-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Types
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tim Docker 2006, 2014
-- License     :  BSD-style (see chart/COPYRIGHT)
-- Type definitions for Axes

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Types(








) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List(sort,intersperse)
import Control.Lens hiding (at, re)
import Data.Colour (opaque)
import Data.Colour.Names (black, lightgrey)
import Data.Default.Class

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable

-- | A typeclass abstracting the functions we need
-- to be able to plot against an axis of type a
class Ord a => PlotValue a where
    toValue  :: a -> Double
    fromValue:: Double -> a
    autoAxis :: AxisFn a

-- | Configures whick visual elements of a axis are shown at the
--   appropriate edge of a plot area.
data AxisVisibility = AxisVisibility
  { -- | Whether to display a line along the axis.
    _axis_show_line :: Bool
    -- | Whether to display the tick marks.
  , _axis_show_ticks :: Bool

    -- | Whether to display the labels.
  , _axis_show_labels :: Bool

-- | The basic data associated with an axis showing values of type x.
data AxisData x = AxisData {
    -- | Which parts of the axis shall be displayed.
    _axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility,
    -- | The _axis_viewport function maps values into device coordinates.
    _axis_viewport :: Range -> x -> Double,

    -- | The _axis_tropweiv function maps device coordinates back to values.
    _axis_tropweiv :: Range -> Double -> x,

    -- | The tick marks on the axis as pairs.
    --   The first element is the position on the axis
    --   (in viewport units) and the second element is the
    --   length of the tick in output coordinates.
    --   The tick starts on the axis, and positive numbers are drawn
    --   towards the plot area.
    _axis_ticks    :: [(x,Double)],

    -- | The labels on an axis as pairs. The first element of the pair
    --   is the position on the axis (in viewport units) and the
    --   second is the label text string. Note that multiple sets of
    --   labels can be specified, and are shown successively further
    --   away from the axis line.
    _axis_labels   :: [[(x, String)]],

    -- | The positions on the axis (in viewport units) where
    --   we want to show grid lines.
    _axis_grid     :: [ x ]

-- | Control values for how an axis gets displayed.
data AxisStyle = AxisStyle {
    -- | 'LineStyle' to use for axis line and ticks.
    _axis_line_style  :: LineStyle,
    -- | 'FontStyle' to use for axis labels.
    _axis_label_style :: FontStyle,
    -- | 'LineStyle' to use for axis grid.
    _axis_grid_style  :: LineStyle,

    -- | How far the labels are to be drawn from the axis.
    _axis_label_gap   :: Double

-- | A function to generate the axis data, given the data values
--   to be plotted against it.
type AxisFn x = [x] -> AxisData x

-- | Collect the information we need to render an axis. The
--   bool is true if the axis direction is reversed.
data AxisT x = AxisT RectEdge AxisStyle Bool (AxisData x)

-- | Construct a renderable from an axis, in order that
-- it can be composed with other renderables and drawn. This
-- does not include the drawing of the grid, which must be done
-- separately by the `renderAxisGrid` function.
axisToRenderable :: AxisT x -> Renderable x
axisToRenderable at = Renderable {
     minsize = minsizeAxis at,
     render  = renderAxis at

-- | Modifier to remove grid lines from an axis
axisGridHide         :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridHide ad       = ad{ _axis_grid = [] }

-- | Modifier to position grid lines to line up with the ticks
axisGridAtTicks      :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridAtTicks ad    = ad{ _axis_grid = map fst (_axis_ticks ad) }

-- | Modifier to position grid lines to line up with only the major ticks
axisGridAtBigTicks   :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridAtBigTicks ad = ad{ _axis_grid =
                            map fst $
                            filter ((> minimum (map (abs.snd) (_axis_ticks ad))).snd) $
                            _axis_ticks ad }

-- | Modifier to position grid lines to line up with the labels
axisGridAtLabels     :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridAtLabels ad   = ad{ _axis_grid = map fst vs }
    vs = case _axis_labels ad of
        [] -> []
        ls -> head ls

