import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C import Graphics.Rendering.Chart import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Simple import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Gtk import System.Environment(getArgs) import System.Time import System.Random import Prices data OutputType = Window | PNG | PS | PDF chooseLineWidth Window = 1.0 chooseLineWidth PNG = 1.0 chooseLineWidth PDF = 0.25 chooseLineWidth PS = 0.25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test1 :: OutputType -> IO Layout1 test1 otype = return layout where am :: Double -> Double am x = (sin (x*3.14159/45) + 1) / 2 * (sin (x*3.14159/5)) sinusoid1 = defaultPlotLines { plot_lines_values = [[ (Point x (am x)) | x <- [0,(0.5)..400]]], plot_lines_style = solidLine lineWidth 0 0 1 } sinusoid2 = defaultPlotPoints { plot_points_style=filledCircles 2 1 0 0, plot_points_values = [ (Point x (am x)) | x <- [0,7..400]] } layout = defaultLayout1 { layout1_title="Amplitude Modulation", layout1_horizontal_axes=linkedAxes (autoScaledAxis defaultAxis), layout1_vertical_axes=linkedAxes (autoScaledAxis defaultAxis), layout1_plots = [("am",HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot sinusoid1)), ("am points", HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot sinusoid2))] } lineWidth = chooseLineWidth otype ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test2 :: OutputType -> IO Layout1 test2 otype = return layout where price1 = defaultPlotLines { plot_lines_style = solidLine lineWidth 0 0 1, plot_lines_values = [[ Point (date d m y) v | (d,m,y,v,_) <- prices]] } price2 = defaultPlotLines { plot_lines_style = solidLine lineWidth 0 1 0, plot_lines_values = [[ Point (date d m y) v | (d,m,y,_,v) <- prices]] } gridlessAxis = defaultAxis{axis_grid=[]} vaxis = autoScaledAxis gridlessAxis layout = defaultLayout1 { layout1_title="Price History", layout1_horizontal_axes=linkedAxes' (monthsAxis gridlessAxis), layout1_vertical_axes=independentAxes vaxis vaxis, layout1_plots = [("price 1", HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot price1)), ("price 2", HA_Bottom,VA_Right,(toPlot price2))] } lineWidth = chooseLineWidth otype date dd mm yyyy = doubleFromClockTime ct where ct = toClockTime CalendarTime { ctYear=yyyy, ctMonth=toEnum (mm-1), ctDay=dd, ctHour=0, ctMin=0, ctSec=0, ctPicosec=0, ctTZ=0, ctWDay=Monday, ctYDay=0, ctTZName="", ctIsDST=False } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test3 :: OutputType -> IO Layout1 test3 otype = return layout where price1 = defaultPlotFillBetween { plot_fillbetween_style = solidFillStyle 0.5 1 0.5, plot_fillbetween_values = [ (date d m y,(0,v2)) | (d,m,y,v1,v2) <- prices] } price2 = defaultPlotFillBetween { plot_fillbetween_style = solidFillStyle 0.5 0.5 1, plot_fillbetween_values = [ (date d m y,(0,v1)) | (d,m,y,v1,v2) <- prices] } layout = defaultLayout1 { layout1_title="Price History", layout1_horizontal_axes=linkedAxes' (monthsAxis defaultAxis), layout1_vertical_axes=linkedAxes' (autoScaledAxis defaultAxis), layout1_plots = [("price 1", HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot price1)), ("price 2", HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot price2))] } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test4 :: OutputType -> IO Layout1 test4 otype = return layout where points = defaultPlotPoints { plot_points_style=filledCircles 3 1 0 0, plot_points_values = [ Point x (10**x) | x <- [0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5] ] } lines = defaultPlotLines { plot_lines_values = [ [Point x (10**x) | x <- [0,3]] ] } layout = defaultLayout1 { layout1_title="Log/Linear Example", layout1_horizontal_axes=linkedAxes' (autoScaledAxis defaultAxis{axis_title="horizontal"}), layout1_vertical_axes=linkedAxes' (autoScaledLogAxis defaultAxis{axis_title="vertical"}), layout1_plots = [("values",HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot points)), ("values",HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot lines)) ] } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example thanks to Russell O'Connor test5 :: OutputType -> IO Layout1 test5 otype = do bits <- fmap randoms getStdGen return (layout 1001 (trial bits)) where layout n t = defaultLayout1 { layout1_title="Simulation of betting on a biased coin", layout1_horizontal_axes=linkedAxes (autoScaledAxis defaultAxis), layout1_vertical_axes=linkedAxes (autoScaledLogAxis defaultAxis), layout1_plots = [ ("f=0.05",HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot (plot s1 n 0 (t 0.05)))), ("f=0.1",HA_Bottom,VA_Left,(toPlot (plot s2 n 0 (t 0.1))))] } plot s n m t = defaultPlotLines { plot_lines_style = s, plot_lines_values = [[Point (fromIntegral x) y | (x,y) <- filter (\(x,_)->x `mod` (m+1)==0) $ take n $ zip [0..] t]] } b = 0.1 trial bits frac = scanl (*) 1 (map f bits) where f True = (1+frac*(1+b)) f False = (1-frac) s1 = solidLine lineWidth 0 1 0 s2 = solidLine lineWidth 0 0 1 lineWidth = chooseLineWidth otype ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test the Simple interface test6 :: OutputType -> IO Layout1 test6 otype = return pp{layout1_title="Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Simple example"} where pp = plot xs sin "sin" cos "cos" "o" (sin.sin.cos) "sin.sin.cos" "." (/3) "- " (const 0.5) [0.1,0.7,0.5::Double] "+" xs = [0,0.3..3] :: [Double] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- allTests = [ ("test1",test1) , ("test2",test2) , ("test3",test3) , ("test4",test4) , ("test5",test5) , ("test6",test6) ] main = do args <- getArgs main1 args main1 ("--png":tests) = showTests tests renderToPNG main1 ("--pdf":tests) = showTests tests renderToPDF main1 ("--ps":tests) = showTests tests renderToPS main1 tests = showTests tests renderToWindow showTests tests outputfn = mapM_ outputfn (filter (match tests) allTests) match [] t = True match ts t = (fst t) `elem` ts renderToWindow (n,t) = t Window >>= \l -> renderableToWindow (toRenderable l) 640 480 renderToPNG (n,t) = t PNG >>= \l -> renderableToPNGFile (toRenderable l) 640 480 (n ++ ".png") renderToPS (n,t) = t PS >>= \l -> renderableToPSFile (toRenderable l) 640 480 (n ++ ".ps") renderToPDF (n,t) = t PDF >>= \l -> renderableToPDFFile (toRenderable l) 640 480 (n ++ ".pdf")