-- |
-- Module      :  CSPM.FiringRules.Rules
-- Copyright   :  (c) Fontaine 2010 - 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  fontaine@cs.uni-duesseldorf.de
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- This module defines data types for (CSP) proof trees.
-- A proof tree shows that a particular transition is valid
-- with respect to the firing rules semantics.
-- (For more info on the firing rule semantics 
-- see: The Theory and Practice of Concurrency A.W. Roscoe 1999.)
-- We use three separate data types:
-- 'RuleTau' stores a proof tree for a tau rule,
-- 'RuleTick' stores a proof tree for a tick rule and
-- 'RuleEvent' stores a proof tree for an event from Sigma.
-- There is a one-to-one correspondence between
-- each constructor of the data types 'RuleTau', 'RuleTick', 'RuleEvent'
-- and one fireing rule.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module CSPM.FiringRules.Rules
import CSPM.CoreLanguage
import Data.Typeable

-- | A sum-type for tau, tick and regular proof trees.
data Rule i
  = TauRule (RuleTau i)
  | TickRule (RuleTick i)
  | EventRule (RuleEvent i)
  deriving Typeable

-- | Is this a proof tree for a tau-transition ?
isTauRule :: Rule i -> Bool
isTauRule (TauRule {}) = True
isTauRule _ = False

-- | Representation of tau proof trees.
data RuleTau i
  = Hidden (EventSet i) (RuleEvent i)
  | HideTau (EventSet i) (RuleTau i)
  | SeqTau (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | SeqTick (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | InternalChoiceL (Process i) (Process i)
  | InternalChoiceR (Process i) (Process i)
  | ChaosStop (EventSet i)
  | TimeoutOccurs (Process i) (Process i)
  | TimeoutTauR (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | ExtChoiceTauL (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | ExtChoiceTauR (Process i) (RuleTau i)
  | InterleaveTauL (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | InterleaveTauR (Process i) (RuleTau i)
  | InterleaveTickL (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | InterleaveTickR (Process i) (RuleTick i)
  | ShareTauL (EventSet i) (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | ShareTauR (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleTau i)
  | ShareTickL (EventSet i) (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | ShareTickR (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleTick i)
  | AParallelTauL (EventSet i) (EventSet i) (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | AParallelTauR (EventSet i) (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleTau i)
  | AParallelTickL (EventSet i) (EventSet i) (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | AParallelTickR (EventSet i) (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleTick i)
  | InterruptTauL (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | InterruptTauR (Process i) (RuleTau i)
  | TauRepAParallel [Either (EventSet i,Process i) (EventSet i,RuleTau i)]
  | RenamingTau (RenamingRelation i) (RuleTau i)
  | LinkLinked (RenamingRelation i) (RuleEvent i) (RuleEvent i)
  | LinkTauL (RenamingRelation i) (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | LinkTauR (RenamingRelation i) (Process i) (RuleTau i)
  | LinkTickL (RenamingRelation i) (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | LinkTickR (RenamingRelation i)  (Process i) (RuleTick i)
  | ExceptionTauL (EventSet i) (RuleTau i) (Process i)
  | ExceptionTauR (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleTau i)
  | TraceSwitchOn (Process i) -- pseudo-tau for debugging

-- | Representation of tick proof trees.
data RuleTick i
  = SkipTick
  | HiddenTick (EventSet i) (RuleTick i)
  | InterruptTick (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | TimeoutTick (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | ShareOmega (EventSet i)
  | AParallelOmega (EventSet i) (EventSet i)
  | RepAParallelOmega [EventSet i]
  | InterleaveOmega
  | ExtChoiceTickL (RuleTick i) (Process i)
  | ExtChoiceTickR (Process i) (RuleTick i)
  | RenamingTick (RenamingRelation i) (RuleTick i)
  | LinkParallelTick (RenamingRelation i)

-- | Representation of regular proof trees.
data RuleEvent i
  = HPrefix (Event i) (Prefix i)
  | ExtChoiceL (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | ExtChoiceR (Process i) (RuleEvent i)
  | InterleaveL (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | InterleaveR (Process i) (RuleEvent i)
  | SeqNormal (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | NotHidden (EventSet i) (RuleEvent i)
  | NotShareL (EventSet i) (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | NotShareR (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleEvent i)
  | Shared (EventSet i) (RuleEvent i) (RuleEvent i)
  | AParallelL (EventSet i) (EventSet i) (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | AParallelR (EventSet i) (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleEvent i)
  | AParallelBoth (EventSet i) (EventSet i) (RuleEvent i) (RuleEvent i)
  | RepAParallelEvent [EventRepAPart i]
  | NoInterrupt (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | InterruptOccurs (Process i) (RuleEvent i)
  | TimeoutNo (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | Rename (RenamingRelation i) (Event i) (RuleEvent i)
-- todo make special cases for Rename injective and rename relational
  | RenameNotInDomain (RenamingRelation i) (RuleEvent i)
  | ChaosEvent (EventSet i) (Event i)
  | LinkEventL (RenamingRelation i) (RuleEvent i) (Process i)
  | LinkEventR (RenamingRelation i) (Process i) (RuleEvent i)
  | NoException (EventSet i) (RuleEvent i)  (Process i)
  | ExceptionOccurs (EventSet i) (Process i) (RuleEvent i)

type EventRepAPart i
  = Either (EventSet i, Process i) (EventSet i, RuleEvent i)

Not sure about this.
Maybe this moves somewhere else or should be implemented differently.
This is somehow complicated by the use of type families 
deriving instance
  (Show (Event i), Show (Prefix i), Show (Process i), Show (ExtProcess i)
  ,Show (EventSet i), Show (RenamingRelation i))
  => Show (RuleEvent i)
deriving instance
  (Eq (Event i), Eq (Prefix i), Eq (Process i), Eq (ExtProcess i)
  ,Eq (EventSet i), Eq (RenamingRelation i) )
  => Eq (RuleEvent i)
deriving instance
  (Ord (Event i), Ord (Prefix i), Ord (Process i), Ord (ExtProcess i)
  ,Ord (EventSet i), Ord (RenamingRelation i) )
  => Ord (RuleEvent i)

deriving instance
  (Show (Process i), Show (EventSet i), Show (Prefix i), Show (ExtProcess i)
  ,Show (RenamingRelation i))
  => Show (RuleTick i)
deriving instance
  (Eq (Process i), Eq (EventSet i), Eq (Prefix i), Eq (ExtProcess i)
  ,Eq (RenamingRelation i))
  => Eq (RuleTick i)
deriving instance
  (Ord (Process i), Ord (EventSet i), Ord (Prefix i), Ord (ExtProcess i)
  ,Ord (RenamingRelation i))
   => Ord (RuleTick i)

deriving instance
  (Show (RuleEvent i), Show (RuleTick i), Show (Process i)
  ,Show (EventSet i), Show (RenamingRelation i))
  => Show (RuleTau i)
deriving instance
  (Eq (RuleEvent i), Eq (RuleTick i), Eq (Process i)
  ,Eq (EventSet i), Eq (RenamingRelation i))
  => Eq (RuleTau i)
deriving instance
  (Ord (RuleEvent i), Ord (RuleTick i), Ord (Process i), Ord (EventSet i)
  ,Ord (ExtProcess i), Ord (Prefix i), Ord (Event i),Ord (RenamingRelation i) )
  => Ord (RuleTau i)

deriving instance
  (Show (RuleEvent i), Show (RuleTick i), Show (RuleTau i))
  => Show (Rule i)

deriving instance
  (Eq (RuleEvent i), Eq (RuleTick i), Eq (RuleTau i))
  => Eq (Rule i)