DSH- Database Supported Haskell

Safe HaskellNone



DSH compiler module exposes the function fromQ that can be used to execute DSH programs on a database. It transform the DSH program into FerryCore which is then translated into SQL (through a table algebra). The SQL code is executed on the database and then processed to form a Haskell value.



fromQ :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO aSource

Execute the query on the database

debugPlan :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO StringSource

Convert the query into unoptimised algebraic plan

debugCore :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO StringSource

debugPlanOpt :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO StringSource

Convert the query into optimised algebraic plan

debugSQL :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO StringSource

Convert the query into SQL