-- |
-- Module      :  CSPM.FiringRules.Verifier
-- Copyright   :  (c) Fontaine 2010 - 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  fontaine@cs.uni-duesseldorf.de
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- A checker for the firing rules semantics of CSPM.
-- It checks that a transition proof tree is valid with respect to the firing rules
-- semantics of CSPM.
-- In particular, it checks, that it is syntactically valid and that all side conditions hold.
-- The 'Rule' data type stores proof trees in a compressed form.
-- These functions are also used to reconstruct an explicit representation of the transition.
-- Note :
-- In our use-case for this module, it is an assertions that the proof tree generator
-- only constructs valid proof trees,
-- i.e. an invalid proof tree always means a bug in the proof tree generator.
-- We use 'viewRule' to reconstruct the transition and at the same time check that assertion.
-- If one knows for sure that all proof trees are correct,
-- it is possible to use a faster version of 'viewRule',
-- which reconstructs the transition without checking the side conditions.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module CSPM.FiringRules.Verifier

import CSPM.CoreLanguage
import CSPM.CoreLanguage.Event
import CSPM.FiringRules.Rules

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.List as List

  This function reconstructs the transition that is actually proven by the proof tree.
  It returns the transition as a triple (predecessor 'Process', Event, successor 'Process').
  If the proof tree is invalid it throws an exception.
viewRule :: BL i => Rule i -> (Process i, TTE i, Process i)
viewRule proofTree = case viewRuleMaybe proofTree of
  Nothing -> error "viewRule : internal error malformed Rule"
  Just v -> v

-- | Like 'viewRule' but just return the predecessor process.
viewProcBefore :: BL i => Rule i -> Process i
viewProcBefore = (\(p,_,_) -> p) . viewRule

-- | Like 'viewRule' but just return the event.
viewEvent :: BL i => Rule i -> TTE i
viewEvent =  (\(_,e,_) -> e) . viewRule

-- | Like 'viewRule' but just return the successor process.
viewProcAfter :: BL i => Rule i  -> Process i
viewProcAfter =  (\(_,_,p) -> p) . viewRule

