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[], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = [], sharedOptions = [], staticOptions = [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "old-time"` AnyVersion], virtualModules = []}, testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported (TestTypeUnknown "" `mkVersion []`), testName = `UnqualComponentName ""`}}}], condTreeConstraints = [], condTreeData = TestSuite {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = ["-DPORTABLE"], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = [], sharedOptions = [], staticOptions = [], targetBuildDepends = [], virtualModules = []}, testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported (TestTypeUnknown "" `mkVersion []`), testName = `UnqualComponentName ""`}}}, CondBranch {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`, condBranchIfFalse = Nothing, condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {condTreeComponents = [], condTreeConstraints = [Dependency `PackageName "unix"` AnyVersion], condTreeData = TestSuite {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = [], sharedOptions = [], staticOptions = [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "unix"` AnyVersion], virtualModules = []}, testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported (TestTypeUnknown "" `mkVersion []`), testName = `UnqualComponentName ""`}}}], condTreeConstraints = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (WildcardVersion `mkVersion [4]`), Dependency `PackageName "directory"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "hashable"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,1,2,3]`), Dependency `PackageName "binary"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "filepath"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "process"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,1]`), Dependency `PackageName "unordered-containers"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,2,1]`), Dependency `PackageName "bytestring"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "utf8-string"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,3]`), Dependency `PackageName "time"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "random"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "js-jquery"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "js-flot"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "transformers"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,2]`), Dependency `PackageName "deepseq"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,1]`), Dependency `PackageName "extra"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,4,8]`), Dependency `PackageName "QuickCheck"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [2,0]`)], condTreeData = TestSuite {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010, extraBundledLibs = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = ["src"], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = [_×_ GHC ["-main-is", "Test.main", "-rtsopts"]], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [`ModuleName ["Development","Make","All"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Make","Env"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Make","Parse"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Make","Rules"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Make","Type"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Ninja","All"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Ninja","Env"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Ninja","Lexer"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Ninja","Parse"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Ninja","Type"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Args"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","ByteString"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Classes"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","CmdOption"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Command"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Config"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Core"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Database"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Demo"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Derived"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Errors"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","FileInfo"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","FilePath"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","FilePattern"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Forward"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Monad"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Pool"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Profile"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Progress"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Resource"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Rule"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Rules","Directory"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Rules","File"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Rules","Files"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Rules","Oracle"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Rules","OrderOnly"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Rules","Rerun"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Shake"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Special"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Storage"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Types"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Util"]`, `ModuleName ["Development","Shake","Value"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Bilist"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Binary"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Cleanup"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Concurrent"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Extra"]`, `ModuleName ["General","FileLock"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Intern"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Process"]`, `ModuleName ["General","String"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Template"]`, `ModuleName ["General","Timing"]`, `ModuleName ["Paths_shake"]`, `ModuleName ["Run"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Assume"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Basic"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Benchmark"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","C"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Cache"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Command"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Config"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Digest"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Directory"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Docs"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Errors"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","FileLock"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","FilePath"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","FilePattern"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Files"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Forward"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Journal"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Lint"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Live"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Makefile"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Manual"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Match"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Monad"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Ninja"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Oracle"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","OrderOnly"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Parallel"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Pool"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Progress"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Random"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Resources"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Self"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Tar"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Tup"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Type"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Unicode"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Util"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Verbosity"]`, `ModuleName ["Test","Version"]`], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = [], sharedOptions = [], staticOptions = [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (WildcardVersion `mkVersion [4]`), Dependency `PackageName "directory"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "hashable"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,1,2,3]`), Dependency `PackageName "binary"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "filepath"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "process"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,1]`), Dependency `PackageName "unordered-containers"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,2,1]`), Dependency `PackageName "bytestring"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "utf8-string"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,3]`), Dependency `PackageName "time"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "random"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "js-jquery"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "js-flot"` AnyVersion, Dependency `PackageName "transformers"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,2]`), Dependency `PackageName "deepseq"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,1]`), Dependency `PackageName "extra"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,4,8]`), Dependency `PackageName "QuickCheck"` (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [2,0]`)], virtualModules = []}, testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 `mkVersion [1,0]` "Test.hs", testName = `UnqualComponentName ""`}}], genPackageFlags = [MkFlag {flagDefault = False, flagDescription = "Obtain FileTime using portable functions", flagManual = True, flagName = `FlagName "portable"`}], packageDescription = PackageDescription {author = "Neil Mitchell ", benchmarks = [], bugReports = "", buildTypeRaw = Just Simple, category = "Development, Shake", copyright = "Neil Mitchell 2011-2017", customFieldsPD = [], dataDir = "", dataFiles = ["html/viz.js", "html/profile.html", "html/progress.html", "html/shake.js", "docs/manual/build.bat", "docs/manual/Build.hs", "docs/manual/", "docs/manual/constants.c", "docs/manual/constants.h", "docs/manual/main.c"], description = concat ["Shake is a Haskell library for writing build systems - designed as a\n", "replacement for @make@. See \"Development.Shake\" for an introduction,\n", "including an example. Further examples are included in the Cabal tarball,\n", "under the @Examples@ directory. The homepage contains links to a user\n", "manual, an academic paper and further information:\n", "\n", "\n", "To use Shake the user writes a Haskell program\n", "that imports \"Development.Shake\", defines some build rules, and calls\n", "the 'Development.Shake.shakeArgs' function. Thanks to do notation and infix\n", "operators, a simple Shake build system\n", "is not too dissimilar from a simple Makefile. However, as build systems\n", "get more complex, Shake is able to take advantage of the excellent\n", "abstraction facilities offered by Haskell and easily support much larger\n", "projects. The Shake library provides all the standard features available in other\n", "build systems, including automatic parallelism and minimal rebuilds.\n", "Shake also provides more accurate dependency tracking, including seamless\n", "support for generated files, and dependencies on system information\n", "(e.g. compiler version)."], executables = [], extraDocFiles = ["CHANGES.txt", ""], extraSrcFiles = ["src/Test/C/constants.c", "src/Test/C/constants.h", "src/Test/C/main.c", "src/Test/MakeTutor/Makefile", "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellofunc.c", "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.c", "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.h", "src/Test/Tar/list.txt", "src/Test/Ninja/*.ninja", "src/Test/Ninja/subdir/*.ninja", "src/Test/Ninja/*.output", "src/Test/Progress/*.prog", "src/Test/Tup/hello.c", "src/Test/Tup/root.cfg", "src/Test/Tup/newmath/root.cfg", "src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.c", "src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.h", "src/Paths.hs", "docs/", "docs/shake-progress.png"], extraTmpFiles = [], foreignLibs = [], homepage = "", library = Nothing, licenseFiles = ["LICENSE"], licenseRaw = Right BSD3, maintainer = "Neil Mitchell ", package = PackageIdentifier {pkgName = `PackageName "shake"`, pkgVersion = `mkVersion [0,15,11]`}, pkgUrl = "", setupBuildInfo = Nothing, sourceRepos = [SourceRepo {repoBranch = Nothing, repoKind = RepoHead, repoLocation = Just "", repoModule = Nothing, repoSubdir = Nothing, repoTag = Nothing, repoType = Just Git}], specVersionRaw = Right (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,18]`), stability = "", subLibraries = [], synopsis = "Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies.", testSuites = [], testedWith = [_×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [8,0,1]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,10,3]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,8,4]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,6,3]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,4,2]`)]}}