-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.16.3 Crystal Seed, 24 Jan 2009 (Haskell)
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{-# LINE 1 "./CV/Drawing.chs" #-}{-#LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances,
            ViewPatterns, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Module for exposing opencv drawing functions. These are meant for quick and dirty marking
--   and not for anything presentable. For any real drawing
--   you should figure out how to use cairo or related package, such as diagrams. They are
--   way better.
--   Consult the "CV.ImageOp" module for functions to apply the operations in this module to images.

module CV.Drawing(
                -- * Drawable class
                -- * Extra drawing operations
                -- * Floodfill operations
                -- * Shorthand for drawing single shapes
                ,fillPoly) where

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad(when)
import CV.Bindings.Types
import CV.Bindings.Drawing
import Utils.Point

import CV.Image hiding (Complex)
import qualified CV.Image

import CV.ImageOp
import Utils.GeometryClass
import Utils.Rectangle
import Data.Complex as C

-- | Is the shape filled or just a boundary?
data ShapeStyle = Filled | Stroked Int

styleToCV Filled = -1
styleToCV (Stroked w) = fromIntegral w

-- TODO: The instances in here could be significantly smaller..
-- |Typeclass for images that support elementary drawing operations.
class Drawable a b where
    -- | Type of the pixel, i.e. Float for a grayscale image and 3-tuple for RGB image.
    type Color a b :: *
    -- | Put text of certain color to given coordinates. Good size seems to be around 0.5-1.5.
    putTextOp :: (Color a b) -> Float -> String -> (Int,Int) -> ImageOperation a b
    -- | Draw a line between two points.
    lineOp :: (Color a b)  -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> ImageOperation a b
    -- | Draw a Circle
    circleOp :: (Color a b) -> (Int,Int) -> Int -> ShapeStyle -> ImageOperation a b
    -- | Draw a Rectangle by supplying two corners
    rectOp   :: (BoundingBox bb, Integral (ELBB bb)) => (Color a b) -> Int -> bb -> ImageOperation a b
    -- | Draw a filled polygon
    fillPolyOp :: (Color a b) -> [(Int,Int)] -> ImageOperation a b
    -- | Draw an ellipse or elliptic arc
    ellipseOp :: (Color a b) -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Float -> (Float,Float) -> ImageOperation a b
    ellipseBoxOp :: (Color a b) -> C'CvBox2D -> Int -> Int -> ImageOperation a b

primRectOp (r,g,b) t (bounds -> Rectangle x y w h) = ImgOp $ \i -> do
                         withGenImage i $ \img ->
                              wrapDrawRectangle img (fromIntegral x)
                               (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral $ x+w) (fromIntegral $ y+h)
                               (realToFrac r) (realToFrac g)(realToFrac b)(fromIntegral t)

-- | Primitive form of ellipse box. Not typesafe, not for end user.
primEllipseBox :: (D32,D32,D32,D32) -> C'CvBox2D -> Int -> Int -> ImageOperation c d

primEllipseBox (a,b,c,e) box thickness shift =
            ImgOp          $ \i ->
            withGenImage i $ \c_img ->
            with box       $ \c_box ->
            with (C'CvScalar (rtf a) (rtf b) (rtf c) (rtf 0)) $ \c_color ->
             c'wrapEllipseBox c_img c_box c_color (fromIntegral thickness) 8
                              (fromIntegral shift)

rtf = realToFrac

instance Drawable RGB D32 where
    type Color RGB D32 = (D32,D32,D32)
    putTextOp    (r,g,b)  = primTextOp (r,g,b)
    lineOp       (r,g,b)  = primLineOp (r,g,b)
    circleOp     (r,g,b)  = primCircleOp (r,g,b)
    ellipseBoxOp (r,g,b)  = primEllipseBox (r,g,b,0)
    rectOp       (r,g,b)  = primRectOp (r,g,b)
    fillPolyOp   (r,g,b)  = primFillPolyOp (r,g,b)
    ellipseOp    (r,g,b)  = primEllipseOp (r,g,b)

