-- | Prelude replacement, use the NoImplicitPrelude extension before importing this.
-- It deliberately omits all list-handling functions, import Data.List or use the generic versions.
module Prelude.Classy(
  -- * Basic/legacy types
  module Data.Bool,
  module Data.Maybe,
  module Data.Either,
  module Data.Eq,
  module Data.Ord,
  Char, String(..), fst, snd, lines, words, unlines, unwords, Show(..), Read(..), read,
  -- * Basic I/O
  IO, putChar, putStr, putStrLn, print, getChar, getLine, readFile, writeFile, appendFile,
  readIO, readLn,
  -- * Basic function composition
  curry, uncurry, first, second, id, const, (.), flip, ($), until,
  -- * Integer math
  Int, Integer, Bounded(..), Num(..), Integral(..),
  subtract, even, odd, (^), fromIntegral,
  -- * Monad hierarchy
  module Control.Applicative,
  module Control.Monad,
  -- * Monoids, Foldables and other goodies
  module Data.Monoid, (<>),
  module Data.Foldable,
  module Data.Traversable,
  -- * Misc.
  asTypeOf, error, undefined, seq, ($!)
  ) where

import Data.Bool
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Ord
import Data.Eq
import Prelude(Char,String(..),fst,snd,curry,uncurry,Bounded(..), Num(..),
               Integral(..), Enum(..), lines, words, unlines, unwords, Show(..),
               Read(..), read, IO, putChar, putStr, putStrLn, print, getChar, writeFile,
               appendFile, readIO, readLn, getLine, id, const, (.), flip, until,
               asTypeOf, error, undefined, seq, subtract, even, odd, (^), fromIntegral, Int, Integer)
import Control.Arrow(first,second)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding(mapM, mapM_, sequence, sequence_, forM, forM_, msum)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import System.IO.Strict(readFile)

-- | An either/maybe equivalent for Bool, often known as if'
bool :: a -- ^ Returned if the bool is True
        -> a -- ^ Returned if the bool is False
        -> Bool 
        -> a
bool a _ True  = a
bool _ a False = a

infixr 5 <>

-- | (<>) = mappend
a <> b = mappend a b

filter :: (Monad m, Monoid (m a), Foldable t) => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> m a
filter p = foldMap (\a -> bool (return a) mempty (p a))

infixl 0 $, $!

-- | *Left-associative* version of Prelude.$
f $ x = f x

-- | *Left-associative* version of Prelude.$!
f $! x = x `seq` f x