-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal
-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2003-2007
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module contains functions shared by GHC (Distribution.Simple.GHC)
-- and GHC-derived compilers.

module Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal (
 ) where

import Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo ( GhcImplInfo (..) )
import Distribution.Package
         ( InstalledPackageId, PackageId )
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as InstalledPackageInfo
                                ( InstalledPackageInfo_(..) )
import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
         ( BuildInfo(..), Library(..), libModules
         , hcOptions, usedExtensions, ModuleRenaming, lookupRenaming )
import Distribution.Compat.Exception ( catchExit, catchIO )
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
         ( CompilerFlavor(..), Compiler(..), DebugInfoLevel(..), OptimisationLevel(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
         ( toFlag )
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
import Distribution.Simple.Program
         ( Program(..), ConfiguredProgram(..), ProgramConfiguration
         , ProgramLocation(..), ProgramSearchPath, ProgramSearchPathEntry(..)
         , rawSystemProgram, rawSystemProgramStdout, programPath
         , addKnownProgram, arProgram, ldProgram, gccProgram, stripProgram
         , getProgramOutput )
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types ( suppressOverrideArgs )
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
         ( LocalBuildInfo(..), ComponentLocalBuildInfo(..)
         , LibraryName(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
import Distribution.System ( buildOS, OS(..), Platform, platformFromTriple )
import Distribution.Text ( display, simpleParse )
import Distribution.Utils.NubList ( toNubListR )
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Language.Haskell.Extension
         ( Language(..), Extension(..), KnownExtension(..) )

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char                ( isSpace )
import Data.Maybe               ( fromMaybe, maybeToList, isJust )
import Control.Monad            ( unless, when )
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid              ( Monoid(..) )
import System.Directory         ( getDirectoryContents, getTemporaryDirectory )
import System.Environment       ( getEnv )
import System.FilePath          ( (</>), (<.>), takeExtension, takeDirectory )
import System.IO                ( hClose, hPutStrLn )

targetPlatform :: [(String, String)] -> Maybe Platform
targetPlatform ghcInfo = platformFromTriple =<< lookup "Target platform" ghcInfo

-- | Adjust the way we find and configure gcc and ld
configureToolchain :: GhcImplInfo
                   -> ConfiguredProgram
                   -> M.Map String String
                   -> ProgramConfiguration
                   -> ProgramConfiguration
configureToolchain implInfo ghcProg ghcInfo =
    addKnownProgram gccProgram {
      programFindLocation = findProg gccProgram extraGccPath,
      programPostConf     = configureGcc
  . addKnownProgram ldProgram {
      programFindLocation = findProg ldProgram extraLdPath,
      programPostConf     = configureLd
  . addKnownProgram arProgram {
      programFindLocation = findProg arProgram extraArPath
  . addKnownProgram stripProgram {
      programFindLocation = findProg stripProgram extraStripPath
    compilerDir = takeDirectory (programPath ghcProg)
    baseDir     = takeDirectory compilerDir
    mingwBinDir = baseDir </> "mingw" </> "bin"
    libDir      = baseDir </> "gcc-lib"
    includeDir  = baseDir </> "include" </> "mingw"
    isWindows   = case buildOS of Windows -> True; _ -> False
    binPrefix   = ""

    mkExtraPath :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
    mkExtraPath mbPath mingwPath | isWindows = mbDir ++ [mingwPath]
                                 | otherwise = mbDir
        mbDir = maybeToList . fmap takeDirectory $ mbPath

    extraGccPath   = mkExtraPath mbGccLocation   windowsExtraGccDir
    extraLdPath    = mkExtraPath mbLdLocation    windowsExtraLdDir
    extraArPath    = mkExtraPath mbArLocation    windowsExtraArDir
    extraStripPath = mkExtraPath mbStripLocation windowsExtraStripDir