-- | Like 'viewRule' but returns 'Nothing' in case of an invalid proof tree.
viewRuleMaybe :: BL i => Rule i -> Maybe (Process i, TTE i, Process i)
viewRuleMaybe proofTree = case proofTree of
  TauRule r -> case viewRuleTau r of
    Just (p, p') -> Just (p, TauEvent, p')
    Nothing     -> Nothing
  TickRule r -> case viewRuleTick r of
    Just p  -> Just (p, TickEvent, Omega)
    Nothing -> Nothing
  EventRule r -> case viewRuleEvent r of
    Just (p, e, p') -> Just (p, SEvent e, p')
    Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Used for testing.
viewRuleTau :: forall i. BL i => RuleTau i -> Maybe (Process i, Process i)
viewRuleTau rule = case rule of
  ExtChoiceTauL pp q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau pp
    return (ExternalChoice p q, ExternalChoice p' q)
  ExtChoiceTauR p qq -> do
    (q, q') <- viewRuleTau qq
    return (ExternalChoice p q, ExternalChoice p q')
  InternalChoiceL p q -> return (InternalChoice p q,p)
  InternalChoiceR p q -> return (InternalChoice p q,q)
  InterleaveTauL pp q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau pp
    return (Interleave p q, Interleave p' q)
  InterleaveTauR p qq -> do
    (q, q') <- viewRuleTau qq
    return (Interleave p q, Interleave p q')
  InterleaveTickL pp q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return (Interleave p q, Interleave Omega q)
  InterleaveTickR p qq -> do
    q <- viewRuleTick qq
    return (Interleave p q, Interleave p Omega)
  SeqTau pp q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau pp
    return (Seq p q, Seq p' q)
  SeqTick pp q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return (Seq p q, q)
  Hidden c pp -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    guard $ member (undefined :: i) e c
    return (Hide c p, Hide c p')
  HideTau c pp -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau pp
    return (Hide c p, Hide c p')
  ShareTauL c pp q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau pp
    return (Sharing p c q, Sharing p' c q)
  ShareTauR c p qq -> do
    (q, q') <- viewRuleTau qq
    return (Sharing p c q, Sharing p c q')
  ShareTickL c pp q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return (Sharing p c q, Sharing Omega c q)
  ShareTickR c p qq -> do
    q <- viewRuleTick qq
    return (Sharing p c q, Sharing p c Omega)
  AParallelTauL pc qc r q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau r
    return (AParallel pc qc p q, AParallel pc qc p' q)
  AParallelTauR pc qc p r -> do
    (q, q') <- viewRuleTau r
    return (AParallel pc qc p q, AParallel pc qc p q')    
  AParallelTickL pc qc r q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick r
    return (AParallel pc qc p q, AParallel pc qc Omega q)    
  AParallelTickR pc qc p r -> do
    q <- viewRuleTick r
    return (AParallel pc qc p q, AParallel pc qc p Omega)    
  InterruptTauL r q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau r
    return (Interrupt p q, Interrupt p' q)
  InterruptTauR p r -> do
    (q, q') <- viewRuleTau r
    return (Interrupt p q, Interrupt p q')
  TauRepAParallel l -> do
    parts <- forM l $ \x -> case x of
      Left a -> return (a, a)
      Right (c, r) -> do 
        (p, p') <- viewRuleTau r
        return ((c,p), (c,p'))
    return (RepAParallel $ map fst parts, RepAParallel $ map snd parts)
  TimeoutTauR r q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau r
    return (Timeout p q, Timeout p' q)
  TimeoutOccurs p q -> return (Timeout p q, q)
  RenamingTau rel pp -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau pp
    return (Renaming rel p, Renaming rel p')
  ChaosStop e -> return (Chaos e, Stop)
  LinkTauL rel pp q -> do
    (p, p') <- viewRuleTau pp
    return (LinkParallel rel p q, LinkParallel rel p' q)
  LinkTauR rel p qq -> do
    (q, q') <- viewRuleTau qq
    return (LinkParallel rel p q, LinkParallel rel p q')
  LinkTickL rel pp q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return (LinkParallel rel p q, LinkParallel rel Omega q)
  LinkTickR rel p qq -> do
    q <- viewRuleTick qq
    return (LinkParallel rel p q, LinkParallel rel p Omega)
  LinkLinked rel pp qq -> do
    (p, e1, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    (q, e2, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    guard $ isInRenaming (undefined :: i) rel e1 e2
    return (LinkParallel rel p q, LinkParallel rel p' q')
  TraceSwitchOn p -> return (p, p)

-- | Used for testing.
viewRuleTick :: BL i => RuleTick i -> Maybe (Process i)
viewRuleTick rule = case rule of
  InterleaveOmega -> return (Interleave Omega Omega)
  HiddenTick c pp -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return $ Hide c p
  ShareOmega c -> return $ Sharing Omega c Omega
  AParallelOmega c1 c2 -> return $ AParallel c1 c2 Omega Omega
  SkipTick -> return Skip
  ExtChoiceTickL pp q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return $ ExternalChoice p q
  ExtChoiceTickR p qq -> do
    q <- viewRuleTick qq
    return $ ExternalChoice p q
  InterruptTick pp q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return $ Interrupt p q
  TimeoutTick pp q -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return $ Timeout p q
  RepAParallelOmega l
    -> return $ RepAParallel $ zip l $ repeat Omega
  RenamingTick rel pp -> do
    p <- viewRuleTick pp
    return $ Renaming rel p
  LinkParallelTick rel
    -> return $ LinkParallel rel Omega Omega

