{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 Maintainer: Thomas.DuBuisson@gmail.com
 Stability: beta
 Portability: portable 

This module is the convenience interface for the DRBG (NIST standardized
number-theoretically secure random number generator).  Everything is setup
for using the "crypto-api" 'CryptoRandomGen' type class.

To instantiate the base types of 'HmacDRBG', 'HashDRBG', or 'CtrDRBG' just use
the 'CryptoRandomGen' primitives of 'newGen' or 'newGenIO'.

For example, to seed a new generator with the system secure random
('System.Entropy') and generate some bytes (stepping the generator along
the way) one would do:

    gen <- newGenIO :: IO CtrDRBG
    let Right (randomBytes, newGen) = genBytes 1024 gen

or the same thing with your own entropy (throwing exceptions instead of dealing
with 'Either' this time):

    let gen = throwLeft (newGen entropy)
        (bytes,gen') = throwLeft (genBytes 1024 gen)
    in ...

There are several modifiers that allow you to compose generators together, producing
generators with modified security, reseed, and performance properties.  'GenXor'
will xor the random bytes of two generators.  'GenBuffered' will spark off work
to generate several megabytes of random data and keep that data buffered for
quick use.  'GenAutoReseed' will use one generator to automatically reseed
another after every 32 kilobytes of requested randoms. 

Most likely you will want to automatically reseed using system randomness
(via lazy IO).  Thus, you are left with a generator that is random, not
pseudo random but without the dangerously unsafe IO found in some other

    import Crypto.Random.DRBG hiding (genBytes)
    import Crypto.Classes.Exceptions (genBytes)

    -- An AES CTR generator that automatically reseeds.
    getCtrGen :: IO (GenAutoReseed CtrDRBG SystemEntropy)
    getCtrGen = newGenAutoReseedIO

    f = do g1 <- getCtrGen
           let (bytes, g2) = getBytes 1024 g1
           g bytes g2

For a complex example, here is a generator that buffers several megabytes of
random values which are an Xor of AES with a SHA384 hash that are each reseeded
every 32kb with the output of a SHA512 HMAC generator (not to claim this has
any enhanced security properties, but just to show the composition can be

    gen <- newGenIO :: IO (GenBuffered (GenAutoReseed (GenXor AesCntDRBG (HashDRBGWith SHA384)) HmacDRBG))


module Crypto.Random.DRBG
        -- * Basic Hash-based Generators
          HmacDRBG, HashDRBG, CtrDRBG
        , HmacDRBGWith, HashDRBGWith, CtrDRBGWith
        -- * CryptoRandomGen Transformers
        , GenXor(..)
        , GenBuffered
        , GenAutoReseed
        -- * AutoReseed generator construction with custom reseed interval
        , newGenAutoReseed, newGenAutoReseedIO
        -- * Helper Re-exports
        , module Crypto.Random
        , module Crypto.Types
        ) where

import qualified Crypto.Random.DRBG.HMAC as M
import qualified Crypto.Random.DRBG.Hash as H
import qualified Crypto.Random.DRBG.CTR  as CTR
import Crypto.Util
import Crypto.Classes
import Crypto.Random
import Crypto.Hash.CryptoAPI
import Crypto.Cipher.AES128 (AESKey128)
import Crypto.Types
import System.Entropy
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Tagged
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Monad.Error () -- Either instance
import Data.Word

instance H.SeedLength SHA512 where
        seedlen = Tagged 888

instance H.SeedLength SHA384 where
        seedlen = Tagged  888

instance H.SeedLength SHA256 where
        seedlen = Tagged 440

instance H.SeedLength SHA224 where
        seedlen = Tagged 440

instance H.SeedLength SHA1 where
        seedlen = Tagged 440

-- |The HMAC DRBG state (of kind * -> *) allowing selection
-- of the underlying hash algorithm (SHA1, SHA224 ... SHA512)
type HmacDRBGWith = M.State

-- |The Hash DRBG state (of kind * -> *) allowing selection
-- of the underlying hash algorithm.
type HashDRBGWith = H.State

-- |The AES CTR DRBG state (of kind * -> *) allowing selection
-- of the underlying cipher algorithm.
type CtrDRBGWith = CTR.State

-- |An alias for an HMAC DRBG generator using SHA512.
type HmacDRBG = M.State SHA512

-- |An Alias for a Hash DRBG generator using SHA512.
-- As of 1July2014 this remains the fastest cryptographic RNG on hackage
-- that has been ran against known answer tests.
type HashDRBG = H.State SHA512

