----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple.SrcDist -- Copyright : Simon Marlow 2004 -- -- Maintainer : cabal-devel@haskell.org -- Portability : portable -- -- This handles the @sdist@ command. The module exports an 'sdist' action but -- also some of the phases that make it up so that other tools can use just the -- bits they need. In particular the preparation of the tree of files to go -- into the source tarball is separated from actually building the source -- tarball. -- -- The 'createArchive' action uses the external @tar@ program and assumes that -- it accepts the @-z@ flag. Neither of these assumptions are valid on Windows. -- The 'sdist' action now also does some distribution QA checks. {- Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Simon Marlow All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} -- NOTE: FIX: we don't have a great way of testing this module, since -- we can't easily look inside a tarball once its created. module Distribution.Simple.SrcDist ( -- * The top level action sdist, -- ** Parts of 'sdist' printPackageProblems, prepareTree, createArchive, -- ** Snaphots prepareSnapshotTree, snapshotPackage, snapshotVersion, dateToSnapshotNumber, ) where import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(..), Executable(..), Library(..) , TestSuite(..), TestSuiteInterface(..), Benchmark(..) , BenchmarkInterface(..) ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Check ( PackageCheck(..), checkConfiguredPackage, checkPackageFiles ) import Distribution.Package ( PackageIdentifier(pkgVersion), Package(..), packageVersion ) import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName) import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName import Distribution.Version ( Version(versionBranch) ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, withUTF8FileContents, writeUTF8File , installOrdinaryFile, installOrdinaryFiles, setFileExecutable , findFile, findFileWithExtension, matchFileGlob , withTempDirectory, defaultPackageDesc , die, warn, notice, setupMessage ) import Distribution.Simple.Setup (SDistFlags(..), fromFlag, flagToMaybe) import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess (PPSuffixHandler, ppSuffixes, preprocessComponent) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( LocalBuildInfo(..), withComponentsLBI ) import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( autogenModuleName ) import Distribution.Simple.Program ( defaultProgramConfiguration, requireProgram, rawSystemProgram, tarProgram ) import Distribution.Text ( display ) import Control.Monad(when, unless) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List (partition, isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe (isNothing, catMaybes) import System.Time (getClockTime, toCalendarTime, CalendarTime(..)) import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, Permissions(executable), getPermissions ) import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity) import System.FilePath ( (), (<.>), takeDirectory, dropExtension, isAbsolute ) -- |Create a source distribution. sdist :: PackageDescription -- ^information from the tarball -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -- ^Information from configure -> SDistFlags -- ^verbosity & snapshot -> (FilePath -> FilePath) -- ^build prefix (temp dir) -> [PPSuffixHandler] -- ^ extra preprocessors (includes suffixes) -> IO () sdist pkg mb_lbi flags mkTmpDir pps = do -- do some QA printPackageProblems verbosity pkg when (isNothing mb_lbi) $ warn verbosity "Cannot run preprocessors. Run 'configure' command first." date <- toCalendarTime =<< getClockTime let pkg' | snapshot = snapshotPackage date pkg | otherwise = pkg case flagToMaybe (sDistDirectory flags) of Just targetDir -> do generateSourceDir targetDir pkg' notice verbosity $ "Source directory created: " ++ targetDir Nothing -> do createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True tmpTargetDir withTempDirectory verbosity tmpTargetDir "sdist." $ \tmpDir -> do let targetDir = tmpDir tarBallName pkg' generateSourceDir targetDir pkg' targzFile <- createArchive verbosity pkg' mb_lbi tmpDir targetPref notice verbosity $ "Source tarball created: " ++ targzFile where generateSourceDir targetDir pkg' = do setupMessage verbosity "Building source dist for" (packageId pkg') prepareTree verbosity pkg' mb_lbi distPref targetDir pps when snapshot $ overwriteSnapshotPackageDesc verbosity pkg' targetDir verbosity = fromFlag (sDistVerbosity flags) snapshot = fromFlag (sDistSnapshot flags) distPref = fromFlag $ sDistDistPref flags targetPref = distPref tmpTargetDir = mkTmpDir distPref -- |Prepare a directory tree of source files. prepareTree :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> PackageDescription -- ^info from the cabal file -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -> FilePath -- ^dist dir -> FilePath -- ^source tree to populate -> [PPSuffixHandler] -- ^extra preprocessors (includes suffixes) -> IO () prepareTree verbosity pkg_descr0 mb_lbi distPref targetDir pps = do createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True targetDir -- maybe move the