module PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary4.Check where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import PackageTests.PackageTester import System.FilePath import Test.HUnit suite :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Test suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = TestCase $ do let spec = PackageSpec ("PackageTests" "BuildDeps" "InternalLibrary4") [] let specTI = PackageSpec (directory spec "to-install") [] unregister "InternalLibrary4" ghcPkgPath iResult <- cabal_install specTI ghcPath assertInstallSucceeded iResult bResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath assertBuildSucceeded bResult unregister "InternalLibrary4" ghcPkgPath (_, _, output) <- run (Just $ directory spec) (directory spec "dist" "build" "lemon" "lemon") [] C.appendFile (directory spec "test-log.txt") (C.pack $ "\ndist/build/lemon/lemon\n"++output) assertEqual "executable should have linked with the installed library" "myLibFunc installed" (concat $ lines output)