-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.16.3 Crystal Seed, 24 Jan 2009 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

{-# LINE 1 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}{-#LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, ViewPatterns,ParallelListComp, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, EmptyDataDecls, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, UndecidableInstances #-}
module CV.Image (
-- * Basic types
, create
, empty
, emptyCopy
, emptyCopy'
, cloneImage
, withClone
, withCloneValue
, CreateImage

-- * Colour spaces
, ChannelOf
, GrayScale
, Complex
, RGB_Channel(..)
, LAB_Channel(..)
, D32
, D64
, D8
, Tag
, lab
, rgba
, rgb
, compose
, composeMultichannelImage

-- * IO operations
, Loadable(..)
, saveImage
, loadColorImage
, loadImage

-- * Pixel level access
, GetPixel(..)
, SetPixel(..)
, getAllPixels
, getAllPixelsRowMajor
, mapImageInplace

-- * Image information
, ImageDepth
, Sized(..)
, biggerThan
, getArea
, getChannel
, getImageChannels
, getImageDepth
, getImageInfo

-- * ROI's, COI's and subregions
, setCOI
, setROI
, resetROI
, getRegion
, withIOROI
, withROI

-- * Blitting
, blendBlit
, blit
, blitM
, subPixelBlit
, safeBlit
, montage
, tileImages

-- * Conversions
, rgbToGray
, grayToRGB
, rgbToLab
, bgrToRgb
, rgbToBgr
, cloneTo64F
, unsafeImageTo32F 
, unsafeImageTo64F 
, unsafeImageTo8Bit 

-- * Low level access operations
, BareImage(..)
, creatingImage
, unImage
, unS
, withGenBareImage
, withBareImage
, creatingBareImage
, withGenImage
, withImage
, imageFPTR
, ensure32F

-- * Extended error handling
, setCatch
, CvException
, CvSizeError(..)
, CvIOError(..)
) where

import System.Mem
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
import Foreign.ForeignPtr hiding (newForeignPtr,unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.Concurrent
import Foreign.Ptr
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.DeepSeq

import CV.Bindings.Error

import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
import Data.List(genericLength)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Complex as C
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Data.Data
import Data.Typeable

import Utils.GeometryClass

-- Colorspaces

-- | Single channel grayscale image
data GrayScale
data Complex
data RGB
data RGB_Channel = Red |Green |Blue deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)

data BGR

data LAB
data RGBA
data LAB_Channel = LAB_L |LAB_A |LAB_B deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)

-- | Type family for expressing which channels a colorspace contains. This needs to be fixed wrt. the BGR color space.
type family ChannelOf a :: *
type instance ChannelOf RGB_Channel = RGB
type instance ChannelOf LAB_Channel = LAB

-- Bit Depths
type D8  = Word8
type D32 = Float
type D64 = Double

-- | The type for Images
newtype Image channels depth = S BareImage

-- | Remove typing info from an image
unS (S i) = i -- Unsafe and ugly

imageFPTR :: Image c d -> ForeignPtr BareImage
imageFPTR (S (BareImage fptr)) = fptr

withImage :: Image c d -> (Ptr BareImage ->IO a) -> IO a
withImage (S i) op = withBareImage i op
--withGenNewImage (S i) op = withGenImage i op

-- Ok. this is just the example why I need image types
withUniPtr with x fun = with x $ \y ->
                    fun (castPtr y)

withGenImage = withUniPtr withImage
withGenBareImage = withUniPtr withBareImage

newtype BareImage = BareImage (ForeignPtr (BareImage))
withBareImage (BareImage fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr
{-# LINE 184 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}

freeBareImage ptr = with ptr cvReleaseImage
{-# LINE 186 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}

--foreign import ccall "& wrapReleaseImage" releaseImage :: FinalizerPtr BareImage

instance NFData (Image a b) where
    rnf a@(S (BareImage fptr)) = (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr) fptr `seq` a `seq` ()-- This might also need peek?

creatingImage fun = do
              iptr <- fun
--              {#call incrImageC#} -- Uncomment this line to get statistics of number of images allocated by ghc
              fptr <- newForeignPtr iptr (freeBareImage iptr)
              return . S . BareImage $ fptr

creatingBareImage fun = do
              iptr <- fun
--              {#call incrImageC#} -- Uncomment this line to get statistics of number of images allocated by ghc
              fptr <- newForeignPtr iptr (freeBareImage iptr)
              return . BareImage $ fptr

unImage (S (BareImage fptr)) = fptr

data Tag tp;
rgb = undefined :: Tag RGB
rgba = undefined :: Tag RGBA
lab = undefined :: Tag LAB

-- | Typeclass for elements that are build from component elements. For example,
--   RGB images can be constructed from three grayscale images.
class Composes a where
   type Source a :: *
   compose :: Source a -> a

instance (CreateImage (Image RGBA a)) => Composes (Image RGBA a) where
   type Source (Image RGBA a) = (Image GrayScale a, Image GrayScale a
                               ,Image GrayScale a, Image GrayScale a)
   compose (r,g,b,a) = composeMultichannelImage (Just b) (Just g) (Just r) (Just a) rgba

instance (CreateImage (Image RGB a)) => Composes (Image RGB a) where
   type Source (Image RGB a) = (Image GrayScale a, Image GrayScale a, Image GrayScale a)
   compose (r,g,b) = composeMultichannelImage (Just b) (Just g) (Just r) Nothing rgb

instance (CreateImage (Image LAB a)) => Composes (Image LAB a) where
   type Source (Image LAB a) = (Image GrayScale a, Image GrayScale a, Image GrayScale a)
   compose (l,a,b) = composeMultichannelImage (Just l) (Just a) (Just b) Nothing lab

