module Language.CSPM.CompileAstToProlog
import Language.CSPM.Frontend (ModuleFromRenaming, frontendVersion)
import Language.CSPM.AST
import qualified Language.CSPM.SrcLoc as SrcLoc
import Language.Prolog.PrettyPrint.Direct
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Version
cspToProlog ::
-> Doc
cspToProlog ast = header $+$ core
core = mkModule ast
header = vcat [
text ":- dynamic channel/2, bindval/3, agent/3."
,text ":- dynamic agent_curry/3, symbol/4."
,text ":- dynamic dataTypeDef/2, subTypeDef/2, nameType/2."
,text ":- dynamic cspTransparent/1."
,text ":- dynamic cspPrint/1."
,text ":- dynamic pragma/1."
,text ":- dynamic comment/2."
,text ":- dynamic assertBool/1, assertRef/5, assertTauPrio/6."
,text ":- dynamic assertModelCheckExt/4, assertModelCheck/3."
plLocatedConstructs :: Set Const
plLocatedConstructs = Set.fromList
[F_Interleave , F_Interrupt, F_Timeout, F_CHAOS,
F_ExtChoice, F_IntChoice, F_Sequential, F_Hiding
mkModule :: ModuleFromRenaming -> Doc
mkModule m
= plPrg [
singleClause $ clause $ nTerm "parserVersionNum"
[pList $ map atom $ versionBranch $ frontendVersion]
,singleClause $ clause $ nTerm "parserVersionStr"
[atom ("CSPM-Frontent-" ++ showVersion frontendVersion)]
,declGroup $ map clause $ declList $ moduleDecls m
,declGroup $ map mkPragma $ modulePragmas m
,declGroup $ map mkComment $ moduleComments m
mkPragma :: String -> Clause
mkPragma s = clause $ nTerm "pragma" [aTerm s]
mkComment :: (Comment, SrcLoc.SrcLoc) -> Clause
mkComment (c, loc) = clause $ nTerm "comment" [com, mkSrcLoc loc]
com = case c of
LineComment s -> nTerm "lineComment" [aTerm s]
BlockComment s -> nTerm "blockComment" [aTerm s]
PragmaComment s -> nTerm "pragmaComment" [aTerm s]
te :: LExp -> Term
te expr = case unLabel expr of
Var i -> let u = unUIdent $ unLabel i in
case (prologMode u,idType u) of
(PrologGround,VarID) -> nTerm "val_of" [plNameTerm i, plLoc expr]
_ -> plNameTerm i
IntExp i -> nTerm "int" [atom i]
SetExp r Nothing -> nTerm "setExp" [range r]
SetExp r (Just comp) -> nTerm "setExp" [range r, comprehension comp]
ListExp r Nothing -> nTerm "listExp" [range r]
ListExp r (Just comp) -> nTerm "listExp" [range r, comprehension comp]
ClosureComprehension (e,c) -> nTerm "closureComp" [comprehension c ,eList e]
Let decl e -> nTerm "let" [pList $ declList decl, te e]
Ifte cond t e -> nTerm "ifte" [te cond, te t, te e,condPos,thenPos,elsePos] where
condPos = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocFromTo (srcLoc expr) (srcLoc cond)
thenPos = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocBetween (srcLoc cond) (srcLoc t)
elsePos = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocBetween (srcLoc t) (srcLoc e)
CallFunction fkt args | (isSeq $ unLabel fkt) -> nTerm "builtin_call" [nTerm "seq" ( flatArgs args)]
isSeq (Var x) = (realName $ unUIdent $ unLabel x) == "seq"
isSeq _ = False
CallFunction fkt args -> case args of
[l] -> nTerm "agent_call" [plLoc fkt, te fkt, eList l]
(_:_:_) -> nTerm "agent_call_curry" [te fkt, pList $ map eList args ]
[] -> error ("CallFunction without args" ++ show expr)
CallBuiltIn builtIn args
-> if ((unBuiltIn builtIn) `Set.member` plLocatedConstructs )
then nTerm "builtin_call" [ nTerm (builtInToString builtIn) (plLoc expr : flatArgs args) ]
else nTerm "builtin_call" [ nTerm (builtInToString builtIn) $ flatArgs args ]
Lambda patl e -> nTerm "lambda" [pList $ map tp patl, te e]
