-- -*- Mode: Haskell -*- -- Copyright © 1994,1998 by Peter Thiemann -- Ebnf2ps.hs --- the driver module for the syntax diagram generator -- Author : Peter Thiemann -- Created On : Fri Aug 27 09:09:15 1993 -- module Main (main) where import Version import IOSupplement import CommandLine (parse_cmds) import StringMatch (stringMatch) import Fonts (FONT, makeFont) import Ebnf2psParser (theEbnfParser, theHappyParser, theYaccParser) import AbstractSyntax import GrammarTransform (simplify, happysimplify, yaccsimplify, happysimplifyExt, yaccsimplifyExt) import GrammarUnfold (GrammarInfo(..), rawEBNFInput, rawHappyInput, rawYaccInput, getReduces, getRedProds, getEmpties, getProdsInfo) import EbnfLayout import Fig31Output (fig31ShowsWrapper) import PsOutput (psShowsWrapper) import EbnfOutput (genEbnfFile) import Defaults (afmPathDefault, ebnfInputDefault, rgbPathDefault) import PathExpansion (expandPath) import Color import Info import System.Time import System.Environment import System.IO.Error (catchIOError) import Control.Monad import Numeric -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = parse_cmds program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- program :: String -> Int -> String -- titleFont, titleScale, titleColor -> String -> Int -> String -> String -> String -- ntFont, ntScale, ntColor, ntBoxColor -> String -> Int -> String -> String -> String -- tFont, tScale, tColor, tBoxColor -> String -- lineColor -> Int -> Int -- borderDistX, borderDistY -> Int -> Int -- lineWidth, fatLineWidth -> Int -- arrowSize -> String -- rgbFileName -> Bool -- happyInput -> Bool -- yaccInput -> Bool -- +simplify -> Bool -- +unfold -> Bool -- +ps -> Bool -- +fig -> Bool -- +ebnf -> Bool -- help -> Bool -- verbose -> [String] -> IO () program titleFontName titleFontScale titleColor ntFontName ntFontScale ntColor ntBg ntBoxColor tFontName tFontScale tColor tBg tBoxColor lineColor borderDistX borderDistY lineWidth fatLineWidth arrowSize rgbFileName happyInput yaccInput doSimplify doUnfold psOutput fig31Output ebnfOutput helpFlag verbose strs | helpFlag = do progName <- getProgName putStrLn ("Ebnf2ps Version " ++version) putStrLn ("\nUsage: "++progName++" [options] Grammarfile Nonterminal ... [-- Nonterminal ...]") putStr (unlines usageBlurb) | length strs < 2 = putStrLn "Grammarfile and one Nonterminal required" | doUnfold && null unfold_nonterminals = do putStrLn "Nothing to unfold:" putStrLn ("Grammarfile: "++bnfName) putStr "Nonterminals: " putStr (unlines nonterminals) putStrLn "" putStr "Unfolded Nonterminals: " putStr (unlines unfold_nonterminals) putStrLn "" | otherwise = do ct <- getClockTime calt <- toCalendarTime ct let dateOutput = calendarTimeToString calt putStrLn ("Grammarfile: "++bnfName) putStrLn ("doUnfold = "++show doUnfold) putStr "Nonterminals: " putStrLn (unlines nonterminals) putStr "Unfolded Nonterminals: " putStrLn (unlines unfold_nonterminals) afmPath' <- getPath "AFMPATH" afmPathDefault afmPath <- expandPath afmPath' titleAFM <- readPathFile afmPath (titleFontName++".afm") ntAFM <- readPathFile afmPath (ntFontName++".afm") tAFM <- readPathFile afmPath (tFontName++".afm") let sc = \rgbFileContents -> let colorTable = prepareColors rgbFileContents [ntColor,tColor,lineColor,ntBoxColor,tBoxColor,ntBg,tBg,titleColor] colorInfo@(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8) = (lookupColor ntColor colorTable, lookupColor tColor colorTable, lookupColor lineColor colorTable, lookupColor ntBoxColor colorTable, lookupColor tBoxColor colorTable, lookupColor ntBg colorTable, lookupColor tBg colorTable, lookupColor titleColor colorTable) info = (borderDistX, borderDistY, lineWidth, fatLineWidth, arrowSize, makeFont titleFontName titleFontScale titleAFM, makeFont ntFontName ntFontScale ntAFM, makeFont tFontName tFontScale tAFM, colorInfo) in do message ("using colors:\n"++ (showsAColor c1 "ntColor" . showsAColor c2 "tColor" . showsAColor c3 "lineColor" . showsAColor c4 "ntBoxColor" . showsAColor c5 "tBoxColor" . showsAColor c6 "ntBg" . showsAColor c7 "tBg" . showsAColor c8 "titleColor") "from rgbPathDefault: "++show rgbPathDefault) inputPath <- getPath "EBNFINPUTS" ebnfInputDefault message ("generating nonterminals: "++show nonterminals++ "\nfrom "++bnfName++ "\nusing input path "++show inputPath) bnfContent <- readPathFile inputPath bnfName let theParser | happyInput = theHappyParser | yaccInput = theYaccParser | otherwise = theEbnfParser getInfo | happyInput = rawHappyInput ebnfOutput | yaccInput = rawYaccInput ebnfOutput | otherwise = rawEBNFInput usingInput| happyInput = "happyInput" | yaccInput = "yaccInput" | otherwise = "ebnfInput" rawInput = theParser bnfContent grammarinfo = getInfo doSimplify