-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Bars
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tim Docker 2006, 2014
-- License     :  BSD-style (see chart/COPYRIGHT)
-- Bar Charts
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Bars(


) where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.List(nub,sort)
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry hiding (x0, y0)
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis
import Data.Colour (opaque)
import Data.Colour.Names (black)
import Data.Default.Class

class PlotValue a => BarsPlotValue a where
    barsReference :: a
    barsAdd       :: a -> a -> a

instance BarsPlotValue Double where
    barsReference = 0
    barsAdd       = (+)
instance BarsPlotValue Int where
    barsReference = 0
    barsAdd       = (+)

data PlotBarsStyle
    = BarsStacked   -- ^ Bars for a fixed x are stacked vertically
                    --   on top of each other.
    | BarsClustered -- ^ Bars for a fixed x are put horizontally
                    --   beside each other.
     deriving (Show)

data PlotBarsSpacing
    = BarsFixWidth Double       -- ^ All bars have the same width in pixels.
    | BarsFixGap Double Double  -- ^ (BarsFixGap g mw) means make the gaps between
                                --   the bars equal to g, but with a minimum bar width
                                --   of mw
     deriving (Show)

-- | How bars for a given (x,[y]) are aligned with respect to screen
--   coordinate corresponding to x (deviceX).
data PlotBarsAlignment = BarsLeft      -- ^ The left edge of bars is at deviceX
                       | BarsCentered  -- ^ Bars are centered around deviceX
                       | BarsRight     -- ^ The right edge of bars is at deviceX
     deriving (Show)

-- | Value describing how to plot a set of bars.
--   Note that the input data is typed [(x,[y])], ie for each x value
--   we plot several y values. Typically the size of each [y] list would
--   be the same.
data PlotBars x y = PlotBars {
   -- | This value specifies whether each value from [y] should be
   --   shown beside or above the previous value.
   _plot_bars_style           :: PlotBarsStyle,

   -- | The style in which to draw each element of [y]. A fill style
   --   is required, and if a linestyle is given, each bar will be
   --   outlined.
   _plot_bars_item_styles     :: [ (FillStyle,Maybe LineStyle) ],

   -- | The title of each element of [y]. These will be shown in the legend.
   _plot_bars_titles          :: [String],

   -- | This value controls how the widths of the bars are
   --   calculated. Either the widths of the bars, or the gaps between
   --   them can be fixed.
   _plot_bars_spacing         :: PlotBarsSpacing,

   -- | This value controls how bars for a fixed x are aligned with
   --   respect to the device coordinate corresponding to x.
   _plot_bars_alignment       :: PlotBarsAlignment,

   -- | The starting level for the chart (normally 0).
   _plot_bars_reference       :: y,

   _plot_bars_singleton_width :: Double,

   -- | The actual points to be plotted.
   _plot_bars_values          :: [ (x,[y]) ]

instance BarsPlotValue y => Default (PlotBars x y) where
  def = PlotBars
    { _plot_bars_style           = BarsClustered
    , _plot_bars_item_styles     = cycle istyles
    , _plot_bars_titles          = []
    , _plot_bars_spacing         = BarsFixGap 10 2
    , _plot_bars_alignment       = BarsCentered
    , _plot_bars_values          = []
    , _plot_bars_singleton_width = 20
    , _plot_bars_reference       = barsReference
      istyles   = map mkstyle defaultColorSeq
      mkstyle c = (solidFillStyle c, Just (solidLine 1.0 $ opaque black))

plotBars :: (BarsPlotValue y) => PlotBars x y -> Plot x y
plotBars p = Plot {
        _plot_render     = renderPlotBars p,
        _plot_legend     = zip (_plot_bars_titles p)
                               (map renderPlotLegendBars
                                    (_plot_bars_item_styles p)),
        _plot_all_points = allBarPoints p

renderPlotBars :: (BarsPlotValue y) => PlotBars x y -> PointMapFn x y -> ChartBackend ()
renderPlotBars p pmap = case _plot_bars_style p of
      BarsClustered -> forM_ vals clusteredBars
      BarsStacked   -> forM_ vals stackedBars
    clusteredBars (x,ys) = do
       forM_ (zip3 [0,1..] ys styles) $ \(i, y, (fstyle,_)) -> 
           withFillStyle fstyle $ 
             alignFillPath (barPath (offset i) x yref0 y)
             >>= fillPath
       forM_ (zip3 [0,1..] ys styles) $ \(i, y, (_,mlstyle)) -> 
           whenJust mlstyle $ \lstyle -> 
             withLineStyle lstyle $ 
               alignStrokePath (barPath (offset i) x yref0 y)
               >>= strokePath

    offset = case _plot_bars_alignment p of
      BarsLeft     -> \i -> fromIntegral i * width
      BarsRight    -> \i -> fromIntegral (i-nys) * width
      BarsCentered -> \i -> fromIntegral (2*i-nys) * width/2

    stackedBars (x,ys) = do
       let y2s = zip (yref0:stack ys) (stack ys)
       let ofs = case _plot_bars_alignment p of
             BarsLeft     -> 0
             BarsRight    -> -width
             BarsCentered -> -(width/2)
       forM_ (zip y2s styles) $ \((y0,y1), (fstyle,_)) -> 
           withFillStyle fstyle $ 
             alignFillPath (barPath ofs x y0 y1)
             >>= fillPath
       forM_ (zip y2s styles) $ \((y0,y1), (_,mlstyle)) -> 
           whenJust mlstyle $ \lstyle -> 
              withLineStyle lstyle $ 
                alignStrokePath (barPath ofs x y0 y1)
                >>= strokePath

    barPath xos x y0 y1 = do
      let (Point x' y') = pmap' (x,y1)
      let (Point _ y0') = pmap' (x,y0)
      rectPath (Rect (Point (x'+xos) y0') (Point (x'+xos+width) y'))

    yref0 = _plot_bars_reference p
    vals  = _plot_bars_values p
    width = case _plot_bars_spacing p of
        BarsFixGap gap minw -> let w = max (minXInterval - gap) minw in
            case _plot_bars_style p of
                BarsClustered -> w / fromIntegral nys
                BarsStacked -> w
        BarsFixWidth width' -> width'
    styles = _plot_bars_item_styles p

    minXInterval = let diffs = zipWith (-) (tail mxs) mxs
                   in if null diffs
                        then _plot_bars_singleton_width p
                        else minimum diffs
        xs  = fst (allBarPoints p)
        mxs = nub $ sort $ map mapX xs

    nys    = maximum [ length ys | (_,ys) <- vals ]

    pmap'  = mapXY pmap
    mapX x = p_x (pmap' (x,barsReference))

whenJust :: (Monad m) => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust (Just a) f = f a
whenJust _        _ = return ()

allBarPoints :: (BarsPlotValue y) => PlotBars x y -> ([x],[y])
allBarPoints p = case _plot_bars_style p of
    BarsClustered -> ( [x| (x,_) <- pts], y0:concat [ys| (_,ys) <- pts] )
    BarsStacked   -> ( [x| (x,_) <- pts], y0:concat [stack ys | (_,ys) <- pts] )
    pts = _plot_bars_values p
    y0  = _plot_bars_reference p

stack :: (BarsPlotValue y) => [y] -> [y]
stack = scanl1 barsAdd

renderPlotLegendBars :: (FillStyle,Maybe LineStyle) -> Rect -> ChartBackend ()
renderPlotLegendBars (fstyle,_) r = 
  withFillStyle fstyle $ 
    fillPath (rectPath r)

$( makeLenses ''PlotBars )