{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens (
    module Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens,
    ) where

import Distribution.Compat.Lens
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import Distribution.Compiler                  (CompilerFlavor)
import Distribution.License                   (License)
import Distribution.ModuleName                (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Types.Benchmark           (Benchmark, benchmarkModules)
import Distribution.Types.Benchmark.Lens      (benchmarkName, benchmarkBuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo           (BuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.BuildType           (BuildType)
import Distribution.Types.ComponentName       (ComponentName(..))
import Distribution.Types.Executable          (Executable, exeModules)
import Distribution.Types.Executable.Lens     (exeName, exeBuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib          (ForeignLib, foreignLibModules)
import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib.Lens     (foreignLibName, foreignLibBuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.Library             (Library, explicitLibModules)
import Distribution.Types.Library.Lens        (libName, libBuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription  (PackageDescription)
import Distribution.Types.PackageId           (PackageIdentifier)
import Distribution.Types.SetupBuildInfo      (SetupBuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.SourceRepo          (SourceRepo)
import Distribution.Types.TestSuite           (TestSuite, testModules)
import Distribution.Types.TestSuite.Lens      (testName, testBuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName ( UnqualComponentName )
import Distribution.Version                   (Version, VersionRange)

import qualified Distribution.SPDX                     as SPDX
import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageDescription as T

package :: Lens' PackageDescription PackageIdentifier
package f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.package = x }) (f (T.package s))
{-# INLINE package #-}

licenseRaw :: Lens' PackageDescription (Either SPDX.License License)
licenseRaw f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.licenseRaw = x }) (f (T.licenseRaw s))
{-# INLINE licenseRaw #-}

licenseFiles :: Lens' PackageDescription [String]
licenseFiles f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.licenseFiles = x }) (f (T.licenseFiles s))
{-# INLINE licenseFiles #-}

copyright :: Lens' PackageDescription String
copyright f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.copyright = x }) (f (T.copyright s))
{-# INLINE copyright #-}

maintainer :: Lens' PackageDescription String
maintainer f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.maintainer = x }) (f (T.maintainer s))
{-# INLINE maintainer #-}

author :: Lens' PackageDescription String
author f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.author = x }) (f (T.author s))
{-# INLINE author #-}

stability :: Lens' PackageDescription String
stability f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.stability = x }) (f (T.stability s))
{-# INLINE stability #-}

testedWith :: Lens' PackageDescription [(CompilerFlavor,VersionRange)]
testedWith f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.testedWith = x }) (f (T.testedWith s))
{-# INLINE testedWith #-}

homepage :: Lens' PackageDescription String
homepage f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.homepage = x }) (f (T.homepage s))
{-# INLINE homepage #-}

pkgUrl :: Lens' PackageDescription String
pkgUrl f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.pkgUrl = x }) (f (T.pkgUrl s))
{-# INLINE pkgUrl #-}

bugReports :: Lens' PackageDescription String
bugReports f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.bugReports = x }) (f (T.bugReports s))
{-# INLINE bugReports #-}

sourceRepos :: Lens' PackageDescription [SourceRepo]
sourceRepos f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.sourceRepos = x }) (f (T.sourceRepos s))
{-# INLINE sourceRepos #-}

synopsis :: Lens' PackageDescription String
synopsis f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.synopsis = x }) (f (T.synopsis s))
{-# INLINE synopsis #-}

description :: Lens' PackageDescription String
description f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.description = x }) (f (T.description s))
{-# INLINE description #-}

category :: Lens' PackageDescription String
category f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.category = x }) (f (T.category s))
{-# INLINE category #-}

customFieldsPD :: Lens' PackageDescription [(String,String)]
customFieldsPD f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.customFieldsPD = x }) (f (T.customFieldsPD s))
{-# INLINE customFieldsPD #-}

specVersionRaw :: Lens' PackageDescription (Either Version VersionRange)
specVersionRaw f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.specVersionRaw = x }) (f (T.specVersionRaw s))
{-# INLINE specVersionRaw #-}

buildTypeRaw :: Lens' PackageDescription (Maybe BuildType)
buildTypeRaw f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.buildTypeRaw = x }) (f (T.buildTypeRaw s))
{-# INLINE buildTypeRaw #-}

setupBuildInfo :: Lens' PackageDescription (Maybe SetupBuildInfo)
setupBuildInfo f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.setupBuildInfo = x }) (f (T.setupBuildInfo s))
{-# INLINE setupBuildInfo #-}

library :: Lens' PackageDescription (Maybe Library)
library f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.library = x }) (f (T.library s))
{-# INLINE library #-}