    -- on Windows finding and configuring ghc's gcc & binutils is a bit special
    (windowsExtraGccDir, windowsExtraLdDir,
     windowsExtraArDir, windowsExtraStripDir)
      | separateGccMingw implInfo = (baseDir, libDir, libDir, libDir)
      | otherwise                 = -- GHC >= 6.12
          let b = mingwBinDir </> binPrefix
          in  (b, b, b, b)

    findProg :: Program -> [FilePath]
             -> Verbosity -> ProgramSearchPath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
    findProg prog extraPath v searchpath =
        programFindLocation prog v searchpath'
        searchpath' = (map ProgramSearchPathDir extraPath) ++ searchpath

    -- Read tool locations from the 'ghc --info' output. Useful when
    -- cross-compiling.
    mbGccLocation   = M.lookup "C compiler command" ghcInfo
    mbLdLocation    = M.lookup "ld command" ghcInfo
    mbArLocation    = M.lookup "ar command" ghcInfo
    mbStripLocation = M.lookup "strip command" ghcInfo

    ccFlags        = getFlags "C compiler flags"
    gccLinkerFlags = getFlags "Gcc Linker flags"
    ldLinkerFlags  = getFlags "Ld Linker flags"

    getFlags key = case M.lookup key ghcInfo of
                   Nothing -> []
                   Just flags ->
                       case reads flags of
                       [(args, "")] -> args
                       _ -> [] -- XXX Should should be an error really

    configureGcc :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
    configureGcc v gccProg = do
      gccProg' <- configureGcc' v gccProg
      return gccProg' {
        programDefaultArgs = programDefaultArgs gccProg'
                             ++ ccFlags ++ gccLinkerFlags

    configureGcc' :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
      | isWindows = \_ gccProg -> case programLocation gccProg of
          -- if it's found on system then it means we're using the result
          -- of programFindLocation above rather than a user-supplied path
          -- Pre GHC 6.12, that meant we should add these flags to tell
          -- ghc's gcc where it lives and thus where gcc can find its
          -- various files:
          FoundOnSystem {}
           | separateGccMingw implInfo ->
               return gccProg { programDefaultArgs = ["-B" ++ libDir,
                                                      "-I" ++ includeDir] }
          _ -> return gccProg
      | otherwise = \_ gccProg -> return gccProg

    configureLd :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
    configureLd v ldProg = do
      ldProg' <- configureLd' v ldProg
      return ldProg' {
        programDefaultArgs = programDefaultArgs ldProg' ++ ldLinkerFlags

    -- we need to find out if ld supports the -x flag
    configureLd' :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
    configureLd' verbosity ldProg = do
      tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
      ldx <- withTempFile tempDir ".c" $ \testcfile testchnd ->
             withTempFile tempDir ".o" $ \testofile testohnd -> do
               hPutStrLn testchnd "int foo() { return 0; }"
               hClose testchnd; hClose testohnd
               rawSystemProgram verbosity ghcProg ["-c", testcfile,
                                                   "-o", testofile]
               withTempFile tempDir ".o" $ \testofile' testohnd' ->
                   hClose testohnd'
                   _ <- rawSystemProgramStdout verbosity ldProg
                     ["-x", "-r", testofile, "-o", testofile']
                   return True
                 `catchIO`   (\_ -> return False)
                 `catchExit` (\_ -> return False)
      if ldx
        then return ldProg { programDefaultArgs = ["-x"] }
        else return ldProg

getLanguages :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> ConfiguredProgram
             -> IO [(Language, String)]
getLanguages _ implInfo _
  -- TODO: should be using --supported-languages rather than hard coding
  | supportsHaskell2010 implInfo = return [(Haskell98,   "-XHaskell98")
                                          ,(Haskell2010, "-XHaskell2010")]
  | otherwise                    = return [(Haskell98,   "")]

getGhcInfo :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> ConfiguredProgram
           -> IO [(String, String)]
getGhcInfo verbosity implInfo ghcProg
  | flagInfoLanguages implInfo = do
      xs <- getProgramOutput verbosity (suppressOverrideArgs ghcProg)
      case reads xs of
        [(i, ss)]
          | all isSpace ss ->
              return i
        _ ->
          die "Can't parse --info output of GHC"
  | otherwise =
      return []

