{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Database.DSH.TH
    , generateDeriveTupleQARange
    , deriveTupleTA
    , generateDeriveTupleTARange
    , deriveTupleView
    , generateDeriveTupleViewRange

    , deriveQAForRecord
    , deriveQAForRecord'
    , deriveViewForRecord
    , deriveViewForRecord'
    , deriveTAForRecord
    , deriveTAForRecord'

    , generateRecords
    , generateInstances
    ) where

import Database.DSH.Data
import Database.DSH.Impossible

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Convertible
import Data.List
import Database.HDBC
import Data.Text (Text)
-- import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import GHC.Exts

import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Q, TupleT, tupleT, AppE, VarE, reify, Type, ListT)
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (sequenceQ)

-- Create a "a -> b -> ..." type
arrowChainT :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
arrowChainT [] = $impossible
arrowChainT as = foldr1 (\a b -> arrowT `appT` a `appT` b) as

-- Apply a list of 'TypeQ's to a type constructor
applyChainT :: TypeQ -> [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
applyChainT t ts = foldl' appT t ts

-- Apply a list of 'Exp's to a some 'Exp'
applyChainE :: ExpQ -> [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
applyChainE e es = foldl' appE e es

applyChainTupleP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ
applyChainTupleP = foldr1 (\p1 p2 -> conP 'TupleN [p1,p2,wildP])

applyChainTupleE :: Name -> [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
applyChainTupleE n = foldr1 (\e1 e2 -> appE (appE (conE n) e1) e2)

-- * QA instances

-- Original Code
-- instance (QA a,QA b) => QA (a,b) where
--   reify _ = TupleT (reify (undefined :: a)) (reify (undefined :: b))
--   toNorm (a,b) = TupleN (toNorm a) (toNorm b) (reify (a,b))
--   fromNorm (TupleN a b (TupleT _ _)) = (fromNorm a,fromNorm b)
--   fromNorm _ = $impossible

deriveTupleQA :: Int -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveTupleQA l
    | l < 2     = $impossible
    | otherwise = pure `fmap` instanceD qaCxts

    names@(a:b:rest) = [ mkName $ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1..l] ]

    qaCxts = return [ ClassP ''QA [VarT n] | n <- names ]
    qaType = conT ''QA `appT` applyChainT (TH.tupleT l) (map varT names)
    qaDecs = [ reifyDec
             , fromNormDec
             , toNormDec

    -- The class functions:

    reifyDec    = funD 'reify [reifyClause]
    reifyClause = clause [ wildP ]
                         ( normalB $ applyChainTupleE 'TupleT [ [| reify (undefined :: $_n) |] | _n <- map varT names ] )

    fromNormDec    = funD 'fromNorm [fromNormClause, clause [TH.wildP] (normalB [| $impossible |]) [] ]
    fromNormClause = clause [applyChainTupleP (map varP names)]
                            (normalB $ TH.tupE [ [| fromNorm $(varE n) |] | n <- names ])

    toNormDec    = funD 'toNorm [toNormClause]
    toNormClause = clause [ toNormClausePattern ] (normalB $ fst $ toNormClauseBody $ [ varE n | n <- names ]) []

    toNormClausePattern = tupP [ varP n | n <- names ]

    toNormClauseBody [a1,b1] =
      let t1 = [| TupleT (reify $a1) (reify $b1) |]
          e1 = [| TupleN (toNorm $a1) (toNorm $b1) ($t1) |]
      in  (e1,t1)
    toNormClauseBody (a1 : as1) =
      let (e1,t1) = toNormClauseBody as1
          t2 = [| TupleT (reify $a1) ($t1) |]
          e2 = [| TupleN (toNorm $a1) ($e1) ($t2) |]
      in  (e2,t2)
    toNormClauseBody _ = $impossible

-- | Generate all 'QA' instances for tuples within range.
generateDeriveTupleQARange :: Int -> Int -> TH.Q [Dec]
generateDeriveTupleQARange from to =
    concat `fmap` sequenceQ [ deriveTupleQA n | n <- reverse [from..to] ]

-- * TA instances

-- Original code:
-- instance (BasicType a, BasicType b, QA a, QA b) => TA (a,b) where

deriveTupleTA :: Int -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveTupleTA l
    | l < 2     = $impossible
    | otherwise = pure `fmap` instanceD taCxts

    names = [ mkName $ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1..l] ]

    taCxts = return $ concat [ [ClassP ''QA [VarT n], ClassP ''BasicType [VarT n]] | n <- names ]
    taType = conT ''TA `appT` applyChainT (TH.tupleT l) (map varT names)
    taDecs = []