{-# DEPRECATED composeMultichannelImage "This is unsafe. Use compose instead" #-}
composeMultichannelImage :: (CreateImage (Image tp a)) => Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Tag tp -> Image tp a
composeMultichannelImage = composeMultichannel

composeMultichannel :: (CreateImage (Image tp a)) => Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Maybe (Image GrayScale a) -> Tag tp -> Image tp a
composeMultichannel (c2)
    = unsafePerformIO $do
        res <- create (size) -- TODO: Check channel count -- This is NOT correct
        withMaybe c1 $ \cc1 ->
         withMaybe c2 $ \cc2 ->
          withMaybe c3 $ \cc3 ->
           withMaybe c4 $ \cc4 ->
            withGenImage res $ \cres -> cvMerge cc1 cc2 cc3 cc4 cres
        return res
        withMaybe (Just i) op = withGenImage i op
        withMaybe (Nothing) op = op nullPtr
        size = getSize . head . catMaybes $ [c1,c2,c3,c4]

-- | Typeclass for CV items that can be read from file. Mainly images at this point.
class Loadable a where
    readFromFile :: FilePath -> IO a

instance Loadable ((Image GrayScale D32)) where
    readFromFile fp = do
        e <- loadImage fp
        case e of
         Just i -> return i
         Nothing -> throw $ CvIOError $ "Could not load "++fp

instance Loadable ((Image RGB D32)) where
    readFromFile fp = do
        e <- loadColorImage8 fp
        case e of
         Just i -> return $ unsafeImageTo32F $ bgrToRgb i
         Nothing -> throw $ CvIOError $ "Could not load "++fp

instance Loadable ((Image RGB D8)) where
    readFromFile fp = do
        e <- loadColorImage8 fp
        case e of
         Just i -> return $ bgrToRgb i
         Nothing -> throw $ CvIOError $ "Could not load "++fp

instance Loadable ((Image GrayScale D8)) where
    readFromFile fp = do
        e <- loadImage8 fp
        case e of
         Just i -> return i
         Nothing -> throw $ CvIOError $ "Could not load "++fp

-- | This function loads and converts image to an arbitrary format. Notice that it is
--   polymorphic enough to cause run time errors if the declared and actual types of the
--   images do not match. Use with care.
unsafeloadUsing x p n = do
              exists <- doesFileExist n
              if not exists then return Nothing
                            else do
                              i <- withCString n $ \name ->
                                     creatingBareImage (cvLoadImage name p)
                              bw <- x i
                              return . Just .S $ bw

loadImage :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Image GrayScale D32))
loadImage = unsafeloadUsing imageTo32F 0
loadImage8 :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Image GrayScale D8))
loadImage8 = unsafeloadUsing imageTo8Bit 0
loadColorImage :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Image BGR D32))
loadColorImage = unsafeloadUsing imageTo32F 1
loadColorImage8 :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Image BGR D8))
loadColorImage8 = unsafeloadUsing imageTo8Bit 1

instance Sized BareImage where
    type Size BareImage = (Int,Int)
   -- getSize :: (Integral a, Integral b) => Image c d -> (a,b)
    getSize image = unsafePerformIO $ withBareImage image $ \i -> do
                 w <- getImageWidth i
                 h <- getImageHeight i
                 return (fromIntegral w,fromIntegral h)

instance Sized (Image c d) where
    type Size (Image c d) = (Int,Int)
    getSize = getSize . unS

cvRGBtoGRAY = 7 :: CInt-- NOTE: This will break.
cvRGBtoLAB = 45 :: CInt-- NOTE: This will break.

