-- |
-- Module      :  CSPM.Interpreter
-- Copyright   :  (c) Fontaine 2008 - 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Fontaine@cs.uni-duesseldorf.de
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- An API for the Interpreter.

module CSPM.Interpreter
  ,module CSPM.Interpreter.Types
  ,module CSPM.Interpreter.Bindings

import CSPM.Interpreter.Types
import CSPM.Interpreter.CoreInstances ()
import CSPM.Interpreter.Bindings
import CSPM.Interpreter.Eval
import CSPM.Interpreter.PrepareAST
import CSPM.Interpreter.Test.CLI

import Language.CSPM.AST as AST

import Paths_CSPM_Interpreter (version)
import Data.Version (Version)
import Data.IntMap as IntMap

-- | The version of the CSPM-Interpreter library
interpreterVersion :: Version
interpreterVersion = version

-- | Run the interpreter for a given module and top-level identifier.
runInterpreter :: AST.Module INT -> AST.UniqueIdent -> (Value, Env)
runInterpreter ast entry
  = (getLetBindings env IntMap.! AST.uniqueIdentId entry, env)
    env = evalModule ast

-- | Run the interpreter for a given module and top-level identifier.
-- Cast result to a process
runInterpreterP :: AST.Module INT -> AST.UniqueIdent -> (Process, Env)
runInterpreterP ast entry
  = case val of
      VProcess x -> (x, env)
      _ -> throwTypingError
              "entrypoint is not a CSPM-process"
              (Just $ AST.bindingLoc entry)
              (Just val)
  where (val, env) = runInterpreter ast entry