{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.State(



  ) where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Default.Class

import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Layout
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable

-- | The state held when monadically constructing a graphical element
data CState = CState {
  _colors :: [AlphaColour Double], -- ^ An infinite source of colors, for use in plots
  _shapes :: [PointShape]          -- ^ An infinite source of shapes, for use in plots

$( makeLenses ''CState )

-- | We use nested State monads to give nice syntax. The outer state
-- is the graphical element being constructed (typically a
-- layout). The inner state contains any additional state
-- reqired. This approach means that lenses and the state monad lens
-- operators can be used directly on the value being constructed.
type EC l a = StateT l (State CState) a

instance Default CState where
  def = CState defColors defShapes
      defColors = cycle (map opaque [blue,green,red,orange,yellow,violet])
      defShapes = cycle [PointShapeCircle,PointShapePlus,PointShapeCross,PointShapeStar]

instance (Default a,ToRenderable a) => ToRenderable (EC a b) where
  toRenderable = toRenderable . execEC
-- | Run the monadic `EC` computation, and return the graphical
-- element (ie the outer monad' state)
execEC :: (Default l) => EC l a -> l
execEC ec = evalState (execStateT ec def) def

-- | Nest the construction of a graphical element within
-- the construction of another.
liftEC :: (Default l1) => EC l1 a -> EC l2 l1
liftEC ec = do
  cs <- lift get
  let (l,cs') = runState (execStateT ec def) cs
  lift (put cs')
  return l

-- | Lift a a computation over `CState`
liftCState :: State CState a -> EC l a
liftCState = lift

-- | Add a plot to the `Layout` being constructed.
plot :: (ToPlot p) => EC (Layout x y) (p x y) -> EC (Layout x y) ()
plot pm = do
    p <- pm
    layout_plots %= (++[toPlot p])

-- | Add a plot against the left axis to the `LayoutLR` being constructed.
plotLeft :: (ToPlot p) => EC (LayoutLR x y1 y2) (p x y1) -> EC (LayoutLR x y1 y2) ()
plotLeft pm = do
  p <- pm
  layoutlr_plots %= (++[Left (toPlot p)])

-- | Add a plot against the right axis tof the `LayoutLR` being constructed.
plotRight :: (ToPlot p) => EC (LayoutLR x y1 y2) (p x y2) -> EC (LayoutLR x y1 y2) ()
plotRight pm = do
  p <- pm
  layoutlr_plots %= (++[Right (toPlot p)])

-- | Pop and return the next color from the state
takeColor :: EC l (AlphaColour Double)
takeColor = liftCState $ do
  (c:cs) <- use colors
  colors .= cs
  return c

-- | Pop and return the next shape from the state
takeShape :: EC l PointShape
takeShape = liftCState $ do
  (c:cs) <- use shapes
  shapes .= cs
  return c