-- |The recommended generator which uses AES-128 in counter mode.
-- This is an alias for a Counter DRBG generator using AES 128.
type CtrDRBG = CTR.State AESKey128

-- |@newGenAutoReseed bs i@ creates a new 'GenAutoReseed' with a custom interval
-- of @i@ bytes using the provided entropy in @bs@.
-- This is for extremely long running uses of 'CryptoRandomGen' instances
-- that can't explicitly reseed as often as a single underlying generator
-- would need (usually every 2^48 bytes).
-- For example:
-- @
-- newGenAutoReseedIO (2^48) :: IO (Either GenError (GenAutoReseed HashDRBG HashDRBG))
-- @
-- Will last for @2^48 * 2^41@ bytes of randomly generated data.  That's
-- 2^49 terabytes of random values (128 byte reseeds every 2^48 bytes generated).
newGenAutoReseed :: (CryptoRandomGen a, CryptoRandomGen b) => B.ByteString -> Word64 -> Either GenError (GenAutoReseed a b)
newGenAutoReseed bs rsInterval=
        let (b1,b2) = B.splitAt (genSeedLength `for` fromRight g1) bs
            g1 = newGen b1
            g2 = newGen b2
            fromRight ~(Right x) = x
        in case (g1, g2) of
                (Right a, Right b) -> Right $ GenAutoReseed rsInterval 0 a b
                (Left e, _) -> Left e
                (_, Left e) -> Left e

-- |@newGenAutoReseedIO i@ creates a new 'GenAutoReseed' with a custom
-- interval of @i@ bytes, using the system random number generator as a seed.
-- See 'newGenAutoReseed'.
newGenAutoReseedIO :: (CryptoRandomGen a, CryptoRandomGen b) => Word64 -> IO (GenAutoReseed a b)
newGenAutoReseedIO i   = do
        g1 <- newGenIO
        g2 <- newGenIO
        return $ GenAutoReseed i 0 g1 g2

instance CryptoRandomGen HmacDRBG where
        newGen bs =
                let res = M.instantiate bs B.empty B.empty
                in if B.length bs < genSeedLength `for` res
                        then Left NotEnoughEntropy
                        else Right res
        genSeedLength = Tagged (512 `div` 8)
        genBytes req g =
                let res = M.generate g (req * 8) B.empty
                in case res of
                        Nothing -> Left NeedReseed
                        Just (r,s) -> Right (r, s)
        genBytesWithEntropy req ai g =
                let res = M.generate g (req * 8) ai
                in case res of
                        Nothing -> Left NeedReseed
                        Just (r,s) -> Right (r, s)
        reseed ent g =
                let res = M.reseed g ent B.empty
                in if B.length ent < genSeedLength `for` res
                        then Left NotEnoughEntropy
                        else Right res

        reseedInfo s = InXCalls (M.counter s)
        reseedPeriod _ = InXCalls M.reseedInterval

instance CryptoRandomGen HashDRBG where
        newGen bs =
                let res = H.instantiate bs B.empty B.empty
                in if B.length bs < genSeedLength `for` res
                        then Left NotEnoughEntropy
                        else Right res
        genSeedLength = Tagged $ 512 `div` 8
        genBytes req g = 
                let res = H.generate g (req * 8) B.empty
                in case res of
                        Nothing -> Left NeedReseed
                        Just (r,s) -> Right (r, s)
        genBytesWithEntropy req ai g =
                let res = H.generate g (req * 8) ai
                in case res of
                        Nothing -> Left NeedReseed
                        Just (r,s) -> Right (r, s)
        reseed ent g =
                let res = H.reseed g ent B.empty
                in if B.length ent < genSeedLength `for` res
                        then Left NotEnoughEntropy
                        else Right res
        reseedInfo s = InXCalls (H.counter s)
        reseedPeriod _ = InXCalls H.reseedInterval

