Name: CSPM-Frontend Version: Synopsis: A CSP-M parser compatible with FDR-2.83 Description: CSP-M is the machine readable syntax of CSP (concurrent sequential processes) as used by the formal methods tools FDR, Prob and ProB. This Package contains functions for lexing, parsing, renaming and pretty-printing CSP-M specifications. The parser is (almost) 100% compatible with the FDR-2.83 parser. License: BSD3 category: Language,Formal Methods,Concurrency License-File: LICENSE Author: Marc Fontaine Maintainer: Marc Fontaine Homepage: Stability: unstable Tested-With: GHC == 6.12.2 cabal-Version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple Extra-source-files: flag testing { description : Testing mode default: False } library if flag(testing) { buildable: False } Build-Depends: base >=4.0 && < 5.0 ,containers >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,array >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,parsec >= && < 3.0 ,old-time >= 1.0 && < 1.1 ,template-haskell >= 2.4 && < 2.5 ,pretty >= 1.0 && < 1.1 ,mtl >= 1.1 && < 1.2 ,haskell98 >= 1.0 && < 1.1 ,syb >= 0.1 && < 0.2 GHC-Options: -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -optl-Wl,-s -Wall Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving Hs-Source-Dirs: src,dist/build/autogen Exposed-modules: Language.CSPM.Frontend Language.CSPM.Utils Language.CSPM.AST Language.CSPM.Parser Language.CSPM.Rename Language.CSPM.Token Language.CSPM.SrcLoc Language.CSPM.AstUtils Language.CSPM.TokenClasses Language.CSPM.PrettyPrinter Language.CSPM.PatternCompiler Other-modules: Paths_CSPM_Frontend Language.CSPM.Version Language.CSPM.Lexer Language.CSPM.AlexWrapper Language.CSPM.LexHelper Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.ExprM