{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XTemplateHaskell #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Types
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tim Docker 2006
-- License     :  BSD-style (see chart/COPYRIGHT)
-- This module contains basic types and functions used for drawing.
-- Note that template haskell is used to derive accessor functions
-- (see 'Data.Accessor') for each field of the following data types:
--    * 'CairoLineStyle'
--    * 'CairoFontStyle'
-- These accessors are not shown in this API documentation.  They have
-- the same name as the field, but with the trailing underscore
-- dropped. Hence for data field f_::F in type D, they have type
-- @
--   f :: Data.Accessor.Accessor D F
-- @

module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Types(















) where

import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Accessor
import Data.Accessor.Template
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.SRGB
import Data.Colour.Names

-- | A point in two dimensions.
data Point = Point {
    p_x :: Double,
    p_y :: Double
} deriving Show

data Vector = Vector {
    v_x :: Double,
    v_y :: Double
} deriving Show

-- | Scale a vector by a constant.
vscale :: Double -> Vector -> Vector
vscale c (Vector x y) = (Vector (x*c) (y*c))

-- | Add a point and a vector.
pvadd :: Point -> Vector -> Point
pvadd (Point x1 y1) (Vector x2 y2) = (Point (x1+x2) (y1+y2))

-- | Subtract a vector from a point.
pvsub :: Point -> Vector -> Point
pvsub (Point x1 y1) (Vector x2 y2) = (Point (x1-x2) (y1-y2))

-- | Subtract two points.
psub :: Point -> Point -> Vector
psub (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = (Vector (x1-x2) (y1-y2))

data Limit a = LMin | LValue a | LMax
   deriving Show

-- | A function mapping between points.
type PointMapFn x y = (Limit x, Limit y) -> Point

-- | A rectangle is defined by two points.
data Rect = Rect Point Point
   deriving Show

data RectEdge = E_Top | E_Bottom | E_Left | E_Right

-- | Create a rectangle based upon the coordinates of 4 points.
mkrect :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Point -> Rect
mkrect (Point x1 _) (Point _ y2) (Point x3 _) (Point _ y4) =
    Rect (Point x1 y2) (Point x3 y4)

-- | Test if a point is within a rectangle.
within :: Point -> Rect -> Bool
within (Point x y) (Rect (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) =
    x >= x1 && x <= x2 && y >= y1 && y <= y2


-- | The environment present in the CRender Monad.
data CEnv = CEnv {
    -- | An adjustment applied immediately prior to points
    --   being displayed in device coordinates.
    --   When device coordinates correspond to pixels, a cleaner
    --   image is created if this transform rounds to the nearest
    --   pixel. With higher-resolution output, this transform can
    --   just be the identity function.
    cenv_point_alignfn :: Point -> Point,

    -- | A adjustment applied immediately prior to coordinates
    --   being transformed.
    cenv_coord_alignfn :: Point -> Point

-- | The reader monad containing context information to control
--   the rendering process.
newtype CRender a = DR (ReaderT CEnv C.Render a)
  deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadReader CEnv)

runCRender :: CRender a -> CEnv -> C.Render a
runCRender (DR m) e = runReaderT m e

c :: C.Render a -> CRender a
c = DR . lift

-- | Abstract data type for the style of a plotted point.
--   The contained Cairo action draws a point in the desired
--   style, at the supplied device coordinates.
newtype CairoPointStyle = CairoPointStyle (Point -> CRender ())

-- | Data type for the style of a line.
data CairoLineStyle = CairoLineStyle {
   line_width_  :: Double,
   line_color_  :: AlphaColour Double,
   line_dashes_ :: [Double],
   line_cap_    :: C.LineCap,
   line_join_   :: C.LineJoin

-- | Abstract data type for a fill style.
--   The contained Cairo action sets the required fill
--   style in the Cairo rendering state.
newtype CairoFillStyle = CairoFillStyle (CRender ())