Stop -> nTerm "stop" [plLoc expr]
Skip -> nTerm "skip" [plLoc expr]
CTrue -> aTerm "true"
CFalse -> aTerm "false"
Events -> aTerm "Events"
BoolSet -> aTerm "boolType"
IntSet -> aTerm "intType"
TupleExp i -> nTerm "tupleExp" [eList i]
Parens e -> term $ te e
AndExp a b -> nTerm "bool_and" [te a, te b]
OrExp a b -> nTerm "bool_or" [te a, te b]
NotExp a -> nTerm "bool_not" [te a]
NegExp a -> nTerm "negate" [te a]
Fun1 op a -> nTerm (builtInToString op) [te a]
Fun2 op a b -> if ((unBuiltIn op) `Set.member` plLocatedConstructs )
then nTerm (builtInToString op) [te a, te b, nTerm "src_span_operator" [plLoc expr, plLoc op]]
else nTerm (builtInToString op) [te a, te b]
DotTuple a -> nTerm "dotTuple" [eList a]
Closure l -> nTerm "closure" [ eList l]
ProcSharing al p1 p2 -> nTerm "sharing" [te al, te p1, te p2,plLoc expr]
ProcAParallel a1 a2 p1 p2
-> nTerm "aParallel" [te a1, te p1, te a2, te p2, plLoc expr]
ProcLinkParallel ll a b
-> nTerm "lParallel" [ linkList ll, te a, te b, plLoc ll ]
ProcRenaming ren Nothing p
-> nTerm "procRenaming" [ renameList ren, te p, plLoc expr ]
ProcRenaming ren (Just gen) p
-> nTerm "procRenamingComp" [te p, comprehension $ unLabel gen, renameList ren]
ProcException p1 e p2 -> nTerm "exception" [te p1, te e, te p2, plLoc expr]
ProcRepSequence gen proc -> nTerm "repSequence" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
ProcRepInternalChoice gen proc
-> nTerm "repInternalChoice" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
ProcRepInterleave gen proc
-> nTerm "repInterleave" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
ProcRepExternalChoice gen proc -> nTerm "repChoice" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
ProcRepAParallel gen alph proc
-> nTerm "procRepAPrallel" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, nTerm "pair" [te alph, te proc] ,plLoc gen]
ProcRepLinkParallel gen links proc
-> nTerm "procRepLinkPrallel" [linkList links, comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
ProcRepSharing gen share proc
-> nTerm "procRepSharing" [te share, comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
PrefixExp ch fields proc -> nTerm "prefix" [plLoc ch, mkCommFields fields, te ch, te proc,prefixLoc ]
prefixLoc = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocBetween
(if null fields then srcLoc $ ch else srcLoc $ last fields)
(srcLoc proc)
PrefixI {} -> missingCase "PrefixI"
ExprWithFreeNames {} -> missingCase "ExprWithFreeNames"
LambdaI {} -> missingCase "LambdaI"
LetI {} -> missingCase "LetI"
missingCase :: String -> Term
missingCase s = error $ "missing case in te :" ++ s
flatArgs :: [[LExp]] -> [Term]
flatArgs l = concatMap (map te) l
comprehension :: [LCompGen] -> Term
comprehension l = pList $ map (comp . unLabel ) l
comp (Guard e) = nTerm "comprehensionGuard" [te e]
comp (Generator pat e) = nTerm "comprehensionGenerator" [tp pat, te e]
linkList :: LLinkList -> Term
linkList ll = case unLabel ll of
LinkList l -> nTerm "linkList" [ pList $ map (mklink . unLabel) l ]
LinkListComprehension gen l
-> nTerm "linkListComp" [ comprehension gen, pList $ map (mklink . unLabel) l ]
mklink (Link a b) = nTerm "link" [te a,te b]
renameList :: [LRename] -> Term
renameList l = pList $ map (mkRen . unLabel) l
mkRen (Rename a b) = nTerm "rename" [te a, te b]
mkCommFields :: [LCommField] -> Term
mkCommFields l = pList $ map (mkCF . unLabel) l