primTextOp (c1,c2,c3) size text (x,y)  = ImgOp $ \img -> do
                                   withGenImage img $\cimg ->
                                    withCString text $ \(ctext) ->
                                    wrapDrawText cimg ctext (realToFrac size)
                                        (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
                                        (realToFrac c1) (realToFrac c2) (realToFrac c3)

primLineOp (c1,c2,c3) t (x,y) (x1,y1) = ImgOp $ \i -> do
                         withGenImage i $ \img ->
                              wrapDrawLine img (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
                                                        (fromIntegral x1) (fromIntegral y1)
                                                        (realToFrac c1) (realToFrac c2)
                                                        (realToFrac c3) (fromIntegral t)

primCircleOp (c1,c2,c3) (x,y) r s = ImgOp $ \i -> do
                        when (r>0) $ withGenImage i $ \img ->
                              (wrapDrawCircle img (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
                                                           (fromIntegral r)
                                                           (realToFrac c1) (realToFrac c2)
                                                           (realToFrac c3)
                                                           $ styleToCV s)

primFillPolyOp (c1,c2,c3) pts = ImgOp $ \i -> do
                             withImage i $ \img -> do
                                  let (xs,ys) = unzip pts
                                  xs' <- newArray $ map fromIntegral xs
                                  ys' <- newArray $ map fromIntegral  ys
                                  wrapFillPolygon (castPtr img)
                                       (fromIntegral $ length xs) xs' ys'
                                   (realToFrac c1) (realToFrac c2) (realToFrac c3)
                                  free xs'
                                  free ys'

primEllipseOp (c1,c2,c3) t (x,y) (r1,r2) a (a1,a2) =
  ImgOp $ \i -> do
    withGenImage i $ \img ->
      wrapDrawEllipse img
        (fromIntegral x)
        (fromIntegral y)
        (fromIntegral r1)
        (fromIntegral r2)
        (realToFrac a)
        (realToFrac a1)
        (realToFrac a2)
        (realToFrac c1)
        (realToFrac c2)
        (realToFrac c3)
        (fromIntegral t)

instance Drawable CV.Image.Complex D32 where
   type Color CV.Image.Complex D32  = Complex D32
   putTextOp (r:+i)    = primTextOp (r,i,0) -- Boy does this feel silly :)
   lineOp (r:+i)       = primLineOp (r,i,0)
   circleOp (r:+i)     = primCircleOp (r,i,0)
   rectOp   (r:+i)     = primRectOp (r,i,0)
   ellipseBoxOp (r:+i) = primEllipseBox (r,i,0,0)
   fillPolyOp (r:+i)   = primFillPolyOp (r,i,0)
   ellipseOp (r:+i)    = primEllipseOp (r,i,0)

instance Drawable GrayScale D8 where
    type Color GrayScale D8 = D8
    putTextOp color = primTextOp (color,color,color) 
    lineOp c = primLineOp (c,c,c) 
    circleOp c = primCircleOp (c,c,c)
    ellipseBoxOp c  = primEllipseBox (fromIntegral c,fromIntegral c,fromIntegral c,0) 
    rectOp c = primRectOp (c,c,c)
    fillPolyOp c = primFillPolyOp (c,c,c)
    ellipseOp  c = primEllipseOp (c,c,c)

instance Drawable GrayScale D32 where
    type Color GrayScale D32 = D32
    putTextOp color = primTextOp (color,color,color)
    lineOp c = primLineOp (c,c,c)
    circleOp c = primCircleOp (c,c,c)
    ellipseBoxOp c  = primEllipseBox (c,c,c,0)
    rectOp c = primRectOp (c,c,c)
    fillPolyOp c = primFillPolyOp (c,c,c)
    ellipseOp c   = primEllipseOp (c,c,c)