getExtensions :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> ConfiguredProgram
              -> IO [(Extension, String)]
getExtensions verbosity implInfo ghcProg
  | flagInfoLanguages implInfo = do
    str <- getProgramOutput verbosity (suppressOverrideArgs ghcProg)
    let extStrs = if reportsNoExt implInfo
                  then lines str
                  else -- Older GHCs only gave us either Foo or NoFoo,
                       -- so we have to work out the other one ourselves
                       [ extStr''
                       | extStr <- lines str
                       , let extStr' = case extStr of
                                       'N' : 'o' : xs -> xs
                                       _              -> "No" ++ extStr
                       , extStr'' <- [extStr, extStr']
    let extensions0 = [ (ext, "-X" ++ display ext)
                      | Just ext <- map simpleParse extStrs ]
        extensions1 = if fakeRecordPuns implInfo
                      then -- ghc-6.8 introduced RecordPuns however it
                           -- should have been NamedFieldPuns. We now
                           -- encourage packages to use NamedFieldPuns
                           -- so for compatibility we fake support for
                           -- it in ghc-6.8 by making it an alias for
                           -- the old RecordPuns extension.
                           (EnableExtension  NamedFieldPuns, "-XRecordPuns") :
                           (DisableExtension NamedFieldPuns, "-XNoRecordPuns") :
                      else extensions0
        extensions2 = if alwaysNondecIndent implInfo
                      then -- ghc-7.2 split NondecreasingIndentation off
                           -- into a proper extension. Before that it
                           -- was always on.
                           (EnableExtension  NondecreasingIndentation, "") :
                           (DisableExtension NondecreasingIndentation, "") :
                      else extensions1
    return extensions2

  | otherwise = return oldLanguageExtensions

-- | For GHC 6.6.x and earlier, the mapping from supported extensions to flags
oldLanguageExtensions :: [(Extension, String)]
oldLanguageExtensions =
    let doFlag (f, (enable, disable)) = [(EnableExtension  f, enable),
                                         (DisableExtension f, disable)]
        fglasgowExts = ("-fglasgow-exts",
                        "") -- This is wrong, but we don't want to turn
                            -- all the extensions off when asked to just
                            -- turn one off
        fFlag flag = ("-f" ++ flag, "-fno-" ++ flag)
    in concatMap doFlag
    [(OverlappingInstances       , fFlag "allow-overlapping-instances")
    ,(TypeSynonymInstances       , fglasgowExts)
    ,(TemplateHaskell            , fFlag "th")
    ,(ForeignFunctionInterface   , fFlag "ffi")
    ,(MonomorphismRestriction    , fFlag "monomorphism-restriction")
    ,(MonoPatBinds               , fFlag "mono-pat-binds")
    ,(UndecidableInstances       , fFlag "allow-undecidable-instances")
    ,(IncoherentInstances        , fFlag "allow-incoherent-instances")
    ,(Arrows                     , fFlag "arrows")
    ,(Generics                   , fFlag "generics")
    ,(ImplicitPrelude            , fFlag "implicit-prelude")
    ,(ImplicitParams             , fFlag "implicit-params")
    ,(CPP                        , ("-cpp", ""{- Wrong -}))
    ,(BangPatterns               , fFlag "bang-patterns")
    ,(KindSignatures             , fglasgowExts)
    ,(RecursiveDo                , fglasgowExts)
    ,(ParallelListComp           , fglasgowExts)
    ,(MultiParamTypeClasses      , fglasgowExts)
    ,(FunctionalDependencies     , fglasgowExts)
    ,(Rank2Types                 , fglasgowExts)
    ,(RankNTypes                 , fglasgowExts)
    ,(PolymorphicComponents      , fglasgowExts)
    ,(ExistentialQuantification  , fglasgowExts)
    ,(ScopedTypeVariables        , fFlag "scoped-type-variables")
    ,(FlexibleContexts           , fglasgowExts)
    ,(FlexibleInstances          , fglasgowExts)
    ,(EmptyDataDecls             , fglasgowExts)
    ,(PatternGuards              , fglasgowExts)
    ,(GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , fglasgowExts)
    ,(MagicHash                  , fglasgowExts)
    ,(UnicodeSyntax              , fglasgowExts)
    ,(PatternSignatures          , fglasgowExts)
    ,(UnliftedFFITypes           , fglasgowExts)
    ,(LiberalTypeSynonyms        , fglasgowExts)
    ,(TypeOperators              , fglasgowExts)
    ,(GADTs                      , fglasgowExts)
    ,(RelaxedPolyRec             , fglasgowExts)
    ,(ExtendedDefaultRules       , fFlag "extended-default-rules")
    ,(UnboxedTuples              , fglasgowExts)
    ,(DeriveDataTypeable         , fglasgowExts)
    ,(ConstrainedClassMethods    , fglasgowExts)