-- | Modifier to change labels on an axis
axisLabelsOverride  :: [(x,String)] -> AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisLabelsOverride o ad = ad{ _axis_labels = [o] }

minsizeAxis :: AxisT x -> ChartBackend RectSize
minsizeAxis (AxisT at as _ ad) = do
    let labelVis = _axis_show_labels $ _axis_visibility ad
        tickVis  = _axis_show_ticks  $ _axis_visibility ad
        labels = if labelVis then labelTexts ad else []
        ticks = if tickVis then _axis_ticks ad else []
    labelSizes <- withFontStyle (_axis_label_style as) $
                    mapM (mapM textDimension) labels

    let ag      = _axis_label_gap as
    let tsize   = maximum (0 : [ max 0 (-l) | (_,l) <- ticks ])

    let hw = maximum0 (map (maximum0.map fst) labelSizes)
    let hh = ag + tsize + (sum . intersperse ag . map (maximum0.map snd) $ labelSizes)

    let vw = ag + tsize + (sum . intersperse ag . map (maximum0.map fst) $ labelSizes)
    let vh = maximum0 (map (maximum0.map snd) labelSizes)

    let sz      = case at of
		     E_Top    -> (hw,hh)
		     E_Bottom -> (hw,hh)
		     E_Left   -> (vw,vh)
		     E_Right  -> (vw,vh)
    return sz

labelTexts :: AxisData a -> [[String]]
labelTexts ad = map (map snd) (_axis_labels ad)

maximum0 :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> a
maximum0 [] = 0
maximum0 vs = maximum vs

-- | Calculate the amount by which the labels extend beyond
--   the ends of the axis.
axisOverhang :: (Ord x) => AxisT x -> ChartBackend (Double,Double)
axisOverhang (AxisT at as _ ad) = do
    let labels = map snd . sort . concat . _axis_labels $ ad
    labelSizes <- withFontStyle (_axis_label_style as) $
      mapM textDimension labels
    case labelSizes of
      []  -> return (0,0)
      ls  -> let l1     = head ls
                 l2     = last ls
                 ohangv = return (snd l1 / 2, snd l2 / 2)
                 ohangh = return (fst l1 / 2, fst l2 / 2)
             in case at of
                 E_Top    -> ohangh
                 E_Bottom -> ohangh
                 E_Left   -> ohangv
                 E_Right  -> ohangh

renderAxis :: AxisT x -> RectSize -> ChartBackend (PickFn x)
renderAxis at@(AxisT et as _ ad) sz = do
  let ls = _axis_line_style as
      vis = _axis_visibility ad
  when (_axis_show_line vis) $ 
    withLineStyle (ls {_line_cap = LineCapSquare}) $ do
      p <- alignStrokePoints [Point sx sy,Point ex ey]
      strokePointPath p
  when (_axis_show_ticks vis) $ 
    withLineStyle (ls {_line_cap = LineCapButt}) $ 
      mapM_ drawTick (_axis_ticks ad)
  when (_axis_show_labels vis) $ 
    withFontStyle (_axis_label_style as) $ do
      labelSizes <- mapM (mapM textDimension) (labelTexts ad)
      let sizes = map ((+ag).maximum0.map coord) labelSizes
      let offsets = scanl (+) ag sizes
      mapM_ drawLabels (zip offsets  (_axis_labels ad))
  return pickfn
   (sx,sy,ex,ey,tp,axisPoint,invAxisPoint) = axisMapping at sz

   drawTick (value,len) =
       let t1 = axisPoint value
           t2 = t1 `pvadd` vscale len tp
       in alignStrokePoints [t1,t2] >>= strokePointPath