mkCF (InComm p) = nTerm "in" [tp p]
mkCF (OutComm e) = nTerm "out" [te e]
mkCF (InCommGuarded p e) = nTerm "inGuard" [tp p, te e]
range :: LRange -> Term
range r = case unLabel r of
RangeOpen a -> nTerm "rangeOpen" [te a]
RangeClosed a b -> nTerm "rangeClosed" [te a, te b]
RangeEnum l -> nTerm "rangeEnum" [eList l]
eList :: [LExp] -> Term
eList l = pList h
where h :: [Term]
h = map te l
tp :: LPattern -> Term
tp pattern = case unLabel pattern of
IntPat i -> nTerm "int" [atom i]
TruePat -> aTerm "true"
FalsePat -> aTerm "false"
WildCard -> plWildCard
VarPat i -> plNameTerm i
ConstrPat i -> plNameTerm i
Also l -> tpList "alsoPattern" l
Append l -> tpList "appendPattern" l
DotPat l -> tpList "dotpat" l
SingleSetPat p -> tpList "singleSetPat" [p]
EmptySetPat -> aTerm "emptySet"
ListEnumPat l -> tpList "listPat" l
TuplePat l -> tpList "tuplePat" l
Selector {} -> error "missing case in tp : Selector"
Selectors {} -> error "missing case in tp : Selectors"
tpList :: String -> [LPattern] -> Term
tpList f l = nTerm f [pList $ map tp l]
declList :: [LDecl] -> [Term]
declList l = concatMap td l
td :: LDecl -> [Term]
td decl = case unLabel decl of
PatBind pat e -> [ nTerm "bindval" [tp pat, te e, plLoc decl]]
FunBind fkt caseList -> map (mkFunBind fkt) caseList
Assert e -> mkAssert e
Transparent idList
-> [ nTerm "cspTransparent" [pList $ map plName idList] ]
SubType i constrL -> [ nTerm "subTypeDef" [plNameTerm i, mkConstructorList constrL] ]
DataType i constrL -> [ nTerm "dataTypeDef" [plNameTerm i, mkConstructorList constrL] ]
NameType i t -> [ nTerm "nameType" [plNameTerm i, nTerm "type" [mkTypeDef t]] ]
Channel ids tdef -> map (mkChannel tdef) ids
Print e -> [ nTerm "cspPrint" [te e] ]
mkFunBind :: LIdent -> FunCase -> Term
mkFunBind ident (FunCase pat e) = case pat of
[p] -> nTerm "agent" [
nTerm (plName ident) $ map tp p
,te e
,plLoc e]
l -> nTerm "agent_curry" [
nTerm (plName ident) $ map (pList . map tp) l
,te e
,plLoc e]
mkFunBind _ (FunCaseI {}) = error "unexpected case in mkFunBind: FunCaseI"
mkConstructorList :: [LConstructor] -> Term
mkConstructorList l = pList $ map mkConstructor l
mkConstructor :: LConstructor -> Term
mkConstructor c = case unLabel c of
Constructor i Nothing -> nTerm "constructor" [plNameTerm i]
Constructor i (Just t) -> nTerm "constructorC" [plNameTerm i, mkTypeDef t]
mkTypeDef :: LTypeDef -> Term
mkTypeDef t = case unLabel t of
TypeTuple l -> nTerm "typeTuple" [eList l]
TypeDot l -> nTerm "dotTupleType" [eList l]
mkChannel :: Maybe LTypeDef -> LIdent -> Term
mkChannel Nothing i = nTerm "channel" [ plNameTerm i, nTerm "type" [term $ atom "dotUnitType" ]]
mkChannel (Just t) i = nTerm "channel" [ plNameTerm i, nTerm "type" [mkTypeDef t]]
mkAssert :: LAssertDecl -> [Term]
mkAssert ass = case unLabel ass of
AssertBool e -> [ nTerm "assertBool" [te e] ]
AssertRefine b p1 m p2
-> [ nTerm "assertRef" [aTerm $ show b, te p1, termShow m, te p2, plLoc decl] ]
AssertTauPrio b p1 m p2 e
-> [ nTerm "assertTauPrio" [aTerm $ show b, te p1, termShow m, te p2, te e, plLoc decl] ]
AssertModelCheck b p m (Just ext)
-> [ nTerm "assertModelCheckExt" [aTerm $ show b, te p, termShow m, termShow ext] ]
AssertModelCheck b p m Nothing
-> [ nTerm "assertModelCheck" [aTerm $ show b, te p, termShow m ] ]
termShow :: Show a => Labeled a -> Term
termShow = aTerm . show . unLabel
plNameTerm :: LIdent -> Term
