-- |
-- Module      : Cartesian.Space.Types
-- Description :
-- Copyright   : (c) Jonatan H Sundqvist, 2015
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : Jonatan H Sundqvist
-- Stability   : experimental|stable
-- Portability : POSIX (not sure)

-- Created October 31 2015

-- TODO | - Use Linear.V3 instead of defining my own vector type (?)
--        -

-- SPEC | -
--        -

-- GHC Pragmas
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}

-- API
module Cartesian.Space.Types where

-- We'll need these
import Control.Lens

import Cartesian.Internal.Types
import Cartesian.Internal.Lenses
import Cartesian.Internal.Core

-- Types

-- |
data Vector3D f = Vector3D f f f -- TODO: Constraints on argument types (cf. GADT) (?)

-- |
data Line f = Line (Vector3D f) (Vector3D f)

-- |
-- data BoundingBox f = BoundingBox { _centre :: Vector f, _size :: Vector f }

-- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- TODO: Refactor. A lot.
instance Vector Vector3D where
  vfold f a (Vector3D x' y' z')                        = f (f (f a x') y') z'
  vzip  f   (Vector3D x' y' z') (Vector3D x'' y'' z'') = Vector3D (f x' x'') (f y' y'') (f z' z'')

-- |
instance (Floating v, Eq v) => Num (Vector3D v) where
  -- TODO: Helper method to reduce boilerplate for component-wise operations
  (+) = dotwise (+)
  (-) = dotwise (-)
  (*) (Vector3D x y z) (Vector3D x' y' z') = undefined -- TODO: Is this really correct?
  fromInteger n = Vector3D (fromInteger n) 0 0
  signum v@(Vector3D x' y' z') = Vector3D (x'/(abs v^.x)) (y'/(abs v^.x)) (z'/(abs v^.x)) -- TODO: Proper way of implementing this function for vectors
  abs (Vector3D x' y' z')      = Vector3D (sqrt $ (x'**2) + (y'**2) + (z'**2)) (0) (0)

instance HasX (Vector3D f) f where
  getX (Vector3D x' _  _)     = x'
  setX (Vector3D _  y' z') x' = Vector3D x' y' z'

instance HasY (Vector3D f) f where
  getY (Vector3D y' _ _)     = y'
  setY (Vector3D x' _ z') y' = Vector3D x' y' z'

instance HasZ (Vector3D f) f where
  getZ (Vector3D z' _  _)    = z'
  setZ (Vector3D x' y' _) z' = Vector3D x' y' z'