-- |
-- Module      :  Data.DOM
-- Copyright   :  (c) Dmitry Golubovsky, 2009
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  golubovsky@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module will most likely be imported by any Haskell program that uses DOM.
-- Other modules from Data.DOM namespace are to be imported as needed, sometimes
-- qualified because there are some name clashes in attributes and methods across
-- the DOM interfaces.
-- Below is an example of Haskell code which generates Javascript to display
-- traditional @Hello World@. This example shows that even a simplest 
-- "Control.Monad.Identity" will do. Of course, a more sofisticated Monad
-- might provide more benefits, such as assigning some of expressions to
-- Javascript variables to share and prevent repeated evaluation, 
-- automatic declaration of functions, etc.
-- @
-- module Main where
-- import "WebBits.JavaScript"
-- import "Control.Monad"
-- import "Control.Monad.Identity"
-- import "Data.DOM"
-- import "Data.DOM.Dom"
-- import "Data.DOM.Node"
-- import "Data.DOM.HTMLDocument"
-- main = 'putStrLn' '$' 'show' '$' pp '$' 
--   'FunctionStmt' undefined ('Id' undefined \"main\") [] 
--     ('ExprStmt' undefined '$' 'runIdentity' q)
-- q = do
--   d <- 'htmlDocument'
--   t <- 'mkText' ('string' \"Hello World\") d
--   b <- 'getm'body' d
--   'addChild' t b
-- @
-- Below is Javascript generated by this example. All expressions just nest
-- where necessary, and method calls may be chained.
-- @ 
-- function main()
-- \{
-- window.document.body.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(\"Hello World\"));
-- \}
-- @

module Data.DOM (
  -- * Module Data.DOM.WBTypes re-exported for convenience
  module Data.DOM.WBTypes
  -- * Additional DOM support functions
  -- * Functions to construct Javascript values
) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.DOM.WBTypes
import Data.DOM.WindowObj
import Data.DOM.Window
import Data.DOM.Dom
import Data.DOM.Html2
import Data.DOM.Css
import Data.DOM.Node
import Data.DOM.Document
import Data.DOM.HTMLDocument
import WebBits.JavaScript

-- | Access the global Window object.

window :: (Monad m) => m (Expression TWindow)

window = return $ VarRef TWindow (Id TWindow "window")

-- | Access the current document. This indeed should be made through the
-- Window interface, but current (incomplete) specification does not
-- provide an easy way for that.

document :: (Monad m) => m (Expression TDocument)

document = return $ VarRef TDocument (Id TDocument "window.document")

-- | Same as above, using the HTMLDocument interface.

htmlDocument :: (Monad m) => m (Expression THTMLDocument)

htmlDocument = return $ VarRef THTMLDocument (Id THTMLDocument "window.document")

-- | A maker function for a TEXT element.

mkText :: (Monad mn, CDocument this) => 
   Expression String -> Expression this -> mn (Expression TText)

mkText = createTextNode

-- | Same as 'appendChild', but with type signature reflecting that returned
-- value is the node added.

addChild :: (Monad m, CNode c, CNode p) => Expression c -> Expression p -> m (Expression c)

addChild = appendChild

-- | Access the @<BODY>@ node of the current HTML document. Same as 'get\'body', but with
-- proper type of the returned value.

documentBody ::  (Monad mn, CHTMLDocument this) => 
  Expression this -> mn (Expression THTMLBodyElement)

documentBody = get'body

-- | Access the @<HEAD>@ node of the current HTML document.

documentHead ::
          (Monad mn, CHTMLDocument this) =>
            Expression this -> mn (Expression THTMLHeadElement)
documentHead thisp
  = do let et = undefined :: THTMLHeadElement
       let r = DotRef et (thisp /\ et) (Id et "head")
       return r

-- |Obtain an inline style ('TCSS2Properties') interface of an object

inlineStyle ::
          (Monad mn, CHTMLElement this) =>
            Expression this -> mn (Expression TCSS2Properties)
inlineStyle thisp
  = do let et = undefined :: TCSS2Properties
       let r = DotRef et (thisp /\ et) (Id et "style")
       return r

-- |Obtain an inline style ('TCSSStyleDeclaration') interface of an object

inlineStyleDecl ::
          (Monad mn, CHTMLElement this) =>
            Expression this -> mn (Expression TCSSStyleDeclaration)
inlineStyleDecl thisp
  = do let et = undefined :: TCSSStyleDeclaration
       let r = DotRef et (thisp /\ et) (Id et "style")
       return r

-- | Create a Javascript string literal out of a string.

string :: String -> Expression String

string s = StringLit s s

-- | Create a Javascript numeric literal out of a numeric value.

number :: (Integral n) => n -> Expression Double

number n = let d = fromIntegral n in NumLit d d

-- | Create a Javascript boolean literal out of a Boolean.

bool :: Bool -> Expression Bool

bool b = BoolLit b b

-- | Javascript True value

true :: Expression Bool

true = bool True

-- | Javascript False value

false :: Expression Bool

false = bool False