Chart-0.13.1: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots



Area spots are a collection of unconnected filled circles, with x,y position, and an independent z value to be represented by the relative area of the spots.



data AreaSpots z x y Source

A collection of unconnected spots, with x,y position, and an independent z value to be represented by the area of the spot.


area_spots_title :: forall z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]. T (AreaSpots z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]) StringSource

area_spots_linethick :: forall z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]. T (AreaSpots z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]) DoubleSource

area_spots_linecolour :: forall z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]. T (AreaSpots z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]) (AlphaColour Double)Source

area_spots_fillcolour :: forall z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]. T (AreaSpots z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]) (AlphaColour Double)Source

area_spots_max_radius :: forall z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]. T (AreaSpots z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]) DoubleSource

area_spots_values :: forall z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]. T (AreaSpots z[aEzy] x[aEzz] y[aEzA]) ([] ((,,) x[aEzz] y[aEzA] z[aEzy]))Source