-- | Generate all 'TA' instances for tuples within range.
generateDeriveTupleTARange :: Int -> Int -> TH.Q [Dec]
generateDeriveTupleTARange from to =
    concat `fmap` sequenceQ [ deriveTupleTA n | n <- reverse [from..to] ]

-- * View pattern

-- Original code:
-- instance (QA a,QA b) => View (Q (a,b)) (Q a, Q b) where
--   view (Q a) = (Q (AppE (VarE "proj_2_1") a), Q (AppE (VarE "proj_2_1") a))

deriveTupleView :: Int -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveTupleView l
    | l < 2     = $impossible
    | otherwise = pure `fmap` instanceD viewCxts

    names = [ mkName $ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1..l] ]
    a = mkName "a"

    first  p = [| AppE1 Fst $p (typeTupleFst (typeExp $p)) |]
    second p = [| AppE1 Snd $p (typeTupleSnd (typeExp $p)) |]

    viewCxts = return [ ClassP ''QA [VarT n] | n <- names ]
    viewType = conT ''View `appT` (conT ''Q `appT` applyChainT (TH.tupleT l) (map varT names))
                           `appT` applyChainT (TH.tupleT l) [ conT ''Q `appT` varT n | n <- names ]

    viewDecs = [ viewDec, fromViewDec ]

    viewDec    = funD 'view [viewClause]
    viewClause = clause [ conP 'Q [varP a] ]
                        ( normalB $ TH.tupE [ if pos == l then [| Q $(f (varE a)) |] else [| Q $(first (f (varE a))) |]
                                            | pos <- [1..l]
                                            , let f = foldr (.) id (replicate (pos - 1) second)

    fromViewDec = funD 'fromView [fromViewClause]
    fromViewClause = clause [ fromViewClausePattern ]
                            ( normalB [| Q  $(fst $ fromViewClauseBody (map varE names)) |] )

    fromViewClausePattern = tupP (map (\n -> conP 'Q [varP n]) names)

    fromViewClauseBody [a1,b1] =
      let t1 = [| TupleT (typeExp $a1) (typeExp $b1) |]
          e1 = [| TupleE ($a1) ($b1) ($t1) |]
      in  (e1,t1)
    fromViewClauseBody (a1 : as1) =
      let (e1,t1) = fromViewClauseBody as1
          t2 = [| TupleT (typeExp $a1) ($t1) |]
          e2 = [| TupleE ($a1) ($e1) ($t2) |]
      in  (e2,t2)
    fromViewClauseBody _ = $impossible

-- | Generate all 'View' instances for tuples within range.
generateDeriveTupleViewRange :: Int -> Int -> TH.Q [Dec]
generateDeriveTupleViewRange from to =
    concat `fmap` sequenceQ [ deriveTupleView n | n <- reverse [from..to] ]

-- * Deriving Instances for Records

-- | Derive the 'QA' instance for a record definition.
deriveQAForRecord :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveQAForRecord q = do 
  records <- q
  instances <- deriveQAForRecord' q
  return (records ++ instances)

-- | Add 'QA' instance to a record without adding the actual data definition.
-- Usefull in combination with 'deriveQAForRecord''
deriveQAForRecord' :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveQAForRecord' q = do
    d <- q
    mapM addInst d
    addInst d@(DataD [] dName [] [RecC rName rVar@(_:_)] _) | dName == rName = do

         let rCxt  = return []
             rType = conT ''QA `appT` conT dName
             rDec  = [ reifyDec
                     , toNormDec
                     , fromNormDec

             reifyDec    = funD 'reify [reifyClause]
             reifyClause = clause [ wildP ]
                                  ( normalB $ applyChainTupleE 'TupleT [ [| reify (undefined :: $(return _t)) |] | (_,_,_t) <- rVar] )

             names = [ mkName $ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1..length rVar] ]

             fromNormDec    = funD 'fromNorm [fromNormClause, failClause]
             fromNormClause = clause [ applyChainTupleP (map varP names) ]
                                     ( normalB $ (conE dName) `applyChainE` [ [| fromNorm $(varE n) |]
                                                                            | n <- names