data CvtCodes = CV_BGR2BGRA
              | CV_RGB2RGBA
              | CV_BGRA2BGR
              | CV_RGBA2RGB
              | CV_BGR2RGBA
              | CV_RGB2BGRA
              | CV_RGBA2BGR
              | CV_BGRA2RGB
              | CV_BGR2RGB
              | CV_RGB2BGR
              | CV_BGRA2RGBA
              | CV_RGBA2BGRA
              | CV_BGR2GRAY
              | CV_RGB2GRAY
              | CV_GRAY2BGR
              | CV_GRAY2RGB
              | CV_GRAY2BGRA
              | CV_GRAY2RGBA
              | CV_BGRA2GRAY
              | CV_RGBA2GRAY
              | CV_BGR2BGR565
              | CV_RGB2BGR565
              | CV_BGR5652BGR
              | CV_BGR5652RGB
              | CV_BGRA2BGR565
              | CV_RGBA2BGR565
              | CV_BGR5652BGRA
              | CV_BGR5652RGBA
              | CV_GRAY2BGR565
              | CV_BGR5652GRAY
              | CV_BGR2BGR555
              | CV_RGB2BGR555
              | CV_BGR5552BGR
              | CV_BGR5552RGB
              | CV_BGRA2BGR555
              | CV_RGBA2BGR555
              | CV_BGR5552BGRA
              | CV_BGR5552RGBA
              | CV_GRAY2BGR555
              | CV_BGR5552GRAY
              | CV_BGR2XYZ
              | CV_RGB2XYZ
              | CV_XYZ2BGR
              | CV_XYZ2RGB
              | CV_BGR2YCrCb
              | CV_RGB2YCrCb
              | CV_YCrCb2BGR
              | CV_YCrCb2RGB
              | CV_BGR2HSV
              | CV_RGB2HSV
              | CV_BGR2Lab
              | CV_RGB2Lab
              | CV_BayerBG2BGR
              | CV_BayerGB2BGR
              | CV_BayerRG2BGR
              | CV_BayerGR2BGR
              | CV_BayerBG2RGB
              | CV_BayerGB2RGB
              | CV_BayerRG2RGB
              | CV_BayerGR2RGB
              | CV_BGR2Luv
              | CV_RGB2Luv
              | CV_BGR2HLS
              | CV_RGB2HLS
              | CV_HSV2BGR
              | CV_HSV2RGB
              | CV_Lab2BGR
              | CV_Lab2RGB
              | CV_Luv2BGR
              | CV_Luv2RGB
              | CV_HLS2BGR
              | CV_HLS2RGB
              | CV_BayerBG2BGR_VNG
              | CV_BayerGB2BGR_VNG
              | CV_BayerRG2BGR_VNG
              | CV_BayerGR2BGR_VNG
              | CV_BayerBG2RGB_VNG
              | CV_BayerGB2RGB_VNG
              | CV_BayerRG2RGB_VNG
              | CV_BayerGR2RGB_VNG
              | CV_BGR2HSV_FULL
              | CV_RGB2HSV_FULL
              | CV_BGR2HLS_FULL
              | CV_RGB2HLS_FULL
              | CV_HSV2BGR_FULL
              | CV_HSV2RGB_FULL
              | CV_HLS2BGR_FULL
              | CV_HLS2RGB_FULL
              | CV_LBGR2Lab
              | CV_LRGB2Lab
              | CV_LBGR2Luv
              | CV_LRGB2Luv
              | CV_Lab2LBGR
              | CV_Lab2LRGB
              | CV_Luv2LBGR
              | CV_Luv2LRGB
              | CV_BGR2YUV
              | CV_RGB2YUV
              | CV_YUV2BGR
              | CV_YUV2RGB
              | CV_COLORCVT_MAX
instance Enum CvtCodes where
  fromEnum CV_BGR2BGRA = 0
  fromEnum CV_RGB2RGBA = 0
  fromEnum CV_BGRA2BGR = 1
  fromEnum CV_RGBA2RGB = 1
  fromEnum CV_BGR2RGBA = 2
  fromEnum CV_RGB2BGRA = 2
  fromEnum CV_RGBA2BGR = 3
  fromEnum CV_BGRA2RGB = 3
  fromEnum CV_BGR2RGB = 4
  fromEnum CV_RGB2BGR = 4
  fromEnum CV_BGRA2RGBA = 5
  fromEnum CV_RGBA2BGRA = 5
  fromEnum CV_BGR2GRAY = 6
  fromEnum CV_RGB2GRAY = 7
  fromEnum CV_GRAY2BGR = 8
  fromEnum CV_GRAY2RGB = 8
  fromEnum CV_GRAY2BGRA = 9
  fromEnum CV_GRAY2RGBA = 9
  fromEnum CV_BGRA2GRAY = 10
  fromEnum CV_RGBA2GRAY = 11
  fromEnum CV_BGR2BGR565 = 12
  fromEnum CV_RGB2BGR565 = 13
  fromEnum CV_BGR5652BGR = 14
  fromEnum CV_BGR5652RGB = 15
  fromEnum CV_BGRA2BGR565 = 16
  fromEnum CV_RGBA2BGR565 = 17
  fromEnum CV_BGR5652BGRA = 18
  fromEnum CV_BGR5652RGBA = 19
  fromEnum CV_GRAY2BGR565 = 20
  fromEnum CV_BGR5652GRAY = 21
  fromEnum CV_BGR2BGR555 = 22
  fromEnum CV_RGB2BGR555 = 23
  fromEnum CV_BGR5552BGR = 24
  fromEnum CV_BGR5552RGB = 25
  fromEnum CV_BGRA2BGR555 = 26
  fromEnum CV_RGBA2BGR555 = 27
  fromEnum CV_BGR5552BGRA = 28
  fromEnum CV_BGR5552RGBA = 29
  fromEnum CV_GRAY2BGR555 = 30
  fromEnum CV_BGR5552GRAY = 31
  fromEnum CV_BGR2XYZ = 32
  fromEnum CV_RGB2XYZ = 33
  fromEnum CV_XYZ2BGR = 34
  fromEnum CV_XYZ2RGB = 35
  fromEnum CV_BGR2YCrCb = 36
  fromEnum CV_RGB2YCrCb = 37
  fromEnum CV_YCrCb2BGR = 38
  fromEnum CV_YCrCb2RGB = 39
  fromEnum CV_BGR2HSV = 40
  fromEnum CV_RGB2HSV = 41
  fromEnum CV_BGR2Lab = 44
  fromEnum CV_RGB2Lab = 45
  fromEnum CV_BayerBG2BGR = 46
  fromEnum CV_BayerGB2BGR = 47
  fromEnum CV_BayerRG2BGR = 48
  fromEnum CV_BayerGR2BGR = 49
  fromEnum CV_BayerBG2RGB = 48
  fromEnum CV_BayerGB2RGB = 49
  fromEnum CV_BayerRG2RGB = 46
  fromEnum CV_BayerGR2RGB = 47
  fromEnum CV_BGR2Luv = 50
  fromEnum CV_RGB2Luv = 51
  fromEnum CV_BGR2HLS = 52
  fromEnum CV_RGB2HLS = 53
  fromEnum CV_HSV2BGR = 54
  fromEnum CV_HSV2RGB = 55
  fromEnum CV_Lab2BGR = 56
  fromEnum CV_Lab2RGB = 57
  fromEnum CV_Luv2BGR = 58
  fromEnum CV_Luv2RGB = 59
  fromEnum CV_HLS2BGR = 60
  fromEnum CV_HLS2RGB = 61
  fromEnum CV_BayerBG2BGR_VNG = 62
  fromEnum CV_BayerGB2BGR_VNG = 63
  fromEnum CV_BayerRG2BGR_VNG = 64
  fromEnum CV_BayerGR2BGR_VNG = 65
  fromEnum CV_BayerBG2RGB_VNG = 64
  fromEnum CV_BayerGB2RGB_VNG = 65
  fromEnum CV_BayerRG2RGB_VNG = 62
  fromEnum CV_BayerGR2RGB_VNG = 63
  fromEnum CV_BGR2HSV_FULL = 66
  fromEnum CV_RGB2HSV_FULL = 67
  fromEnum CV_BGR2HLS_FULL = 68
  fromEnum CV_RGB2HLS_FULL = 69
  fromEnum CV_HSV2BGR_FULL = 70
  fromEnum CV_HSV2RGB_FULL = 71
  fromEnum CV_HLS2BGR_FULL = 72
  fromEnum CV_HLS2RGB_FULL = 73
  fromEnum CV_LBGR2Lab = 74
  fromEnum CV_LRGB2Lab = 75
  fromEnum CV_LBGR2Luv = 76
  fromEnum CV_LRGB2Luv = 77
  fromEnum CV_Lab2LBGR = 78
  fromEnum CV_Lab2LRGB = 79
  fromEnum CV_Luv2LBGR = 80
  fromEnum CV_Luv2LRGB = 81
  fromEnum CV_BGR2YUV = 82
  fromEnum CV_RGB2YUV = 83
  fromEnum CV_YUV2BGR = 84
  fromEnum CV_YUV2RGB = 85
  fromEnum CV_COLORCVT_MAX = 100

