-- -*- Mode: Haskell -*- -- Copyright 1996 by Peter Thiemann -- Last Modified By: M. Walter -- $Log: Fig31Output.hs,v $ -- Revision 1998/12/09 13:34:08 pjt -- Imported sources -- -- added full color support, XColorDB based -- made conformant with FIG format 3.1 -- module Fig31Output (fig31ShowsWrapper) where import Version import Fonts (FONT, fontName, fontScale) import Color import Info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fig31ShowsWrapper :: WrapperType fig31ShowsWrapper title (borderDistX, borderDistY, lineWidth, fatLineWidth, arrowSize, titleFont, ntFont, tFont, colorinfo@(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8)) container@(rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, gobj) = showString "#FIG 3.1\n" . showString "Landscape\nCenter\nInches\n1200 2\n" . showString "#Creator: Ebnf2ps (Copyright 1996 by Peter Thiemann / Michael Walter)\n" . showString ("#Version: " ++ version ++ "\n") . fig31ShowsObjectDefinition colorinfo . fig31ShowsContainer rx height container where fig31ShowsObjectDefinition cinfo@(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8) = showsRGBColorObject cinfo fig31ShowsContainer ax ay (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, gobj) = case gobj of AString color font theString -> showString "4 " . -- object: TEXT <4> showString "0" . -- sub_type : Left justified <0> showsfigColor color colorinfo . -- color showString " 0 " . -- depth: <0> showString "0" . -- pen_style (not used) showsTrueNum (figFont (fontName font)) . -- font showsTrueNum (fontScale font) . -- font_size showString " 0.0000000 " . -- angle <0.00000> showString "4". -- font_flags: Postscript Fonts <4> showsFigUnit height . -- height showsFigUnit width . -- length showsFigUnit ax' . -- x showsFigUnit ay' . -- y showString (' ':figString theString) -- string[] ABox color bgcolor rounded content -> fig31ShowsContainer ax' ay' content . showString "2 " . -- object: POLYLINE <2> showsPolySubType rounded "4 " "2 " . -- subject type showString "0" . -- line_style showsFigNum fatLineWidth . -- thickness showsfigColor color colorinfo . -- pen_color showsfigColor bgcolor colorinfo . -- fill_color showString " 0 " . -- depth showString "0 " . -- pen_style showString "20 " . -- area_fill showString "0.000 " . -- style_val showString "0 " . -- join_style (2.1 default) showString "0" . -- cap_style (2.1 default) (if rounded then showsFigNum (min height width `div` 2) else showsFigNum 0) . -- radius showString " 0 0 " . -- forward_arrow , backwar_arrow showString "5\n" . -- npoints showString " " . showsFigBox ax' ay' width height . showString "\n" -- END of object Arrow color size -> showString "2 " . -- object: POLYLINE <2> showString "1 " . -- sub_type showString "0" . -- line_style showsFigNum lineWidth . -- thickness showsfigColor color colorinfo . -- pen_color showString " -1" . -- fill_color showString " 0 " . -- depth showString "0 " . -- pen_style showString "-1 " . -- area_fill showString "0.000 " . -- style_val showString "0 " . -- join_style showString "0" . -- cap_style showsFigNum (-1) . -- radius showString " 1 0 " . -- forward_arrow, backward_arrow showString "2\n" . -- npoints showString " 0 0" . -- arrow_type, arrow_style showsFigNum lineWidth . showString ".00 " . -- arrow_thickness showsFigUnit (abs size * 2). showString ".00 ". -- arrow_width showsFigUnit (abs size * 2). showString ".00 ". -- arrow_height showString "\n " . showsFigPoint (ax'- size) ay' . showsFigPoint ax' ay' . showString "\n" -- END of object Aline color -> showString "2 " . -- object: POLYLINE <2> showString "1 " . -- sub_type showString "0" . -- line_style showsFigNum lineWidth . -- thickness showsfigColor color colorinfo . -- pen_color showString " -1" . -- fill_color showString " 0 " . -- depth showString "0 " . -- pen_style showString "-1 " . -- area_fill showString "0.000 " . -- style_val showString "0 " . -- join_style showString "0" . -- cap_style (2.1 Butt) showsFigNum (-1) . -- radius showString " 0 0 " . -- forward_arrow, backward_arrow showString "2\n" . -- npoints showString " " . showsFigPoint ax' ay' . showsFigPoint (ax'+width) (ay'-height) . showString "\n" -- END of object ATurn color dir -> showString "3 " . -- object: SPLINE <3> showString "0 " . -- sub_type showString "0" . -- line_style showsFigNum lineWidth . -- thickness showsfigColor color colorinfo . -- pen_color showString " -1" . -- fill_color showString " 0 " . -- depth