-- |
-- Module      :  Language.CSPM.Utils
-- Copyright   :  (c) Fontaine 2008
-- License     :  BSD
-- Maintainer  :  fontaine@cs.uni-duesseldorf.de
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- Some Utilities

module Language.CSPM.Utils

import Language.CSPM.Parser (ParseError(..),parse)
import Language.CSPM.Rename (RenameError(..),getRenaming,applyRenaming)
import Language.CSPM.Token (Token, LexError(..))
import Language.CSPM.AST (LModule)
import qualified Language.CSPM.LexHelper as Lexer

import Control.Exception as Exception
import System.CPUTime

-- | "eitherToExe" returns the Right part of "Either" or throws the Left part as an dynamic exception.
eitherToExc :: Exception a => Either a b -> IO b
eitherToExc (Right r) = return r
eitherToExc (Left e) = throw e

-- | Handle a dymanic exception of type "LexError".
handleLexError :: (LexError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleLexError handler proc = Exception.catch proc handler

-- | Handle a dymanic exception of type "ParseError".
handleParseError :: (ParseError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleParseError handler proc = Exception.catch proc handler

-- | Handle a dymanic exception of type "RenameError".
handleRenameError :: (RenameError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleRenameError handler proc = Exception.catch proc handler

-- | Lex and parse a file and return a "LModule", throw an exception in case of an error
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO LModule
parseFile fileName = do
  src <- readFile fileName
  tokenList <- Lexer.lexInclude src >>= eitherToExc
  eitherToExc $ parse fileName tokenList

testFrontend :: FilePath -> IO (LModule,LModule)
testFrontend fileName = do
  src <- readFile fileName

  putStrLn $ "Reading File " ++ fileName
  startTime <- (return $ length src) >> getCPUTime
  tokenList <- Lexer.lexInclude src >>= eitherToExc
  time_have_tokens <- getCPUTime

  ast <- eitherToExc $ parse fileName tokenList
  time_have_ast <- getCPUTime

  renaming <- eitherToExc $ getRenaming ast
  let astNew = applyRenaming renaming ast
  time_have_renaming <- getCPUTime

  putStrLn $ "Parsing OK"
  putStrLn $ "lextime : " ++ showTime (time_have_tokens - startTime)
  putStrLn $ "parsetime : " ++ showTime(time_have_ast - time_have_tokens)
  putStrLn $ "renamingtime : " ++ showTime (time_have_renaming - time_have_ast)
  putStrLn $ "total : " ++ showTime(time_have_ast - startTime)
  return (ast,astNew)
    showTime :: Integer -> String
    showTime a = show (div a 1000000000) ++ "ms"