  toEnum 0 = CV_BGR2BGRA
  toEnum 0 = CV_RGB2RGBA
  toEnum 1 = CV_BGRA2BGR
  toEnum 1 = CV_RGBA2RGB
  toEnum 2 = CV_BGR2RGBA
  toEnum 2 = CV_RGB2BGRA
  toEnum 3 = CV_RGBA2BGR
  toEnum 3 = CV_BGRA2RGB
  toEnum 4 = CV_BGR2RGB
  toEnum 4 = CV_RGB2BGR
  toEnum 5 = CV_BGRA2RGBA
  toEnum 5 = CV_RGBA2BGRA
  toEnum 6 = CV_BGR2GRAY
  toEnum 7 = CV_RGB2GRAY
  toEnum 8 = CV_GRAY2BGR
  toEnum 8 = CV_GRAY2RGB
  toEnum 9 = CV_GRAY2BGRA
  toEnum 9 = CV_GRAY2RGBA
  toEnum 10 = CV_BGRA2GRAY
  toEnum 11 = CV_RGBA2GRAY
  toEnum 12 = CV_BGR2BGR565
  toEnum 13 = CV_RGB2BGR565
  toEnum 14 = CV_BGR5652BGR
  toEnum 15 = CV_BGR5652RGB
  toEnum 16 = CV_BGRA2BGR565
  toEnum 17 = CV_RGBA2BGR565
  toEnum 18 = CV_BGR5652BGRA
  toEnum 19 = CV_BGR5652RGBA
  toEnum 20 = CV_GRAY2BGR565
  toEnum 21 = CV_BGR5652GRAY
  toEnum 22 = CV_BGR2BGR555
  toEnum 23 = CV_RGB2BGR555
  toEnum 24 = CV_BGR5552BGR
  toEnum 25 = CV_BGR5552RGB
  toEnum 26 = CV_BGRA2BGR555
  toEnum 27 = CV_RGBA2BGR555
  toEnum 28 = CV_BGR5552BGRA
  toEnum 29 = CV_BGR5552RGBA
  toEnum 30 = CV_GRAY2BGR555
  toEnum 31 = CV_BGR5552GRAY
  toEnum 32 = CV_BGR2XYZ
  toEnum 33 = CV_RGB2XYZ
  toEnum 34 = CV_XYZ2BGR
  toEnum 35 = CV_XYZ2RGB
  toEnum 36 = CV_BGR2YCrCb
  toEnum 37 = CV_RGB2YCrCb
  toEnum 38 = CV_YCrCb2BGR
  toEnum 39 = CV_YCrCb2RGB
  toEnum 40 = CV_BGR2HSV
  toEnum 41 = CV_RGB2HSV
  toEnum 44 = CV_BGR2Lab
  toEnum 45 = CV_RGB2Lab
  toEnum 46 = CV_BayerBG2BGR
  toEnum 47 = CV_BayerGB2BGR
  toEnum 48 = CV_BayerRG2BGR
  toEnum 49 = CV_BayerGR2BGR
  toEnum 48 = CV_BayerBG2RGB
  toEnum 49 = CV_BayerGB2RGB
  toEnum 46 = CV_BayerRG2RGB
  toEnum 47 = CV_BayerGR2RGB
  toEnum 50 = CV_BGR2Luv
  toEnum 51 = CV_RGB2Luv
  toEnum 52 = CV_BGR2HLS
  toEnum 53 = CV_RGB2HLS
  toEnum 54 = CV_HSV2BGR
  toEnum 55 = CV_HSV2RGB
  toEnum 56 = CV_Lab2BGR
  toEnum 57 = CV_Lab2RGB
  toEnum 58 = CV_Luv2BGR
  toEnum 59 = CV_Luv2RGB
  toEnum 60 = CV_HLS2BGR
  toEnum 61 = CV_HLS2RGB
  toEnum 62 = CV_BayerBG2BGR_VNG
  toEnum 63 = CV_BayerGB2BGR_VNG
  toEnum 64 = CV_BayerRG2BGR_VNG
  toEnum 65 = CV_BayerGR2BGR_VNG
  toEnum 64 = CV_BayerBG2RGB_VNG
  toEnum 65 = CV_BayerGB2RGB_VNG
  toEnum 62 = CV_BayerRG2RGB_VNG
  toEnum 63 = CV_BayerGR2RGB_VNG
  toEnum 66 = CV_BGR2HSV_FULL
  toEnum 67 = CV_RGB2HSV_FULL
  toEnum 68 = CV_BGR2HLS_FULL
  toEnum 69 = CV_RGB2HLS_FULL
  toEnum 70 = CV_HSV2BGR_FULL
  toEnum 71 = CV_HSV2RGB_FULL
  toEnum 72 = CV_HLS2BGR_FULL
  toEnum 73 = CV_HLS2RGB_FULL
  toEnum 74 = CV_LBGR2Lab
  toEnum 75 = CV_LRGB2Lab
  toEnum 76 = CV_LBGR2Luv
  toEnum 77 = CV_LRGB2Luv
  toEnum 78 = CV_Lab2LBGR
  toEnum 79 = CV_Lab2LRGB
  toEnum 80 = CV_Luv2LBGR
  toEnum 81 = CV_Luv2LRGB
  toEnum 82 = CV_BGR2YUV
  toEnum 83 = CV_RGB2YUV
  toEnum 84 = CV_YUV2BGR
  toEnum 85 = CV_YUV2RGB
  toEnum 100 = CV_COLORCVT_MAX
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CvtCodes.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 470 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}

