Name: BluePrintCSS
Version: 0.1
Synopsis: Html document layout library.
Description: The library helps to format html documents using popular BluePrint CSS framework . Currently, Blaze and HSX html generators are supported (note 'blaze' and 'hsx' flags). See repository for complex examples.
License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE
Author: Sergey Mironov
Maintainer: Sergey Mironov
Build-Type: Simple
Cabal-Version: >=1.6
Stability: Experimental
Category: Web, Text
Flag hsx
Description: Include HSX xml generator support
Default: False
Flag blaze
Description: Include blaze-html generator support
Default: False
Exposed-modules: Text.BluePrintCSS.Base,
if flag(blaze)
Exposed-modules: Text.BluePrintCSS.Blaze
Build-Depends: blaze-html
if flag(hsx)
Exposed-modules: Text.BluePrintCSS.XMLGenT
Build-Depends: hsx
Build-Depends: base >=4 && < 5, mtl
cpp-options: -DBASE4
hs-source-dirs: src
Extensions: TypeSynonymInstances,MultiParamTypeClasses,FlexibleInstances,UndecidableInstances,TypeFamilies