name: BiobaseInfernal version: author: Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen maintainer: homepage: bug-reports: copyright: Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen, 2011 - 2017 category: Bioinformatics license: GPL-3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple stability: experimental cabal-version: >= 1.10.0 tested-with: GHC == 7.10.3, GHC == 8.0.1 synopsis: Infernal data structures and tools description: Provides import and export facilities for Infernal/Rfam data formats. We include Stockholm, CM, verbose Infernal results, and tabulated Infernal results. Some small tools are included. . The VerboseHit format is slightly extended to allow simple annotations. This extension should be backward-compatible with standard-compliant parsers. . The @cmsearchFilter@ program provides filtering and coloring options. extra-source-files: library build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5.0 , aeson >= 0.9 , attoparsec >= 0.12 , binary >= 0.7 , bytestring , cereal >= 0.4 , cereal-text >= 0.1 , cereal-vector >= 0.2 , containers , data-default >= 0.5 , deepseq >= 1.4 , filepath >= 1.3 , hashable >= 1.2 , lens >= 4.0 , parallel >= 3.0 , pipes >= 4.0 , pipes-attoparsec >= 0.5 , pipes-bytestring >= 2.0 , pipes-parse >= 3.0 , pipes-safe >= 2.2 , pipes-zlib >= 0.4 , primitive >= 0.5 , strict >= 0.3 , string-conversions >= 0.4 , text >= 1.0 , text-binary >= 0.1 , transformers , tuple >= 0.3 , unordered-containers >= 0.2 , utf8-string >= 1.0 , vector >= 0.10 , vector-th-unbox >= 0.2 , zlib >= 0.6 -- own libraries (keep tight control over versioning?) , BiobaseTypes == 0.1.2.* , BiobaseXNA == 0.9.3.* , DPutils == 0.0.1.* , PrimitiveArray == 0.8.0.* exposed-modules: Biobase.SElab.Model Biobase.SElab.Model.Import Biobase.SElab.Model.Types Biobase.SElab.CM Biobase.SElab.CM.Import Biobase.SElab.CM.ModelStructure Biobase.SElab.CM.Types Biobase.SElab.Common.Parser Biobase.SElab.HMM Biobase.SElab.HMM.Import Biobase.SElab.HMM.Types Biobase.SElab.Taxonomy Biobase.SElab.Taxonomy.Import default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: BangPatterns , DataKinds , DeriveGeneric , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , GADTs , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , LambdaCase , MultiParamTypeClasses , MultiWayIf , OverloadedStrings , ParallelListComp , PatternSynonyms , RankNTypes , RecordWildCards , ScopedTypeVariables , TemplateHaskell , TupleSections , TypeFamilies , TypeOperators , TypeSynonymInstances , UndecidableInstances ghc-options: -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -- provides advanced cmsearch hit filtering functionality. executable cmsearchFilter build-depends: base , cmdargs >= 0.10 -- , BiobaseInfernal hs-source-dirs: src main-is: cmsearchFilter.hs default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -O2 benchmark parsing type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-depends: base , criterion >= , lens , text , transformers -- , BiobaseInfernal hs-source-dirs: tests main-is: parsing.hs default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -O2 -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -I0" test-suite properties type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: properties.hs ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N hs-source-dirs: tests default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: OverloadedStrings , ScopedTypeVariables , TemplateHaskell build-depends: base , HUnit >= 1.2 , lens , QuickCheck , tasty >= 0.11 , tasty-hunit >= 0.9 , tasty-quickcheck >= 0.8 , tasty-th >= 0.1 -- , BiobaseInfernal source-repository head type: git location: git://