#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell In principle, we could do with a lot less than autoconfUserhooks, but simpleUserHooks is not running 'configure'. We will need Distribution.Simple to do the heavyweight lifting, and we will need some filePath magic. > import System.FilePath > import System.Process > import Distribution.Simple > import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo > import Distribution.PackageDescription The main program is just to make Cabal lift it. But we will override testing. > main = defaultMainWithHooks hooks > where hooks = autoconfUserHooks { runTests = runTests' } Running tests is to call Combinatorrent with its parameters for tests: > runTests' :: Args -> Bool -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO () > runTests' _ _ _ lbi = system testprog >> return () > where testprog = (buildDir lbi) "Combinatorrent" "Combinatorrent --tests"