{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

module Biobase.Secondary.Constraint where

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Primitive.Types
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU

import Data.PrimitiveArray
import Data.PrimitiveArray.Zero.Unboxed
import "PrimitiveArray" Data.Array.Repa.Index
import "PrimitiveArray" Data.Array.Repa.Shape

import Biobase.Secondary.Diagrams

-- | We can create a constraint from different sources

class MkConstraint a where
  mkConstraint :: a -> Constraint

-- | A constraint is nothing more than a vector of constraint characters
-- together with a possible pairing for each character.

newtype Constraint = Constraint {unConstraint :: VU.Vector (Char,Int)}
  deriving (Show,Read,Eq)

bonusCC = VU.fromList "()<>|"
{-# NOINLINE bonusCC #-}

nobonusCC = VU.fromList ".x"
{-# NOINLINE nobonusCC #-}

-- | Given a 'Constraint', create an NxN matrix with bonus energies. These
-- energies can be included in all pair-creating functions and will disallow or
-- strongly favor certain pairings, while others will receive neither bonus nor
-- malus.
-- In case, a pair (i,j) is annotated as both, bonus- and malus-receiving, it
-- will be set to receive a malus. This can happen, if something like "<" would
-- give a bonus, but "x" gives a malus (and other cases).
-- TODO and again, we should parametrize over "Energy", "Score", etc (that is,
-- Prim a)

bonusTable :: Double -> Double -> Constraint -> Arr0 DIM2 Double
bonusTable bonus malus (Constraint constraint) = arr where
  arr = fromAssocs zeroDim (Z:.n:.n) 0 $ bonusBr ++ bonusAn ++ bonusBa ++ malusBr ++ malusAn ++ malusX
  n = VU.length constraint -1
  infixl 1 `xor`
  xor a b = a && not b || not a && b
  -- "()" bonus energies
  bonusBr = [ (Z:.i:.j,bonus)
            | (i,('(',j)) <- zip [0..] $ VU.toList constraint
  malusBr = [ (Z:.i:.j,malus)
            | i <- [0..n]
            , j <- [i..n]
            , let bi = constraint VU.! i
            , let bj = constraint VU.! j
            , fst bi == '(' && snd bi /= j || fst bj == ')' && snd bj /= i
  bonusAn = [ (Z:.i:.j,bonus)
            | i<-[0..n]
            , fst (constraint VU.! i) == '<'
            , j<-[i+1..n]
            ] ++
            [ (Z:.i:.j,bonus)
            | j<-[0..n]
            , fst (constraint VU.! j) == '>'
            , i<-[0..j-1]
  malusAn = [ (Z:.i:.j,malus)
            | i<-[0..n]
            , j<-[i+1..n]
            , fst (constraint VU.! j) == '<'
            ] ++
            [ (Z:.i:.j,malus)
            | i<-[0..n]
            , j<-[i+1..n]
            , fst (constraint VU.! i) == '>'
  bonusBa = [ (Z:.i:.j,bonus)
            | i<-[0..n]
            , j<-[i+1..n]
            , fst (constraint VU.! i) == '|' || fst (constraint VU.! j) == '|'
  malusX  = [ (Z:.i:.j,malus)
            | i<-[0..n]
            , j<-[i+1..n]
            , fst (constraint VU.! i) == 'x' || fst (constraint VU.! j) == 'x'

testC = putStrLn $ f as where
  f [] = ""
  f xs = show (take 9 xs) ++ "\n" ++ f (drop 9 xs)
  as = toList $ bonusTable (1) 2 (mkConstraint "(<<..x|>)")

-- * Instances

instance MkConstraint String where
  mkConstraint xs = mkConstraint . VU.fromList . map toLower $ xs

instance MkConstraint (VU.Vector Char) where
  mkConstraint cs = Constraint $ VU.zip cs ks where
    (D1S ks) = mkD1S cs