             -- Fail with a verbose message where this happened
             failClause = clause [ wildP ]
                                 ( do loc <- location
                                      let pos = show (TH.loc_filename loc, fst (TH.loc_start loc), snd (TH.loc_start loc))
                                      normalB [| error $ "ferry: Impossible `fromNorm' at location " ++ pos |]

             toNormDec    = funD 'toNorm [toNormClause]
             toNormClause = clause [ conP dName (map varP names) ]
                                   ( normalB $ fst $ toNormClauseBody $ [ varE n | n <- names ] )
             toNormClauseBody [a1,b1] =
                let t1 = [| TupleT (reify $a1) (reify $b1) |]
                    e1 = [| TupleN (toNorm $a1) (toNorm $b1) ($t1) |]
                in  (e1,t1)
             toNormClauseBody (a1 : as1) =
                let (e1,t1) = toNormClauseBody as1
                    t2 = [| TupleT (reify $a1) ($t1) |]
                    e2 = [| TupleN (toNorm $a1) ($e1) ($t2) |]
                in  (e2,t2)
             toNormClauseBody _ = $impossible

         instanceD rCxt

    addInst _ = error "ferry: Failed to derive 'QA' - Invalid record definition"

-- | Derive the 'View' instance for a record definition. See
-- 'deriveQAForRecord' for an example.
deriveViewForRecord :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveViewForRecord q = do
  recrods <- q
  instances <- deriveViewForRecord' q
  return (recrods ++ instances)

-- | Add 'View' instance to a record without adding the actual data definition.
-- Usefull in combination with 'deriveQAForRecord''
deriveViewForRecord' :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveViewForRecord' q = do
    d <- q
    concat `fmap` mapM addView d
    addView (DataD [] dName [] [RecC rName rVar@(_:_)] dNames) | dName == rName = do

        -- The "View" record definition

        let vName  = mkName $ nameBase dName ++ "V"
            vRec   = recC vName [ return (prefixV n, s, makeQ t) | (n,s,t) <- rVar ]

            prefixV :: Name -> Name
            prefixV n = mkName $ nameBase n ++ "V"

            makeQ :: TH.Type -> TH.Type
            makeQ t = ConT ''Q `AppT` t

            vNames = [] --dNames

        v <- dataD (return [])

        -- The instance definition

        let rCxt  = return []
            rType = conT ''View `appT` (conT ''Q `appT` conT dName)
                                `appT` (conT vName)
            rDec  = [ viewDec
                    , fromViewDec

            a = mkName "a"

            first  p = [| AppE1 Fst $p (typeTupleFst (typeExp $p)) |]
            second p = [| AppE1 Snd $p (typeTupleSnd (typeExp $p)) |]

            viewDec    = funD 'view [viewClause]
            viewClause = clause [ conP 'Q [varP a] ]
                                ( normalB $ applyChainE (conE vName)
                                          $ map (appE (conE 'Q))
                                          $ [ if pos == length rVar then (f (varE a)) else (first (f (varE a)))
                                            | pos <- [1 .. length rVar]
                                            , let f = foldr (.) id (replicate (pos - 1) second)
                                            ] )

            -- names for variables used in the `fromView' function
            qs = [ mkName $ "q" ++ show i | i <- [1.. length rVar] ]

            fromViewDec    = funD 'fromView [fromViewClause] --, failClause]
            fromViewClause = clause [ conP vName [ conP 'Q [varP q1] | q1 <- qs ] ]
                                    ( normalB [| Q  $(fst $ fromViewClauseBody (map varE qs)) |] )

            fromViewClauseBody [a1,b1] =
              let t1 = [| TupleT (typeExp $a1) (typeExp $b1) |]
                  e1 = [| TupleE ($a1) ($b1) ($t1) |]
              in  (e1,t1)
            fromViewClauseBody (a1 : as1) =
              let (e1,t1) = fromViewClauseBody as1
                  t2 = [| TupleT (typeExp $a1) ($t1) |]
                  e2 = [| TupleE ($a1) ($e1) ($t2) |]
              in  (e2,t2)
            fromViewClauseBody _ = $impossible

            -- Fail with a verbose message where this happened
            failClause = clause [ wildP ]
                                ( do loc <- location
                                     let pos = show (TH.loc_filename loc, fst (TH.loc_start loc), snd (TH.loc_start loc))
                                     normalB [| error $ "ferry: Impossible `fromView' at location " ++ pos |]

        i <- instanceD rCxt

        return [v,i]

    addView _ = error "ferry: Failed to derive 'View' - Invalid record definition"