-- | Data type for a font.
data CairoFontStyle = CairoFontStyle {
      font_name_   :: String,
      font_size_   :: Double,
      font_slant_  :: C.FontSlant,
      font_weight_ :: C.FontWeight,
      font_color_  :: AlphaColour Double

type Range    = (Double,Double)
type RectSize = (Double,Double)

defaultColorSeq :: [AlphaColour Double]
defaultColorSeq = cycle $ map opaque [blue, red, green, yellow, cyan, magenta]

-- Assorted helper functions in Cairo Usage

moveTo, lineTo :: Point -> CRender ()
moveTo p  = do
    p' <- alignp p
    c $ C.moveTo (p_x p') (p_y p')

alignp :: Point -> CRender Point
alignp p = do 
    alignfn <- fmap cenv_point_alignfn ask
    return (alignfn p)

alignc :: Point -> CRender Point
alignc p = do 
    alignfn <- fmap cenv_coord_alignfn ask
    return (alignfn p)

lineTo p = do
    p' <- alignp p
    c $ C.lineTo (p_x p') (p_y p')

setClipRegion :: Point -> Point -> CRender ()
setClipRegion p2 p3 = do    
    c $ C.moveTo (p_x p2) (p_y p2)
    c $ C.lineTo (p_x p2) (p_y p3)
    c $ C.lineTo (p_x p3) (p_y p3)
    c $ C.lineTo (p_x p3) (p_y p2)
    c $ C.lineTo (p_x p2) (p_y p2)
    c $ C.clip

-- | Make a path from a rectangle.
rectPath :: Rect -> [Point]
rectPath (Rect p1@(Point x1 y1) p3@(Point x2 y2)) = [p1,p2,p3,p4,p1]
    p2 = (Point x1 y2)
    p4 = (Point x2 y1)

stepPath :: [Point] -> CRender()
stepPath (p:ps) = c $ do
    C.moveTo (p_x p) (p_y p)
    mapM_ (\p -> C.lineTo (p_x p) (p_y p)) ps
stepPath _  = return ()

-- | Draw lines between the specified points.
-- The points will be "corrected" by the cenv_point_alignfn, so that
-- when drawing bitmaps, 1 pixel wide lines will be centred on the
-- pixels.
strokePath :: [Point] -> CRender()
strokePath pts = do
    alignfn <- fmap cenv_point_alignfn ask
    stepPath (map alignfn pts)
    c $ C.stroke

-- | Fill the region with the given corners.
-- The points will be "corrected" by the cenv_coord_alignfn, so that
-- when drawing bitmaps, the edges of the region will fall between
-- pixels.
fillPath ::  [Point] -> CRender()
fillPath pts = do
    alignfn <- fmap cenv_coord_alignfn ask
    stepPath (map alignfn pts)
    c $ C.fill

setFontStyle :: CairoFontStyle -> CRender ()
setFontStyle f = do
    c $ C.selectFontFace (font_name_ f) (font_slant_ f) (font_weight_ f)
    c $ C.setFontSize (font_size_ f)
    c $ setSourceColor (font_color_ f)

setLineStyle :: CairoLineStyle -> CRender ()
setLineStyle ls = do
    c $ C.setLineWidth (line_width_ ls)
    c $ setSourceColor (line_color_ ls)
    c $ C.setLineCap (line_cap_ ls)
    c $ C.setLineJoin (line_join_ ls)
    case line_dashes_ ls of
      [] -> return ()
      ds -> c $ C.setDash ds 0

setFillStyle :: CairoFillStyle -> CRender ()
setFillStyle (CairoFillStyle s) = s

colourChannel :: (Floating a, Ord a) => AlphaColour a -> Colour a
colourChannel c = darken (recip (alphaChannel c)) (c `over` black)

setSourceColor :: AlphaColour Double -> C.Render ()
setSourceColor c = let (RGB r g b) = toSRGB $ colourChannel c
                   in C.setSourceRGBA r g b (alphaChannel c)