doUnfold unfold_nonterminals rawInput prods = getProdsInfo grammarinfo message ("using "++usingInput) message "empty productions" domessages True (getEmpties grammarinfo) domessage doUnfold "unfold nonterminals" domessages doUnfold (getReduces grammarinfo) domessage doUnfold "in productions" domessages doUnfold (getRedProds grammarinfo) domessage ebnfOutput ("produce EBNF file from "++usingInput) writeEbnf bnfName grammarinfo message "produce layout and output" writeAll outExtension (layoutAll (outWrapper dateOutput) info prods nonterminals) rgbPath <- getPath "RGBPATH" rgbPathDefault rgbRead <- readRGBPathFile rgbPath rgbFileName case rgbRead of [] -> message "\nColor database not found, using fall back data" >> sc "" _ -> sc rgbRead where (bnfName, nonterminals, unfold_nonterminals) = matchInput strs (outWrapper, outExtension) | fig31Output = (const fig31ShowsWrapper, ".fig") | otherwise = (psShowsWrapper, ".eps") message = domessage True domessage flag what = when (verbose && flag) (putStrLn what) domessages flag strs = when (verbose && flag) (mapM_ (putStrLn . ('\t':)) strs) writeEbnf file grammar_info = let fileName = file++".BNF" in when ebnfOutput $ do when verbose (putStrLn ('\t':fileName)) catchIOError (writeFile fileName (genEbnfFile file grammar_info)) (\e -> putStrLn ("Problem writing "++fileName)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- layoutAll :: WrapperType -> INFO -> [Production] -> [String] -> [(String, String)] layoutAll wrapper info prods nonterminals = [ (ntName, wrapper ntName info (makePictureLayout info prod) "") | prod@(ProdProduction ntName ntAliases _) <- prods, any (flip stringMatch ntName) nonterminals ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- usageBlurb = [ "", "where options may be chosen from the following list:", "", " -titleFont \tPostScript font used for diagrams (default \"Times-Roman\")", " -titleScale \tpointsize of typeface for diagrams (default \"10\")", " -titleColor \tcolor of typeface for diagrams (default \"black\")", " -ntFont \tPostScript font used for nonterminals (default \"Times-Roman\")", " -ntScale \tpointsize of typeface for nonterminals (default \"10\")", " -ntColor \tcolor of typeface for nonterminals (default \"black\")", " -ntBg \tbackground color of typeface for nonterminals (default \"white\")", " -ntBoxColor \tused for boxes (nonterminals). Default: \"black\"", " -tFont \tPostScript font used for terminal strings (default \"Times-Roman\")", " -tScale \tpointsize of typeface for terminals (default \"10\")", " -tColor \tcolor of typeface for terminals (default \"black\")", " -tBg \tbackground color of typeface for terminals (default \"white\")", " -tBoxColor \tused for boxes (terminals). Default: \"black\"", " -lineColor \tcolor used for connecting lines (default \"black\")", " -borderDistX \thorizontal distance of objects from their container (default \"500\")", " -borderDistY \tvertical distance of objects from their container (default \"500\")", " -lineWidth \tused for connecting lines (default \"30\")", " -fatLineWidth \tused for boxes (default \"100\")", " -arrowSize \tsize of (invisible) box containing an arrow (default \"200\")", " -rgbFileName \tfile name for color definitions (default \"rgb.txt\")", " -happy \taccept happy input format", " -yacc \taccept yacc/bison input format", " +ps \tproduce encapulated PostScript output (default)", " +fig \tproduce fig output (FORMAT 3.1)", " +ebnf \tproduce EBNF grammar (\".BNF\") for yacc or happy input format files", " +simplify \tsimplify productions (experimental)", " +unfold \treplace nonterminals in productions (experimental)", " -verbose \tprint some progress messages", " -help \tproduces this list", "", "Happy is a parser generator system (LALR(1)) for Haskell, similar to the tool yacc for C.", "Only the first occurrence of an option is recognized.", "Environment variables:", "", " AFMPATH\tsearch path for Adobe Font Metric files", " EBNFINPUTS\tsearch path for BNFfiles", " RGBPATH\tsearch path for color definitions" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matchInput :: [String] -> (String, [String], [String]) matchInput (bnfName:more) = (bnfName,nonterminals, red_nonterminals) where (nonterminals,red_nonterminals) = f more [] f [] nts = (nts, []) f ("--":rest) nts = (nts, rest) f (c:cs) nts = f cs (c:nts) writeAll ext [] = putStr "\n" writeAll ext ((ntName, content): more) = do catchIOError (writeFile fileName content) (\e -> putStr ("Problem writing "++fileName)) writeNext where writeNext = writeAll ext more fileName = ntName ++ ext -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- str2int :: String -> Int str2int s = case readDec s of [] -> 0 (x,_):_ -> x