data CvtFlags = CvtFlip
              | CvtSwapRB
instance Enum CvtFlags where
  fromEnum CvtFlip = 1
  fromEnum CvtSwapRB = 2

  toEnum 1 = CvtFlip
  toEnum 2 = CvtSwapRB
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CvtFlags.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 472 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}

rgbToLab :: Image RGB D32 -> Image LAB D32
rgbToLab = S . convertTo cvRGBtoLAB 3 . unS

rgbToGray :: Image RGB D32 -> Image GrayScale D32
rgbToGray = S . convertTo cvRGBtoGRAY 1 . unS

grayToRGB :: Image GrayScale D32 -> Image RGB D32
grayToRGB = S . convertTo (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ CV_GRAY2BGR) 3 . unS

bgrToRgb :: Image BGR D8 -> Image RGB D8
bgrToRgb = S . swapRB . unS

rgbToBgr :: Image RGB D8 -> Image BGR D8
rgbToBgr = S . swapRB . unS

swapRB :: BareImage -> BareImage
swapRB img = unsafePerformIO $ do
    res <- cloneBareImage img
    withBareImage img $ \cimg ->
     withBareImage res $ \cres ->
        cvConvertImage (castPtr cimg) (castPtr cres) (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ CvtSwapRB)
    return res

class GetPixel a where
    type P a :: *
    getPixel   :: (Int,Int) -> a -> P a

-- #define FGET(img,x,y) (((float *)((img)->imageData + (y)*(img)->widthStep))[(x)])
instance GetPixel (Image GrayScale D32) where
    type P (Image GrayScale D32) = D32
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*(fromIntegral s) +x*sizeOf (0::Float))):: Ptr Float)

instance GetPixel (Image GrayScale D8) where
    type P (Image GrayScale D8) = D8
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*(fromIntegral s) +x*sizeOf (0::Word8))):: Ptr Word8)

instance GetPixel (Image Complex D32) where
    type P (Image Complex D32) = C.Complex D32
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         let cs = fromIntegral s
                                             fs = sizeOf (undefined :: Float)
                                         re <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs + x*2*fs)))
                                         im <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*2+1)*fs)))
                                         return (re C.:+ im)

-- #define UGETC(img,color,x,y) (((uint8_t *)((img)->imageData + (y)*(img)->widthStep))[(x)*3+(color)])
instance GetPixel (Image RGB D32) where
    type P (Image RGB D32) = (D32,D32,D32)
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         let cs = fromIntegral s
                                             fs = sizeOf (undefined :: Float)
                                         b <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +x*3*fs)))
                                         g <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+1)*fs)))
                                         r <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+2)*fs)))
                                         return (r,g,b)
instance GetPixel (Image BGR D32) where
    type P (Image BGR D32) = (D32,D32,D32)
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         let cs = fromIntegral s
                                             fs = sizeOf (undefined :: Float)
                                         b <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +x*3*fs)))
                                         g <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+1)*fs)))
                                         r <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+2)*fs)))
                                         return (r,g,b)
instance  GetPixel (Image BGR D8) where
    type P (Image BGR D8) = (D8,D8,D8)
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         let cs = fromIntegral s
                                             fs = sizeOf (undefined :: D8)
                                         b <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +x*3*fs)))
                                         g <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+1)*fs)))
                                         r <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+2)*fs)))
                                         return (r,g,b)

instance  GetPixel (Image RGB D8) where
    type P (Image RGB D8) = (D8,D8,D8)
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         let cs = fromIntegral s
                                             fs = sizeOf (undefined :: D8)
                                         b <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +x*3*fs)))
                                         g <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+1)*fs)))
                                         r <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+2)*fs)))
                                         return (r,g,b)

instance GetPixel (Image LAB D32) where
    type P (Image LAB D32) = (D32,D32,D32)
    {-#INLINE getPixel#-}
    getPixel (x,y) i = unsafePerformIO $
                        withGenImage i $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         let cs = fromIntegral s
                                             fs = sizeOf (undefined :: Float)
                                         l <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +x*3*fs)))
                                         a <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+1)*fs)))
                                         b <- peek (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+2)*fs)))
                                         return (l,a,b)