-- | Used for testing.
viewRuleEvent :: forall i. BL i => RuleEvent i -> Maybe (Process i, Event i, Process i)
viewRuleEvent rule = case rule of
  HPrefix e p -> do
    p' <- prefixNext p e
    return (Prefix p, e, p')
  ExtChoiceL pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    return (ExternalChoice p q, e, p')
  ExtChoiceR p qq -> do
    (q, e, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    return (ExternalChoice p q, e, q')
  InterleaveL pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    return (Interleave p q, e, Interleave p' q)
  InterleaveR p qq -> do
    (q, e, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    return (Interleave p q, e, Interleave p q')
  SeqNormal pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    return (Seq p q, e, Seq p' q)
  NotHidden c pp -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    not_in_Closure e c
    return (Hide c p, e, Hide c p')
  NotShareL c pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    not_in_Closure e c
    return (Sharing p c q, e, Sharing p' c q)
  NotShareR c p qq -> do
    (q, e, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    not_in_Closure e c
    return (Sharing p c q, e, Sharing p c q')
  Shared c pp qq -> do
    (p, e1, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    (q, e2, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    guard $ eventEq ty e1 e2
    in_Closure e1 c
    return (Sharing p c q, e1, Sharing p' c q')
  AParallelL c1 c2 pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    in_Closure e c1
    not_in_Closure e c2
    return (AParallel c1 c2 p q, e, AParallel c1 c2 p' q)
  AParallelR c1 c2 p qq -> do
    (q, e, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    not_in_Closure e c1
    in_Closure e c2
    return (AParallel c1 c2 p q, e, AParallel c1 c2 p q')
  AParallelBoth c1 c2 pp qq -> do
    (p, e2, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    (q, e1, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    guard $ eventEq ty e1 e2
    in_Closure e1 c1
    in_Closure e1 c2
    return (AParallel c1 c2 p q, e1, AParallel c1 c2 p' q')
  NoInterrupt pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    return (Interrupt p q, e, Interrupt p' q)
  InterruptOccurs p qq -> do
    (q, e, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    return (Interrupt p q, e, q')
  TimeoutNo pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    return (Timeout p q, e, p')
  RepAParallelEvent l -> checkRepAParallel l
  Rename rel visibleEvent pp -> do
    (p, internalEvent, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    guard $ isInRenaming ty rel internalEvent visibleEvent
    return (Renaming rel p, visibleEvent, Renaming rel p')
  RenameNotInDomain rel pp -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    guard $ not $ isInRenamingDomain ty e rel
    return (Renaming rel p, e, Renaming rel p')
  ChaosEvent c e -> do
    in_Closure e c
    return (Chaos c, e, Chaos c)
  LinkEventL rel pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    guard $ not $ isInRenamingDomain ty e rel
    return (LinkParallel rel p q, e, LinkParallel rel p' q)
  LinkEventR rel p qq -> do
    (q, e, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    guard $ not $ isInRenamingRange ty e rel
    return (LinkParallel rel p q, e, LinkParallel rel p q')
  NoException c pp q -> do
    (p, e, p') <- viewRuleEvent pp
    not_in_Closure e c
    return (Exception c p q, e, Exception c p' q)
  ExceptionOccurs c p qq -> do
    (q, e, q') <- viewRuleEvent qq
    in_Closure e c
    return (Exception c p q, e, q')
    ty = (undefined :: i)
    in_Closure e c = guard $ member ty e c
    not_in_Closure e c = guard $ not $ member ty e c

    checkRepAParallel :: [EventRepAPart i] -> Maybe (Process i, Event i, Process i)
    checkRepAParallel l = do
      parts <- forM l $ \x -> case x of
        Left w -> return $ Left w
        Right (c,r) -> do { v <- viewRuleEvent r; return $ Right (c,v) }
--    check that all events are equal
      let events = flip mapMaybe parts $ \x -> case x of
            Left _ -> Nothing
            Right (_,(_,e,_)) -> Just e
      guard $ (not $ List.null events) 
         && (all (eventEq ty $ head events) $ tail events)
check that if the event is in a closure set the corresponding process has
also taken part in the event
      let event = head events
      guard $ flip all parts $ \x -> case x of
            Left (closure,_) -> not $ member ty event closure
            Right (closure,_) -> member ty event closure
        procs = flip map parts $ \x -> case x of
          Left pair -> pair
          Right (c,(p,_,_)) -> (c,p)
        procs' = flip map parts $ \x -> case x of
          Left pair -> pair
          Right (c,(_,_,p')) -> (c,p')
      return (RepAParallel procs, event, RepAParallel procs')