plNameTerm l
= case (idType uIdent,prologMode uIdent) of
(VarID,PrologVariable) -> plVar ("_" ++ uniquePlName uIdent)
(VarID,PrologGround) -> term $ atom $ uniquePlName uIdent
_ -> term $ plName l
where uIdent = unUIdent $ unLabel l
plName :: LIdent -> Atom
plName l
= case idType uIdent of
TransparentID -> atom $ realName uIdent
VarID -> error ("plName : " ++ show l)
_ -> atom $ uniquePlName uIdent
where uIdent = unUIdent $ unLabel l
uniquePlName :: UniqueIdent -> String
uniquePlName = newName
plLoc :: Labeled x -> Term
plLoc = mkSrcLoc . srcLoc
mkSrcLoc :: SrcLoc.SrcLoc -> Term
mkSrcLoc loc = case loc of
SrcLoc.TokPos {} -> nTerm "src_position"
[itt $ SrcLoc.getStartLine loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartCol loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartOffset loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getTokenLen loc ]
SrcLoc.TokSpan {} -> nTerm "src_span"
[itt $ SrcLoc.getStartLine loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartCol loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndLine loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndCol loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartOffset loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getTokenLen loc ]
SrcLoc.FixedLoc {} -> nTerm "src_span"
[itt $ SrcLoc.getStartLine loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartCol loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndLine loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndCol loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartOffset loc
,itt $ SrcLoc.getTokenLen loc ]
_ -> term $ atom "no_loc_info_available"
itt :: Int -> Term
itt = term . iatom . fromIntegral
iatom :: Integer -> Atom
iatom = atom
mkSymbolTable :: AstAnnotation UniqueIdent -> Doc
mkSymbolTable ids
= plPrg [declGroup $ map mkSymbol $ IntMap.elems ids]
mkSymbol :: UniqueIdent -> Clause
mkSymbol i = clause $ nTerm "symbol"
[aTerm $ uniquePlName i
,aTerm $ realName i
,mkSrcLoc $ bindingLoc i
,aTerm $ pprintIDType i
pprintIDType :: UniqueIdent -> String
pprintIDType i = case idType i of
ChannelID -> "Channel"
NameTypeID -> "Nametype"
FunID -> "Funktion or Process"
ConstrID -> "Constructor of Datatype"
DataTypeID -> "Datatype"
TransparentID -> "Transparent function"
BuiltInID -> "BuiltIn primitive"
VarID -> case prologMode i of
PrologGround -> "Ident (Groundrep.)"
PrologVariable -> "Ident (Prolog Variable)"
builtInToString :: LBuiltIn -> String
builtInToString x =
let (BuiltIn bi) = unLabel x in
case bi of
F_true -> "true"
F_false -> "false"
F_not -> "not"
F_and -> "and"
F_or -> "or"
F_Int -> "Int"
F_Bool -> "Bool"
F_Events -> "Events"
F_union -> "union"
F_inter -> "inter"
F_diff -> "diff"
F_Union -> "Union"
F_Inter -> "Inter"
F_member -> "member"
F_card -> "card"
F_empty -> "empty"
F_set -> "set"
F_Set -> "Set"
F_Seq -> "Seq"
F_null -> "null"
F_head -> "head"
F_tail -> "tail"
F_concat -> "concat"
F_elem -> "elem"
F_length -> "length"
F_Concat -> "^"
F_Len2 -> "#"
F_Mult -> "*"
F_Div -> "/"
F_Mod -> "%"
F_Add -> "+"
F_Sub -> "-"
F_Eq -> "=="
F_NEq -> "!="
F_GE -> ">="
F_LE -> "<="
F_LT -> "<"
F_GT -> ">"
F_Guard -> "&"
F_Sequential -> ";"
F_Interrupt -> "/\\"
F_ExtChoice -> "[]"
F_Timeout -> "[>"
F_IntChoice -> "|~|"
F_Interleave -> "|||"
F_Hiding -> "\\"
unBuiltIn :: LBuiltIn -> Const
unBuiltIn x = let (BuiltIn fkt) = unLabel x in fkt