-- | Perform (a destructive) inplace map of the image. This should be wrapped inside
-- withClone or an image operation
mapImageInplace :: (P (Image GrayScale D32) -> P (Image GrayScale D32))
            -> Image GrayScale D32
            -> IO ()
mapImageInplace f image = withGenImage image $ \c_i -> do
             d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
             s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
             let (w,h) = getSize image
                 cs = fromIntegral s
                 fs = sizeOf (undefined :: Float)
             forM_ [(x,y) | x<-[0..w-1], y <- [0..h-1]] $ \(x,y) ->do
                   v <- peek (castPtr (d `plusPtr` (y*cs+x*fs)))
                   poke (castPtr (d `plusPtr` (y*cs+x*fs))) (f v)

convertTo :: CInt -> CInt -> BareImage -> BareImage
convertTo code channels img = unsafePerformIO $creatingBareImage $ do
    res <- wrapCreateImage32F w h channels
    withBareImage img $ \cimg ->
        cvCvtColor (castPtr cimg) (castPtr res) code
    return res
    (fromIntegral -> w,fromIntegral -> h) = getSize img

-- | Class for images that exist.
class CreateImage a where
    -- | Create an image from size
    create :: (Int,Int) -> IO a

instance CreateImage (Image GrayScale D32) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage32F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 1
instance CreateImage (Image Complex D32) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage32F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 2
instance CreateImage (Image LAB D32) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage32F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 3
instance CreateImage (Image RGB D32) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage32F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 3
instance CreateImage (Image RGBA D32) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage32F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 4

instance CreateImage (Image GrayScale D64) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage64F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 1
instance CreateImage (Image LAB D64) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage64F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 3
instance CreateImage (Image RGB D64) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage64F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 3
instance CreateImage (Image RGBA D64) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage64F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 4

instance CreateImage (Image GrayScale D8) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage8U (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 1
instance CreateImage (Image LAB D8) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage8U (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 3
instance CreateImage (Image RGB D8) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage8U (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 3
instance CreateImage (Image RGBA D8) where
    create (w,h) = creatingImage $ wrapCreateImage8U (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 4

-- | Allocate a new empty image
empty :: (CreateImage (Image a b)) => (Int,Int) -> (Image a b)
empty size = unsafePerformIO $ create size

-- | Allocate a new image that of the same size and type as the exemplar image given.
emptyCopy :: (CreateImage (Image a b)) => Image a b -> (Image a b)
emptyCopy img = unsafePerformIO $ create (getSize img)

emptyCopy' :: (CreateImage (Image a b)) => Image a b -> IO (Image a b)
emptyCopy' img = create (getSize img)

-- | Save image. This will convert the image to 8 bit one before saving
class Save a where
    save :: FilePath -> a -> IO ()

instance Save (Image BGR D32) where
    save filename image = primitiveSave filename (unS . unsafeImageTo8Bit $ image)

instance Save (Image RGB D32) where
    save filename image = primitiveSave filename (swapRB . unS . unsafeImageTo8Bit $ image)

instance Save (Image RGB D8) where
    save filename image = primitiveSave filename  (swapRB . unS $ image)

instance Save (Image GrayScale D8) where
    save filename image = primitiveSave filename (unS $ image)

instance Save (Image GrayScale D32) where
    save filename image = primitiveSave filename (unS . unsafeImageTo8Bit $ image)

primitiveSave :: FilePath -> BareImage -> IO ()
primitiveSave filename fpi = do
       exists <- doesDirectoryExist (takeDirectory filename)
       when (not exists) $throw (CvIOError $ "Directory does not exist: " ++ (takeDirectory filename))
       withCString  filename $ \name  ->
        withGenBareImage fpi    $ \cvArr ->
         alloca (\defs -> poke defs 0 >> cvSaveImage name cvArr defs >> return ())

saveImage :: (Save (Image c d)) => FilePath -> Image c d ->  IO ()
saveImage = save

getArea :: (Sized a,Num b, Size a ~ (b,b)) => a -> b
getArea = uncurry (*).getSize

getRegion :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Image c d -> Image c d
getRegion (fromIntegral -> x,fromIntegral -> y) (fromIntegral -> w,fromIntegral -> h) image
    | x+w <= width && y+h <= height = S . getRegion' (x,y) (w,h) $ unS image
    | otherwise                   = error $ "Region outside image:"
                                            ++ show (getSize image) ++
                                            "/"++show (x+w,y+h)
  (fromIntegral -> width,fromIntegral -> height) = getSize image

getRegion' (x,y) (w,h) image = unsafePerformIO $
                               withBareImage image $ \i ->
                                 creatingBareImage (getSubImage
{-# LINE 724 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}
                                                i x y w h)

-- | Tile images by overlapping them on a black canvas.
tileImages image1 image2 (x,y) = unsafePerformIO $
                               withImage image1 $ \i1 ->
                                withImage image2 $ \i2 ->
                                 creatingImage (simpleMergeImages
{-# LINE 732 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}
                                                i1 i2 x y)
-- | Blit image2 onto image1.
blitFix = blit
blit :: Image GrayScale D32 -> Image GrayScale D32 -> (Int,Int) -> IO ()
blit image1 image2 (x,y)
    | badSizes  = error $ "Bad blit sizes: " ++ show [(w1,h1),(w2,h2)]++"<-"++show (x,y)
    | otherwise = withImage image1 $ \i1 ->
                   withImage image2 $ \i2 ->
                    (plainBlit i1 i2 (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral x))
     ((w1,h1),(w2,h2)) = (getSize image1,getSize image2)
     badSizes = x+w2>w1 || y+h2>h1 || x<0 || y<0

-- blitM :: (CreateImage (Image c d)) => (Int,Int) -> [((Int,Int),Image c d)] -> Image c d
blitM (rw,rh) imgs = resultPic
     resultPic = unsafePerformIO $ do
                    r <- create (fromIntegral rw,fromIntegral rh)
                    sequence_ [blit r i (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y)
                              | ((x,y),i) <- imgs ]
                    return r