   (hta,vta,coord,awayFromAxis) = case et of
       E_Top    -> (HTA_Centre, VTA_Bottom, snd, \v -> Vector 0 (-v))
       E_Bottom -> (HTA_Centre, VTA_Top,    snd, \v -> Vector 0 v)
       E_Left   -> (HTA_Right,  VTA_Centre, fst, \v -> Vector (-v) 0)
       E_Right  -> (HTA_Left,   VTA_Centre, fst, \v -> Vector v 0)

   avoidOverlaps labels = do
       rects <- mapM labelDrawRect labels
       return $ map snd . head . filter (noOverlaps . map fst)
              $ map (`eachNth` rects) [0 .. length rects]

   labelDrawRect (value,s) = do
       let pt = axisPoint value `pvadd` awayFromAxis ag
       r <- textDrawRect hta vta pt s
       return (hBufferRect r,(value,s))

   drawLabels (offset,labels) = do
        labels' <- avoidOverlaps labels
        mapM_ drawLabel labels'
       drawLabel (value,s) = do
           drawTextA hta vta (axisPoint value `pvadd` awayFromAxis offset) s
           textDimension s

   ag = _axis_label_gap as
   pickfn = Just . invAxisPoint

hBufferRect :: Rect -> Rect
hBufferRect (Rect p (Point x y)) = Rect p $ Point x' y
  where x' = x + w/2
        w = x - p_x p

noOverlaps :: [Rect] -> Bool
noOverlaps [] = True
noOverlaps [_] = True
noOverlaps (x:y:l) | rectsOverlap x y = False
                   | otherwise        = noOverlaps (y:l)

rectsOverlap :: Rect -> Rect -> Bool
rectsOverlap (Rect p1 p2) r = any (withinRect r) ps
  where (Point x1 y1) = p1
        (Point x2 y2) = p2
        p3 = Point x1 y2
        p4 = Point x2 y1
        ps = [p1,p2,p3,p4]

eachNth :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
eachNth n = skipN
    n' = n - 1
    skipN [] = []
    skipN (x:xs) = x : skipN (drop n' xs)

withinRect :: Rect -> Point -> Bool
withinRect (Rect (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) (Point x y)
    = and [x >= x1 && x <= x2,
           y >= y1 && y <= y2]

axisMapping :: AxisT z -> RectSize
               -> (Double,Double,Double,Double,Vector,z->Point,Point->z)
axisMapping (AxisT et _ rev ad) (x2,y2) = case et of
    E_Top    -> (x1,y2,x2,y2, Vector 0 1,    mapx y2, imapx)
    E_Bottom -> (x1,y1,x2,y1, Vector 0 (-1), mapx y1, imapx)
    E_Left   -> (x2,y2,x2,y1, Vector 1 0,    mapy x2, imapy) 
    E_Right  -> (x1,y2,x1,y1, Vector (-1) 0, mapy x1, imapy)
    (x1,y1) = (0,0)
    xr = reverseR (x1,x2)
    yr = reverseR (y2,y1)

    mapx y x = Point (_axis_viewport ad xr x) y
    mapy x y = Point x (_axis_viewport ad yr y)

    imapx (Point x _) = _axis_tropweiv ad xr x
    imapy (Point _ y) = _axis_tropweiv ad yr y

    reverseR r@(r0,r1)  = if rev then (r1,r0) else r

renderAxisGrid :: RectSize -> AxisT z -> ChartBackend ()
renderAxisGrid sz@(w,h) at@(AxisT re as _ ad) = 
    withLineStyle (_axis_grid_style as) $ 
      mapM_ (drawGridLine re) (_axis_grid ad)
    (_,_,_,_,_,axisPoint,_) = axisMapping at sz

    drawGridLine E_Top    = vline
    drawGridLine E_Bottom = vline
    drawGridLine E_Left   = hline
    drawGridLine E_Right  = hline

    vline v = let v' = p_x (axisPoint v)
              in alignStrokePoints [Point v' 0,Point v' h] >>= strokePointPath

    hline v = let v' = p_y (axisPoint v)
              in alignStrokePoints [Point 0 v',Point w v'] >>= strokePointPath