helper1 :: Tagged (GenAutoReseed a b) Int -> a
helper1 = const undefined

helper2 :: Tagged (GenAutoReseed a b) Int -> b
helper2 = const undefined

-- |@g :: GenAutoReseed a b@ is a generator of type a that gets
-- automatically reseeded by generator b upon every 32kB generated.
-- @reseed g ent@ will reseed both the component generators by
-- breaking ent up into two parts determined by the genSeedLength of each generator.
-- @genBytes@ will generate the requested bytes with generator @a@ and reseed @a@
-- using generator @b@ if there has been 32KB of generated data since the last reseed.
-- Note a request for > 32KB of data will be filled in one request to generator @a@ before
-- @a@ is reseeded by @b@.
-- @genBytesWithEntropy@ is lifted into the same call for generator @a@, but
-- it will still reseed from generator @b@ if the limit is hit.
-- Reseed interval: If generator @a@ needs a @genSeedLength a = a'@ and generator B
-- needs reseeded every @2^b@ bytes then a @GenAutoReseed a b@ will need reseeded every
-- @2^15 * (2^b / a')@ bytes.  For the common values of @a' = 128@ and @2^b = 2^48@ this
-- means reseeding every 2^56 byte.  For the example numbers this translates to
-- about 200 years of continually generating random values at a rate of 10MB/s.
data GenAutoReseed a b = GenAutoReseed
        { garInterval  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
        , garCounter   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
        , garPrimeGen  :: !a
        , garBackupGen :: !b

genBytesAutoReseed :: (CryptoRandomGen a, CryptoRandomGen b)
                   => ByteLength
                   -> GenAutoReseed a b
                   -> Either GenError (B.ByteString, GenAutoReseed a b)
genBytesAutoReseed req gar@(GenAutoReseed rs cnt a b) =
    case genBytes req a of
       Left NeedReseed -> do
               (a',b') <- a `reseedWith` b
               (res, aNew) <- genBytes req a'
               return (res,GenAutoReseed rs 0 aNew b')
       Left RequestedTooManyBytes -> do
         let reqSmall = 1 + (req `div` 2)
         (s1, gar1) <- genBytes reqSmall gar
         (s2, gar2) <- genBytes reqSmall gar1
         return (B.take req (B.append s1 s2), gar2)
       Left err -> Left err
       Right (res,aNew) -> do
         gNew <- if (cnt + fromIntegral req) > rs
                   then do
                     (a',b') <- a `reseedWith` b
                     return (GenAutoReseed rs 0 a' b')
                   else return $ GenAutoReseed rs (cnt + fromIntegral req) aNew b
         return (res, gNew)

reseedWith :: (CryptoRandomGen a, CryptoRandomGen b)
         => a -> b -> Either GenError (a,b)
reseedWith x y = do
     (ent,y2) <- genBytes (genSeedLength `for` x) y
     x2 <- reseed ent x
     return (x2,y2)

        :: (CryptoRandomGen a, CryptoRandomGen b)
        => ByteLength
        -> B.ByteString
        -> GenAutoReseed a b
        -> Either GenError (B.ByteString, GenAutoReseed a b)
genBytesWithEntropyAutoReseed req entropy gar@(GenAutoReseed rs cnt a b) =
   case genBytesWithEntropy req entropy a of
     Left NeedReseed -> do
             (a',b') <- a `reseedWith` b
             (res, aNew) <- genBytesWithEntropy req entropy a'
             return (res, GenAutoReseed rs 0 aNew b')
     Left RequestedTooManyBytes -> do
       let reqSmall = 1 + (req `div` 2)
       (s1, gar1) <- genBytesWithEntropy reqSmall entropy gar
       (s2, gar2) <- genBytes reqSmall gar1
       return (B.take req (B.append s1 s2), gar2)
     Left err -> Left err
     Right (res,aNew) -> do
       gNew <- if (cnt + fromIntegral req) > rs
                 then do
                   (a',b') <- a `reseedWith` b
                   return (GenAutoReseed rs 0 a' b')
                 else return $ GenAutoReseed rs (cnt + fromIntegral req) aNew b
       return (res, gNew)

