Name: CV Version: 0.3 Description: OpenCV Bindings License: GPL License-file: LICENSE Category: AI, Graphics, Machine Vision Synopsis: OpenCV based machine vision library Description: This is a machine vision package that wraps some functionality of OpenCV library. This package has been developed for personal use and is not meant to be a complete wrapper, though it will most likely grow to cover most of functionaly exposed by OpenCV C interface. Currently this package is quite dirty and requires much work on documentation and code clean-up, but is somewhat tested. Author: Ville Tirronen Maintainer: Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=1.6 Extra-Source-Files: examples/*.hs examples/shapes/*.png examples/shapePhoto.jpg examples/smallLena.jpg examples/elaine.jpg Library Build-Tools: c2hs >= 0.16.0 Include-dirs: CV/ Includes: opencv/cv.h, opencv/cxcore.h, opencv/highgui.h, CV/cvWrapLEO.h c-sources: CV/cvWrapLEO.c install-includes: CV/cvWrapLEO.h cc-options: --std=c99 extra-libraries: opencv_calib3d,opencv_contrib,opencv_core,opencv_features2d,opencv_highgui,opencv_imgproc,opencv_legacy,opencv_ml,opencv_objdetect,opencv_video Build-Depends: haskell98, base >= 3 && < 5, parallel > 1.1, unix > 2.3, array >=, mtl >= 1.1.0, random >= 1.0.0, carray >= 0.1.5, QuickCheck >= 2.1, containers >= 0.2, JYU-Utils >= 0.1 && < 0.2, storable-complex, binary >= 0.5, deepseq >= 1.1 Exposed-modules: CV.Image, CV.ImageOp, CV.ImageMath CV.Sampling, CV.Edges, CV.Filters, CV.Morphology, CV.ColourUtils, CV.ImageMathOp, CV.Video, CV.Textures,CV.Drawing, CV.Thresholding, CV.Histogram, CV.LightBalance, CV.TemplateMatching, CV.Transforms, CV.Conversions, CV.Binary, CV.Marking, CV.FunnyStatistics, CV.MultiresolutionSpline, CV.Gabor, CV.ConnectedComponents Other-modules: C2HSTools, C2HS