Name: DefendTheKing Version: 0.3.1 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Synopsis: A simple RTS game Category: game, FRP Description: Defend the King from the Forces of Different: (work in progress) A simple fast-paced multiplayer RTS game inspired by Bughouse-Chess and Starcraft. Author: Yair Chuchem Maintainer: Yair Chuchem ( Homepage: Copyright: (c) 2009, Yair Chuchem License: GPL License-File: LICENSE Stability: experimental Build-Type: Simple Data-Files: data/defend.font Executable defend HS-Source-Dirs: src Main-IS: defend.hs Other-Modules: Geometry, Networking, ParseStun, Intro, Draw, Parse, NetMatching, NetEngine, Chess, GameLogic, Font Build-Depends: base >=2 && < 5, peakachu >= 0.3.0, GLUT, containers, random, time, utility-ht, network, HTTP >= 4000.0.5, mtl, bytestring, binary, MaybeT, zlib GHC-Options: -O2 -Wall Executable defendFontEdit HS-Source-Dirs: src Main-IS: defendFontEdit.hs Other-Modules: Geometry Build-Depends: base >=2 && < 5, peakachu >= 0.2, GLUT, containers GHC-Options: -O2 -Wall