-- | Construct an axis given the positions for ticks, grid lines, and 
-- labels, and the labelling function
makeAxis :: PlotValue x => (x -> String) -> ([x],[x],[x]) -> AxisData x
makeAxis labelf (labelvs, tickvs, gridvs) = AxisData {
    _axis_visibility = def,
    _axis_viewport = newViewport,
    _axis_tropweiv = newTropweiv,
    _axis_ticks    = newTicks,
    _axis_grid     = gridvs,
    _axis_labels   = [newLabels]
    newViewport = vmap (min',max')
    newTropweiv = invmap (min',max')
    newTicks    = [ (v,2)        | v <- tickvs  ] ++ [ (v,5) | v <- labelvs ]
    newLabels   = [ (v,labelf v) | v <- labelvs ]
    min'        = minimum labelvs
    max'        = maximum labelvs

-- | Construct an axis given the positions for ticks, grid lines, and 
-- labels, and the positioning and labelling functions
makeAxis' :: Ord x => (x -> Double) -> (Double -> x) -> (x -> String)
                   -> ([x],[x],[x]) -> AxisData x
makeAxis' t f labelf (labelvs, tickvs, gridvs) = AxisData {
    _axis_visibility = def,
    _axis_viewport = linMap t (minimum labelvs, maximum labelvs),
    _axis_tropweiv = invLinMap f t (minimum labelvs, maximum labelvs),
    _axis_ticks    = zip tickvs (repeat 2)  ++  zip labelvs (repeat 5),
    _axis_grid     = gridvs,
    _axis_labels   = [[ (v,labelf v) | v <- labelvs ]]


-- | The default 'LineStyle' of an axis.
defaultAxisLineStyle :: LineStyle
defaultAxisLineStyle = solidLine 1 $ opaque black

-- | The default 'LineStyle' of a plot area grid.
defaultGridLineStyle :: LineStyle
defaultGridLineStyle = dashedLine 1 [5,5] $ opaque lightgrey

{-# DEPRECATED defaultAxisStyle "Use the according Data.Default instance!" #-}
defaultAxisStyle :: AxisStyle
defaultAxisStyle = def

instance Default AxisStyle where
  def = AxisStyle 
    { _axis_line_style  = defaultAxisLineStyle
    , _axis_label_style = def
    , _axis_grid_style  = defaultGridLineStyle
    , _axis_label_gap   = 10

-- | By default all parts of a axis are visible.
instance Default AxisVisibility where
  def = AxisVisibility
    { _axis_show_line   = True
    , _axis_show_ticks  = True
    , _axis_show_labels = True


-- | A linear mapping of points in one range to another.
vmap :: PlotValue x => (x,x) -> Range -> x -> Double
vmap (v1,v2) (v3,v4) v = v3 + (toValue v - toValue v1) * (v4-v3)
                              / (toValue v2 - toValue v1)

-- | The inverse mapping from device co-ordinate range back to
--   interesting values.
invmap :: PlotValue x => (x,x) -> Range -> Double -> x
invmap (v3,v4) (d1,d2) d = fromValue (toValue v3 + ( (d-d1) * doubleRange
                                                   / (d2-d1) ))
    where doubleRange = toValue v4 - toValue v3

-- | A linear mapping of points in one range to another.
linMap :: (a -> Double) -> (a,a) -> Range -> a -> Double
linMap f (x1,x2) (d1,d2) x =
    d1 + (d2 - d1) * (f x - f x1) / (f x2 - f x1)

-- | An inverse linear mapping of points from one range to another.
invLinMap :: (Double -> a) -> (a -> Double) -> (a,a) -> Range -> Double -> a
invLinMap f t (v3,v4) (d1,d2) d =
    f (t v3 + ( (d-d1) * doubleRange / (d2-d1) ))
    doubleRange = t v4 - t v3

$( makeLenses ''AxisVisibility )
$( makeLenses ''AxisData )
$( makeLenses ''AxisStyle )