-- | Classes for 'Documentable' types.
module Text.Docs.Class (
    -- * @Documentable@ class
    Documentable (..)
  , emptydoc
  , dunlines
    -- * Specific @Documentable@ class.
  , DocTitled (..)
  , DocLinked (..)
  , DocList (..)
  ) where

import Data.Monoid
import qualified Text.Html as H

-- | Class for types that represents a documentation text. Minimal complete definition: All except 'lnappend'.
-- Every instance of 'Documentable' class can be an instance of 'Monoid' class.
class Documentable a where
 -- | 'String' to a documentation text.
 text :: String -> a
 -- | 'String' to a code format text.
 code :: String -> a
 -- | 'String' to a code block.
 codeblock :: String -> a
 -- | Emphasizing documentation.
 emphasize :: a -> a
 -- | Appending documentation.
 dappend :: a -> a -> a
 -- | Appending documentation, with line break.
 lnappend :: a -> a -> a
 -- | Rendering documentation.
 renderdoc :: a -> String
 lnappend x y = x `dappend` text "\n" `dappend` y

-- | An empty documentation.
emptydoc :: Documentable a => a
emptydoc = text []

-- | 'Documentable' version of 'unlines'.
dunlines :: Documentable a => [a] -> a
dunlines = foldr lnappend emptydoc
-- | 'Documentable' types with titles.
class Documentable a => DocTitled a where
 -- | Making a title.
 title :: a -> a
 -- | Making a subtitle.
 subtitle :: a -> a
 title = id
 subtitle = title

-- | 'Documentable' types with links.
class Documentable a => DocLinked a where
 -- | An URL to documentation.
 url :: String -> a
 -- | A named URL to documentation. First argument is the name of the link, second argument the URL.
 nameurl :: String -> String -> a
 url = text
 nameurl _ y = url y

-- | 'Documentable' types with lists.
class Documentable a => DocList a where
 -- | Unordered list.
 ulist :: [a] -> a
 -- | Enumerated list.
 elist :: [a] -> a
 ulist = dunlines . map (dappend $ text "* ")
 elist = dunlines . zipWith (\n x -> (text $ show n) `dappend` text ". " `dappend` x ) [1..]

-- Html instance

instance Documentable H.Html where
 text = H.stringToHtml
 code = H.thecode . text
 codeblock = H.pre . text
 emphasize = H.emphasize
 dappend = (H.+++)
 renderdoc = H.renderHtml
instance DocTitled H.Html where
 title = H.h1
 subtitle = H.h2

instance DocLinked H.Html where
 url x = (H.![H.href x]) . H.anchor . text $ x
 nameurl x y = (H.![H.href y]) . H.anchor . text $ x

instance DocList H.Html where
 ulist = H.ulist . H.concatHtml . map H.li
 elist = H.olist . H.concatHtml . map H.li