  :: Image c d -> Image c d -> (CDouble, CDouble) -> IO ()

subPixelBlit (image1) (image2) (x,y)
    | badSizes  = error $ "Bad blit sizes: " ++ show [(w1,h1),(w2,h2)]++"<-"++show (x,y)
    | otherwise = withImage image1 $ \i1 ->
                   withImage image2 $ \i2 ->
                    (subpixel_blit i1 i2 y x)
     ((w1,h1),(w2,h2)) = (getSize image1,getSize image2)
     badSizes = ceiling x+w2>w1 || ceiling y+h2>h1 ||x<0 || y<0

safeBlit i1 i2 (x,y) = unsafePerformIO $ do
                  res <- cloneImage i1-- createImage32F (getSize i1) 1
                  blit res i2 (x,y)
                  return res

-- | Blit image2 onto image1.
--   This uses an alpha channel bitmap for determining the regions where the image should be "blended" with
--   the base image.
blendBlit image1 image1Alpha image2 image2Alpha (x,y) =
                               withImage image1 $ \i1 ->
                                withImage image1Alpha $ \i1a ->
                                 withImage image2Alpha $ \i2a ->
                                  withImage image2 $ \i2 ->
                                   (alphaBlit i1 i1a i2 i2a y x)

-- | Create a copy of an image
cloneImage :: Image a b -> IO (Image a b)
cloneImage img = withGenImage img $ \image ->
                    creatingImage (cvCloneImage image)

-- | Create a copy of a non-types image
cloneBareImage :: BareImage -> IO BareImage
cloneBareImage img = withGenBareImage img $ \image ->
                    creatingBareImage (cvCloneImage image)

  :: Image channels depth
     -> (Image channels depth -> IO ())
     -> IO (Image channels depth)
withClone img fun = do
                result <- cloneImage img
                fun result
                return result

  :: Image channels depth
     -> (Image channels depth -> IO a)
     -> IO a
withCloneValue img fun = do
                result <- cloneImage img
                r <- fun result
                return r

cloneTo64F :: Image c d -> IO (Image c D64)
cloneTo64F img = withGenImage img $ \image ->
                 (ensure64F image)

unsafeImageTo64F :: Image c d -> Image c D64
unsafeImageTo64F img = unsafePerformIO $ withGenImage img $ \image ->
                 (ensure64F image)

unsafeImageTo32F :: Image c d -> Image c D32
unsafeImageTo32F img = unsafePerformIO $ withGenImage img $ \image ->
                 (ensure32F image)

unsafeImageTo8Bit :: Image cspace a -> Image cspace D8
unsafeImageTo8Bit img = unsafePerformIO $ withGenImage img $ \image ->
                 (ensure8U image)

--toD32 :: Image c d -> Image c D32
--toD32 i =
--  unsafePerformIO $
--    withImage i $ \i_ptr ->
--      creatingImage

imageTo32F img = withGenBareImage img $ \image ->
                 (ensure32F image)

imageTo8Bit img = withGenBareImage img $ \image ->
                 (ensure8U image)
data ImageDepth = Depth32F
                | Depth64F
                | Depth8U
                | Depth8S
                | Depth16U
                | Depth16S
                | Depth32S
instance Enum ImageDepth where
  fromEnum Depth32F = 32
  fromEnum Depth64F = 64
  fromEnum Depth8U = 8
  fromEnum Depth8S = 2147483656
  fromEnum Depth16U = 16
  fromEnum Depth16S = 2147483664
  fromEnum Depth32S = 2147483680

  toEnum 32 = Depth32F
  toEnum 64 = Depth64F
  toEnum 8 = Depth8U
  toEnum 2147483656 = Depth8S
  toEnum 16 = Depth16U
  toEnum 2147483664 = Depth16S
  toEnum 2147483680 = Depth32S
  toEnum unmatched = error ("ImageDepth.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 858 "./CV/Image.chs" #-}

deriving instance Show ImageDepth

getImageDepth :: Image c d -> IO ImageDepth
getImageDepth i = withImage i $ \c_img -> (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 16 ::IO CInt}) c_img >>= return.toEnum.fromIntegral
getImageChannels i = withImage i $ \c_img -> (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 8 ::IO CInt}) c_img

getImageInfo x = do
    let s = getSize x
    d <- getImageDepth x
    c <- getImageChannels x
    return (s,d,c)

-- Manipulating regions of interest:
setROI (fromIntegral -> x,fromIntegral -> y)
       (fromIntegral -> w,fromIntegral -> h)
       image = withImage image $ \i ->
                            wrapSetImageROI i x y w h

resetROI image = withImage image $ \i ->
                  cvResetImageROI i

setCOI chnl image = withImage image $ \i ->
                            cvSetImageCOI i (fromIntegral chnl)
resetCOI image = withImage image $ \i ->
                  cvSetImageCOI i 0