-- | Return the bounding rectangle for a text string rendered
--   in the current context.
textSize :: String -> CRender RectSize
textSize s = c $ do
    te <- C.textExtents s
    fe <- C.fontExtents
    return (C.textExtentsWidth te, C.fontExtentsHeight fe)

data HTextAnchor = HTA_Left | HTA_Centre | HTA_Right
data VTextAnchor = VTA_Top | VTA_Centre | VTA_Bottom | VTA_BaseLine

-- | Function to draw a textual label anchored by one of its corners
--   or edges.
drawText :: HTextAnchor -> VTextAnchor -> Point -> String -> CRender ()
drawText hta vta p s = drawTextR hta vta 0 p s

-- | Function to draw a textual label anchored by one of its corners
--   or edges, with rotation. Rotation angle is given in degrees,
--   rotation is performed around anchor point.
drawTextR :: HTextAnchor -> VTextAnchor -> Double -> Point -> String -> CRender ()
drawTextR hta vta angle (Point x y) s = preserveCState $ draw
      draw =  c $ do te <- C.textExtents s
                     fe <- C.fontExtents
                     let lx = xadj hta (C.textExtentsWidth te)
                     let ly = yadj vta te fe
                     C.translate x y
                     C.rotate theta
                     C.moveTo lx ly
                     C.showText s
      theta = angle*pi/180.0
      xadj HTA_Left   w = 0
      xadj HTA_Centre w = (-w/2)
      xadj HTA_Right  w = (-w)
      yadj VTA_Top      te fe = C.fontExtentsAscent fe
      yadj VTA_Centre   te fe = - (C.textExtentsYbearing te) / 2
      yadj VTA_BaseLine te fe = 0
      yadj VTA_Bottom   te fe = -(C.fontExtentsDescent fe)

-- | Execute a rendering action in a saved context (ie bracketed
--   between C.save and C.restore).
preserveCState :: CRender a -> CRender a
preserveCState a = do 
  c $ C.save
  v <- a
  c $ C.restore
  return v


filledCircles ::
     Double             -- ^ Radius of circle.
  -> AlphaColour Double -- ^ Colour.
  -> CairoPointStyle
filledCircles radius cl = CairoPointStyle rf
    rf p = do
        (Point x y) <- alignp p
	c $ setSourceColor cl
        c $ C.newPath
	c $ C.arc x y radius 0 (2*pi)
	c $ C.fill

hollowCircles ::
     Double -- ^ Radius of circle.
  -> Double -- ^ Thickness of line.
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoPointStyle
hollowCircles radius w cl = CairoPointStyle rf
    rf p = do
        (Point x y) <- alignp p
        c $ C.setLineWidth w
	c $ setSourceColor cl
        c $ C.newPath
	c $ C.arc x y radius 0 (2*pi)
	c $ C.stroke

hollowPolygon ::
     Double -- ^ Radius of circle.
  -> Double -- ^ Thickness of line.
  -> Int    -- ^ Number of vertices.
  -> Bool   -- ^ Is right-side-up?
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoPointStyle
hollowPolygon radius w sides isrot cl = CairoPointStyle rf
  where rf p =
            do (Point x y ) <- alignp p
               c $ C.setLineWidth w
	       c $ setSourceColor cl
               c $ C.newPath
               let intToAngle n =
                         if isrot
                         then       fromIntegral n * 2*pi / fromIntegral sides
                         else (0.5 + fromIntegral n)*2*pi / fromIntegral sides
                   angles = map intToAngle [0 .. sides-1]
                   (p:ps) = map (\a -> Point (x + radius * sin a)
                                             (y + radius * cos a))
               moveTo p
               mapM_ lineTo (ps++[p])
	       c $ C.stroke

