-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Layout
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tim Docker 2006
-- License     :  BSD-style (see chart/COPYRIGHT)

module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Layout where

import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable

data HAxis = HA_Top | HA_Bottom deriving (Eq)
data VAxis = VA_Left | VA_Right deriving (Eq)

-- | A Layout1 value is a single plot area, with optional: axes on
-- each of the 4 sides; title at the top; legend at the bottom.
data Layout1 = Layout1 {
    layout1_background :: CairoFillStyle,
    layout1_title :: String,
    layout1_title_style :: CairoFontStyle,
    layout1_horizontal_axes :: AxesFn,
    layout1_vertical_axes :: AxesFn,
    layout1_margin :: Double,
    layout1_plots :: [(String,HAxis,VAxis,Plot)],
    layout1_legend :: Maybe(LegendStyle)

instance ToRenderable Layout1 where
    toRenderable = layout1ToRenderable

layout1ToRenderable l =
    fillBackground (layout1_background l) (
        vertical [
            (0, addMargins (lm/2,0,0,0)    (mkTitle l)),
	    (1, addMargins (lm/2,lm,lm,lm) (plotArea l)),
	    (0, horizontal [ (0, mkLegend VA_Left l), (1,emptyRenderable), (0, mkLegend VA_Right l) ] )
    lm = layout1_margin l

    mkTitle l = label (layout1_title_style l) HTA_Centre VTA_Centre (layout1_title l)

    mkLegend va l = case (layout1_legend l) of
        Nothing -> emptyRenderable
        (Just ls) -> case [(s,p) | (s,_,va',p) <- layout1_plots l, va' == va, not (null s)] of
 	    [] -> emptyRenderable
	    ps -> addMargins (0,lm,lm,0) (toRenderable (Legend True ls ps))
    plotArea l = Renderable {
        minsize=minsizePlotArea l,
        render=renderPlotArea l

minsizePlotArea l = do
    (w1,h1,w2,h2) <- axisSizes l
    return (w1+w2,h1+h2)

renderPlotArea l (Rect p1 p5) = do
    let margin  = (layout1_margin l)

    (w1,h1,w2,h2) <- axisSizes l

    let p2 = p1 `pvadd` (Vector w1 h1)
    let p4  = p5
    let p3  = p4 `pvsub` (Vector w2 h2)
    let plotRect = (Rect p2 p3)

    -- render the plots
    setClipRegion p2 p3 
    mapM_ (rPlot plotRect) (layout1_plots l)

    -- render the axes grids
    rMAxisG tAxis plotRect
    rMAxisG bAxis plotRect
    rMAxisG lAxis plotRect
    rMAxisG rAxis plotRect

    -- render the axes
    rMAxis tAxis (mkrect p2 p1 p3 p2)
    rMAxis bAxis (mkrect p2 p3 p3 p4)
    rMAxis lAxis (mkrect p1 p2 p2 p3)
    rMAxis rAxis (mkrect p3 p2 p4 p3)

    (bAxis,lAxis,tAxis,rAxis) = getAxes l

    rMAxisG :: Maybe AxisT ->  Rect -> C.Render ()
    rMAxisG (Just at) rect = renderAxisGrid at rect
    rMAxisG Nothing  _ = return ()

    rMAxis :: Maybe AxisT ->  Rect -> C.Render ()
    rMAxis (Just at) rect = render (toRenderable at) rect
    rMAxis Nothing  _ = return ()

    rPlot :: Rect -> (String,HAxis,VAxis,Plot) -> C.Render ()
    rPlot rect (_,ha,va,p) = 
        let mxaxis = case ha of HA_Bottom -> bAxis
				HA_Top    -> tAxis
	    myaxis = case va of VA_Left   -> lAxis
				VA_Right  -> rAxis
        in rPlot1 rect mxaxis myaxis p
    rPlot1 :: Rect -> Maybe AxisT -> Maybe AxisT -> Plot -> C.Render ()
    rPlot1 (Rect dc1 dc2) (Just (AxisT _ xaxis)) (Just (AxisT _ yaxis)) p = 
	let xrange = (p_x dc1, p_x dc2)
	    yrange = (p_y dc2, p_y dc1)
	    pmfn (Point x y) = Point (axis_viewport xaxis xrange x) (axis_viewport yaxis yrange y)
	in plot_render p pmfn
    rPlot1 _ _ _ _ = return ()

axisSizes l = do
    w1a <- asize fst lAxis
    h1a <- asize snd tAxis
    w2a <- asize fst rAxis
    h2a <- asize snd bAxis
    (h1b,h2b) <- aohang lAxis
    (w1b,w2b) <- aohang tAxis
    (h1c,h2c) <- aohang rAxis
    (w1c,w2c) <- aohang bAxis

    return (maximum [w1a,w1b,w1c],
	    maximum [h1a,h1b,h1c],
	    maximum [w2a,w2b,w2c],
	    maximum [h2a,h2b,h2c] )
    (bAxis,lAxis,tAxis,rAxis) = getAxes l

    asize xyfn Nothing = return 0
    asize xyfn (Just at) = do
        sz <- minsize (toRenderable at)
	return (xyfn sz)

    aohang Nothing = return (0,0)
    aohang (Just a) = axisOverhang a

getAxes :: Layout1 -> (Maybe AxisT, Maybe AxisT, Maybe AxisT, Maybe AxisT)
getAxes l = (mk E_Bottom bAxis, mk E_Left lAxis,
	     mk E_Top tAxis, mk E_Right rAxis)
    (xvals0,xvals1,yvals0,yvals1) = allPlottedValues (layout1_plots l)
    (bAxis,tAxis) = layout1_horizontal_axes l xvals0 xvals1
    (lAxis,rAxis) = layout1_vertical_axes l yvals0 yvals1
    mk _ Nothing = Nothing
    mk at (Just a) = Just (AxisT at a)

allPlottedValues :: [(String,HAxis,VAxis,Plot)] -> ( [Double], [Double], [Double], [Double] )
allPlottedValues plots = (xvals0,xvals1,yvals0,yvals1)
    pts = concat [ [ (ha,va,pt)| pt <- plot_all_points p] | (_,ha,va,p) <- plots ]
    xvals0 = [ (p_x pt) | (HA_Bottom,_,pt) <- pts  ]
    xvals1 = [ (p_x pt) | (HA_Top,_,pt) <- pts  ]
    yvals0 = [ (p_y pt) | (_,VA_Left,pt) <- pts  ]
    yvals1 = [ (p_y pt) | (_,VA_Right,pt) <- pts  ]

defaultLayout1 = Layout1 {
    layout1_background = solidFillStyle 1 1 1,
    layout1_title = "",
    layout1_title_style = fontStyle "sans" 15 C.FontSlantNormal C.FontWeightBold,
    layout1_horizontal_axes = linkedAxes (autoScaledAxis defaultAxis),
    layout1_vertical_axes = linkedAxes (autoScaledAxis defaultAxis),
    layout1_margin = 10,
    layout1_plots = [],
    layout1_legend = Just defaultLegendStyle