-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
-- Copyright   :  Duncan Coutts 2013
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- A somewhat extended notion of the normal program search path concept.
-- Usually when finding executables we just want to look in the usual places
-- using the OS's usual method for doing so. In Haskell the normal OS-specific
-- method is captured by 'findExecutable'. On all common OSs that makes use of
-- a @PATH@ environment variable, (though on Windows it is not just the @PATH@).
-- However it is sometimes useful to be able to look in additional locations
-- without having to change the process-global @PATH@ environment variable.
-- So we need an extension of the usual 'findExecutable' that can look in
-- additional locations, either before, after or instead of the normal OS
-- locations.
module Distribution.Simple.Program.Find (
    -- * Program search path
  ) where

import Distribution.Verbosity
         ( Verbosity )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
         ( debug )
import Distribution.System
         ( OS(..), buildOS )
import System.Directory
         ( findExecutable, doesFileExist, Permissions(..), getPermissions )
import Distribution.Compat.Environment
         ( getEnvironment )
import System.FilePath
         ( (</>), (<.>), splitSearchPath, searchPathSeparator )
import Data.List
         ( intercalate )

-- | A search path to use when locating executables. This is analogous
-- to the unix @$PATH@ or win32 @%PATH%@ but with the ability to use
-- the system default method for finding executables ('findExecutable' which
-- on unix is simply looking on the @$PATH@ but on win32 is a bit more
-- complicated).
-- The default to use is @[ProgSearchPathDefault]@ but you can add extra dirs
-- either before, after or instead of the default, e.g. here we add an extra
-- dir to search after the usual ones.
-- > ['ProgramSearchPathDefault', 'ProgramSearchPathDir' dir]
type ProgramSearchPath = [ProgramSearchPathEntry]
data ProgramSearchPathEntry =
         ProgramSearchPathDir FilePath  -- ^ A specific dir
       | ProgramSearchPathDefault       -- ^ The system default

defaultProgramSearchPath :: ProgramSearchPath
defaultProgramSearchPath = [ProgramSearchPathDefault]

findProgramOnSearchPath :: Verbosity -> ProgramSearchPath
                        -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findProgramOnSearchPath verbosity searchpath prog = do
    debug verbosity $ "Searching for " ++ prog ++ " in path."
    res <- tryPathElems searchpath
    case res of
      Nothing   -> debug verbosity ("Cannot find " ++ prog ++ " on the path")
      Just path -> debug verbosity ("Found " ++ prog ++ " at "++ path)
    return res
    tryPathElems []       = return Nothing
    tryPathElems (pe:pes) = do
      res <- tryPathElem pe
      case res of
        Nothing -> tryPathElems pes
        Just _  -> return res

    tryPathElem (ProgramSearchPathDir dir) =
        findFirstExe [ dir </> prog <.> ext | ext <- extensions ]
        -- Possible improvement: on Windows, read the list of extensions from
        -- the PATHEXT environment variable. By default PATHEXT is ".com; .exe;
        -- .bat; .cmd".
        extensions = case buildOS of
                       Windows -> ["", "exe"]
                       _       -> [""]

    tryPathElem ProgramSearchPathDefault =
      findExecutable prog

    findFirstExe []     = return Nothing
    findFirstExe (f:fs) = do
      exists <- doesFileExist f
      if exists
        then do perms <- getPermissions f
                if executable perms
                  then return (Just f)
                  else findFirstExe fs
        else findFirstExe fs

-- | Interpret a 'ProgramSearchPath' to construct a new @$PATH@ env var.
-- Note that this is close but not perfect because on Windows the search
-- algorithm looks at more than just the @%PATH%@.
programSearchPathAsPATHVar :: ProgramSearchPath -> IO String
programSearchPathAsPATHVar searchpath = do
    ess <- mapM getEntries searchpath
    return (intercalate [searchPathSeparator] (concat ess))
    getEntries (ProgramSearchPathDir dir) = return [dir]
    getEntries ProgramSearchPathDefault   = do
      env <- getEnvironment
      return (maybe [] splitSearchPath (lookup "PATH" env))