subLibraries :: Lens' PackageDescription [Library]
subLibraries f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.subLibraries = x }) (f (T.subLibraries s))
{-# INLINE subLibraries #-}

executables :: Lens' PackageDescription [Executable]
executables f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.executables = x }) (f (T.executables s))
{-# INLINE executables #-}

foreignLibs :: Lens' PackageDescription [ForeignLib]
foreignLibs f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.foreignLibs = x }) (f (T.foreignLibs s))
{-# INLINE foreignLibs #-}

testSuites :: Lens' PackageDescription [TestSuite]
testSuites f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.testSuites = x }) (f (T.testSuites s))
{-# INLINE testSuites #-}

benchmarks :: Lens' PackageDescription [Benchmark]
benchmarks f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.benchmarks = x }) (f (T.benchmarks s))
{-# INLINE benchmarks #-}

dataFiles :: Lens' PackageDescription [FilePath]
dataFiles f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.dataFiles = x }) (f (T.dataFiles s))
{-# INLINE dataFiles #-}

dataDir :: Lens' PackageDescription FilePath
dataDir f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.dataDir = x }) (f (T.dataDir s))
{-# INLINE dataDir #-}

extraSrcFiles :: Lens' PackageDescription [String]
extraSrcFiles f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.extraSrcFiles = x }) (f (T.extraSrcFiles s))
{-# INLINE extraSrcFiles #-}

extraTmpFiles :: Lens' PackageDescription [String]
extraTmpFiles f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.extraTmpFiles = x }) (f (T.extraTmpFiles s))
{-# INLINE extraTmpFiles #-}

extraDocFiles :: Lens' PackageDescription [String]
extraDocFiles f s = fmap (\x -> s { T.extraDocFiles = x }) (f (T.extraDocFiles s))
{-# INLINE extraDocFiles #-}

-- | @since 2.4
componentModules :: Monoid r => ComponentName -> Getting r PackageDescription [ModuleName]
componentModules cname = case cname of
    CLibName         -> library  . traverse . getting explicitLibModules
    CSubLibName name ->
      componentModules' name subLibraries (libName . non "") explicitLibModules
    CFLibName   name ->
      componentModules' name foreignLibs  foreignLibName     foreignLibModules
    CExeName    name ->
      componentModules' name executables  exeName            exeModules
    CTestName   name ->
      componentModules' name testSuites   testName           testModules
    CBenchName  name ->
      componentModules' name benchmarks   benchmarkName      benchmarkModules
        :: Monoid r
        => UnqualComponentName
        -> Traversal' PackageDescription [a]
        -> Traversal' a UnqualComponentName
        -> (a -> [ModuleName])
        -> Getting r PackageDescription [ModuleName]
    componentModules' name pdL nameL modules =
      . traverse
      . filtered ((== name) . view nameL)
      . getting modules

    -- This are easily wrongly used, so we have them here locally only.
    non :: Eq a => a -> Lens' (Maybe a) a
    non x afb s = f <$> afb (fromMaybe x s)
        where f y = if x == y then Nothing else Just y

    filtered :: (a -> Bool) -> Traversal' a a
    filtered p f s = if p s then f s else pure s

-- | @since 2.4
componentBuildInfo :: ComponentName -> Traversal' PackageDescription BuildInfo
componentBuildInfo cname = case cname of
    CLibName         ->
      library  . traverse . libBuildInfo
    CSubLibName name ->
      componentBuildInfo' name subLibraries (libName . non "") libBuildInfo
    CFLibName   name ->
      componentBuildInfo' name foreignLibs  foreignLibName     foreignLibBuildInfo
    CExeName    name ->
      componentBuildInfo' name executables  exeName            exeBuildInfo
    CTestName   name ->
      componentBuildInfo' name testSuites   testName           testBuildInfo
    CBenchName  name ->
      componentBuildInfo' name benchmarks   benchmarkName      benchmarkBuildInfo
    componentBuildInfo' :: UnqualComponentName
                         -> Traversal' PackageDescription [a]
                         -> Traversal' a UnqualComponentName
                         -> Traversal' a BuildInfo
                         -> Traversal' PackageDescription BuildInfo
    componentBuildInfo' name pdL nameL biL =
      . traverse
      . filtered ((== name) . view nameL)
      . biL

    -- This are easily wrongly used, so we have them here locally only.
    -- We have to repeat these, as everything is exported from this module.
    non :: Eq a => a -> Lens' (Maybe a) a
    non x afb s = f <$> afb (fromMaybe x s)
        where f y = if x == y then Nothing else Just y

    filtered :: (a -> Bool) -> Traversal' a a
    filtered p f s = if p s then f s else pure s