Chart-0.9: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots



This module glues together axes and plots to actually create a renderable for a chart.

Note that template haskell is used to derive accessor functions (see Data.Accessor) for each field of the following data types:

These accessors are not shown in this API documentation. They have the same name as the field, but with the trailing underscore dropped. Hence for data field f_::F in type D, they have type

   f :: Data.Accessor.Accessor D F



data Layout1 x y Source

A Layout1 value is a single plot area, with optional: axes on each of the 4 sides; title at the top; legend at the bottom. It's parameterised by the types of values to be plotted on the horizonal and vertical axes.


(Ord x, Ord y) => ToRenderable (Layout1 x y) 

data LayoutAxis x Source




laxis_title_style_ :: CairoFontStyle
laxis_title_ :: String
laxis_style_ :: AxisStyle
laxis_data_ :: MAxisFn x
laxis_reverse_ :: Bool

True if left to right (bottom to top) is to show descending values

type MAxisFn t = [t] -> Maybe (AxisData t)Source

A MAxisFn is a function that generates an (optional) axis given the points plotted against that axis.

mAxis :: PlotValue t => AxisFn t -> MAxisFn tSource

Create an axis when there are points to be plotted against it.

noAxis :: PlotValue t => LayoutAxis tSource

Never create an axis

updateAllAxesStyles :: (AxisStyle -> AxisStyle) -> Layout1 x y -> Layout1 x ySource

Helper to update all axis styles on a Layout1 simultaneously

updateXAxesData :: (MAxisFn x -> MAxisFn x) -> Layout1 x y -> Layout1 x ySource

Helper to update data member of both horizontal axes in a Layout1

updateYAxesData :: (MAxisFn y -> MAxisFn y) -> Layout1 x y -> Layout1 x ySource

Helper to update data member of both vertical axes in a Layout1

setForeground :: Color -> Layout1 x y -> Layout1 x ySource

Helper to set the forground color uniformly on a Layout1

laxis_title_style :: forall x[ayyK]. T (LayoutAxis x[ayyK]) CairoFontStyleSource

laxis_title :: forall x[ayyK]. T (LayoutAxis x[ayyK]) StringSource

laxis_style :: forall x[ayyK]. T (LayoutAxis x[ayyK]) AxisStyleSource

laxis_data :: forall x[ayyK]. T (LayoutAxis x[ayyK]) (MAxisFn x[ayyK])Source

laxis_reverse :: forall x[ayyK]. T (LayoutAxis x[ayyK]) BoolSource

layout1_background :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) CairoFillStyleSource

layout1_title :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) StringSource

layout1_title_style :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) CairoFontStyleSource

layout1_left_axis :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) (LayoutAxis y[ayyJ])Source

layout1_right_axis :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) (LayoutAxis y[ayyJ])Source

layout1_top_axis :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) (LayoutAxis x[ayyI])Source

layout1_bottom_axis :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) (LayoutAxis x[ayyI])Source

layout1_margin :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) DoubleSource

layout1_plots :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) ([] ((,) String (Either (Plot x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) (Plot x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]))))Source

layout1_legend :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) (Maybe LegendStyle)Source

layout1_grid_last :: forall x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]. T (Layout1 x[ayyI] y[ayyJ]) BoolSource