library files into place withLib $ \Library { exposedModules = modules, libBuildInfo = libBi } -> prepareDir verbosity pkg_descr distPref targetDir pps modules libBi -- move the executables into place withExe $ \Executable { modulePath = mainPath, buildInfo = exeBi } -> do prepareDir verbosity pkg_descr distPref targetDir pps [] exeBi srcMainFile <- do ppFile <- findFileWithExtension (ppSuffixes pps) (hsSourceDirs exeBi) (dropExtension mainPath) case ppFile of Nothing -> findFile (hsSourceDirs exeBi) mainPath Just pp -> return pp copyFileTo verbosity targetDir srcMainFile -- move the test suites into place withTest $ \t -> do let bi = testBuildInfo t prep = prepareDir verbosity pkg_descr distPref targetDir pps case testInterface t of TestSuiteExeV10 _ mainPath -> do prep [] bi srcMainFile <- do ppFile <- findFileWithExtension (ppSuffixes pps) (hsSourceDirs bi) (dropExtension mainPath) case ppFile of Nothing -> findFile (hsSourceDirs bi) mainPath Just pp -> return pp copyFileTo verbosity targetDir srcMainFile TestSuiteLibV09 _ m -> do prep [m] bi TestSuiteUnsupported tp -> die $ "Unsupported test suite type: " ++ show tp -- move the benchmarks into place withBenchmark $ \bm -> do let bi = benchmarkBuildInfo bm prep = prepareDir verbosity pkg_descr distPref targetDir pps case benchmarkInterface bm of BenchmarkExeV10 _ mainPath -> do prep [] bi srcMainFile <- do ppFile <- findFileWithExtension (ppSuffixes pps) (hsSourceDirs bi) (dropExtension mainPath) case ppFile of Nothing -> findFile (hsSourceDirs bi) mainPath Just pp -> return pp copyFileTo verbosity targetDir srcMainFile BenchmarkUnsupported tp -> die $ "Unsupported benchmark type: " ++ show tp flip mapM_ (dataFiles pkg_descr) $ \ filename -> do files <- matchFileGlob (dataDir pkg_descr filename) let dir = takeDirectory (dataDir pkg_descr filename) createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (targetDir dir) sequence_ [ installOrdinaryFile verbosity file (targetDir file) | file <- files ] when (not (null (licenseFile pkg_descr))) $ copyFileTo verbosity targetDir (licenseFile pkg_descr) flip mapM_ (extraSrcFiles pkg_descr) $ \ fpath -> do files <- matchFileGlob fpath sequence_ [ do copyFileTo verbosity targetDir file -- preserve executable bit on extra-src-files like ./configure perms <- getPermissions file when (executable perms) --only checks user x bit (setFileExecutable (targetDir file)) | file <- files ] -- copy the install-include files withLib $ \ l -> do let lbi = libBuildInfo l relincdirs = "." : filter (not.isAbsolute) (includeDirs lbi) incs <- mapM (findInc relincdirs) (installIncludes lbi) flip mapM_ incs $ \(_,fpath) -> copyFileTo verbosity targetDir fpath -- if the package was configured then we can run platform independent -- pre-processors and include those generated files case mb_lbi of Just lbi | not (null pps) -> do let lbi' = lbi{ buildDir = targetDir buildDir lbi } withComponentsLBI pkg_descr lbi' $ \c _ -> preprocessComponent pkg_descr c lbi' True verbosity pps _ -> return () -- setup isn't listed in the description file. hsExists <- doesFileExist "Setup.hs" lhsExists <- doesFileExist "Setup.lhs" if hsExists then copyFileTo verbosity targetDir "Setup.hs" else if lhsExists then copyFileTo verbosity targetDir "Setup.lhs" else writeUTF8File (targetDir "Setup.hs") $ unlines [ "import Distribution.Simple", "main = defaultMain"] -- the description file itself descFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity installOrdinaryFile verbosity descFile (targetDir descFile) where pkg_descr = mapAllBuildInfo filterAutogenModule pkg_descr0 filterAutogenModule bi = bi { otherModules = filter (/=autogenModule) (otherModules bi) } autogenModule = autogenModuleName pkg_descr0 findInc [] f = die ("can't find include file " ++ f) findInc (d:ds) f = do let path = (d f) b <- doesFileExist path if b then return (f,path) else findInc ds f -- We have to deal with all libs and executables, so we have local -- versions of these functions that ignore the 'buildable' attribute: withLib action = maybe (return ()) action (library pkg_descr) withExe action = mapM_ action (executables pkg_descr) withTest action = mapM_ action (testSuites pkg_descr) withBenchmark action = mapM_ action (benchmarks pkg_descr) -- | Prepare a directory tree of source files for a snapshot version. -- It is expected that the appropriate snapshot version has already been set -- in the package description, eg using 'snapshotPackage' or 'snapshotVersion'. -- prepareSnapshotTree :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> PackageDescription -- ^info from the cabal file -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -> FilePath -- ^dist dir -> FilePath -- ^source tree to populate -> [PPSuffixHandler] -- ^extra preprocessors (includes suffixes) -> IO () prepareSnapshotTree verbosity pkg mb_lbi distPref targetDir pps = do prepareTree verbosity pkg mb_lbi distPref targetDir pps overwriteSnapshotPackageDesc verbosity pkg targetDir overwriteSnapshotPackageDesc :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> PackageDescription -- ^info from the cabal file -> FilePath -- ^source tree -> IO () overwriteSnapshotPackageDesc