componentCcGhcOptions :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> LocalBuildInfo
                      -> BuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                      -> FilePath -> FilePath
                      -> GhcOptions
componentCcGhcOptions verbosity implInfo lbi bi clbi pref filename =
    mempty {
      ghcOptVerbosity      = toFlag verbosity,
      ghcOptMode           = toFlag GhcModeCompile,
      ghcOptInputFiles     = toNubListR [filename],

      ghcOptCppIncludePath = toNubListR $ [autogenModulesDir lbi, odir]
                                          ++ PD.includeDirs bi,
      ghcOptPackageDBs     = withPackageDB lbi,
      ghcOptPackages       = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages clbi,
      ghcOptCcOptions      = toNubListR $
                             (case withOptimization lbi of
                                  NoOptimisation -> []
                                  _              -> ["-O2"]) ++
                             (case withDebugInfo lbi of
                                  NoDebugInfo   -> []
                                  MinimalDebugInfo -> ["-g1"]
                                  NormalDebugInfo  -> ["-g"]
                                  MaximalDebugInfo -> ["-g3"]) ++
                                  PD.ccOptions bi,
      ghcOptObjDir         = toFlag odir
    odir | hasCcOdirBug implInfo = pref </> takeDirectory filename
         | otherwise             = pref
         -- ghc 6.4.0 had a bug in -odir handling for C compilations.

componentGhcOptions :: Verbosity -> LocalBuildInfo
                    -> BuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> FilePath
                    -> GhcOptions
componentGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir =
    mempty {
      ghcOptVerbosity       = toFlag verbosity,
      ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True,
      ghcOptCabal           = toFlag True,
      ghcOptPackageDBs      = withPackageDB lbi,
      ghcOptPackages        = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages clbi,
      ghcOptSplitObjs       = toFlag (splitObjs lbi),
      ghcOptSourcePathClear = toFlag True,
      ghcOptSourcePath      = toNubListR $ [odir] ++ (hsSourceDirs bi)
                                           ++ [autogenModulesDir lbi],
      ghcOptCppIncludePath  = toNubListR $ [autogenModulesDir lbi, odir]
                                           ++ PD.includeDirs bi,
      ghcOptCppOptions      = toNubListR $ cppOptions bi,
      ghcOptCppIncludes     = toNubListR $
                              [autogenModulesDir lbi </> cppHeaderName],
      ghcOptFfiIncludes     = toNubListR $ PD.includes bi,
      ghcOptObjDir          = toFlag odir,
      ghcOptHiDir           = toFlag odir,
      ghcOptStubDir         = toFlag odir,
      ghcOptOutputDir       = toFlag odir,
      ghcOptOptimisation    = toGhcOptimisation (withOptimization lbi),
      ghcOptDebugInfo       = toGhcDebugInfo (withDebugInfo lbi),
      ghcOptExtra           = toNubListR $ hcOptions GHC bi,
      ghcOptLanguage        = toFlag (fromMaybe Haskell98 (defaultLanguage bi)),
      -- Unsupported extensions have already been checked by configure
      ghcOptExtensions      = toNubListR $ usedExtensions bi,
      ghcOptExtensionMap    = M.fromList . compilerExtensions $ (compiler lbi)
    toGhcOptimisation NoOptimisation      = mempty --TODO perhaps override?
    toGhcOptimisation NormalOptimisation  = toFlag GhcNormalOptimisation
    toGhcOptimisation MaximumOptimisation = toFlag GhcMaximumOptimisation