filledPolygon ::
     Double -- ^ Radius of circle.
  -> Int    -- ^ Number of vertices.
  -> Bool   -- ^ Is right-side-up?
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoPointStyle
filledPolygon radius sides isrot cl = CairoPointStyle rf
  where rf p =
            do (Point x y ) <- alignp p
               c $ setSourceColor cl
               c $ C.newPath
               let intToAngle n =
                         if isrot
                         then       fromIntegral n * 2*pi/fromIntegral sides
                         else (0.5 + fromIntegral n)*2*pi/fromIntegral sides
                   angles = map intToAngle [0 .. sides-1]
                   (p:ps) = map (\a -> Point (x + radius * sin a)
                                             (y + radius * cos a)) angles
               moveTo p
               mapM_ lineTo (ps++[p])
	       c $ C.fill

plusses ::
     Double -- ^ Radius of circle.
  -> Double -- ^ Thickness of line.
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoPointStyle
plusses radius w cl = CairoPointStyle rf
  where rf p = do (Point x y ) <- alignp p
                  c $ C.setLineWidth w
	          c $ setSourceColor cl
                  c $ C.newPath
                  c $ C.moveTo (x+radius) y
                  c $ C.lineTo (x-radius) y
                  c $ C.moveTo x (y-radius)
                  c $ C.lineTo x (y+radius)
	          c $ C.stroke

exes ::
     Double -- ^ Radius of circle.
  -> Double -- ^ Thickness of line.
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoPointStyle
exes radius w cl = CairoPointStyle rf
  where rad = radius / sqrt 2
        rf p = do (Point x y ) <- alignp p
                  c $ C.setLineWidth w
	          c $ setSourceColor cl
                  c $ C.newPath
                  c $ C.moveTo (x+rad) (y+rad)
                  c $ C.lineTo (x-rad) (y-rad)
                  c $ C.moveTo (x+rad) (y-rad)
                  c $ C.lineTo (x-rad) (y+rad)
	          c $ C.stroke

stars ::
     Double -- ^ Radius of circle.
  -> Double -- ^ Thickness of line.
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoPointStyle
stars radius w cl = CairoPointStyle rf
  where rad = radius / sqrt 2
        rf p = do (Point x y ) <- alignp p
                  c $ C.setLineWidth w
	          c $ setSourceColor cl
                  c $ C.newPath
                  c $ C.moveTo (x+radius) y
                  c $ C.lineTo (x-radius) y
                  c $ C.moveTo x (y-radius)
                  c $ C.lineTo x (y+radius)
                  c $ C.moveTo (x+rad) (y+rad)
                  c $ C.lineTo (x-rad) (y-rad)
                  c $ C.moveTo (x+rad) (y-rad)
                  c $ C.lineTo (x-rad) (y+rad)
	          c $ C.stroke

solidLine ::
     Double -- ^ Width of line.
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoLineStyle
solidLine w cl = CairoLineStyle w cl [] C.LineCapButt C.LineJoinMiter

dashedLine ::
     Double   -- ^ Width of line.
  -> [Double] -- ^ The dash pattern in device coordinates.
  -> AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoLineStyle
dashedLine w ds cl = CairoLineStyle w cl ds C.LineCapButt C.LineJoinMiter

solidFillStyle ::
     AlphaColour Double
  -> CairoFillStyle
solidFillStyle cl = CairoFillStyle fn
   where fn = c $ setSourceColor cl

defaultPointStyle :: CairoPointStyle
defaultPointStyle = filledCircles 1 $ opaque white

defaultFontStyle :: CairoFontStyle
defaultFontStyle = CairoFontStyle {
   font_name_   = "sans",
   font_size_   = 10,
   font_slant_  = C.FontSlantNormal,
   font_weight_ = C.FontWeightNormal,
   font_color_  = opaque black

isValidNumber :: (RealFloat a) => a -> Bool
isValidNumber v = not (isNaN v) && not (isInfinite v)

maybeM :: (Monad m) => b -> (a -> m b) -> Maybe a -> m b
maybeM v = maybe (return v)

-- Template haskell to derive an instance of Data.Accessor.Accessor
-- for each field.
$( deriveAccessors ''CairoLineStyle )
$( deriveAccessors ''CairoFontStyle )