verbosity pkg targetDir = do -- We could just writePackageDescription targetDescFile pkg_descr, -- but that would lose comments and formatting. descFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity withUTF8FileContents descFile $ writeUTF8File (targetDir descFile) . unlines . map (replaceVersion (packageVersion pkg)) . lines where replaceVersion :: Version -> String -> String replaceVersion version line | "version:" `isPrefixOf` map toLower line = "version: " ++ display version | otherwise = line -- | Modifies a 'PackageDescription' by appending a snapshot number -- corresponding to the given date. -- snapshotPackage :: CalendarTime -> PackageDescription -> PackageDescription snapshotPackage date pkg = pkg { package = pkgid { pkgVersion = snapshotVersion date (pkgVersion pkgid) } } where pkgid = packageId pkg -- | Modifies a 'Version' by appending a snapshot number corresponding -- to the given date. -- snapshotVersion :: CalendarTime -> Version -> Version snapshotVersion date version = version { versionBranch = versionBranch version ++ [dateToSnapshotNumber date] } -- | Given a date produce a corresponding integer representation. -- For example given a date @18/03/2008@ produce the number @20080318@. -- dateToSnapshotNumber :: CalendarTime -> Int dateToSnapshotNumber date = year * 10000 + month * 100 + day where year = ctYear date month = fromEnum (ctMonth date) + 1 day = ctDay date -- |Create an archive from a tree of source files, and clean up the tree. createArchive :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> PackageDescription -- ^info from cabal file -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -- ^info from configure -> FilePath -- ^source tree to archive -> FilePath -- ^name of archive to create -> IO FilePath createArchive verbosity pkg_descr mb_lbi tmpDir targetPref = do let tarBallFilePath = targetPref tarBallName pkg_descr <.> "tar.gz" (tarProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity tarProgram (maybe defaultProgramConfiguration withPrograms mb_lbi) -- Hmm: I could well be skating on thinner ice here by using the -C option (=> GNU tar-specific?) -- [The prev. solution used pipes and sub-command sequences to set up the paths correctly, -- which is problematic in a Windows setting.] rawSystemProgram verbosity tarProg ["-C", tmpDir, "-czf", tarBallFilePath, tarBallName pkg_descr] return tarBallFilePath -- |Move the sources into place based on buildInfo prepareDir :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> PackageDescription -- ^info from the cabal file -> FilePath -- ^dist dir -> FilePath -- ^TargetPrefix -> [PPSuffixHandler] -- ^ extra preprocessors (includes suffixes) -> [ModuleName] -- ^Exposed modules -> BuildInfo -> IO () prepareDir verbosity _pkg _distPref inPref pps modules bi = do let searchDirs = hsSourceDirs bi sources <- sequence [ let file = ModuleName.toFilePath module_ in findFileWithExtension suffixes searchDirs file >>= maybe (notFound module_) return | module_ <- modules ++ otherModules bi ] bootFiles <- sequence [ let file = ModuleName.toFilePath module_ fileExts = ["hs-boot", "lhs-boot"] in findFileWithExtension fileExts (hsSourceDirs bi) file | module_ <- modules ++ otherModules bi ] let allSources = sources ++ catMaybes bootFiles ++ cSources bi installOrdinaryFiles verbosity inPref (zip (repeat []) allSources) where suffixes = ppSuffixes pps ++ ["hs", "lhs"] notFound m = die $ "Error: Could not find module: " ++ display m ++ " with any suffix: " ++ show suffixes copyFileTo :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyFileTo verbosity dir file = do let targetFile = dir file createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory targetFile) installOrdinaryFile verbosity file targetFile printPackageProblems :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> IO () printPackageProblems verbosity pkg_descr = do ioChecks <- checkPackageFiles pkg_descr "." let pureChecks = checkConfiguredPackage pkg_descr isDistError (PackageDistSuspicious _) = False isDistError _ = True (errors, warnings) = partition isDistError (pureChecks ++ ioChecks) unless (null errors) $ notice verbosity $ "Distribution quality errors:\n" ++ unlines (map explanation errors) unless (null warnings) $ notice verbosity $ "Distribution quality warnings:\n" ++ unlines (map explanation warnings) unless (null errors) $ notice verbosity "Note: the public hackage server would reject this package." ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The name of the tarball without extension -- tarBallName :: PackageDescription -> String tarBallName = display . packageId mapAllBuildInfo :: (BuildInfo -> BuildInfo) -> (PackageDescription -> PackageDescription) mapAllBuildInfo f pkg = pkg { library = fmap mapLibBi (library pkg), executables = fmap mapExeBi (executables pkg), testSuites = fmap mapTestBi (testSuites pkg), benchmarks = fmap mapBenchBi (benchmarks pkg) } where mapLibBi lib = lib { libBuildInfo = f (libBuildInfo lib) } mapExeBi exe = exe { buildInfo = f (buildInfo exe) } mapTestBi t = t { testBuildInfo = f (testBuildInfo t) } mapBenchBi bm = bm { benchmarkBuildInfo = f (benchmarkBuildInfo bm) }