BiobaseXNA- Efficient RNA/DNA/Protein Primary/Secondary Structure

Safe HaskellNone



The primary structure: interface to efficient encoding of RNA and DNA sequences. The design aims toward the vector library and repa. In particular, everything is strict; if you want to stream full genomes, use text or lazy bytestrings instead and cast to Biobase.Primary definitions only at the last moment.

Degenerate encoding can be found in the IUPAC module.

TODO enable OverloadedLists



cdna :: Iso' Char (Letter DNA n) Source #

An isomorphism from Char to 'Letter DNA'. This assumes that the underlying Chars actually represent a DNA sequence. This allows typesafe modification of DNA sequences since only [A,C,G,T,N] are allowed.

crna :: Iso' Char (Letter RNA n) Source #

An isomorphism from Char to 'Letter RNA'. This assumes that the underlying Chars actually represent an RNA sequence. This allows typesafe modification of RNA sequences since only [A,C,G,U,N] are allowed.