GenericPackageDescription {condBenchmarks = [], condExecutables = [_×_ `UnqualComponentName "jaeger-flamegraph"` CondNode {condTreeComponents = [], condTreeConstraints = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,11,1,0]`) (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,12,0,0]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph"` AnyVersion (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "bytestring"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,10,8,2]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "containers"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,6,0,1]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "extra"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,6,13]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "aeson"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,4,1,0]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "optparse-applicative"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,14,3,0]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "text"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,2,3,1]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], condTreeData = Executable {buildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = ["exe"], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor ["-Wall", "-Werror=missing-home-modules", "-threaded"] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,11,1,0]`) (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,12,0,0]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph"` AnyVersion (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "bytestring"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,10,8,2]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "containers"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,6,0,1]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "extra"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,6,13]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "aeson"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,4,1,0]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "optparse-applicative"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,14,3,0]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "text"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,2,3,1]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], virtualModules = []}, exeName = `UnqualComponentName "jaeger-flamegraph"`, exeScope = ExecutablePublic, modulePath = "Main.hs"}}], condForeignLibs = [], condLibrary = Just CondNode {condTreeComponents = [], condTreeConstraints = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,11,1,0]`) (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,12,0,0]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "QuickCheck"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [2,12,6,1]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], condTreeData = Library {exposedModules = [`ModuleName ["Interval"]`], libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = ["library"], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor ["-Wall", "-Werror=missing-home-modules"] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,11,1,0]`) (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,12,0,0]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "QuickCheck"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [2,12,6,1]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], virtualModules = []}, libExposed = True, libName = LMainLibName, libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic, reexportedModules = [], signatures = []}}, condSubLibraries = [], condTestSuites = [_×_ `UnqualComponentName "tests"` CondNode {condTreeComponents = [], condTreeConstraints = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,11,1,0]`) (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,12,0,0]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph"` AnyVersion (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "tasty"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,1,0,4]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "tasty-hspec"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,1,5]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "tasty-quickcheck"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,10]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], condTreeData = TestSuite {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [`ExeDependency (PackageName "tasty-discover") (UnqualComponentName "tasty-discover") (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [4,2,1]))`], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = ["test"], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor ["-Wall", "-Werror=missing-home-modules", "-threaded"] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [`ModuleName ["IntervalTest"]`], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,11,1,0]`) (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [4,12,0,0]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph"` AnyVersion (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "tasty"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,1,0,4]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "tasty-hspec"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [1,1,5]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "tasty-quickcheck"` (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [0,10]`) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], virtualModules = []}, testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 `mkVersion [1,0]` "Driver.hs", testName = `UnqualComponentName ""`}}], genPackageFlags = [], packageDescription = PackageDescription {author = "Sam Halliday", benchmarks = [], bugReports = "", buildTypeRaw = Nothing, category = "Testing", copyright = "(c) 2018", customFieldsPD = [], dataDir = "", dataFiles = [], description = concat ["This is a small tool to convert JSON dumps obtained from a Jaeger\n", "server () into a format consumable\n", "by [FlameGraph](\n", "\n", "First download the traces for your SERVICE limiting to LIMIT traces\n", "\n", "> $ curl http://your-jaeger-installation/api/traces?service=SERVICE&limit=LIMIT > input.json\n", "\n", "using the [undocumented Jaeger API](\n", "then use @jaeger-flamegraph@ to convert the data and send to\n", "\n", "> $ jaeger-flamegraph -f input.json | > output.svg\n"], executables = [], extraDocFiles = [], extraSrcFiles = [], extraTmpFiles = [], foreignLibs = [], homepage = "", library = Nothing, licenseFiles = ["LICENSE"], licenseRaw = Left (License (ELicense (ELicenseId BSD_3_Clause) Nothing)), maintainer = "Sam Halliday", package = PackageIdentifier {pkgName = `PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph"`, pkgVersion = `mkVersion [1,0,0]`}, pkgUrl = "", setupBuildInfo = Nothing, sourceRepos = [SourceRepo {repoBranch = Nothing, repoKind = RepoHead, repoLocation = Just "", repoModule = Nothing, repoSubdir = Nothing, repoTag = Nothing, repoType = Just Git}], specVersionRaw = Left `mkVersion [2,2]`, stability = "", subLibraries = [], synopsis = "Generate flamegraphs from Jaeger .json dumps.", testSuites = [], testedWith = [_×_ GHC (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [8,4,4]`) (MajorBoundVersion `mkVersion [8,6,2]`))]}}