module PackageTests.BenchmarkStanza.Check where import Test.HUnit import System.FilePath import qualified Data.Map as Map import PackageTests.PackageTester import Distribution.Version import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse ( readPackageDescription ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration ( finalizePackageDescription ) import Distribution.Package ( PackageName(..), Dependency(..) ) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(..), Benchmark(..) , BenchmarkInterface(..) , emptyBuildInfo , emptyBenchmark, defaultRenaming ) import Distribution.Verbosity (silent) import Distribution.System (buildPlatform) import Distribution.Compiler ( CompilerId(..), CompilerFlavor(..), unknownCompilerInfo, AbiTag(..) ) import Distribution.Text suite :: FilePath -> Test suite ghcPath = TestCase $ do let dir = "PackageTests" "BenchmarkStanza" pdFile = dir "my" <.> "cabal" spec = PackageSpec { directory = dir, configOpts = [], distPref = Nothing } result <- cabal_configure spec ghcPath assertOutputDoesNotContain "unknown section type" result genPD <- readPackageDescription silent pdFile let compiler = unknownCompilerInfo (CompilerId GHC $ Version [6, 12, 2] []) NoAbiTag anticipatedBenchmark = emptyBenchmark { benchmarkName = "dummy" , benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 (Version [1,0] []) "dummy.hs" , benchmarkBuildInfo = emptyBuildInfo { targetBuildDepends = [ Dependency (PackageName "base") anyVersion ] , targetBuildRenaming = Map.singleton (PackageName "base") defaultRenaming , hsSourceDirs = ["."] } , benchmarkEnabled = False } case finalizePackageDescription [] (const True) buildPlatform compiler [] genPD of Left xs -> let depMessage = "should not have missing dependencies:\n" ++ (unlines $ map (show . disp) xs) in assertEqual depMessage True False Right (f, _) -> let gotBenchmark = head $ benchmarks f in assertEqual "parsed benchmark stanza does not match anticipated" gotBenchmark anticipatedBenchmark