string) : doc = render (\"\\\"\" ^ String.escaped s ^ \"\\\"\")", ifList cf (TokenCat catString), "" ] identRule :: ModuleName -> CF -> String identRule absMod cf = ownPrintRule absMod cf catIdent ownPrintRule :: ModuleName -> CF -> TokenCat -> String ownPrintRule absMod cf own = unlines $ [ "let rec" +++ prtFun (TokenCat own) +++ "_ (" ++ absMod ++ "." ++ own ++ posn ++ ") : doc = render i", ifList cf (TokenCat own) ] where posn = if isPositionCat cf own then " (_,i)" else " i" -- copy and paste from CFtoTemplate rules :: ModuleName -> CF -> String rules absMod cf = unlines $ mutualDefs $ map (\(s,xs) -> case_fun absMod s (map toArgs xs) ++ ifList cf s) $ cf2data cf where reserved = "i":"e":reservedOCaml toArgs (cons,args) = ((cons, mkNames reserved LowerCase (map var args)), ruleOf cons) var (ListCat c) = var c ++ "s" var (Cat "Ident") = "id" var (Cat "Integer") = "n" var (Cat "String") = "str" var (Cat "Char") = "c" var (Cat "Double") = "d" var xs = map toLower (catToStr xs) ruleOf s = fromJust $ lookupRule (noPosition s) (cfgRules cf) -- case_fun :: Cat -> [(Constructor,Rule)] -> String case_fun :: String -> Cat -> [((String, [String]), (Cat, [Either Cat String]))] -> String case_fun absMod cat xs = unlines [ -- "instance Print" +++ cat +++ "where", prtFun cat +++"(i:int)" +++ "(e : " ++ fixTypeQual absMod cat ++ ") : doc = match e with", unlines $ insertBar $ map (\ ((c,xx),r) -> " " ++ absMod ++ "." ++ c +++ mkTuple xx +++ "->" +++ "prPrec i" +++ show (precCat (fst r)) +++ mkRhs xx (snd r)) xs ] -- ifList cf cat = mkListRule $ nil cat ++ one cat ++ cons cat where -- nil cat = [" [] -> " ++ mkRhs [] its | -- Rule f c its <- rulesOfCF cf, isNilFun f , normCatOfList c == cat] -- one cat = [" | [x] -> " ++ mkRhs ["x"] its | -- Rule f c its <- rulesOfCF cf, isOneFun f , normCatOfList c == cat] -- cons cat = [" | x::xs -> " ++ mkRhs ["x","xs"] its | -- Rule f c its <- rulesOfCF cf, isConsFun f , normCatOfList c == cat] -- mkListRule [] = "" -- mkListRule rs = unlines $ ("and prt" ++ fixTypeUpper cat ++ "ListBNFC" +++ "_ es : doc = match es with"):rs ifList :: CF -> Cat -> String ifList cf cat | null rules = "" | otherwise = render $ case cases of [] -> empty -- IMPOSSIBLE CASE when (rules /= []) first:rest -> vcat [ "and prt" <> text (fixTypeUpper cat) <> "ListBNFC i es : doc = match (i, es) with" , nest 4 first , nest 2 $ vcat (map ("|" <+>) rest) ] where rules = sortBy compareRules $ rulesForNormalizedCat cf (ListCat cat) cases = concat [ [ "(_,[]) -> (concatD [])" | not $ any isNilFun rules ] -- Andreas, 2021-09-22, issue #386 -- If the list is @nonempty@ according to the grammar, still add a nil case. -- In the AST it is simply a list, and the AST could be created -- by other means than by parsing. , [ d | r <- rules, let d = mkPrtListCase minPrec r, not (isEmpty d) ] ] -- Andreas, 2021-09-22, issue #384: -- The minimum precedence of a rule lhs category in the rules set. -- This is considered the default precedence; used to make the printing function total. minPrec = minimum $ map precRule rules -- | Pattern match on the list constructor and the coercion level -- -- >>> mkPrtListCase 0 (npRule "[]" (ListCat (Cat "Foo")) [] Parsable) -- (_,[]) -> (concatD []) -- -- >>> mkPrtListCase 0 (npRule "(:[])" (ListCat (Cat "Foo")) [Left (Cat "Foo")] Parsable) -- (_,[x]) -> (concatD [prtFoo 0 x]) -- -- >>> mkPrtListCase 0 (npRule "(:)" (ListCat (Cat "Foo")) [Left (Cat "Foo"), Left (ListCat (Cat "Foo"))] Parsable) -- (_,x::xs) -> (concatD [prtFoo 0 x ; prtFooListBNFC 0 xs]) -- -- >>> mkPrtListCase 0 (npRule "[]" (ListCat (CoercCat "Foo" 2)) [] Parsable) -- (2,[]) -> (concatD []) -- -- >>> mkPrtListCase 0 (npRule "(:[])" (ListCat (CoercCat "Foo" 2)) [Left (CoercCat "Foo" 2)] Parsable) -- (2,[x]) -> (concatD [prtFoo 2 x]) -- -- >>> mkPrtListCase 2 (npRule "(:)" (ListCat (CoercCat "Foo" 2)) [Left (CoercCat "Foo" 2), Left (ListCat (CoercCat "Foo" 2))] Parsable) -- (_,x::xs) -> (concatD [prtFoo 2 x ; prtFooListBNFC 2 xs]) -- mkPrtListCase :: Integer -- ^ The lowest precedence of a lhs in a list rule. Default: 0. -> Rule -- ^ The list rule. -> Doc mkPrtListCase minPrec (Rule f (WithPosition _ (ListCat c)) rhs _) | isNilFun f = parens (precPattern <> "," <> "[]") <+> "->" <+> body | isOneFun f = parens (precPattern <> "," <> "[x]") <+> "->" <+> body | isConsFun f = parens (precPattern <> "," <>"x::xs") <+> "->" <+> body | otherwise = empty -- (++) constructor where precPattern = if p <= minPrec then "_" else integer p p = precCat c body = text $ mkRhs ["x", "xs"] rhs mkPrtListCase _ _ = error "mkPrtListCase undefined for non-list categories" mkRhs :: [String] -> [Either Cat String] -> [Char] mkRhs args its = "(concatD [" ++ unwords (intersperse ";" (mk args its)) ++ "])" where mk (arg:args) (Left c : items) = (prt c +++ arg) : mk args items mk args (Right s : items) = ("render " ++ mkEsc s) : mk args items mk _ _ = [] prt c = prtFun c +++ show (precCat c) prtFun :: Cat -> String prtFun (ListCat c) = prtFun c ++ "ListBNFC" prtFun c = "prt" ++ fixTypeUpper (normCat c)