-- | Flood fill a region of the image
fillOp :: (Int,Int) -> D32 -> D32 -> D32 -> Bool -> ImageOperation GrayScale D32
fillOp (x,y) color low high floats =
    ImgOp $ \i -> do
      withImage i $ \img ->
        (wrapFloodFill (castPtr img) (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
            (realToFrac color) (realToFrac low) (realToFrac high) (toCINT $ floats))
     toCINT False = 0
     toCINT True  = 1

-- | Apply rectOp to an image
rectangle :: (BoundingBox bb, Integral (ELBB bb), Drawable c d)
             => Color c d -> Int -> bb -> Image c d
             -> IO (Image c d)
rectangle color thickness rect i =
    operate (rectOp color thickness rect) i

-- | Apply fillPolyOp to an image
fillPoly :: Drawable c d => Color c d -> [(Int, Int)] -> Image c d -> IO (Image c d)
fillPoly c pts i = operate (fillPolyOp c pts) i

-- | Draw a line segments
drawLinesOp :: Drawable c d => Color c d -> Int -> [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))] -> CV.ImageOp.ImageOperation c d
drawLinesOp color thickness segments =
    foldl (#>) nonOp
     $ map (\(a,b) -> lineOp color thickness a b) segments

-- | Draw a polyline
drawPolyLineOp :: Drawable c d => Color c d -> Int -> [((Int, Int))] -> CV.ImageOp.ImageOperation c d
drawPolyLineOp color thickness segments = 
    foldl (#>) nonOp 
     $ map (\(a,b) -> lineOp color thickness a b) $ zip segments (tail segments)

-- | Apply drawLinesOp to an image
drawLines :: Drawable c d => Image c d -> Color c d -> Int -> [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))]
                                -> IO (Image c d)
drawLines img color thickness segments = operateOn img
                    (drawLinesOp color thickness segments)

-- | Draw C'CvBox2D
drawBox2Dop :: Drawable c d => Color c d -> C'CvBox2D -> ImageOperation c d
drawBox2Dop color (C'CvBox2D (C'CvPoint2D32f (realToFrac -> x) (realToFrac ->y))
                             (C'CvSize2D32f  (realToFrac -> w) (realToFrac ->h))
                             (degToRad -> θ))
    = drawLinesOp color 1 (zip corners $ tail (cycle corners))
    rot (x,y) = (x * sin (-θ) - y * cos (-θ)
                ,x * cos (-θ) + y * sin (-θ))
    corners = map (both round . (+ (x,y)) . rot)
              [( 0.5*h,  0.5*w)
              ,(-0.5*h,  0.5*w)
              ,(-0.5*h, -0.5*w)
              ,( 0.5*h, -0.5*w) ]
    both f (a,b) = (f a, f b)

degToRad deg = deg/180*pi

-- | Apply circleOp to an image
circle :: Drawable c d => (Int, Int) -> Int -> Color c d -> ShapeStyle -> Image c d -> Image c d
circle center r color s i = unsafeOperate (circleOp color center r s) i

-- | Apply fillOp to an image
floodfill :: (Int, Int) -> D32 -> D32 -> D32 -> Bool -> Image GrayScale D32 -> Image GrayScale D32
floodfill (x,y) color low high floats =
    unsafeOperate (fillOp (x,y) color low high floats)

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Drawing.chs.h wrapDrawRectangle"
  wrapDrawRectangle :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Drawing.chs.h wrapDrawText"
  wrapDrawText :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr CChar) -> (CFloat -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (IO ())))))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Drawing.chs.h wrapDrawLine"
  wrapDrawLine :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CDouble -> (CDouble -> (CDouble -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Drawing.chs.h wrapDrawCircle"
  wrapDrawCircle :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Drawing.chs.h wrapFillPolygon"
  wrapFillPolygon :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> ((Ptr CInt) -> ((Ptr CInt) -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (IO ()))))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Drawing.chs.h wrapDrawEllipse"
  wrapDrawEllipse :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CFloat -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))))))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Drawing.chs.h wrapFloodFill"
  wrapFloodFill :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CDouble -> (CDouble -> (CDouble -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))))