-- | Derive 'TA' instances
deriveTAForRecord :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveTAForRecord q = do
  records <- q
  instances <- deriveTAForRecord' q
  return (records ++ instances)

deriveTAForRecord' :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
deriveTAForRecord' q = q >>= mapM addTA
    addTA (DataD [] dName [] [RecC rName (_:_)] _) | dName == rName =

        let taCxt  = return []
            taType = conT ''TA `appT` conT dName
            taDec  = [ ]

        in instanceD taCxt

    addTA _ = error "ferry: Failed to derive 'TA' - Invalid record definition"

-- | Create lifted record selectors
recordQSelectors :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
recordQSelectors q = do
  recrods <- q
  selectors <- recordQSelectors' q
  return (recrods ++ selectors)

recordQSelectors' :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
recordQSelectors' q = q >>= fmap join . mapM addSel
    addSel :: Dec -> TH.Q [Dec]
    addSel (DataD [] dName [] [RecC rName vst] _) | dName == rName && not (null vst) =

        let namesAndTypes = [ (n, t')
                            | (n, _, t) <- vst
                            , let t' = arrowChainT [ conT ''Q `appT` conT dName
                                                   , conT ''Q `appT` return t

            addFunD (n,t) = let qn = mkName $ nameBase n ++ "Q"
                                vn = mkName $ nameBase n ++ "V"
                             in sequenceQ [ sigD qn t
                                          , funD qn [ clause []
                                                             (normalB [| $(varE vn) . view |])

         in if null namesAndTypes
               then error "woot?"
               else concat `fmap` mapM addFunD namesAndTypes

    addSel _ = error "ferry: Failed to create record selectors - Invalid record definition"

-- * Exported enduser functions

-- | Lookup a database table, create corresponding Haskell record data types
-- and generate QA and View instances
-- Example usage:
-- > $(generateRecords myConnection "users" "User" [''Show,''Eq])
-- Note that the da is created at compile time, not at run time!
generateRecords :: (IConnection conn)
                    => (IO conn)  -- ^ Database connection
                    -> String     -- ^ Table name
                    -> String     -- ^ Data type name for each row of the table
                    -> [Name]     -- ^ Default deriving instances
                    -> TH.Q [Dec]
generateRecords conn t dname dnames = do
    tdesc <- runIO $ do
        c <- conn
        describeTable c t
    generateInstances (createDataType (sortWith fst tdesc))

    createDataType :: [(String, SqlColDesc)] -> TH.Q [Dec]
    createDataType [] = error "ferry: Empty table description"
    createDataType ds = pure `fmap` dataD dCxt
                                          [dCon ds]

    dName     = mkName dname
    dNames    = dnames

    dCxt      = return []
    dCon desc = recC dName (map toVarStrictType desc)

    -- no support for nullable columns yet:
    toVarStrictType (n,SqlColDesc { colType = ty, colNullable = _ }) =
        let t' = case convert ty of
                      IntegerT    -> ConT ''Integer
                      BoolT       -> ConT ''Bool
                      CharT       -> ConT ''Char
                      DoubleT     -> ConT ''Double
                      TextT       -> ConT ''Text
                      _           -> $impossible

        in return (mkName n, NotStrict, t')

-- | Derive QA and View instances for record definitions
-- Example usage:
-- > $(generateInstances [d|
-- >
-- >     data User = User
-- >         { userId    :: Int
-- >         , userName  :: String
-- >         }
-- >
-- >   |])
-- This generates the following record type, which can be used in view patterns
-- > data UserV = UserV
-- >     { userIdV    :: Q Int
-- >     , userNameV  :: Q String
-- >     }
-- > instance View (Q User) UserV
-- and the liftet record selectors:
-- > userIdQ      :: Q User -> Q Int
-- > userNameQ    :: Q User -> Q String
generateInstances :: TH.Q [Dec] -> TH.Q [Dec]
generateInstances q = do
    d  <- q
    qa <- deriveQAForRecord' q
    v  <- deriveViewForRecord' q
    ta <- deriveTAForRecord' q
    rs <- recordQSelectors' q
    return $ d ++ qa ++ v ++ ta ++ rs