showString "0 " . -- pen_style showString "-1 " . -- area_fill showString "0.000 " . -- style_val showString "0 " . -- cap_style (2.1 Butt) showString "0 0 " . -- forward_arrow, backward_arrow showString "3\n" . -- npoints showString " " . showsIt dir . showString "\n" where showsIt SE = showsFigPoint ax' ay' . showsFigPoint ax' (ay'-height) . showsFigPoint (ax'+width) (ay'-height) showsIt WN = showsFigPoint ax' ay' . showsFigPoint (ax'+width) ay' . showsFigPoint (ax'+width) (ay'-height) showsIt SW = showsFigPoint (ax'+width) ay' . showsFigPoint (ax'+width) (ay'-height) . showsFigPoint ax' (ay'-height) showsIt NE = showsFigPoint ax' (ay'-height) . showsFigPoint ax' ay' . showsFigPoint (ax'+width) ay' AComposite contents -> showString "6" . -- object: COMPOUND showsFigPoint (ax'+width) (ay'-height) . -- upperright_corner_(x,y) showsFigPoint ax' ay' . -- lowerleft_corner_(x,y) showChar '\n' . foldr (.) (showString "-6\n") (map (fig31ShowsContainer ax' ay') contents) where ax' = ax + rx ay' = ay - ry showsfigColor :: Color -> ColorInfo -> ShowS showsfigColor c (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8) | c `eqColor` c1 = showString " 33" | c `eqColor` c2 = showString " 34" | c `eqColor` c3 = showString " 35" | c `eqColor` c4 = showString " 36" | c `eqColor` c5 = showString " 37" | c `eqColor` c6 = showString " 38" | c `eqColor` c7 = showString " 39" | c `eqColor` c8 = showString " 40" | otherwise = showsFigColor c where (r1,g1,b1) `eqColor` (r2,g2,b2) = (r1==r2) && (g1==g2) && (b1==b2) figString ['\\'] = "\\134\\001\n" figString cs = figString' cs where figString' "" = "\\001\n" figString' ('\\':cs) = '\\':'\\': figString' cs figString' (c:cs) = c:figString' cs figFont name = lookup figFontList 0 where lookup [] _ = -1 lookup (font: fonts) n | font == name = n | otherwise = lookup fonts (n+1) figFontList = [ -- stolen from u_fonts.c "Times-Roman", "Times-Italic", "Times-Bold", "Times-BoldItalic", "AvantGarde-Book", "AvantGarde-BookOblique", "AvantGarde-Demi", "AvantGarde-DemiOblique", "Bookman-Light", "Bookman-LightItalic", "Bookman-Demi", "Bookman-DemiItalic", "Courier", "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-Bold", "Courier-BoldOblique", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Helvetica-Narrow", "Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique", "Helvetica-Narrow-Bold", "Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique", "NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", "NewCenturySchlbk-Italic", "NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", "NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic", "Palatino-Roman", "Palatino-Italic", "Palatino-Bold", "Palatino-BoldItalic", "Symbol", "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "ZapfDingbats"] showsFigBox ax1 ay1 width height = showsFigPoint ax1 ay1 . showsFigPoint (ax1+width) ay1 . showsFigPoint (ax1+width) (ay1-height) . showsFigPoint ax1 (ay1-height) . showsFigPoint ax1 ay1 showsRGBColorObject :: ColorInfo -> ShowS showsRGBColorObject info@(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8) = showsRGBObject 33 c1 . showsRGBObject 34 c2 . showsRGBObject 35 c3 . showsRGBObject 36 c4 . showsRGBObject 37 c5 . showsRGBObject 38 c6 . showsRGBObject 39 c7 . showsRGBObject 40 c8 showsRGBObject :: Int -> Color -> ShowS showsRGBObject cno (r,g,b) = showString "0 " . shows cno . showString " #" . showsRGB cno r . showsRGB cno g . showsRGB cno b . showString "\n" showsRGB :: Int -> Int -> ShowS showsRGB cno 0 = showString "00" showsRGB cno n = let (d1,o1) = n `divMod` 16 (_,o2) = d1 `divMod` 16 in f o2 . f o1 where f 10 = showChar 'a' f 11 = showChar 'b' f 12 = showChar 'c' f 13 = showChar 'd' f 14 = showChar 'e' f 15 = showChar 'f' f x = shows x showsTrueNum :: Int -> ShowS showsTrueNum x = showChar ' ' . shows x showsFigNum :: Int -> ShowS showsFigNum x = showChar ' ' . shows (calcNumUnit x) showsFigUnit :: Int -> ShowS showsFigUnit x = showChar ' ' . shows (calcFigUnit x) calcFigUnit :: Int -> Int calcFigUnit x = 15*((x*9 + 999) `div` 1000) calcNumUnit :: Int -> Int calcNumUnit x = (x*9 + 999) `div` 1000 showsFigPoint :: Int -> Int -> ShowS showsFigPoint x y = showChar ' ' . showsxFigUnit x . showChar ' ' . showsyFigUnit y where showsxFigUnit x = shows (calcFigUnit x) -- + 'xfig' offset showsyFigUnit y = shows (calcFigUnit y) -- - 'xfig' offset showsPolySubType True a _ = showString a showsPolySubType False _ b = showString b