    -- GHC doesn't support debug info levels yet.
    toGhcDebugInfo NoDebugInfo      = mempty
    toGhcDebugInfo MinimalDebugInfo = toFlag True
    toGhcDebugInfo NormalDebugInfo  = toFlag True
    toGhcDebugInfo MaximalDebugInfo = toFlag True

-- | Strip out flags that are not supported in ghci
filterGhciFlags :: [String] -> [String]
filterGhciFlags = filter supported
    supported ('-':'O':_) = False
    supported "-debug"    = False
    supported "-threaded" = False
    supported "-ticky"    = False
    supported "-eventlog" = False
    supported "-prof"     = False
    supported "-unreg"    = False
    supported _           = True

mkGHCiLibName :: LibraryName -> String
mkGHCiLibName (LibraryName lib) = lib <.> "o"

ghcLookupProperty :: String -> Compiler -> Bool
ghcLookupProperty prop comp =
  case M.lookup prop (compilerProperties comp) of
    Just "YES" -> True
    _          -> False

-- when using -split-objs, we need to search for object files in the
-- Module_split directory for each module.
getHaskellObjects :: GhcImplInfo -> Library -> LocalBuildInfo
                  -> FilePath -> String -> Bool -> IO [FilePath]
getHaskellObjects implInfo lib lbi pref wanted_obj_ext allow_split_objs
  | splitObjs lbi && allow_split_objs = do
        let splitSuffix = if   noExtInSplitSuffix implInfo
                          then "_split"
                          else "_" ++ wanted_obj_ext ++ "_split"
            dirs = [ pref </> (ModuleName.toFilePath x ++ splitSuffix)
                   | x <- libModules lib ]
        objss <- mapM getDirectoryContents dirs
        let objs = [ dir </> obj
                   | (objs',dir) <- zip objss dirs, obj <- objs',
                     let obj_ext = takeExtension obj,
                     '.':wanted_obj_ext == obj_ext ]
        return objs
  | otherwise  =
        return [ pref </> ModuleName.toFilePath x <.> wanted_obj_ext
               | x <- libModules lib ]

mkGhcOptPackages :: ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                 -> [(InstalledPackageId, PackageId, ModuleRenaming)]
mkGhcOptPackages clbi =
  map (\(i,p) -> (i,p,lookupRenaming p (componentPackageRenaming clbi)))
      (componentPackageDeps clbi)

substTopDir :: FilePath -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
substTopDir topDir ipo
 = ipo {
           = map f (InstalledPackageInfo.importDirs ipo),
           = map f (InstalledPackageInfo.libraryDirs ipo),
           = map f (InstalledPackageInfo.includeDirs ipo),
           = map f (InstalledPackageInfo.frameworkDirs ipo),
           = map f (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockInterfaces ipo),
           = map f (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockHTMLs ipo)
    where f ('$':'t':'o':'p':'d':'i':'r':rest) = topDir ++ rest
          f x = x

-- Cabal does not use the environment variable GHC{,JS}_PACKAGE_PATH; let
-- users know that this is the case. See ticket #335. Simply ignoring it is
-- not a good idea, since then ghc and cabal are looking at different sets
-- of package DBs and chaos is likely to ensue.
-- An exception to this is when running cabal from within a `cabal exec`
-- environment. In this case, `cabal exec` will set the
-- CABAL_SANDBOX_PACKAGE_PATH to the same value that it set
-- GHC{,JS}_PACKAGE_PATH to. If that is the case it is OK to allow
checkPackageDbEnvVar :: String -> String -> IO ()
checkPackageDbEnvVar compilerName packagePathEnvVar = do
    mPP <- lookupEnv packagePathEnvVar
    when (isJust mPP) $ do
        mcsPP <- lookupEnv "CABAL_SANDBOX_PACKAGE_PATH"
        unless (mPP == mcsPP) abort
        lookupEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
        lookupEnv name = (Just `fmap` getEnv name) `catchIO` const (return Nothing)
        abort =
            die $ "Use of " ++ compilerName ++ "'s environment variable "
               ++ packagePathEnvVar ++ " is incompatible with Cabal. Use the "
               ++ "flag --package-db to specify a package database (it can be "
               ++ "used multiple times)."