instance (CryptoRandomGen a, CryptoRandomGen b) => CryptoRandomGen (GenAutoReseed a b) where
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenAutoReseed HmacDRBG HmacDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenAutoReseed HashDRBG HashDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenAutoReseed HashDRBG HmacDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenAutoReseed HmacDRBG HashDRBG) #-}
        newGen bs = newGenAutoReseed bs (2^(19::Int))
        newGenIO  = newGenAutoReseedIO (2^(19::Int))
        genSeedLength =
           let a = helper1 res
               b = helper2 res
               res = Tagged $ genSeedLength `for` a + genSeedLength `for` b
           in res
        genBytes = genBytesAutoReseed
        genBytesWithEntropy = genBytesWithEntropyAutoReseed
        reseed ent gen@(GenAutoReseed rs _ a b) 
          | genSeedLength `for` gen > B.length ent = Left NotEnoughEntropy
          | otherwise = do
                let (e1,e2) = B.splitAt (genSeedLength `for` a) ent
                a' <- reseed e1 a
                b' <- if B.length e2 /= 0
                        then reseed e2 b
                        else return b
                return $ GenAutoReseed rs 0 a' b'
        reseedPeriod ~(GenAutoReseed rs _ ag bg) =
          case (reseedPeriod ag, reseedPeriod bg) of
            (Never, _) -> Never
            (_, Never) -> Never
            (NotSoon, _) -> NotSoon
            (_, NotSoon) -> NotSoon
            (_, InXCalls b) ->
                 if fromIntegral rs * fromIntegral b >
                    fromIntegral (maxBound `asTypeOf` b)
                     then NotSoon
                     else InXBytes (rs * b)
            (_, InXBytes b) ->
                 let s = genSeedLength `for` ag
                     nr = if s <= 0 then 1 else (b `div` fromIntegral s) - 1
                 in InXBytes $ rs * nr
        reseedInfo (GenAutoReseed rs x ag bg) =
          -- Attempt to provide a lower bound on the next reseed
          case (reseedInfo ag, reseedInfo bg) of
             (NotSoon, _)    -> NotSoon
             (_, NotSoon)    -> NotSoon
             (Never, _)      -> Never
             (_, Never)      -> Never
             (_, InXBytes b) ->
                 let s = genSeedLength `for` ag
                     nr = if s <= 0 then 1 else (b `div` fromIntegral s) - 1
                 in InXBytes $ rs - x + rs * nr
             (_, InXCalls b) -> 
                 if fromIntegral rs * fromIntegral b >
                    fromIntegral (maxBound `asTypeOf` b)
                     then NotSoon
                     else InXBytes (rs - x + rs * b)

-- |@g :: GenXor a b@ generates bytes with sub-generators a and b 
-- and exclusive-or's the outputs to produce the resulting bytes.
data GenXor a b = GenXor !a !b

helperXor1 :: Tagged (GenXor a b) c -> a
helperXor1 = const undefined
helperXor2 :: Tagged (GenXor a b) c -> b
helperXor2 = const undefined

instance (CryptoRandomGen a, CryptoRandomGen b) => CryptoRandomGen (GenXor a b) where
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenXor HmacDRBG HmacDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenXor HashDRBG HmacDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenXor HmacDRBG HashDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenXor HashDRBG HashDRBG) #-}
        newGen bs = do
                let g1 = newGen b1
                    g2 = newGen b2
                    (b1,b2) = B.splitAt (genSeedLength `for` fromRight g1) bs
                    fromRight (Right x) = x
                a <- g1
                b <- g2
                return (GenXor a b)
        newGenIO = do
                a <- newGenIO
                b <- newGenIO
                return (GenXor a b)
        genSeedLength =
                let a = helperXor1 res
                    b = helperXor2 res
                    res = Tagged $ (genSeedLength `for` a) + (genSeedLength `for` b)
                in res
        genBytes req (GenXor a b) = do
                (r1, a') <- genBytes req a
                (r2, b') <- genBytes req b
                return (zwp' r1 r2, GenXor a' b')
        genBytesWithEntropy req ent (GenXor a b) = do
                (r1, a') <- genBytesWithEntropy req ent a
                (r2, b') <- genBytesWithEntropy req ent b
                return (zwp' r1 r2, GenXor a' b')
        reseed ent (GenXor a b) = do
                let (b1, b2) = B.splitAt (genSeedLength `for` a) ent
                a' <- reseed b1 a
                b' <- reseed b2 b
                return (GenXor a' b')
        reseedPeriod ~(GenXor a b) = min (reseedPeriod a) (reseedPeriod b)
        reseedInfo   ~(GenXor a b) = min (reseedInfo a) (reseedInfo b)

-- |@g :: GenBuffered a@ is a generator of type @a@ that attempts to
-- maintain a buffer of random values size >= 1MB and <= 5MB at any time.
data GenBuffered g = GenBuffered Int Int (Either (GenError, g) (B.ByteString, g)) {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString

bufferMinDef, bufferMaxDef :: Int
bufferMinDef = 2^20
bufferMaxDef = 2^22

newGenBuffered :: (CryptoRandomGen g) => Int -> Int -> B.ByteString -> Either GenError (GenBuffered g)
newGenBuffered min max bs = do
        g <- newGen bs
        (rs,g') <- genBytes min g
        let new = wrapErr (genBytes min g') g'
        rs `par` return (GenBuffered min max new rs)

newGenBufferedIO :: CryptoRandomGen g => Int -> Int -> IO (GenBuffered g)
newGenBufferedIO min max = do
        g <- newGenIO
        let (Right !gBuf) = do
                (rs,g') <- genBytes min g
                let new = wrapErr (genBytes min g') g'
                rs `par` return (GenBuffered min max new rs)
        return gBuf