-- #TODO: Replace the Int below with proper channel identifier
getChannel :: (Enum a) => a -> Image (ChannelOf a) d -> Image GrayScale d
getChannel no image = unsafePerformIO $ creatingImage $ do
    let (w,h) = getSize image
    setCOI (1+fromEnum no) image
    cres <- wrapCreateImage32F (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 1
    withGenImage image $ \cimage ->
      cvCopy cimage (castPtr cres) (nullPtr)
    resetCOI image
    return cres

withIOROI pos size image op = do
            setROI pos size image
            x <- op
            resetROI image
            return x

withROI :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Image c d -> (Image c d -> a) -> a
withROI pos size image op = unsafePerformIO $ do
                        setROI pos size image
                        let x = op image -- BUG
                        resetROI image
                        return x

class SetPixel a where
   type SP a :: *
   setPixel :: (Int,Int) -> SP a -> a -> IO ()

instance SetPixel (Image GrayScale D32) where
   type SP (Image GrayScale D32) = D32
   {-#INLINE setPixel#-}
   setPixel (x,y) v image = withGenImage image $ \c_i -> do
                                  d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                  s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                  poke (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*(fromIntegral s)
                                       + x*sizeOf (0::Float))):: Ptr Float)

instance SetPixel (Image GrayScale D8) where
   type SP (Image GrayScale D8) = D8
   {-#INLINE setPixel#-}
   setPixel (x,y) v image = withGenImage image $ \c_i -> do
                             d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                             s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                             poke (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*(fromIntegral s)
                                  + x*sizeOf (0::Word8))):: Ptr Word8)

instance SetPixel (Image RGB D32) where
    type SP (Image RGB D32) = (D32,D32,D32)
    {-#INLINE setPixel#-}
    setPixel (x,y) (r,g,b) image = withGenImage image $ \c_i -> do
                                         d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                                         s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                                         let cs = fromIntegral s
                                             fs = sizeOf (undefined :: Float)
                                         poke (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +x*3*fs)))     b
                                         poke (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+1)*fs))) g
                                         poke (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs +(x*3+2)*fs))) r

instance SetPixel (Image Complex D32) where
    type SP (Image Complex D32) = C.Complex D32
    {-#INLINE setPixel#-}
    setPixel (x,y) (re C.:+ im) image = withGenImage image $ \c_i -> do
                             d <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 68 ::IO (Ptr CChar)}) c_i
                             s <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 72 ::IO CInt}) c_i
                             let cs = fromIntegral s
                                 fs = sizeOf (undefined :: Float)
                             poke (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs + x*2*fs))) re
                             poke (castPtr (d`plusPtr` (y*cs + (x*2+1)*fs))) im

getAllPixels image =  [getPixel (i,j) image
                      | i <- [0..width-1 ]
                      , j <- [0..height-1]]
                     (width,height) = getSize image

getAllPixelsRowMajor image =  [getPixel (i,j) image
                              | j <- [0..height-1]
                              , i <- [0..width-1]
                     (width,height) = getSize image

-- |Create a montage form given images (u,v) determines the layout and space the spacing
--  between images. Images are assumed to be the same size (determined by the first image)
montage :: (CreateImage (Image GrayScale D32)) => (Int,Int) -> Int -> [Image GrayScale D32] -> Image GrayScale D32
montage (u',v') space' imgs
    | u'*v' < (length imgs) = error ("Montage mismatch: "++show (u,v, length imgs))
    | otherwise              = resultPic
     space = fromIntegral space'
     (u,v) = (fromIntegral u', fromIntegral v')
     (rw,rh) = (u*xstep,v*ystep)
     (w,h) = foldl (\(mx,my) (x,y) -> (max mx x, max my y)) (0,0) $ map getSize imgs
     (xstep,ystep) = (fromIntegral space + w,fromIntegral space + h)
     edge = space`div`2
     resultPic = unsafePerformIO $ do
                    r <- create (rw,rh)
                    sequence_ [blit r i (edge +  x*xstep, edge + y*ystep)
                               | y <- [0..v-1] , x <- [0..u-1]
                               | i <- imgs ]
                    return r

data CvException = CvException Int String String String Int
     deriving (Show, Typeable)

data CvIOError = CvIOError String deriving (Show,Typeable)
data CvSizeError = CvSizeError String deriving (Show,Typeable)

instance Exception CvException
instance Exception CvIOError
instance Exception CvSizeError

setCatch = do
   let catch i cstr1 cstr2 cstr3 j = do
         func <- peekCString cstr1
         msg  <- peekCString cstr2
         file <- peekCString cstr3
         throw (CvException (fromIntegral i) func msg file (fromIntegral j))
         return 0
   cb <- mk'CvErrorCallback catch
   c'cvRedirectError cb nullPtr nullPtr
   c'cvSetErrMode c'CV_ErrModeSilent

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvReleaseImage"
  cvReleaseImage :: ((Ptr (Ptr (BareImage))) -> (IO ()))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvMerge"
  cvMerge :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ()))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvLoadImage"
  cvLoadImage :: ((Ptr CChar) -> (CInt -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage)))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h getImageWidth"
  getImageWidth :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h getImageHeight"
  getImageHeight :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvConvertImage"
  cvConvertImage :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h wrapCreateImage32F"
  wrapCreateImage32F :: (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvCvtColor"
  cvCvtColor :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h wrapCreateImage64F"
  wrapCreateImage64F :: (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h wrapCreateImage8U"
  wrapCreateImage8U :: (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvSaveImage"
  cvSaveImage :: ((Ptr CChar) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr CInt) -> (IO CInt))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h getSubImage"
  getSubImage :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h simpleMergeImages"
  simpleMergeImages :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage)))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h plainBlit"
  plainBlit :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h subpixel_blit"
  subpixel_blit :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (CDouble -> (CDouble -> (IO ())))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h alphaBlit"
  alphaBlit :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvCloneImage"
  cvCloneImage :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h ensure64F"
  ensure64F :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h ensure32F"
  ensure32F :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h ensure8U"
  ensure8U :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (IO (Ptr (BareImage))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h wrapSetImageROI"
  wrapSetImageROI :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvResetImageROI"
  cvResetImageROI :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (IO ()))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvSetImageCOI"
  cvSetImageCOI :: ((Ptr (BareImage)) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall safe "CV/Image.chs.h cvCopy"
  cvCopy :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ()))))