instance (CryptoRandomGen g) => CryptoRandomGen (GenBuffered g) where
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenBuffered HmacDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenBuffered HashDRBG) #-}
        {-# SPECIALIZE instance CryptoRandomGen (GenBuffered CtrDRBG) #-}
        newGen = newGenBuffered bufferMinDef bufferMaxDef
        newGenIO = newGenBufferedIO bufferMinDef bufferMaxDef
        genSeedLength =
                let a = help res
                    res = Tagged $ genSeedLength `for` a
                in res
          help :: Tagged (GenBuffered g) c -> g
          help = const undefined
        genBytes req (GenBuffered min max g bs)
                | remSize >= min =  Right (B.take req bs, GenBuffered min max g (B.drop req bs))
                | B.length bs < min =
                        case g of
                                Left (err,_)  -> Left err
                                Right g   -> Left (GenErrorOther "Buffering generator failed to buffer properly - unknown reason")
                | req > B.length bs =
                    case g of
                      Left (err,_) -> Left err
                      Right (bo,g2)     ->
                        case genBytes req g2 of
                          Left err -> Left err
                          Right (b,g3) ->
                            Right (b, GenBuffered min max (Right (bo,g3)) bs)
                | remSize < min =
                        case g of
                                Left (err,_) -> Left err
                                Right (rnd, gen) ->
                                        let new | B.length rnd > 0 = wrapErr (genBytes (max - (remSize + B.length rnd)) gen) gen
                                                | otherwise = Right (B.empty,gen)
                                            (rs,rem) = B.splitAt req bs
                                        in eval new `par` Right (rs, GenBuffered min max new (B.append rem rnd))
                | otherwise = Left $ GenErrorOther "Buffering generator hit an impossible case.  Please inform the Haskell crypto-api maintainer"
          remSize = B.length bs - req
        genBytesWithEntropy req ent g = reseed ent g >>= \gen -> genBytes req gen
        reseed ent (GenBuffered min max g bs) = do
                let (rs, g') =
                      case g of
                        Left (_,g') -> (B.empty, g')
                        Right (rs, g') -> (rs, g')
                g'' <- reseed ent g'
                let new = wrapErr (genBytes (min - B.length bs') g'') g''
                    bs' = B.take max (B.append bs rs)
                return (GenBuffered min max new bs')
        reseedPeriod ~(GenBuffered _ _ g _) = reseedPeriod . either snd snd $ g
        reseedInfo ~(GenBuffered _ _ g _) = reseedInfo . either snd snd $ g

wrapErr :: Either x y -> g -> Either (x,g) y
wrapErr (Left x) g = Left (x,g)
wrapErr (Right r) _ = Right r

-- |Force evaluation for use by GenBuffered.
eval :: Either x (B.ByteString, g) -> Either x (B.ByteString, g)
eval (Left x) = Left x
eval (Right (g,bs)) = bs `seq` (g `seq` Right (g, bs))

instance BlockCipher x => CryptoRandomGen (CtrDRBGWith x) where
  newGen bytes =
      case CTR.instantiate bytes B.empty of
        Nothing -> Left NotEnoughEntropy
        Just st -> Right st

  newGenIO = do
      let k = undefined :: x -- Types weren't unifying with proxy, bug?
          b = (keyLength `for` k) + (blockSize `for` k) + 7
          e =  "Unable to generate enough entropy to instantiate CTR DRBG"
      kd <- getEntropy (b `div` 8)
      case CTR.instantiate kd B.empty of
        Nothing -> error e
        Just st -> return st

  genSeedLength =
        let rt :: Tagged x Int -> Tagged x Int -> Tagged (CtrDRBGWith x) Int
            rt x y = Tagged $ 
                let k = unTagged x
                    b = unTagged y
                in k + b
        in rt keyLengthBytes blockSizeBytes

  -- Generates req bytes (even if that is over the 2^16 bytes allowed by
  -- the NIST standard!)
  genBytes req st =
      case CTR.generate st req B.empty of
            Nothing       -> Left NeedReseed
            Just (bs,new) -> Right (bs,new)

  reseed ent st  = 
    case CTR.reseed st ent B.empty of
      Nothing -> Left NeedReseed
      Just s  -> Right s

  reseedPeriod _ = InXCalls CTR.reseedInterval

  reseedInfo st  = InXCalls (CTR.reseedInterval - CTR.getCounter st)